Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, February 20, 1908, Image 4

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and all other appurtenances vote, and it seems like a farce i o
thereto, all machinery^and build­ permit them to be voted like to
ings used exclusively for manu­ many sheep or cattle. Some are
facturing purposes, all fences, to o indolent and indifferent to
farm machinery and appliances take the time to register and
E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y H O R N IN G used as such, all fruit trees, ^ines, post themselves and then there
6 4 6 4 4 < 4 f6 4
shrubs and all other improve­ is another class of wiseacres who
ments on farms, all livestock, delight to swell themselves with
W .C . WOODWARD. household furniture in use, and pride as they bost o f the feet
all workingmen’» tools.”
In that they don’t care anything
case this measure should be ap­ about such things. This being a
proved by a m ajority of the presidential year the don’t-care
$1.50 Per Year in Advance.
voters at the June election, it class will no doubt be smaller
would be possible for a man than usually found in off years,
owning a thousand acres o f land but there will be enough in the
to sell out, invest the money list to make a small regiment^
in a manufacturing plant and
The prudent man registers in escape all taxation, a proposi­ Result of Teachers' Examination Unless the delicate, exactly adjusted
parts o f a watch are kept dean and
due season. The other tellow tion that seems absurd on the
lubricated, they are certain to become
pots it off and on election day face o f it.
worn to a greater or less extent and
bores his friends by asking them
First grade—Laurena Elliott, the movement will surely lose its ac­
t o g o to the polls and witness
The splendid reputation which M yrtle Stewartson, McMinn­ curacy. Tiny particles o f grit are
was made by Oregon Yellow ville; Edith Coleman, La Fay bound to work into the best protected
for him.
Newtowns in England resulted ette; J. C. M cIntosh, Newberg; movement; the oil will become gummed
S B B S B 9B
I f there is an apparent short­ from the fact that the shipments J. W. Lorette, O pal. Huddleston, in time and these combined will serve
fo r a number o f rears included
to cut and grind the pivots and cause
age of news items in the Graphic only apples from first-class grow Dayton.
this week it must be charged to ers. The first-class fruit packed
Every watch should be thoroughly
Mrs. Edith Coleman and
the fact that a number o f candi­ in the m ost careful and honest rena E lliott received the highest cleaned and oiled at least once in eigh­
teen months, end if yours has not
dates have shown up at the of­ manner gave Oregon Newtowns grades in the county.
been cleaned within that time, it should
fice with that grip o f the right
Second grade—M ary Duncan, have immediate attention.
tw o or three years past the fruit
hand that hastens writers’ pa­ from this state has regularly La Fayette; W. B. Baker, Mrs. W e will clean your watch precisely
brought nearly a dollar a box W. B. Baker, Newberg; Mrs. S. as it would be done in the best watch
more than California Newtowns. Brown, Bess L. Gordon, Mary factories—take the movement entirely
It is reported about tow n that The great prices paid for the E. W atts, Georgie Baumgardner, apart, clean each wheel, cog and pivot
choice Oregon Newtowns in­
separately, assemble and regulate it—
“ Ten Nights in a Bar Room ” is
duced careless, ignorant or un- McMinnville; Mrs. Laura Hamil­ and when you get it back you may
t o be played at Duncan’s hall on scupulous persons to ship from ton, Willamina; Mamie McDon­ depend upon it being in “ perfect
Friday night under the manage­ Oregon Newtowns that were not ald, Whiteson.
ment o f Rowland’s band. The up to standard, and the result is
Third grade—Ina Glover, lva
Graphic has not been requested chat the name Oregon on a box Glover, Mary Oliphant, Ralph
t o publish the feet, but we hope o f apples no longer insures a Martin, McMinnville; Elizabeth
a good pice at London or Liver­
the boys will take no offense on pool.—Oregon Agriclturist.
Blakesley, M oore’s Valley; Nellie
Newberg Jeweler
account o f the mention made of Building a market for a staple Austin, North Yamhill.
article is much like making a rep­
Bell p h o n e s t o r e 3 S t ,
re o M o n o e M S
utation for an individual. It
Fred Peterson, Amity; Lola
Voters should remember that takes time to gain the confidence
Kuns, Grace McCosky, J. L.
it don’t take half the time and of the public, but so long as the
Brown, McMinnville; Gertrude
trouble to register now that will path of integrity- and upright­
Cobb, North Yamhill; M aggie
be required on eledion day to ness is closely followed in either
Triplett, Carlton.
round up a half dozen freeholders case, credit will be giveqt where
to witness for them. Those who credit is due, but one false step Mrs. Maria Hamnett Deceased.
don’t know what political party is liable to undo the hard and
Passed from earth to heaven,
to assign themselves to should faithful work of years. Honesty
M aria Hamnett, w ho died
counsel with their wives, if they in all things is always the best
fortunate enough to have policy and it is well to remember at her home in Newberg on Tues­
eh helpers in times o f stress, that apple buyers know a good day morning, February 18, after
while such know-nothings who thing, and likewise a poor thing, a short illness.
The deceased was born in Man­
are in the single list should stay when they see it.
chester, England, June 5,1 84 2,
aw ay from the polls altogdher.
Those w ho have occasion to and was married to James Ham­
The fe d that a man is in hard drive into the country bring back nett April 19, 1865. In 1881
lines on account o f lack o f proper the w ord that the roads that they came to America, first set­
mankgement in his ow n business are not well graveled are bad— tling in Illinois where they Hved
affairs, makes a very poor basis awfully bad in many places, and tw o years when they removed
for argument in favor o f elevat­ this brings up the old question, to Oregon. F or five years they
ing him to office, where he will what are we going to do about lived in McMinnville and since
be supposed to look after the in­ it. Roads that have been suffi­ that time they have resided in
terests o f the public. It often ciently graded to afford good Newberg continuously.
T o Mr. and Mrs. Hamnett
takes a good d ea loi m oral cour­ drainage and then well graveled
born nine children, six o f
age on the part of such a candi­ are showing good returns for the
Give us a chance at that
date’s friends to tell him that money spent, but the price that whom are living, namely: James,
new home. W e would Hke
to put In those Bath Fix­
they don’t believe it would be an it cost last season to get gravel William and Josiah Hamnett o f
tures, Etc., aod do your
act o f kindness to help him to a landed at the foot of River street Newberg, Mrs. Ada Worden, of
place of public trust that he is makes it almost prohibative and
n ot qualified to fill, but really it seems that a resort to a rock Joe Hamnett o f Concrete, Wash­
the man’s best friends are those crusher will become a necessity. ington.
Soon after locating in Newberg
w ho will tell him frankly but So far all attempts to use rock
kindly that it is to his best in for road making about Newberg Mr. and Mrs. Hamnett united
terests to remain quietly at has been a miserable failure. It with the Friends church and in
Clemenson & Evans
is utterly useless to haul the soft the death of the latter the church
- ____ i ______
soapstone stuff out on the roads, loses one o f its m ost faithful and
During the primary Campaign such as much that has been used, regular attenders at the Sunday
which is now on, the Graphic and it is also a blank failure to services, and she will be greatly
will not presume to advise the undertake to utilize the hard,
Funeral services were held at
people w ho they should support flinty rock w ithout properly
church on Thursday after­
for county offices. Personally, crushing it. The latter when
the editor will endeavor to pick crushed makes the best road noon, conducted by the pastor, For Millinery Goods.
Trimming a specialty.
the best candidates in his party possible, and there is such a sup­
A Special Word.
+ 1>
Next to Poetoffice.
Get Rçady
• ^ W
e have the largest end most com ­
plete supply o f Spray Pumpa» Hose»
Nozxles, and all spray supplies out­
side o f Portland.
Rex Lime & Sulphur
First & Washington St.
C. B. C U M M IN G S A
Paints» Oils» Glass» House Furnish­
ings, W all Paper, Carpets, Lino­
leum, House Painting and Hard­
W e have a large line o f Souvenir
Postal Cards and m ake e specialty
o f Hand Burnt Leather Postals ex­
ecuted to order.
Proprietors of
N ewberg Sash & D oor
Doors, W indow », and
Turned W ork
Made to Order.
Having Eyes
They see not, unless they are
properly fitted with glasses.
Is th f the man to see about it.
W atches, Clocks, an^ a full line
o f Silverware for the holiday
Weese & Karney
to w ork for and vote tor, the
same as every gqbd citizen should
do, but in a primary contest in
the county where he has good
friends pitted against each other
for the same position, he does
not feel that it is his duty to
make an enemy of all the other
fellows by singling out one, to
help through the columns o f the
Graphic. Candidates’ cards will
be carried at $3.00 each during
the contest, and any further
statements they may desire to
make, respecting “ description
and pedigree,” will be published
a t reasonable rates. The opin­
ions o f the editor are not for sale
a t any price.
It might be well to increase
the tax on unproductive land
that is held in large tracts for
speculative purposes, by a raise
in the valuation, but the scheme
o f the so-called “ single tax” the
orists is all out o f harmony w ith
the generally accepted idea that
the burden o f taxation should be
made as nearly equal as possible.
Itis proposed by them toexem pt
from taxation: “ All dwelling
barns, sheds, outhouses
ply o f it about the foothills all
around us that a rock crusher
ought to be put to w ork on it
A boosting club for better roads
in this part o f the county ought
to be able to Arouse enough in
terest to bring good results
Who will take the lead in this
very im portant matter?
F red McCrea is down from
Pendleton visiting Arith his rela
Free Show.
Monday night, February 24th,
Newberg Opera H ou se. Dr.
Thom pson’s Superb Medicine
Co. Will remain one week.
Change o f program nightly.
Performance consists o f high
class vaudeville and one act
Lightning tooth extraction
and all skin operations per­
formed, during entertainments,
free and without pain.
Medicines sold by this com­
pany are from the Orient and
not known to the medical science
o f this country.
My remedies are chosen to as­
sist nature kindly. By their use
the functions are artistically ad­
justed to their normal action,
thus placing one o f their best.
If you are sick and weary see
the Superb Medicine Co.
At every election that has been
held since the law requiring
voters to register went into ef­
fect, numerous voters have shown
up on election day in almost
every precinct in the state, who
had not manifested enough ii£
terest in affairs to take the trou­
ble to register at the proper time,
and consequently their votes,
witnessed by six freeholders have
had to be sworn in. It seems
remarkable ¿hat so many men
can be found who take practical­
ly no interest in an annual elec­
tion until the last day in the
evening, and then fail to show
up at the polls nntil importuned
by some candidate to come to
his rescue. Such men can o f
course have no knowledge o f
The truly Godly
passing events, such as would
divine in all.
qualify them toca st an intelligent
On corner of First and Main Sts,
in front of Pattersons.
Prices Reasonable. We solicit
you patronage.
Spring is almost here and
you will need a new set o f
harness for your spring work
If you need anything in
thedine o f Suit Cases, Gloves*
Trunks, etc^ com e and look
Administrator’s Notice of
my slock over.
« « ■ —
-------- a
notice 1* hereby given that the uadonlgnsd
administrator of the estate of O. H. Cons. <ie
oaosod. has filed his final account aa said ad­
ministrator of said «stale, in tba county court
of Yamhill county, Oregon, and that said court
appointed Monday, Marrh 28rd, » o s , at 10
o ’clock a. m. as tka day and honr of hearing
objections to said final account and the final
settlement thereof.
Row, therefore all parsons Interested In mid
M arc hereby notified and required to ap-
ruviu, at McMinnville,
paar at the oonnty court room,
M c MI iidv II
a _
a# aalst l i m a
a Aft,
at said time, l to
•aid county
and .é
« t a o é a t e .-----
and there show cause if any there be, why mid
a t should not be settled, allowed and ap-
pvoved. a n d ----- ----------------- , -----------------
and mid estate forever and finally settled.
Dated February 30th, 1WS.
Administrator of tba estate of 0 . H. co n e .
Attorneys for sitate.
I have been appointed agent o f
the Oregon Fire Relief Associa­
tion for Newberg and vicinity,
and anyone desiring insurance
will save meney by notifying me.
Prom pt attention will be given
something all desiring insurance.
J. L. H o sk in s , Agent.
Your Patronage Appreciated
C . F. H ELD
Transfer Go.
W e have lately added to our business
a Spring Truck which enables us to
handle pianos and other musical instru­
ments with care and safety. W e are
also equipped to do any kind o f dray or
express work. W e can move your fur­
niture with safety, get your baggage
to the depot on time, or plow your gar­
den to suit you. Thanking you for
itt favors, we solicit a reasonable
amount o f your future patronage.
Leave orders at Hortons’* real estate
office or phone either Baird’s resldsncc
Bell 948, Mutual 84-A or Cook’ s, resi­
dence, Bell 48.
Scatty Is a baky as M aa
Price 2$ ce«*», large
New line of gingham»,
pois de soie, batiste, voile
and all kinds of spring
suitings at the