We Heer o f More Cares It Quiets Kin* Alfonso o f Spain la preparing f Jo aNJoy next eumnier the odd waddin* S c ro fu la S o r e - M r wife had a eerefu- Ions sers bn her Is* for rear*. Many M w * snt medicine« gars bat Util« benefit. Shs tarnad ts Hood's Sarsaparilla and th« tors quickly healed. 1$ is u good blood' medicine." i. N. O a s t . Crosby, Tex*«. A fflic te d i s Y e a r s —"flood'« Sarsapa­ rilla baa cured me of Miofula. with which I have been troubled la years, and canaad by vaeetnattoa. Mr (title daughter bad a Miofula swelling on bar sack and Hood's Mas. Nona Sarsaparilla also cured her.” Monnsr. Hughey, Toanssms. Hood's Sarasparllla Is sold everywhere. In the usual liquid, or In tablet term called This Is one reason whir A y e r’ s C h erry Pectoral is so valúa­ le atopa ble In consumption the w ear and tear o f useleaa coughloc* But It does more — It controla the Inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, and heals. Sold for eo years. " Ayr'stacftrysrissri S-M m eju sslg p W iie d « • M t o v n O f tbe mlgbty deep. The great ocean llner rolled and pitcb* “ H enry," faltered tbe ypnng brida, “ da hi still love m e r c* J A P A V ltt A *iu*r, la the property o f his mother, and , he new. summer home Is designed to {ire the youthful couple a place where hey can entertain guests Independent* J L lifers Sfnm . 1 ^ fo S W A fia iA "M art thaa sver, darllng I" was Henry’* H a s te n b o w e le Then there was an eloquent silence. U M s r l i t X t a R a lla g . .jwvtupjs. i n r j a « « out meir riguia His Lawyer—The trouble is that to the intending donors, sharing tbe they’ve got half a dosen witnesses who desire of tbe latter, as they pot It, to aaw yon whipping your wife. It will he please their sovereign, upon the one hard to establish an alibi in tbe face of condition that the Chapel o f the Incar- , ' nation, a far-famed abrtne to which a l l ^ n ^ L L £ L “ b i Ptlwrfm. from all the fishing v illa g e I w m dru^k P 1 Df the coast reeorted, should remain untouched and should be always acces- That T errib le B or. I slble to pilgrims. Mrs. Kerruthers (making a < a IV)— Y sr The king baa placed the building ot “ Henry,’* she gasped, turning her pale, ghastly fa y away, “ I thought that would make me fast better, bat it doesn’t !" h r a Natsrc’s Dbtnfectaat, □earner and Farther Evt-ryo-e r -slisee the necessity o f some method of purification of «inks, drains and ntansils In which may lurk the germ of dreaded disease. Health Is a quratim of cleanliness and prevention. Moot people are familiar with the use of disinfectants in t eir ordinary sense—a I o f which am either unpl asantly associated with disagreeable which a y de- bit* odors on W L _ ________ the germ o f contairion ( which ____________ nasi of necessity be o f a more ■ ■ ■ ’ or less dangerous charac ar), and i|iu»t be used for th i« purpose and no other, and In . _____ consequence roust be kept from children C O U X T IW and ca eleas hand! ng. t J ttT x rx u x T a y is, however, within tbe reach o f all n£|i«»rev».x Of H our reader* a simple, safe and econ- VI II H fflUIV'V» VfMC WUU*. r e g u la r w v tn HOWARD n. Bt'RToa.-ASMyr m>i O n ly k r nicht. n u n o ll« filw U i H poetaren mrtrm Soulful Miss— You art familiar, 1 pro- saver,U-«d,n!(M4,aOv«c,nc; (M4, w te n r r .b - Cy t Cs M s lU I P M w w sama, with tbe Portugués« Hymn? te ll prtce llet r e e I w n f l a M . O s m i C Col.. Lumpkin (Jost returned from n ■tra work relic* MdL ■ilWwc.l t'ccfea trip abroad)— Er— no; I aaw him, of wane, when I was In Europe, bat 1 never met ’im. Yon mean King Carlee, d o of LEARN TO DANCE hl* P *la<* and t t ® beautifying o f tbs M y £ j i i i ^ - i <5^ S S i t h l i U tb '-land In the hands o f the marquis d< yom I blow how it hurt. | Vlqna and a Madrid architect, Bern» lira. Kerruthers— My dentist hardly Rlpollee. The building la to be o f semi ever hurts me, though. He’s so careful 'Arab design, following the general line« omical article that will not only answer for awerv disinfecting purpose —but can also boused fora multitude of domes ic clean­ sing and purifying purposes—Borax Borax is a pny, wh te Harmless powder coming direct from Nature’s Ig b iy lo iy ; in fact Borax has often been called “ Natuy’s Cleanser and Oirinfegtan Toro tablespoonfnls cf Borax in a pailful of hot water poured down the grea-ted-chok- sd pipes of a sink or flushed through a dis­ ease-! den drain, cleanses and purifies it, leaving It cl. an and ssreet. Bed clothing and clothes used in a rick room can lie made hygienically «lean and enowy-wbite. if washed in a hot rotation of Borax water. Kitchen and eating utensils need during ill nose will he kept from all possibility of In a Bottle to Mix This. contagion if Borax is used when washing r iv r w e o ‘ iriK T • v i v n ____ them. Pure as snow and harmle s as -alt ¿cn>-* ------- and bars m It aan be used for almoat ovary _____________ . .. __*tw— i *-- M c t _____ domest c and medical purpose, Borax must ------------------~ ■■■■■'-’ ii"t •"*- , ^ w* " ™ * n authority on Kbeuma- be eon>idared the one great household ne* r a v p t x o t v T H E w w w w w w ttam glvws the readers o f a large New •amity. ___________ x .v a m r t s u ______ " York daily paper the following valoa- ___ . _ _ _ . __________ ble, yet simple and barm lees preecrip- Wew Method. r o amokason H * v Vowmd m Now P fo r - tio|L 7wh|oh * OM ^ gsmily prepan Do yaa wish to choose S wife? graa ad l a the M reatalas. I 'T ; " “ 7 7 Wip a »In . A party o f ten young Frenchmen are ■* „ - h a ll Or select year let in life? preparing to spend next summer In th e' O f two avilo stake no choice. Transcript Boms o f 'b » 1» want - 7 ^ ^ ’ X w T T b S ? I* * tore« ! , t t . thl. w r . W ^ ^ ^ to , Flip a cola. th*y con* der thamoelTen the diacovap- a teaapoonful after each man) and -- ------------------- era o f the Pyrenees as a playground. a| Ferry’s Free Seed Book. - TheT with tents made o f duck j He states that the Ingredients can be For half a century over light frdmee, which when set up obtained from any good preemption thousands of formers and gardeners ar* about alx feet six equate and flm pharmacy at small ooot, and, being a have regarded "F e r ry ’a Bead Annual” < feet high, each of which abeltem four vegetable extraction, ere harmless to •a the best guide not only tor the b o y -1 or Are men at night They also take a taka. ing of aeads, but for tbeir planting and collapilbte boat When the railway Is* This pleasant mixture, if taken regu- care. Daily reference to its text and left the flint stages o f the Journey Into forly for a few days, is aaid to ovacoome Illustrations proves it to be tbe actual the mountains are made by picking up klmoat any case of Rheumatism.* Tbe beginning of n successful season. The some of the muleteers who cross the P *in and awelling, if any, diminishes •»»HP )**ix »qt ui peiansjud /[pjsq sis |sq| woo jood fpui»j|x» sne -jruinu m od eqj pus ppsa np n{ sjo - j -»In« on »A»q j*qi woo sasp tup twww aqi aaaniaq rjuvjtivieaj jo uoiijodojd II* ™ A i » a a s sew «s od X|if> q j o x m » n artiele* should never be used, except on pres­ criptions from reputable physicians, as th« damage they will do is ten loM to the food too can possibly derive from them. Hall’.Catarrh Cura, manufactured by f. f . Cheney A Co., Toledo. O.,contains no mercury, and is taken Intern.11.-, acting directly upon tba blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Had’s Catarrh rare b « rare you get the gen­ uine. It is taken tassroaliy and mad« tn Tol­ edo, Ohio, by #. J. Cneney A Co. Testimoolals fie«. Sold by Df**«glsta. Prire 75c, per bottle. I Take HaU’s Family Pills for constipation. *;• /•’?*•''- •’/iTT.* 1 " ' •' fe Peat briquettes are aaw being made at Norfolk, Maas., with a machine. Tbe peat is cat ap by revel ring knivea like a meat chopper and then pressed through a die in a continuous her, which is sliced fato briquettes by a knife operated auto­ matically. The feed In vary cheap pencils is so n s times only coke. 7 ----------------- :— I • P lirS CURfD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS The Pe-ru-nn Almanac in 8,000,000 PAZO ointment is guaranteed to rah any _____ ease of Itching, Bi nd, flooding or Protruding oonon. Piles In * to It da, s or asoaey refunded. SOe. The Pernna Lucky Day Almanac has become a fixture in over eight m illion homes. I t can be obtained from all “n druggists free. Be sure to inquire * i™ 1 P°int’ earlv. The 1908 Almanac la already . ------ »n*ww. f lon* tin » to peas a tb* ®inu‘ * h* Dd- « . „ __. “ 4 th® " P P * % '» * ° in b® hand “ b „M t t k r a ‘o T ^ T t , exhausted Do not put it off. Speak mina>n to ^ up wTtb ^ for one today. ----------------------- L e tlla g t b e C a t O u t. * Amelia— Herbert, dear, your office Is oo Orange street, isa’t it? Herbert— Yea; why? , Amelia—That’s what I told papa. Hs made such a funny mistake about you the other day. He said he’d been looking yon ap in Brad street. General Demand • f the Well-Informed of tba W orld has always bean for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy ot known value; a laxative which phyal- ' cisna could aanction tor family uaa becauae Ha. component porta are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneflctaria effect, acceptable to the ayatem and gentle, yet prompt. In action. la «applying that demand with Its excellent combination * of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the Cali­ fornia Fig Syrnp Co. prooeoda along, ethical lines and relies on the merits of the laxative for Its remarkable That la one of many reaaona why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna Is given the preference by the Well- Informed.’ To get Its beneficial effects always bay the genuine— manufac­ tured .by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Prioe fifty gents per bottle i i e m n l l r oared by Dr. KUne's Orees iseiorst. Seed Sir KRKK flirtet te s » and Dr. R. HJUL*, Ld.. SSI *xeh at.. PMteJte The population of Oklahoma is aboul 1.500,000, and the increase in Oklahoma City, the metropolis, which now has 32,- 4.12, baa been 232.3 per cent in acvea Its strength, disease germ s collect, and the trouble Is manifested in various ways. Pustular eruptions, pim ples, rashes and the different skin affectioa* •how that the blood is in a feverish and diseased conatrioa as a result o f tow much acid or the presence o f some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers aro the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca­ tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are a ll deep-seated blood disorders that w ill continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains. These impurities and poisons find their w ay into the blood in various ways. Often s sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the avenues of bodily waste, leases the refuse and waste matters to soar and form uric and other acids, which are taken np b y tbe blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Com ing in contact w ith codtagions diseases is another cause for the poisoning of the bloo d ; w e also breathe the germ s and microbes of M alaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood ha Sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier o f disease instead o f health. Some •re so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old constitutional disease o f ancestors is handed down to them and they are constantly annoyed and troubled w ith it. Bad blood is the source of all dis­ ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to suffer in some way. For blood troubles o f any character S. S. S. is the b u t remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes an y and a ll poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely and permanently cores blood diseases of every kind. The action o t S. S. 8. ia so thorough that hereditary taints are renaoved and weak, diseased blood made strong and healthy so that disease cannot remain. Ik cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sore* and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagions Blood Poison, etc., and does not leave the ■lightest trace o f the trouble for future outbreaks. T be whole volum e o f blood is renewed and cleansed after n coarse of S. S. S. It is also nature’s greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely harmless to any part ot the system. S. S. 8. ia for sale at a ll first claan drugstores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to a ll w ho wrifo^ PURELY VEGETABLE