paperdom in Oregon, we would suggest that he also enter the race in order to add sest to the campaign. M r. Noltner don’t IVUTTHURSDAY MORNING wear high topped boots, neither does he w rite poetry, bqt be is a walking encyclopedia oh Oregon politics. SEE N E W B E R Q G R APH IC . selves good citizens because they comply w ith the civil statutes and moral law and attend to their own business. Attending to your own busi- is a m ighty good trait, but the man who stops at th at is a poor citizen. No man can live in a community and succeed and Great enthusiasm is being prosper w ithout ow in g some­ $1.00 Per Y ear In Advance. shown over the prospect oi the rose show that is to be held in thing to society a t large and to Portland on Thursday and F ri­ th at community in particular- T . JO N * IS, j M atters o f a public or general day o f next week. On Thursday a eom petative exhibit w ill be nature demand a share o f atten­ tion from everyone. The man In • local option election lidd held a t the Forestry building so engrossed in his own affairs in Wheeler county June 3, Fossil, and a floral parade o f '2000 as to have no time fo r anything tiie county seat was voted “ dry” school children w ill be an attract* else is nothing more than a leech, Friday w ill be b y a big m ajority, while the ive feature. taking everything from society county went “ w et” by a very fiesta day w ith a monster pa­ rade o f floral decorated autom o­ and givin g nothing in return. sm all m ajority. biles, floats, equestrian dubs, He is to be classed w ith the in­ y Farmers coming into tow n m ilitary and bands, trophy and dolent rich and the parasitic during the week have been cash prises. On Saturday the hanger-on in politics or society. w earing six inch smiles, all on Oregon Development League This spirit o f selfishness is one account oi the glorious rains. Convention w ill be held. Re* to be avoided, just as prodigality I t — b o r grain and more duced rates on the railroads are or dissipation should be avoided. People are bound to differ as hay. being advertised. their natures differ and some In the light o f Colonel W atter- w ill be enthusiastic and others The death notice ot a dog, which had been given the family son’s new diagnosis of politics, inclined to indifference, but every­ name, appears in a newspaper in says the Oregonian, the position one owes a reasonable amount Newark, New Jeresy. The dog o f the Democratic party seems of interest and attention to the aho wed a better sense o f propriety more difficult and its future more common weal. Some are so self- doubtful than ever. W hat the centered as to refuse to take a than the family.* He died. party shall do to be saved he single step o r turn a hand in any -Manning may have hastened doesn’t know; but he says: “ An­ w a y in anything th at does not the issuing o f his order for the other defeat means its extinction. directly concern them; others are closing o f the Portland saloons I t means the loss o f the South to deeply concerned, but manifest on Sunday w ith a view o f get­ the Democracy. It means anew, th at concern only in a spirit of tin g ahead o f M ayor Lane, but maybe a long lease o f pow er to criticism. There is a surprising w ho cares since it appears that the Republicans. But, if the number o f people w ho w ill buy the saloons are to be closed. Democratic party goes down— a chance to kick a t any and all and we say this in kindness no times, bnt they do little good B y the time we have rounded less than in candor—M r. Bryan, and much harm. The good citi­ o a t three foil days in the last too, w ill g o down, and in the zen takes an active and intelli­ week o f June w ith the festivities revival o f a socialized Democracy gent interest in the things about o f the G. A. R. Encampment, that follow s, it w ill be Hearst, him pertaining to the common . New berg w ill no doubt feel very not Bryan, w ho w ill hold the good as w ell as the personal w ell satisfied to let other points whip hand, and the w orst o f welfare. The man who does not in the county do the celebrating this to M r. Bryan w ill be that is an incubus, though he to il in­ act on the glorious Fourth. the mass and body o f Democrats dustriously from son to sun, —particularly and universally at though he pray until, he is black Our business houses and our the South—w ill hold him answer- in the face and shonts hallelujahs residences ought to be w ell deco­ to wake the eternal hills.—Mil- able.” _______________ rated w ith flags during the G. A ton Eagle. District Attorney John M an­ R. Encampment. In order to Accidents are only results you make such decorations as nearly ning has issued an edict, that be­ ginning w ith next Sunday, the had not properly figured upon. universal as possible, can’t some saloons in Portland must close arrangement be made to enable A Fortunate Texan. the people to buy the flags a t every Sunday in the year and re­ Mr. E. W . Goodloe, of 107 St. wholesale prices? W ho w ill take main closed. The liquor men Louis street, Dallas, Texas, sayAi estimate that their losses on ac­ “ In the past year I have become the m atter up? count o f putting on the lid w ill acquainted with Dr. King’s New Present indications point to a reach the sum of $85,400 a Life Pills, and no laxative I ever before tried so effectually disposes large attendance here a t the G. month, which divided by four, of malaria and biliousness. ” They A . R. Encampment and all our makes the neat little sum o f don’t grind nor gripe. 25 c at P. citizens should lose no time in $21,350 which has been going H. Caldwell & Co’s, drug store. putting their homes and sur­ over the bars in the metropolis In casting slurs be very careful rounding premises in shape for of Oregon every Sunday, for the m aking a favorable impression estimates are doubtless made on that they are not boomerangs. on the visitors. A little here and past receipts. One o f the best Ho Fired the Stick. there w ill do much in the w ay of known liquor men o f the city is " I have fired the walking stick m aking things about tow n look reported to have said th at be ex­ I ’ve carried over forty years, on neat and presentable, and we pects to see Oregon a Prohibi­ acconut of a sore that resisted every ow e it to ourselves to do our tion state w ithin five years, and kind of treatment, uotil I tried men who are engaged in the sa­ Bocklen’s Arnica Salve; that has best. » loon business must be credited healed the sore and made me a As further p roof o f the claim w ith making as close a study ot happy man,” writes John Garrett, of North Mills, North Carolina. made by the Graphic that the the trend o f the times as any­ Guaranteed for piles, burns, etc., Oregon Agricultural College is body. In a w a y the movement by F. H. Caldwell & Co.,.druggist. so conducted th at the farmer has seemed rather slow, some­ Z5C... y.j boys are known among the stu­ times, but to those who do not dents as “ hayseeds” and are not believe th at the saloon has any made the “ main push,” as they right to exist things are looking should be, we cite the tact that pretty good. Gives Music Tuition in Piano, while the graduates this year Organ, Voice Cultivation, Har­ Wednesday o f next week is mony, and Composition. from the agricultural depart­ Pupils now enrollling for Sum­ ment number fourteen and house­ pioneer day in Portland, when the boys and girls who followed mer Term, hold science nine, the graduates from the electrical and other de­ the slow plodding ox teams across the parched desert plains, partments number forty-five. back in the Forties and Fifties, The crown prince o f Spain has on the long tram p to the Oregon been baptized and loaded down country where Uncle Sam held w ith the name Alphonse P io out an offer o f a full section of Cfaristino Eduardo Francisco land to man and wife, w ill meet Gueleemo Carlos Enrique Fer­ and live the old days over again. nando Antonio, and this in face They are no longer young and o f the fact that the hot season is the white locks and tottering approaching w ith the hives and step tell the tale o f long years teeth cutting to be expected. spent in pioneering in this g rea t The kid., has much to contend Northwest country, rich in re­ w ith a t this early stage o f its sources, and now making rapid existence, and nothing but a strides in the w ay o f develop­ good constitution and plenty ment. Among the number the o f soothing syrup w ill pull it death roll has been a long one during the past year and accord­ through. ing to the course ot nature the W ith the assurance that we funeral service w ill be said over w ill have a foil crop o f home the graves o f many more the grow n candidates fo r the toga coming y e a r .' Their a n n u a l ot United States Senator, the re­ gathering this year comes the p o rt comes from San Francisco week of the rose carnival. L et th a t Joaquin M iller is arranging each and every one o f them be to return to Oregon and enter fbow ered w ith the finest roses the race under the direct primary that can be gathered. la w . Since our old friend, Tony Good G tk en shlp. Noltner, w as a partner m the PffOf. Je S. GET THE newspaper business w ith Miller, There ara people in nearly all during the early days o f news- communities who consider them- 0 . 6 C .M K IU U A M CO 1 • »•M M l U h m , S t r lM fle h Orange Elliott KILL TN« OOUGH M 0 cune Champion Binders and Mowers B E S T B IN D E R M AD E TNI L U N C 8 Dr. King’s New Discovery /C FOR I OUOHS S Me Sft.00 1 W ITH onsumption m IS O L D S phm Free Trial. King A Bennett Hdw. Co. Onr—t end Oulckeot Cara for ail THROAT and LTJHG T&OUB- T elephones. W hen you are getting a phone it w ill be to your interest and satisfaction to get one o f s high grade. The Strom berg-Carlson is a high grade standard phoi a approvi and has. been approved adopted by the N ew b erg Mutual Telephone Co., after trying and using several cheaper and differ­ ent makes o f phones. For sale by S. J. M A D S 0 N , utual phone 18-3- Administrator’s Notice. White Shoes For Everybody Nolle« la hereby ft Ten that the nod erti fn «& appointed by the eoonty eonrt of Yamhill eoonty, Oregon, administrator ot the eetate oi O. H. Cone, deeenaed. Now, therefore, all persona barine claims against said astate are hereby notified and re­ quired to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at the Bank o! Newberg, in Newberg. YemhIU eoonty, Oregon, within six months from the date o< this notice. Dated May 8th, 1907. I. C. COLCORD, Administrator ot the ostata ot O. r . » , VINTON and CLARENCE SOTT, Attorneys for astete. R eal Estate A residence o f thirty-five years in Oregon gives me a gooc knowledge o f real estate values. Call or w rite me fo r information. JO H N SH EARER. References: Bank o f N ew berg, First National Bank. ( .« p in The place to get your DRUGS & MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTION WORK A SPECIALTY. Books, Stationery, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Camara and Kodaks and all kinds o f Camera c 9 M V jgm aad p MJ I^ i)e —t-------- -— ------------- ------- ip iie LESSONS O IV B N IN K O D A K ' KKY N elson & Hanson OTHERS Standard” P a in t Commands the highest price in all parts of the There is so much more for your moneys It goes so much farther, It covers so much better, sod It lasts so much longer, It ma^e» the work cod leu at first and far leaa per year oi wear. I Our cards and booklets tell how to save m oaej and get best results. Ask us. Dealers in Bicycles Ammunition Umbrellas Canes Patterson, Parrish & Co. Guns Sporting g’ds Parasols Etc. J. B. Mount AH lands o f repairing neat* ly and promptly done. Nelson & Hanson Plumbing! at that We would like d m Both Fix* do your LET US fkhjrb W e are now located in the old W hite House hotel building a » j are prepared to serve our customers in whatever they wish in our tine. W e have to our Confection- tine Fruits, Ice Cream and Soft Drinks Frigid. WITH YOU. Clem enson A E vans T H E GAZELLE