Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 14, 1907, Image 2

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    Æ IK E N S IB E
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C H A P T K R V II.— (Continued.)
“ I f I could only take her something,”
he Mid, glancing ruefully around hie of­
fice. “ Now, if she were Jessie, nuts and
raisins might answer— bat she must not
eat suck trash aa that,” and he set him­
self to think again, just as Guy Rem­
ington rode up, bearing in his hand a
moat exquisite bouquet.
” 1 thought you might be going down
to Honedsle, aa I knew you returned last
night, so I brought these flowers for your
patient with my compliments, or if you
prefer I give them to you, and you can
thus present them as if coming from
“ As if I would do that,” the doctor
answered. “ Did you arrange It, or your
gardener 7*’ he asked, and when Guy re­
plied that the merit of arrangmenti if
merit there were, belonged to himself, lie
began to deprecate his own awkward­
ness and want of tact. “ Here I have
been cudgeling my head this half hour
trying to think what I could take her as
a peace offering, and could think of noth­
in g while you----- Well, you and I are
different entirely. You know just what
is proper— just what to say, and when
to m y it— while t am a perfect bore.”
Guy regarded hia friend attentirely,
noticing that extra care had been bestow­
ed upon his toilet, that the collar was
fresh from the laundry, and the new
era rat tied in a most unexceptionable
manner, instead of being twisted into a
hard knot, with the ends looking as if
they had been chewed.
“ Doc,” he Mid, when his surrey was
completed, “ how old are you— twenty-
five or twenty-six T”
“ Twenty-fire— just your age— why?”
aad the doctor looked with an expression
so wholly innocent o f Guy's real meaning
that the latter, instead of telling why,
“ O h ! nothing; only I was wondering
if you would do to be my father. Agnes,
I rerily believe, is more than half in lore
with you ; but, on the whole, I would not
like to be your son; so I guess you’d bet­
ter take someone younger— My Jessie.
You are only eighteen years her senior."
The doctor stared at him a maxed, and
when he had finished Mid with the ut­
most candor: “ What has that to do with
Madeline? I thought we were talking
of her.”
“ Innocent as the newly born babe,”
was Guy's mental comment, aa he con­
gratulated himself on his larger and more
varied experience.
And truly Dr. Holbrook was as simple-
hearted as a child, never dreaming of
Guy’s meaning, or that any emotion mve
a perfectly proper one had a lodgment In
his breast as he drove down to Hone-
dale, guarding carefully Guy’s bouquet,
aad wishing he knew just what he ought
to say when he presented it.
I 'The perspiration was standing under
Maddy’s hair, and when the doctor step­
ped acroM the threshold, and she knew
he really was coming near her, it oosed
out upon her forehead
in big, round
drops, while her cheeks glowed with a
feverish h e tt
Thinking he should get
along with it better If he treated her just
as he would Jessie, the doctor confronted
her at once, and asked:
“ How is my little patient to-day?”
A faint scream broke from Maddy’s
lips, and she involuntarily raised her
hands to thrust the stranger away. This
black-eyed, black-haired, thick-set man
was not Dr. Holbrook, for he eras taller
and more slight, while she had not been
deceived in the dark brown eyes which,
even while they seemed to be mocking
her, had worn a strange fascination for
the maiden of fourteen and a half. The
doctor fancied her deliridus again, and
this reassured him at once. Dropping
the bouquet upon the bed. he clasped one
of her hands in his, and without the
slightest idea that she comprehended him,
Mid, soothingly:
“ Poor child, are you afraid of me— the
doctor. Dr. Holbrook ?”
Maddy did not try to withdraw her
hand, but raising her eyes, swimming In
tears, to his face, she stammered out:
“ What does It mean, and where is he
— the one who— asked me— those dread­
ful questions? I thought that was Dr.
Here was a dilemma— something for
which the doctor was not prepared, and
with a feeling that he would not be­
tray Guy, he M id:
“ N o ; that was someone else— a friend
of mine— but I was there in the back
office. Don’ t you remember me? Please
don’t ' grow excited. Compose yourself,
and I will explain all by and by.”
Maddy was diMppointed, and it took
her some time to rally sufficiently to con­
vince the doctor that she was not flighty,
as be termed i t ; but composing herself at
last, she answered all his questions, and
then, as he m w her eyes wandering to­
ward the bouquet, he suddenly remember­
ed that it was no* yet presented, and
placing; It in her hands, he M id :
“ You like flowers, I know, and these
are for you. I ----- ”
“ O h! thank you, thank you, doctor; I
am so glad. I love them so much, and
you are so kind. What made you think
to bring them?
I wanted flowers so
badly; but I could not have them, be­
cause I anas sick and did not work in the
garden. It was so good in you,” and In
her delight Maddy's tears dropped upon
the fair blossoms
For a moment the doctor was sorely
tempted to keep the credit thus enthu­
siastically given; but he was too truth­
ful for that, aad so watching her aa her
eyes glistened with pleasure, he M id:
“ I am glad you like them. Miss Clyde,
and so «rill Mr. Remington be. He sent
them to you from his conservatory.”
“ Not Mr. Remington from Aikenside—
net Jessie’s brother?” and Maddy’s eyes
now fairly danced as they sought the
doctor’s face.
“ T<?, Jessie’s brother. He came' here
with her. He is Interested in you, and
brought them down this morning.”
“ He wished me to present them with
his compliments. He thought they might
please you."
< ,
“ Oh ! they do, they da !" Maddy replied.
“ They almost make me well. Tell him
how much I thank him. and like him, too,
though I never m w him.”
The doctor opened his lips to tell her
she had seen him, but changed his mind
ere the words were uttered. She might
not think as well of Guy, he thought, and
there was no harm in keeping it back.
So Maddy had no suspicion that the
face she thought of so much belonged to
Guy Remington. She had never seen him,
of course, but she hoped she would some
time, so as to thank him for his gen­
erosity to her grandfather and his kind­
ness to herself. Then, as she remem­
bered the mesMge she had sent him. she
began to think that it sounded too fa­
miliar, and Mid to the doctor:
“ I f you please, don’t tell Mr. Rem­
ington that I Mid I liked him— only that
I thank him. He would think it queer
for a poor girl like me to send such word
to him. He is very rich, and handsome,
and splendid, isn’t he?”
“ Yes, Guy’s rich and handsome, and
everybody likes him. We were in col­
lege together.”
“ You were?” Maddy exclaimed. “ Then
you know him well, and Jessie, and
you’ ve been to Aikenside often? There’s
nothing in the world I want so much as
to go to Aikenside. They M y it is so
“ Maybe I ’ll carry you up there some
day when you are strong enough to ride,”
the doctor answered, thinking of his light
buggy at home, and wondering he had not
used it more, instead of always riding on
Dr. Holbrook looked much older than
he was, and to Maddy he seemed quite
fatherly, «0 that the idea of riding with
him, aside from the honor It might be to
her, struck her much as riding with
Farmer Green would have done. The
doctor, too, imagined that his proposition
was prompted solely from disinterested
motives, but he found himself wondering
how long it would be before Maddy would
be able to ride a little distance, just over
the hill and back. He was tiring her
.all out talking to her; but somehow it
was very delightful there in that sick
room, with the summer sunshine stealing
through the window and failing upon the
soft reddish-brown head resting on the
pillows. Once he fixed those pillows, ar­
ranging them so nicely that grandma,
who had come in from her hens and
yeast cakes, declared "he was aa handy
as a woman,” and after receiving a few
genera] directions with regard to the fu­
ture, “ guessed, if he wasn’t in a hurry,
she’d leave him with Maddy a spell, as
there were a few chorea she must do.”
The Aikenside carriage was standing at
Mrs. Conner’s gate when he returned, and
Jessie came running out to meet him,
followed by Guy. while Agnes, in the
most becoming riding habit, M t by the
window, looking as unconcerned at his
arrival as If it were not the very event
for which she had been impatiently wait­
ing. Jessie was a great pet with the
doctor, and,, lifting her lightly in his
arms, he kissed her forehead and M id:
“ I have seen Maddy Clyde. She asked
for you, and why you do not come to
see her, as you promised.”
“ Mother won’ t let me,” Jessie answer­
ed. “ She says they are not fit associates
for a Remington.”
There was a sudden flash o f contempt
on the doctor’s face, and a gleam of
wrath in Agnes’ eye as she motioned
Jessie to be silent, and then gracefully
received the doctor. Guy seized the first
favorable opportunity to inquire after
She was improving rapidly, the doctor
M id , adding : “ You ought to have seen
her delight when I gave her your bou­
“ Indeed.” and Agnes bridled haught­
ily, “ I did not know that Guy was in
the habit of sending bouquets to such as
this Clyde girl. I really must report him
to Miss Atherstone.”
Guy’s seat was very near to Agnes,
and while a cloud overspread his fine
features, he M id to her in an aside :
“ Please M y in your report that the
worst thing about this Clyde girl is that
she aspires to be a teacher, and pomibly
a governess.”
There was an emphasis on the last
Word which silenced Agnes and set her
to beating her French gaiter on the car­
pet; while Guy, turning back to the doc­
tor, replied to his remark :
“ She was pieaaed, then?”
“ Yes; she must be vastly fond of flow­
ers, though I sometimes fancied that the
fact of being noticed by you afforded al­
most as mucK satisfaction as the bouquet
itself. She evidently regards you as a
superior being, and Aikenside as a second
Paradise, and asking innumerable ques­
tions about you and Jessie, too.”
“ Did she honor me with an inquiry?”
Agnes asked. MrcAstically, though she
was greatly interested as well as reliev­
ed by the reply :
“ Yes ; she M id she beard Jessie’s moth­
er was a beautiful woman, and asked if
you were not born in England.”
“ She’s mixed me up with Lucy. Guy,
you must go down and enlighten her,”
Agnes Mid, laughing merrily and appear­
ing more at ease than she had since
Maddy Clyde had been the subject of
Guy did not go down to Honedale—
but fruit and flowers found their way to
the old red cottage, always brought by
Gay’s man, Duncan, and always accom­
panied by Mr. Remington's compliments.
Once, hidden among the rosebuds, was a
childish note from Jessie, some of it
printed and some of It in the uneven
hand of a child just commencing to writer
It was as follows T
“ Dear Maddy— I think that Is such a
pretty name, and so does Guy, so does
the doctor, too. I want to come see you.
bat mamma won't let me. I think of
you ever so much, and so does Guy, I
them,” Maddy suggested, hat the doctor guess, for he sends you lota of things,
d a y is a nice brother, and Is
yiistetel that ft was Ouy.
old aa mamma. Ain’ t that funny? You
know my first ma is dead. The doctor
tells us about you when he comes to
Aikenside. I wish he’d come oftener, for
I love him a bushel— don’t you? Yonra
“ P. S.— I am going to tuck this in ju v
for fun, right among the buds, where you
must look for it."
'litis note Maddy read and reread until
she knew it by heart, particularly the
l* r t relating to Guy. Hitherto aha had
not particularly liked her name, greatly
preferring that it should have been EH m
Ann, or Sarah Jane; buf the knowing
that Guy Remington fancied it made a
vast difference and did much toward re­
conciling her. She did not even notice
the clauM, “ and the doctor, too.”
attentions and likings she took aa a Blat­
ter of course, so quietly and so con­
stantly bad they been given. The day
was very long now which did not bring
him to the cottage; but she missed him
much as she would have missed her broth­
er, if she had one, though her pulse al­
ways quickened and her cheeks glowed
when she heard him at the gate. The
motive power did not lie deeper than a
great friendliness for one who had been
instrumental in Mving her life. They had
talked over the matter of her examina­
tion, the doctor blaming himself more
than waa necessary for his ignorance as
to what was required of a teacher; but
when she naked who was his proxy, ha
had again answered, evasively:
“ A friend from Boston.”
And this he did to shield Gay, who he
knew was enshrined in the little maiden’s
heart as a paragon of all excellence.
Adoption of Proposed Changes W ill Make a Radical Change in Repre­
sentation-Recall Measure W ilt L ift from Office
All Who Fail to Do Their Duty
F L A T D W E L L E R S ’ W A Y ».
W a ltr la s
th e
F ir e
— P ln e - S m e k la a
E a rx p e
G a rd en
K llq u e te .
“ W hat I don’t
Mrs. Flatdw eller, to a New York Bun
man, “ Is the way some folks w ater the
plants they keep ou the fire escape.
“ Now, you aee, w e’ve got a few plants
out o f your fire escape, and when I
w ater them I take care alw ays not to
flood either the pots or the saucers.
There are people livin g u n d A us, and
It Is not Impossible that they might
have out on their fire escape something
drying, or they might have plants there
that they don't want w ater to drip on.
If they have nothing there they don’t
want w ater dripping down from above
anyway, because it would spatter from
the fire escape to the windows.
”1 have lived under people, nice peo­
ple, too, who seemed to forget entirely
that there was anybody livin g under
them, and who would -simply pour
w ater on their plants and let It run
down In streams to spatter everywhere.
Don’t you think It’a queer about that?”
“ W hat gets me,” «aid Mr. Flatdw eli-
er, “ Is how a man can sit at an open
window smoking a pipe and when be
gets through smoking knock the ashes
oat o f hia pipe on the window sill.
“ There m ay be sparks In the pipe as
well as ashes, and both are liable to
be blown Into open windows below. < I
don’t exactly see' how men can b e 's o
thoughtless as to do this, but some men
ere. 80 ; you see, women are not the only
thoughtless creatures.
Th ere
thoughtless men also.
“ But I don’t pour w ater down the
fire escapes,” said Mrs.
Flatdw eller,
“ and you don’t knock ashes out o f the
______ ¡a
‘“ True.” said Mr. Flatdw eller, grow ­
ing philosophical now, “ but I f w e
should consult our neighbors and they
would tell us frankly, I dare say Hurt
w e ahoald discover that w e do, w ith ­
out thinking, things that they don’ t
like, Just aa they do some things that
don’t strike us pleasantly. I t k
much easier fo r us to see the fau lts o f
others than It Is fo r us to realise our
Drafts of oonat Rations I amendments I io treaiu ry the whole amount o f Its
>receding election.
and laws sought to be adopted by the expense for the pr
Th e proposed b ill for the selection of
people of Oregon have been prepared
U nited States senators by • vote o f the
and are being circulated throaghont the peopls Is short and to
the ponit. In
•tats by s large com m ittee of prom i­ effect It is nothing more I than on ex-
nent men with a view of gettin g the preaeed instruction o f the legislature by
measure before the voters for th eir con­
the people to vote for one candidate for
sideration.' Efforts w ill be made by senator. I t is argued that a fter such an
those who have drafted and are pro­ instruction no politician would pat h it
moting the measures to form a Peoples’ private opinion above the voted expres­
Power league and to raise $3,000 to de­
sion o f the people o f the state. The
fray the expenses of the coming cam­ b ill saya:
paign to be oarried on for the «access
“ Section 1. T h at w e, the people of
of the measures.
the state of Oregon, hereby instraot oar
Included In the Hat of the meaauree lepreeentativee and senators in oar leg­
which are being presented are: An islative assembly, as such officers, to
amendment to the state constitution vote for and elect the candidates for
providing for the recall o f unworthy U nited States senator from this state
office holders; the draft o f a b ill for who receive the highest votes at oar
the election of U nited Statee senators general aleotions.”
by people’s instruction; the draft of a
In argument for the proportional rep­
b ill providing for proportional repre­ resentation b ill, it is shown that the
sentation and m ajority elections, and a
present house of representatives in the
draft of the H untley corrupt practice Oregon legislature Is composed o f 59
Republicans end one Democrat. I f the
Those who have com piled the lis t oi voters in the state were represented in
amendments and bills and are now proportion to the ratio o f their numeri­
sending them out and asking for the cal strength aS shown a t the lost elec­
formation o f a people’ s league are: tion the house would be composed o f
Latterly the doctor had taken to driv­ Johnathan Boarne, Jr., Earl 0 . Bron- soabt 83 Republicans, 30 Democrats,
ing in hia buggy, and when Maddy was augh, Jetty Bronaugh, W . 0 . Bristol,
four Socialists and three Prohibition
strong enough he took her with him one Lee M . Clark, H . W . Drew, 0 . H .
members. I t 1s <nrther pointed oat
day, himself adjusting the shawl which Gram, Thomas G . Greene, Clyde Y .
sinoe 1893 the Republicans have
grandma wrapped around her, and pull­ Huntley. J. E . Hedgee, V . R . Hyde,
ing a little farther on the white aunhon- G. W . Holcom b, H a rry Lone, T . M . alw ays had from 44 to 69 of the m em ­
net which shaded the sweet, pale face, | Lea bo, T . A . M eB iide, H enry E . Mc­ bers o f the house, theagh in 1395 and
where the roses were just beginning to Ginn, E . S. J. M cA llister, F. M cK cr- 1896 the vote of the Republican party
throaghont the state wee leas than one-
bloom again. The doctor was very happy
cher, P . McDonald, G . M . Orion, B. h a lf of a ll the votee cast.
that morning, and so, too. was Maddy,
Lee Paget, C . Scheubel, Ben Belling,
I t i t argued that proportional repre­
talking to him upon the theme o f which
lex Bweek, G. E . 8 . W ood, Frank sentation weuld give each party a fa ir
she never tired, Guy Remington, Jaaaie,
W illiam s, W . 8 . U ’ Ren and John C. proportional vote in the legislature,
and Aikenside.
” 1 suppose Mr. Guy will be bringing a
just as it ho* in the general elections.
In diootuaing the measures which The text o f the proposed law is os fo l­
wife there some day when he finds one.”
and leaning back in the buggy Maddy they have placed before the people the lows:
heaved a little sigh, not at thoughts of promoters set out their ideas as fo l­
“ Section 16. In a ll elections au­
Guy Remington’s wife, but because she lows:
thorised by this constitution
a n til
began to feel tired, and thus gave vent
“ W e believe a ll citisena agree that otherwise provided by law , the person
to her weariness.
every political party should be repre­ or persons reoeiving the highest num­
The doctor, however, did not so con­ sented in the government in pioport ion
ber o f votee shall be declared elected,
strue it. For the first time when listen­ to the number o f its snporters among
ing to her as she talked of Guy, a keen the people; that no political party but provision m ay be made by l a « for
throb of pain shot through his heart, a should ever have a greater m ajority of elections b y equal proportional repre­
something as near akin to jealousy aa it the officers o f governm ent than it has sentation of a ll the voters for every
A captured rabbit brought an even­
office which Is filled by the election o f
was possible for him to feel. But all
of the votee of the p to p le; that the tw o or m ore persons whose official du­ ing's amusement to a party o f campers
unused as he was to the workings o f love,
people should be able to express their ties, rights and powers are equal and In the Rocky Mountains. In “ Nim rod's
he did not at that moment dream of
disapproval of any officer's acts by re­ concurrent.
W ife ” Mrs. Grace Seton tells o f secur­
such an emotion in connestioo with Made­
calling him from office; that the people
line Clyde.
“ Every qualified elector reeident in ing the rabbit In the “ telescope case,” a
“ Yes, Guy will undoubtedly marry,” should elect and chooee their United his precinct and registered, os may be good-sized valise made o f leatberold,
he began, juat aa over the top of the easy States senators; that character, and not required by law , may vote for one per - 1 which acted aa a sounding board to his
hill they were ascending horses* heads the possession o f wealth, or the secret eon for each office. Provision may be dramming.
were visible, and the Aikenside carriage or pubile sup; o -t o f great corporations, mode b y law for the voter’« direct or
“ I f there are any rabbits within
appeared In view. “ There he is now,” or wealthy citisena, ahoald be of ad­ indirect expression o f hie first, second
they w ill come. Th e little fe l­
he exclaimed, adding quickly:
“ N o ; vantage to any man aspiring to public
or additional ohoicee among the candi­ low la thumping fo r them. I t ’s the rab­
there’s only a lady inside. It must be office. The measures herein o ffe n d by
dates for any office. For an office which
members of-the People’s Pow er league is filled by the election of one person bit w ay o f calling fo r help,” said Nim­
It was Agnes driving out alooe, for the of Oregcn are expected to aid in obtain­ it may be required by law that the per­ rod. “ There, did you see that? K e e p
quiet, and don’t move.”
sole object o f passing a place which bad ing thee resu lt«.”
son elected shall be the final cboioe of
A big rabbit bad dashed Into the cir­
In discussing the recall amendment a m ajority o f the electors votin g for
a singular attraction for her, the old red ,
cottage in Honedale. She recognized tho to the constitution the proposer« say it candidates for that offioe. These prin­ cle o f the firelight. In a few minutes
doctor, and guessed whom he had with w ill be second only to the in itia tive
Thum p! thump!
ciples may ba applied by law to nom i­ another flitted In.
him. Putting up her glass, she scrutin­ and referendum. I t is pointed out that
nations by political parties and organ­ could be heard from different parts o f
ized the little figure bundled up in the people of the state cannot now re­
the fo re s t
shawls, while she smiled her sweetest call an officer once elected without isations.”
Bobby brought out a lighted acety­
smile upon the doctor.
proving him gu ilty o f a crim e beyond a knov/n to a great many o f the people of lene lantern. Th e rabbits, startled at
“ Oh, what a handsome lady ! Who is reasonable doubt.
the state, as it is the b ill which was first by the strange light, were quiet,
she?” Maddy asked.
I t is poinetd out that almost contin­ introduced in the lost session o f the also watching. Then one bold qbap,
“ That was Jessie’s mother, Mrs. Agnes
ually district attorneys and sheriffs legislature by H antley, o f Clackamas, moved by curiosity, hopped cautiously
Remington,” the doctor replied. “ She’ll
contend t v ey are unable to enforce the and defeated on the ground that it waa
feel flattered with your compliment.”
n ear; others followed. No barm result­
“ I M id what I thought. She is hand­ laws, or an assessor says it la impossi­ too voluminous snd detailed.
ing. the flret one advanced still nearer
some, beautiful, and so young, too. Wss b le to aeseee a ll property fa irly or to
In brief, It provides for ihe regulation and leaped across the patch o f lighted
that a gold bracelet that flashed so on make great wealth bear its just share o f a ll elections as to campaign expens­ ground. One, a dozen rabbits, big and
her arm? I wonder if I ’ll ever wear on* o f the burden c f governm ent. I t ie a r­ es, setting out a m axim um expense
gued that if one-fourth o f the voters o f b ill for every office voted upon by the little, followed him. Circling, he came
like that?”
“ Would you like to?” the doctor asked, the state or district cou'd bring such people, both at the prim aries and at back again and again, each time nearer
glancing at the small white wriat, «round officers face to face w ith public dis­ the general elections. These amounts to the queer little sun. W hat he did
which the datk calico sleeve was closely charge for in c o i d potency they would do are gr. de«l according to the importance others did. In augmenting numbers, un­
th eir work or else the people would get of the offioe and the scope o f the cam­ til w e counted twenty playing the game
“ Y-e-s.” came hesitatingly from Mad­ officers who would do it for thenfi. I t
paign necessary to present the oandi- o f follow the leader.
dy, who had a strong passion for jewelry. is asserted that should the law bo
Hop, hop, hlppety-hop. backward and
. . . . . . . . .
date before the people.
R ig id pro-
“ I guess I would, though grandpa classes' peesed the mere threat of Invoking rt ; vie:on8 <re
ag>ln*t indirect cam- forth and round went the shadows, a
ail such things with the pomps and vani­
would be effective in the great major -1
5 contributions and secret expens- fa iry scene. But a venturesome Jack
ties which I must renounce when I get
ty o f cases snd the people would hear M| and ik I b re^alred thak s ll political came so close to the lamp in biz Investi­
to be good. I ’ ve seen only a bit of pomp
less of m aintaining the d ign ity o f on parties muat
must fl,e
file ltat€ment«
statements o
o f f expense,
expense, gations that he burned his nose and
and vanity, but I must M y that I like
office and more of m aintaining its effi as m ost the candidates, w ith the offi­ sprang back.
what I have seen, and wish to see more.
cials having record jurisdiction over the
Instantly every rabbit disappeared.
It ’s very wicked. I know,” she kept os, cacy.
In the draft itself it is provided that positions for which the candidates are
as she met the queer expression of the '
For long we sat quiet, hoping for a re­
doctor’s face; “ and I know you think 25 per cent of the voters who oast th eir contesting.”
turn o f our entertainers, but the charm
me so bad. You are a Christian, I sup votes for an election o f justice of the
was broken.
A simple device that greatly adds to
the action for recall m ay file their pe­
(T o be continued.)
R fld ln s th e S o s th I n S s r f.
tition demanding the recall o f an offi- Che nsefulnew o f the wsshboller Is a
“ I shall never forget the first big
oer who is not enforcing the law.
recent patent o f an Oregon man. Aa w a ve I caught out there In the deep
C a t R a t « C o n t r lb a fK r a .
lir e petition shall set forth the rea­
shown In the Illus­ water,” aays Jack London In the W om ­
Jn a certain parish o f Greater New
tration, It consists an’s Home Companion. “ I saw it com­
York the rector, while admonishing his eons for demanding the recall and if
o f a drainer that ing, turned my back on It and pad-
flock on Sunday last (hat the collection the officer does not resign within five
days after the filin g o f the petition
la attached to the died fo r dear life. Faster and faster
basket receipts were steadily growing
then a special election shall be held
top o f the wash- my board went, until It seemed my
less, took occasion to declare that ‘V-er-
within 20 days to determine whether or
boiler. The drain­ would drop off. W hat was happening
tain parishioners contribute according
nqt the officer shall be recalled.
er is formed o f a behind me I could nottell. One can­
to Ihelr means, but others give In keep­
On the sample ballots at this election
series o f parallel not look behind and paddle the wind­
ing with their meanness.” lie added the petitioners shall set forth in not
(hat in measure such exhibitions o f more than 200 words the reasons for rods, which rest on the top o f the m ill stroke. I heard the crest o f the
false pretense reminded him o f the tb eir action w hile the officer shall set ivaehboller. Each rod terminates into w ave hissing and churning, and then
story told o f the pilgrim fathers u|>on forth in another 200 words hia ju stifi­ 1 hook designed to engage the beaded my board was lifted and flung fo r­
their arrival at Plymouth Rock, ’’ First cation for b it acta. A t this same elec­ rim o f the boiler, Around the edges of ward. I scarcely knew what happened
they fell u;>on-tlielr knees; then they tion other candidates for the office shall the rod la a projecting ledge, to pre­ the first half-minute. Though I kept
be nominated and the one receiving the rent the water dripping on the floor. my eyes open, I could not see any­
fell upon the aborigines."
highest vote in nom ination shall be After wringing out the clothes they a rt thing. fo r I waa burled In the rushing
T h e I ' q l l r o f l> e la r .
deemed to be elected.
mnvenlently placed on the drainer, the w hite o f the crest But I did not mind.
It is one o f the strongest things !n
In the event the aebused official re­ water dripping back Into the boiler. I was chiefly conscious o f ecstatic bliss
life how few people have settled in ceives the highest number of vote« at The device Is readily removed when (to­
at having caught the wave.
A t the
their own minds what it Is they really the election he shall remain in office. ri red.
end o f the half-minute, however, I be­
want nr who w ill take the trouble in Petitions of recall may be filed against
T k e Beat W a jr t# D s I t .
gan to see things and to breathe. I
l>e happy. “ I have often thought how members o f the legislature after he has
A w riter gives a recipe fo r making saw that three feet o f the nose o f my
much' I should like to do so und so,” served five days or longer in the first stele cookies fresh. Tho. beet recipe on board waa d e a r out o f w ater and rid­
we hear people say. and nine times out session follow in g his election. In the the apbject, however, is to make new ing on the air. I shifted my w eight
o f ten It Is something they could very esse of other officers six months mast ones. Fresh cookies are a delight, hut fo rw ard and made the nose come down.
elapse before such a petition Is filed.
easily have done, only they always put
A fter cne recall petition bos been stele one# an abomination, aad no self- Then I lay, quite at rest In the midst
it off.— London Sjieotator.
II • d and election held no other petition respecting housekeeper should tolerst« o f the w ild movement, and watched the
m ay he filed against the same officer them nor spend time trying to restore shore and the bathers on the beach
((n ic k P l n c r n .
grow distinct. I didn’t cover quite a
The dexterity o f a modern virtuoso’ s anises the petitioners pay into the pub- them to freshness.
quarter o f a m ile on that kare, because,
Pngers made a deep impression on an
G s r s ia s P fs k ls s .
to prevent the hoard from diving, I
old farm er who wns among the audi­
A p p le B ases.
Ona pack o f green tornatone sad eight shifted my w eight back, but shifted it
ence at a piano recital. Clapping both
Wash bat do not peel tart apples. large onions Slice snd mix with a cup­
too far, and fell down the rear slope
bands suddenly down upon his kneees, Slice them from the core, add just
ful o f e a lt Let stand five or six hours, o f tire w ave.”
he was beard to exclaim, “ I ’d give $100 enough w ater to keep them from burn­
drain snd add one quart o f vinegar and
to have that man pick i>eas for m «t” _
A lw a y s L a te .
ing and set at the side o f the range two quarte o f water. Again drain and
Tha knows Mm. ’B was
add two pounds o f sugar and three
Fens made o f reed on the same Hues
t* m ayor one year.
as the steel pen have been found in the rub through a colander and return to quarts o f vlnsffsr ; also two tablespoon-
Old Man— Nay, ’a never got as Mgh
tombs o f Egypt dating probably 2,500 the fire with sugar to teats, a dash o f fuls each o f doves, cinnamon, ginger,
s th a t
'B w or nobbut ex-mayor.— ,
years B. C.
o f a small lemoa. S tir until tbs sugar chopped green peppers Boil a fa ln from
Be true to your word, your work aad Is dissolved, then take from the fire one to tw o bea n , and seel la glass a t
Tha moat wearisome eroee o f rw>
your friend.— John Boyle O’Reilly.
• a d set aside to
tiglon Is a poor preacher.