Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 23, 1907, Image 1

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    • A
Editors Most In McMinnville
and Organize.
tell them during the w hole voy­ those who suffered, fought
age all about the Oregon coun- died for the perservatjon of
(/»vt*uu*v iu o u u n
With this in view, through if* ing you the good* and would
sheep they floclted around him,
and during the journey to Cin­ work in patrotic instruction (in like to add you to our list oi
A meeting o f the newspaper cinnati nothing w as too good for co-operation with the Quarter- thousands o f pleased customers,
. men o f Yamhill county was called the envoy. When he reached master General) the Grand Army
T h b E ilcbs P iano H ouse ,
t o meet at McMinnville on last Cincinnati he considered himself o f the Republic has made final
Friday, when the' Telephone- to o w orthy a man to g o by a arrangements t o . reproduce In Next to Buckley's Confectionery.
Register, News-Reporter, Sheri­ common stage coach, and ordered I bronze, tablet form, the complete
text of this immortal address, in
Estate Transfers,
dan Sun, North Yamhill Record, a separate vehicle.
. . .
~~~ ~ -
D ayton
In Pennsylvania, where he en- uniform size 24x26 inches. In a i
o*w »*. McMinn»m.
Graphic were represented by the countered a railroad for the first wide margin above the text this
respective owners.
time; he told the stage company design indudes full size outlinest \ G B Detnering to J C Nichols
. Temporary organisation w as! to charge the expense t o Unde o f the seven Corps Badges, which et al Its in Dayton and 12 ac ad-
effected by the election o f Mr. Sam, and be was fortunate designate each of the Grand Di- joining $2.00
Y oung of the Sun as chairman enough to escape w ithout arrest, visions o f the Union Army en* J W Cooke to A Cooke t 54
and Mr. Martin o f the Telephone But the railroad train w as an- gaged on that field. The indi- Hurley’s sub Hess d l c $200.
Begiater as secretary. A general other affair, and when Meek saw I
discussion'follow ed, relative to the conductor come tow ard him
the needs o f a permanent organ- he w as truly “ treed” for an ex-
ization, in view o f the benefits to pedient. But w hat did he do but
be derived by fostering a m orel begin to yell in Chinook and
fraternal spirit am ong the mem- grimace at the man. Chinook
bers of the press in the county, was the m ost unearthly langu-
and after the appointment o f I age that be knew. By that
joining $1300.
necessary committees, all ad- means he staved o ff the conduct-
joum ed to meet at the dinnerIor until he g o t to W ashington,! m atk effort ^to place in public ¡ U S to C P Nelson 120.95 ac in
hour in the dining room o f thelD . C., where he told the con. schools, in principal buildings a c e 4 t 4 s r 6 w
Yamhill Hotel, where a good doctor w ho he bras and very and Post Halls in every com - jkWm Gcldard and w f to J Wen-
munity, in permanent form, uerberg 48x132 f t in Carlton
Lincoln’s im m ortal tribute t o #3000.
those “ w ho died that the Nation |-1 C Coleman to B W Nelson 45
might live.”
t ac, in c 4 1 t 3 s r 4 w $2060.
It is belived that school super-
H J Hughson and w f to Wm
follow ing resolutions were pre- be told to m nain on pay while
intendents and other patrotic Gddard It 5 blk 1 Kutch’s 2nd
he ate.
Thereupon he walked into the citizens will gladly participate in and Carlton $1500.
Whereas the state o f Oregon is
MJ Olds to A K Olds pt cl 75 t
enjoying unprecedented prosper­ dining room and when the wait- this effort by w ork and generous
contributions. A presentation 4 s r s w $ 2 0 0 0 .
ity and development, and
plate is in the lower centre o f
S E Hill to M E Reitzel Its 1 2
Whereas the county of Yamhill
29 L aF ajette$825.
is rich in natural resourses that
Marthr P McCern Its 1 2 Hau-
sfftrald be brought to the atten­
virths 1st add North Yamhill
from, sah,” and ordered bear
tion o f home seekers, and
Whereas we consider it the meat, venison and other back-
B H Miller to D R Hutchens s
du ty o f every" public spirited citi­ w oods delicacies, but had to con­
We are pleased to offer to the i oi Andrew Harvey d 1 c 1 3 s r
zen to do his part in advancing tent himself with beef.
the interests o f his county and
But Meek did not have any good people o f Newberg and i w $225.
inducing a good class o f citizens means o f paying his lull, and- so vicinity, one o f the greatest op ­ Lake McKern (by admr) to M
t o locate here and take advan- accordingly tried to attract all portunities to purchase a piano
tage o f our wonderful climate the attention to himself be could. for their homes that it has ever S T 2 w $1260.
For that reason he ate all the I been their good luck to take ad­ J R Edwards and w f to W R
and resources, and
Whereas we can better serve steak a t one bite, and asked the vantage of. Starting Friday Armstrong Its 1 6 blk 42 LaFay-
the community by acting in hat- negro waiter for more than a morning, M ay 24th we will offer ette $366.
Louisa Cam and w f to F K
anony on questions of importance; single bite, saying to him, “ I’ll our entire stock o f pianos, pia­
tell you my name when yon do nolas, etc., a t practically whole­ Heider 122.94 ac in 1 5 s r 6 w
therefore, be it
Resolved, That the editors o f me ample justice.’ ’
sale prices, composed o f the fol­ $3750.
U S to Henry H Simms 313.32
the newspapers published in
The waiter brought back a low ing well known m a k e s :
Yamhill county organize an as­ great platter o f steak, and Meek j Schuman, Jacob Doll, Marshall a c d 5 0 t 5 s r 7 w.
C C Ferguson and w i to M ary
sociation to be known as the contented himself for la. time. & Wend all, Baily Baus, Pianolas,
Yam hill County Press Associa­ When-he had finished the waiter Foster & C o., Bilers Bros, and E Nesbit It 5 6 blk 3 Deskins 4th
asked him his name. Meek an­ others. By taking advantage o f add Newberg $600.
B M Graves (B y Sheriff) to J
Follow ing the adoption o f swered: “ Well sah, I will inform this great sale you will be able
these resolutions, supplemented yon o f my name now , as I prom ­ to save enough on any piano to Grissen 120 ac sec 23 t 4 s r 6 w
b y the adoption o f a constitution ised. I am Colonel Joseph L. pay for your child’s musical edu­ $7.55.
John Auer and w f to Kirk P
and bylaw s, permanent organis­ Meek, envoy extraordinary from cation.
L oop 2 ac in S F Staggs d 1 c 1 4
ation w as effected by the elect ion Oregon territory to President
Here are a few of our offers:
o f G. B. Martin, president; T. B. Polk.” , The waiter, of course,
One $30b piano, ten yea n s r 4 w $425.
.'■* Eva Fundman to Paul Fund-
Van Orsdol, vice president; C. C. was not astonished, but as many guarantee, at $197.
Hammerly, secretary and treas­ prominent men were dining in
One $375 piano, ten yea n man land in t 5 s r 6 w $1000
the same place, Meek hoped to guarantee, at $225.
Prank H Akers and w f to John
be recognized by some of them,
One $425 piano, unlimited S Jnnor und % o f 33.33 ac in D
H ow Jos M ask Traveled W ill». and sure enough a nephew, who guarantee, at $276.
Layfield d l c i n t 3 s r 2 w $330.
was private secretary to Presi­ One $400 piano, unlimited
H. C. Merriman, a student in dent Polk, knew him, settled for guarantee, at $272.
the historical department at the his meal and took him immedi­ One $375 piano, ten years
University o f Oregon, while ately to the president’s mansion guarantee, at $225.
One $500 piano, unlimited
working on a thesis dealing with as he much desired.
guarantee, at $290.
the famous Joe Meek, recently
One $250 pianola, with one
discovered some unique and in­
teresting facts. When Joe Meek
year’s music $175, and a few
made his famous trip to Wash­ The following .is the text o f a oth en we haven’t room to men­
ington, be did not take with him circular which is to be sent out tion.
any money, for the Oregon terri­ to all G. A. R. Posts throughout
Bach and every instrument is
brand new and fresh from the
tory had none. That fact did the United States.
n ot bother him in the least, until
Survivors o f the Union Army factory and each is sold under
h e^ reacM St. Louis. There he and Navy value highly a proper the Bilers guarantee, vi^: If not
planned to g o up the river to system o f patrotic instruction, satisfactory and just as repre­
Cincinnati by steamboat, but he and in their declining years have sented, you t money is prom ptly
could not ceueeivehow he should been impressed with a sense o f refunded or a new piano in ex­
mahe the passage. T w o rival duty to extend to the future change. We can take pleasure
packets were m s king the run, some standard expression o f in referring you. to more tlpun
both starting about tb s same patrotism . F or this puopose fifty satisfied customers right in
time. Meek went t o ode, and there is nothing so fitting as this vicinity, and each a living
advertisement for us and if you
asked the captain if he would Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
bring a crow d of tra fic aboard
No < w ords have invoked a are n o t even thinking o f buying
his boat wotdd he give him his higher and deeper love o f coun­ a piano for tw o or thrae years
passage. The captain readily try than this brief address o f the yet you can save from $75 to
great War President. Spoken $125 by buying n o w ./ Yon can
Colonel Joseph L. Meek then upon a battle field while yet the make your ow n terms if you
went to the deck o f the boat and war between fellow countrymen don’t see fit to pay the cash. We
addressed the crowd of travelers, was in progress, it has not one! will be pleased t o accomm odate No room to particularisa. Glad to
many o f whom were already on word o f bitti
or reproach. you. If you have an old Organ
that though when you call.
the boat o f the com petitor. He It is brief yet comprehensive and or Piano we will take it in
introduced himself, stating that eloquent and is appropriate to exchange on the new one.
A ll goods
Bach and every customer call­
he w as envoy extraordinary every battlefield o f the w ar for
from Oregon to President Polk. the Union. Therefore it is that ing Friday, whether yon bay at
Then he began to persuade them this masterpiece o f rhetorical art the present time or not, will be
ia Ms virile language, (f they seems best fitted for all utter- presented w ith a copy o f the
Next to Postofffce.
latest popular song ami souvi-
w ould com e aboard he would
Is the best thing we have to offer our de­
positors. Other inducements are o f sec­
ondary importance. Upon this ha«* we
solicit your patronage.
_ __ _
A. Nelson
M. Matschen bâcher
A. R. Mills
Jno. Larkin
C ri» Beks
A. C. Seely
Bernard Groth
Jennie Larkin
W i m. ■—
L. B. Ferguson
Maynard Redmond
Henry Mills
D irectors and Shareholders
F U R N IT U R E , C A R P E T S , L IN O L E U M , W A L L
P A P E R , W IN D O W
SH A D E S ,
H E A T E R S , R A N G E S A N D G R A N IT E W A R E
A F in e L in e O f F a in t»
W e Have
The Goods
invite you
take no
attention to ou r
H ay
F ree D elivery
all O .
B oth
F eed an d Im p le m e n t H ou aa
rropnetora or
N ew berg Sash A D oor
i/o o r t , w in o o w s , itici
Turned W ork
M ade to O rder.
and W eekly O im -
u rapsK and Sm ni-W aaU y
J orn a l» $1.78»