Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, January 16, 1908, Image 8

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    Gathered round the festive board '
On a rainy Christmaa day,
W ere young and old and middle aged
W ith minda ao blithe and g^y,
That troubles past were soon forgot
In friendship’» genial ray.
Flour Brands
In happy convene they recount
The joys o f long ago,
And the magic w alls at memories halls
D elightful pictures show.
W ith kindly words and cheering smilee
Dull care is banished quite
And gleeful tales o f childhood's pranks
They happily recite;
W hile James and M artha generously
Appease the appetite.
W ith chicken, goose and gravey too 1
Pie^ceke and other relishes,
,v '
Money,' cream and aweet preserves
The spread ao bright embellishes.
Thursday, Janury 9th, oc­
curred the jo in t in stallation o f
officers o f G. A. R. No. 77, and
W. R. C. No. 28, o f Newberg,
Oregon. The ladies served a
bountiful dinner a t th e hall to
the comrades, th eir fam ilies and
a lew invited guests. On ac­
count o f the illness o f Com ­
mander Eggers w ho w as a t his
post in the chair, no program
was given. A fter dinner the post
installed the fo llo w in g officers,
w ith Wm. Clemmens as in stall­
ing officer:
Com., R. B. Lin ville; S. V, C.,
B. S, Hunter; J* V. C., A . B arth olo­
mew: Chap., J,R. Finley; Q .M .,G .
n r
i it
W hile A lb ert Hadley, cousin John,
W illiam Pickett and sop,
Henry Ehret, w ife and girls
And the count ia ju st begun,
f ’f m
William Vestal and his babe
H is w ife and little boys,
■» , J g
W ith W oods ajxl w ife join in the strife
O f keeping up the noise.
Such s day w e had
O ur hearts are glad
Both phones
City Free Delivery
F or S a l k —T h irty brown L eg
horn hens. Inquire corner Fifth
and M eridian.
I f yon need horses, cattle, farm
implements o r choice hay, cheat,
o a t o r clover, it w ill p a y to see
D avid Bros.
•• soon as it starts— then there will
be no danger o f pneumonia or con­
sumption. Juet a few doaee of Bal­
lard’s Horehound Syrup token et
tbe start w ill atop the cough. I f it
has been running ou for some time
the-treatment will be longer, but
tbe cure is sure. Sold by Moore’s
H. R. Cobb is p rep a red to do
drug store.
you r express o r other lig h t haul­
in g a t reasonable rates.
AD Voters Must Register Again.
R egistration books fo r N orth
New berg, South N ew berg and
W est Chehaiem n ow open a t m y
F . A . M o r r is ,
Second building w est o f P . 0.
, Span o f w ell matched, you ng
bay mares, w eigh t about 1400,
w ith a good set o f harness. Price
$400. C. M arsh, R. F. D. 1.
Geo B raith w aite and w f to
W anted!
Samuel L a man Its 1, 2, 5. 6 blk
T o buy three o r four fresh
24 L a F a yette $25.
N. C, J o h nso n .
Jesse E dw ards and w f' to C lar­
baa baaa di
• t u ,« Staio
ence J E dw ards Its 26, 28 and w
2-5 It 24 Church add. N ew berg
A very fine fu ll blooded Jersey
f Second hand w agon w ith box
$ 10 .
Jesse E dw ards and w f to C lar­ and spring seat a ll com plete $30. fo r service at one dollar.
F red W erth .
ence J.Ed w ards Its 1* 2 blk 2 Ed­ The Vincent Feed aod Im p. Co.
. V
- -----
--- ----------------------
Wynooski s tre e t
w ards 2nd add to N ew berg $10.
W m T Kutcfa and w f to E arl
and Don Kutch s V» swVi flee 7
Gold colla r pin on street lead­
t 3 s r 5 $200.
in g to Friends church. Finder
The N ew est Modern Commercial H k W in Portland.
T W Sain and w f to P A Smith
please leave lit Graphic office.
Opened July l^ t, 1907.
40 a sec 8 1 2 s r 4 $80.
James S H erd to T ifos J Herd
For Sale or Trade.
31.25 a D avid L ayfield d l c i n
Horses W eighing from 1200 to
t 3 s r 2 $625.
Ethel Fleu ry to Adolph and 1500 bounds for/ sale, o r w ill
Nancy Fleury tracts 3 0 ,4 8 Hur­ trade fo r cow s.
p A t k r J enson ,
leys sub $2000.
B ell phone 10-10.
John Welch to N B Thom as
I # Take street ear a t the depot.
Only ooaw te Fire
Hotel in the city- F ive blocks from Union Depot. Burn*
aqd w f 152.78 a cl 72 1 3 s r 3
F ifth street—cars paaa the floor.
Steam heat, electric ligl
t A
and cold w ater in every room. Rate* R per day and op.
rates by the week and month. Fkee baths on every floor.
John B Cronin to E J Reeves
N ew berg people a re cordially invited to give H otel St.
a trial when in Portland. Y on r com fort and satisfaction ia a
F Spencer B axter to John W
B axter land i n s e c l j 5 s r 4 and
Something to “ Lean On
and visible means o f practical support is i good, sub­
stantial bank account Once you nave a good balance
at your banker's, you do not care how things go, be­
cause you fe d independent
And the only w ay to gat
a bank account is to save, and save, and acquire riches
by patient th r ift W e can help you do this by taking
care o f your savings and paying you a good interest
thereon. Do not delay, but start saving at once.
M IL E S , Pros.
‘ >
. V -. .
'; / ■ * .
- 1
R egistration books fo r N orth
N ew berg, South N ew berg and
W est Chehaiem n o w open a t m y
F . A. M orris ,
Second building w est o f P. 0 .
B. C
, W a r W ith Japan.
Could not possibly make so many
cripples as rheumatism does every
year. And yet them is no reason
why this dissese should cripple
snyone, if all sufferers w ifi rub the
affected parts uigbt and morning
with Ballard's Snow Liniment.
Cures all aches and pains. Bold by
Moore’s drug store.
I f yon are g o in g to build it w ill
p ay y o v to call on S. E. W atkins
the N ew berg architect and have
Burbank's M iracle, seedless
yo n r plans draw tf; yon can call
plum. M onrica apple—the best
and see them w hile under course
o f construction,
See J. B. Parker, N ew berg, Ore­
changes made as ydu m ay w ish,
gon , agent C ap ital C ity Nursery.
a privilege you would n ot have
i f g e ttin g plans o a t o f tow n . Of­
fice w ith N ew berg A rtificia l
La grippe coughs are dangerous
Stone Com pany.
ss they frequently develop into
pneumonia. Foley’s H ooey sod
Tar not only stops tbe cough but
Set. heavy team harness. C all heals aod strengthens the lungs so
that ao serious results need be
a t M cD onald's blacksm ith shop. feared. Tbe genuine Foley’s Hooey
P . B a r k le y
sod Tar contains no harmful drugs
and is in a yellow package, lie-
fuse substitutes. For sale by C. F.
Plants For Sals.
C. E. Newhouse o f Springbrook
has 1000 K itta tin n y blackberry
plants fo r sale
. Rollo» U l
J . L . H 0 S K IN 8 . V ie *
T h e C o rre ct Time
T o stop a cough or cold ú just
Cheat, clover and o a t bay,
horses, cow s, farm implements,
etc., are being sold a t p riva te
sale by D avid Bros, on th eir farm
northw est o f tow n .
‘ D avid Bros, are selling a t pri­
v a te sale on th eir farm three
miles from N ew berg, a ll their
stock, farm implements and a
clean lo t o f op t, clover and cheat
hay. Prices and term s reason-
B e a l E s t â t « T r a n s fé r a .
$ 1 .
The M utual TeledhoneCo. Will
sooa have new telephone direc­
tories printed. N ow is the tim e
to subscribe fo r a share o f st:ock
in the com|»aay aod g e t you r
name bn the new list*. Share o f
stock sold on installm ents, i f pre­
ferred. Also new phones. Sec­
ond-hand phones and ex tra parts
io r Sale.'
S. J. M adson ,
M utual Phone 16-3.
Graphic and Oregonian $2.25;
Graphic and Journal $2.
/ 'v
F lo ra B Fletcher to F lo ra A
Sim ler e 7 a It 1 blk 12 .Lippin­
c o tt» 2nd add D ayton $1.
Chas Saunders and w f to F lo ra
A Sim ler p t It 5 blk 5 Lippin-
cotts 1st D ayton $1.
A aron Bliss and w f t o W ^A
H ow e 1284.20 a secs 4 ,1 0 t *
s r 6 $1.
Jesse E dw ards and w f to Allen
J Pem berton It 6 blk 2 E dw ards
2nd add to N ew berg $225.
R obert Niddery (b y ad m r) to
F . A Copley 25.94 a sec 3 5 1 2
s r 3 $254.
C M Cummings 3 a C J W alker
d 1 c 1 3 s r 2 $600.
R W Phillips et i l to Em m a
Becker C B H aley d l c t 4 s r 4
Special Notice.
good jo b is one th a t has a go o d
D itching and w ell d iggin g b y deal o f riding connected w ith it
To feel such joy'
W ithout alloy
And pat it Into rhyme.
JO H N L . V E S T A L.
Wanted and
For Sale.
M rs. H . B. H arford w ent to 1
P ortlan d M onday to visit M ri
and M rs. Alden M . Chamberlain.
The Misses Nellie Paulsen and
Elizabeth K irk came home Fri- “ J
day evening to remain over Sun» 01
day w ith the home folks.
The reviva l meetings bring held
by oar pastor, A. Holmes, and n
Wife are very successful of late as
there has been a general awaken­
in g and conversions o f young
folks and older ones.
On W ednesday o f last week a ai
number of tbe ladies gathered a t w
the home o f M rs. H. B. H arford, in
O w ing to tbe bad rain which
prevailed there w ere not a great
m any present. H ow ever they
were delightfu lly entertained.
There w ill be a contest held in
tbe near future, also m em orial K1
services in honor o f Frances W il- hl
lard. On tbe seventeenth o f Feb- ^
ruary tbe next m eeting ta k e» *
place a t the home of M rs. Rosa ”
' W f '
W anted.
A first class Jresh Jersey cow.
L e a v e w ord a t Graphic office.
Ballard Snow T-hUmanf. Go.
500-002 N sfth Second S tiest.
S T -L O U IS »
' V i “
6 ! 3