Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, January 16, 1908, Image 7

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àaturday, January II
WMhlngton, Jan. I I . —À vigorous
tight was waged in the booae of repro-
tentativas today over the bill to oodify
«o d rovine Iba penal laws of the Vailed
«lateo with partiera lar retarono« to at
tioo I t , affecting conap ira dea actinal
the civil rights of oitiaens. Smith, o
Miaaonri, and Hugh««, of New Jereey,
offered amendmente having for their
«bjeat the exemption of labor on lona
from the operation of the aeetion when
ovar auch unione declare strikes or hoy
A motion to etrike oat the
whole Motion wna made by Bartlett, of
Georgia. The brant of the debate wi
borne by 8herley, of Kentucky, a mao
ber of the committM on reviaion, bat
Jhe WM eupported by a number of Re­
The amendmente were all loot, aa
waa one by De Amend to etrike oat
Motion 20, becaoM it conferred on fed
«ral oourta in poniahing feloni«« ant
misdemeanor* committed andar eeotior
19 the aotborlty given to Ih« coarta of
the atate in which the acta aro commit-
Friday. January 10.
WMhlngton, Jan. 10.—The hooM of
repmmntatlvee today resumed ka activ­
ity, and for over Ave hoare tmneacted
o f* pablio nature. Material
i made with the hill to
«odUy, revise and amend the criminal
laws of the United Statae, which waa
taken np after aome routine bill« hod
been dlapocad of.
The feature of the aeeaion was a brief
nddrem by Burlaeon, of Texas, who
credited Senator Foraker and other Un-
publicans with having charged the
president with the responsibility far
the meant financial panic.
A e bouM adjourned at S :ltp . m.
until tomorrow, after an effort had
been made by the Democrats for eoa-
eideration of the code bill.
The hoom of representatives took on
its old-time form when Jonaa, of Wash­
ington, called op the bUl authorialng
the Benton Water oompaay to eonstrnct
a dam ecrcM Snake river at five-m ile
raplda, Wash.
The bill elicited a
«h u p debate and members crowded
into the center aisle anxious to he
heard. The bill waa Anally passed.
Washington, Jan. 10.—The senate
committee on territories today pawed
favorably upon the nomination of
George Curry to be governor of New
Mexico; Nathan Jaffa to be secretary of
New Mexico, and John H. Pago to bo
mormry of Arisona.
The ootnmlttoe on Faetib islands and
Porte Rioo voted to reeommeud the con­
firmation of Bagis H. Poet, of Now
York, to ho governor of Porto Rioo;
W illiam f . Willoughby, of tho Dis­
trict of Columbia, to be aa notary of
Porto Rioo, and Bdwaid Doxtoer, of
Illinois, to be eommlaeioaer of edooa-
4km of Porto Rioo.
Idaho Experiment Station Tolls About
a lighthouse at the eotraoM of Belling
ham Bay.
Washington, Jan. 9— Dmidad dif­
amases of opinion m to tho way of in­
jecting elasticity into the notional cur­
rency and of increasing the safety at
bank deposits have arisen among tbo
members cf the oommtttM on banking
and curreney, of whioh fowlor, of How
Jersey is chairman. Scene of the Re­
publican meaban as wall M Demo-
ocala, o n not in «M ir« sympathy with
the plan of fowler m embodied in the
bill introduced by him yesterday con­
templating the immediate and com­
plete retirement of all national bonk
bond-scoured eurmney and ite replnoe-
ment by a guaranteed credit oumney
based upon general aseste of tbo bonks.
Wednesday, January 8.
Washington, Jon. 8.—In the prés­
enos of tho entire house, W illiam , of
Mieeinippl, and De Armond, of Mls-
soArl, whose physical encounter on tho
floor Just before the Christmas adjourn­
ment attracted general attention, today
engaged In an exchange of amenities
which wM generally accepted as a pub
lie announcement of their respective
intentions not to pormit their personal
differences to Interfere with the ooor-
toons discharge of their nobile datlas.
The incident occur red*in connection
with on effort fay Da Issi), of the com­
mittee on ralee, to get the hooM to
agree to a rale giving right-of-way to
the bill authoriing the codification and
amendment of tbo penal laws of the
United Statae and limiting general do-
bate to toar honra. Bevami Democratic
« perni d the opinion that
rale woe a scheme to sidetrsok
other legislation.
Dalsell, however,
rotated this.
The rale was passed by an over­
whelming majority, despite efforts of
DeArmoad and seven adherents to se­
cure the yeas and nays, and the houM
at ones proceed>d to the consideration
and reading of tbo hill. A t the oon-
clusion of the reading, which oonsumed
two hoars, tbo bill was laid Mido and
the hoaM again took np the resolution
distributing the president's message to
the several committees, in order to
permit Gaines, of Tennessee, to address
the house in favor of an appropriation
for tbo Hermitage, the home of Gene­
ral Andrew Jackson, osar Nashville,
Manufacture and U u .
Conditions Affecting the Production
of Industrial Alcohol in tho Northwest,
Is the title of a bulletin recently ini
by the department of chemistry of
tho Idaho state experiment elation.
The purpose of the bulletin is, as the
author states, to' bring to tbo attention
of farmers and others interested in tbo
■abject, the general principles nnderly
lag the proesmm need in the manufac­
ture and denaturing at alcohol. Tho
opiafeo le expressed that people in
this part of tho country w ill receive bat
little benefit from the passage of
“ Denatured Alcohol Aet;’ on lose they
om to it that this nleoool is made at
heme from home grown products. Sev­
as being tho
oom to which people in tbo Northwest
w ill have to look m tbo moot promis­
ing in alcohol manufacture, the a
prominent being potatoes and si
beets. It is not probable that Individ
oal farm distilleries will ever be pa i
Into operation. The ides is advanced
of a commanity still, or a Still owned
and operated by a «took oompany, In
which the chig owners of the at
M all be the produce»» of tho «•»,. u _
torlal. Figures am given illustrating
the relative efficiency of alcohol who»
oompaied to kerosene as n source of
I t w ill require some time to get peo­
ple aeqoninted with the ueee to which
denatured slefaobol may be pat, bat
is confidently believed that there ia a
groat fatal« for this prodoet right bn
in the Northwest.
Shin Omi
wwm |
iv g lataMjfg
»v*v ntigi
Washington, Jan. 9.—Sixty thousand
tons of eoal have been sent to Honolulu
fay the equipment bureau of the Navy
department, end by April there are to
be 100,000 tons at Manila. The'ship­
ments have bean made la anticipation
of the poMibility of Rear Admiral
M u ' bsttleship fleet returning to
the Atlantic side by way of the Asiatic
MMtaa. If it is not om M
for that
putpoM the coal w ill be seed from (Ime
to Ums by Ame»ima men-of-war.
paper that will prove Interesting to every
member of every famHy In this county
a Bad Cold
U m R i I
Three Trains East Daily
In answer to a queetion höw to “ (
o ff" the milkingoow, Prof. J. H. Frand-
of Idaho experiment station, gi
trouble with many dairy»
that in drying op maa they are afraid
to atop milking m long m tho
shows any tendency at giving milk.
In many they do not realise that tooan-
tinue milking through the entire
Is an exceedingly bed policy. In ordi­
nary cases it ia desirable that the cows
should bo dry from a month to aix
The object being to increase
the supply of nourishment for the
growing foetus m well m enabling the
cow to improve her physical condition
before the time of oslving. When it is
thought beet to hasten "laying off/’
start by not milking tbo oow el<
This will generally decrease the amount
to a point when it ia safe to skip every
other milking.
In about a week the
milk w ill generally be rodneed to sash
proportions ss to jastity ¿»liking only ]
every other day. Generally soon after
this It w ill be safe to discontinue milk­
ing altogether.
The “ drying off” ia moot easily
when cows are fed on dry
feeds m much m pomible.
Them are a few persistent milker»
whioh can be done more harm by a
forood “ drying off” than to lot U
milk up to oslving, bat sash oows
decidedly few In numbers.
Tuesday, January 7.
, Washington, Jon. 7.—Senator Aid-
rich today Introduced hie currency bill,
which has been a subject for some
days. He had the bill read to tbo
ate and announced that the committee
would be glad to consider with it all
Mile that senators might desire to in
tredoes. He assured Culberson that
hie resolution would receive attention.
At 1:40 tbo stnato adjourned until
next Thursday to permit more work fay
January I ,
The president today sent in the nom­
Washington, Jan. A.—The introduc­ ination at Christian Schnabel to be dis­
tion fay Senator Hale, chairmen of the trict attorney for Oregon. His sole en­
committee on naval affairs, today of dorser wm Senator Boone, the other
hie naval personnel bill proved the oo- three members of tho Oregon delegation
The following publications of inter»
oation for a general diacuaslon of naval supporting George G. Bingham, of to farmer» and others have been leea
affaire end recent aeeurencM in commo­ 8klam. There may be n fight over by the Agricultural department of the
tion with that branch of the public Mr- Sofaaebel’s confirmation.
Federal government and w ill be fur­
vice. The Maine tens tor entered upon
nished free, so long as tbay are avail­
a tall explanation of the provision! of
Washington, Jan. 7.—The resolution able, except where otherwise noted,
the measure, together with hla taaeon referring tho president’s message & the upon application to the Superintendent
for ita adoption.
Mverui oommitteea furnished the occa­ of Documents, Government Printing
Synator Clay today introduced a bill sion in the bouse of representatives to­ Office, Washington, D. C.:
authorialng the secretary of the trees day
a number of addrsmse, mostly
Farmer’ Bullein No. 168.— How to
ury to issue 1800,000,000 of non-inter by members on the Democratic side.
«at bearing United States notes in cir­ These covered a variety of subjects, but Baild Small Irrigation Ditches. By O.
culation, in each form as he may deem thorn that attracted special attention T. Johnston and J. D. Stsunsrd, assist­
ants in Iriigiation investigations, office
were by Sheppard, of Texas, and W il of experiment stations. Pp. 28. figs. 9.
Senator Balk ley toiay Introduced a let of Now York.
This is a reprint of an article in the
bill providlny for emergency currency
The form « not only made a plea for
issued by banks in amounts equal to the restoration of the lesend “ In God Yearbook of tho department of agricul­
the par value of bonds to be deposited We Trust’ ’ on American ooins, bat dis­ ture for 1900, entitled “ Practical Irri
with the treasurer of tho United States. cussed the cruise of the American bat­ gallon.’ ’ giving methods for laying out
I t peevtdea that United States bonds, tleship fleet and referred to e pomible and building small irrigating ditches,
using o »ly such implements m are
Panama canal bonds, bonds of any conflict with Japan
and on moat farms or can easily bo
state , county or municipality of not
made by the farmer.
lost than 60,000 population, may be
Farmers’ Bulletin No. 187.— Drain
accepted for snob purposes.
• Senator Lodge today introduced e
Waahington, Jen. 6.— With its or­ age of Farm Lands. By O. G. Elliott,
joint ^revolution reducing China’s in­ ganisation completed, the houae of rep­ drainage expert, irrigation investiga­
demnity bond, incurred aa a result of resentatives reconvened at noon today. tions, office of experiment stations
the Boxsr trouble of 1900, from $145,- Almost the full quorum of reprsMnts- Pp. 40, figi. 19. Explains the effects
440,778 to $11,A55,«92, with Interest tivM w m preeent. Tho galleries were and advantages of drainage end de­
at 4 per cent, payment of .tho amount unusually well filled.
After a half scribes implements sad methods suited
being remitted aa an act of friendship hoar’ s session tho house adjourned to s variety of conditions in humid and
until tomorrow out of respeot tor the irrigated region«.
to China.
Farmers’ Bulletin No. 263.—Practi­
Senator Gore, of Oklahoma, today memory of the late Senator Mallory,
cal Information for Beginners In Irri'
introduced a joint resolution providing of Florida.
gallon. By 8. Fortier. Pp. 40, Age-
that no person ahal) be eligible to be
26. This gives suggestions M to the se­
«lected president of the United StatM
The senate wm in session only four
for more than two term in eueeemlon. minutes today, adjourning upon the lection of an Irrigated farm, the ac­
Senator Pile« today secured the pas­ adoption of reoolutioM In respect to tbo quirement of a water right, tho prepar­
sage through the senate bf his bill ap­ death of the late Senator Mallory, of ation of land for Irrigation, the con­
struction of farm ditches, and the ap­
propriating $80,000 for the emotion of Florida.
plication of water to orops.
Farmers’ Bulletin No. 270.— Modern
Argue Over Giving Rebates.
Friso« Postmaster Will Lose.
Convenience for the Farm Home. By
WMhlngton, January 9.—The Su­
Washington, Jan. 9—The nomina­ Elmlna T. Wilson.
Pp. 48, figs. 27.
preme court today heard arguments In tion of Arthur Fisk to be postmaster at This discussM booting, water supply,
the government criminal prosecution of San Francisco will not go to the senate and sewage disposal for farm homes,
the Great Northern Ballway oompany today, unlem the president changea his and the arrangement of houses and
on the oharge of violating the Elkins mind. Postmaster General Meyer said grounds.
law 19 granting rebates on whioh the he w m sure the president not intend to
Farmer»’ Bulletin No. 277.—The Uea
company waa fined $6,000. The oom- reappoint Flak today.
Congressman of Aloohol and Gasoline in Farm En­
pany yras represented by William R. Kahn said that he had positive inform­ gine«.
By 0. E. Locke and 8. M.
Bigg, of St. Paul, and the government ation that chargee sgalnat Fisk tor vio­ Wood wad. Pp. 40, figs. 12. This gives
by Attorney General Bonaparte. The lation of the postal regulations hod the general reootla of experiments in
defense proceeds on the theory that the been filed huit May and that them the use of aloohol in the ordinary in
firat Motion Of the Elkina law, Impos­ charges had not been Investigated by temal combustion engines on the Amer-
ing fine« for rebates, ttas repealed by the poetoffioe inspectera for some un­ <ym market, with some discussion of
the Hepburn set.
known reason.
foreign experiments.
Washington, Jan. 8.—Secretary Taft
is a strong advocate of increased pay
for the army, and his annual report,
just sent to con gram, completely die-
pels any doubt that may exist m
disposition. The report shows rapid
decreoM in the stanata of the regular
èrmy in resesi yeers (the lam lost year
n r e n j , and
vijo pressing
p im iu K
being 4,4M men),
need of offlmn
detailed on
i ostra jtora In I educations I institutions.
Coughs, Golds
is s a »
WsD» W
It is Equally Valuable
It Contains m
fo r Children
Narcotic and is Safe and Sure
fo r
Beat two eggs separately and watt.
Id to yolks one-half cap sugari beott
m three-eighths cog boiling water
and another halt-cap of sugar and oow
fourth teaspoonful salt; beat again.
Add juice and grated rind at oow
irth lemon; beat eg»**\ Now add
alternately the whites <A eggs and one
level oop door, sifted with one end one»
udf teaspoon ful baking powder. Bake
twenty-five minutes In a greened, pa-