/ Real Estate TrausfOrs. Our Spring Stock O f Clothing, Shoes and Gents Furnish­ ings are arriving, which includes the nicest, nobbiest things in Men's Toggery that can be had. Call and see. The best of Tailor M ade Suits from $14.50 to $45.00. N ew samples on display. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Hodson Bros C lo th ie rs A Furnishers O rd e r Y o u r E a ste r S u it N O W I Money Can Buy P A TE N T HARD W H E A T FLOUR M ADE A T HO M E City Free Delivery SM ortod b r tho Yam b ill CobntT Com pan t . U o MI o b t IU« Abmrant J L Hoskins and w f to Anna B Alsop nVi blk 4 Deskins 2nd add N ew berg $1000. Sally Hutchens to Jesse R Hutchens 26 a cl 53 1 4 s r $ $ 1 . D W Crigle to Joseph M arion Ogle 9 0 a s e c 4 t 4 s r 4 $5000. A lbert C layson to Rose Lin k y Its 5 and 6 blk 21 H & L a d d to N ew berg $250. Geo F Chevalier to W EfOt- tinger It 13 blk 1 Bibees add Sheridan $45. W T M ah ar and w i to Frank J Dam ewood and w f 19 a cl 5 0 1 4 $1800. Jno D C K o berg to Catherine W ind 25 a c l 72 t 3 s r 3 $1200. L B Antrim (b y trustee) to R ay Nash parcel o f land in A M atheney d 1 c t 5 s r 3 $13. T J Teeters to C L Zum w alt 65.03 a in sec 2 2 1 2 s r 3 $2000. Elbert B risto w to A drain B o w ­ m an It 7 blk 4 Deskins 4th add N ew berg $236. Michel Schnur to Samuel Otto 130 a sec 15 t 2 s r 3 $4000. R W K irk and w f to city of N ew berg I a s e c 7 t 3 s r 2 $100. Enos A Ellis to d ty of N ew berg 1 a sec 7 t 3 s r 2 $100. F a y U g lo w et al to J S M a r­ tin sm all tract in McMinmrille $1300. Wanted and For Sale. T w o thousand Gold D ollar F o r sale cheap, a second hand straw berry plants a t three dol­ fruit evaporator. N. F. Byers. lars a hundred. \ "v’ The W eekly Oregonian $1.50, D. C. A t k in , the Graphic $ 1 . 0 O--the tw o for N ew berg, Oregon, $ 2 . 00 . R. F . D. N o. 1. ' Those having property tor sale should list It w ith Newhouse & W ilson. Berry crates for sale by Vincent Feed & Im plem ent Co. Better order now. ' Gilt-edge proposition fo r a hustling real estatf m an a t home. W rite today Jacobs-Stine Com ­ pany, P ortlan d , Oregon. 5-16 Jeweler, Sm all farm o f 68 acres. T w o sets o f buildings, w ell w atered, conveniently located one mile north o f B ank o f New berg. A ll kinds ot fruit. C all and see the place. A. E . B ow m an . Card of Thanks. G . W . Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Missouri, had a Borrow aw cape four years ago, when he ran s simeon bur into his thumb. He W y «: “The doctor wanted to am­ putate It but I would, not consent. I bought a box of Buckleo’s Arnica Skive sod that cured the dangerous wound.” ajc at F. H . Caldwell A I saac Roberts a n d F am ily . 8 tage M an ager—W hy didn't yon come forth when yon go t y o n r cue, “Com e forth?” Super —O i w a s w a s w aitin ' tor ths other three to g o on first. Sum, an* h ow could Oi eome fourth if I w ent first?”_______ “ You have a bright look, my youth. “T h a t’s because I k to rinse the soap off my A Good Bank Ladies A id Society o f the M . E. church w ill have a dinner F ri­ day, M a y 3rd, beginning a t 5.30 o'clock, in the basem ent o f the church. A ll are kindly invited. Dinner 25c. 5-2 doesn't am ount to much as a m an. A real m an, yon must remember, is one w h o does things and isn 't afraid to take the right side ot a question amd fight tor it. T h at m an is sure o f m aking enemies.— B eaver State Herald. W e w ish to thank the m any friends for their kindness and also tor the beautiful flowers in our late bereavement. 5-18 * F ob R e n t —H ouse, tw< fifteen acres plough land 113, Turner, Oregon. W righ t & W hite have put on their o w p free delivery w agon. Good cook stove, piped loi Phone in your o td e n and they hot water, used about one year w ill receive prom pt attention. J. H . M ills , o f Standard Pullman MI been troubled with kid' ney disease for the last five years ” writes Robert R. Watts, of Salem Missouri. *'I lost flesh and never felt well and doctored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without relief. Finally I tried Foley’s Kidney Cure and less than two bottles completely cored me and I am now sound and well.” During the summer kidney irregularities are often caused by excessive ,drinking or being over­ heated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley’s Kidney Chre. For sale by>p. H . Caldwell & Co. . Fine fruit farm near tow n, ten acres bearing fruit, good im­ provements, new drier. Enquire a t this office. F o r express and light hauling leave orders a t Rich’s grocery« W arren & Stater a t M cM inn­ ville, the county seat of Yam hil county, Oregon, have severa sm all places for sale, ran gin g in price from $100 to $125 per acre; also a fine list ol farm s for sale, both large and sm all, price from W C Christenson and w t to D $15 to $60 per acre, if you W & L E Heston .82 a J H Hess w an t t o locate in the best p art d l c t 3 s r 2 $250. o f the W illam ette valley come D W & L E Heston to E R and see us. H orton .82 a J H Hess d 1 c t 3 s r 2 $ 200 . A ndrew R iggs and w f to Paul Fundm an e% neVi sec 16 t 5 s r a$ 2 8 0 . M olly Pierce to Paul Fundm an 19.05 a i n s e c l 8 t 6 s r 7 $60. H P New ton and w f to Sarah A n eighty acre form on Cheha A M urphy 46.62 a in J R Young lem m ountain. Term s reason­ . d 1 4 s r 4 $4200. able if taken a t once. Five dairy r D O Durham and w f to H D cow s g o w ith place. ** Rohn It 1 blk 6 Oak P ark add M . D. J ones , M cM innville $85. I H Hutchens and w f to John M Stone n V* blk 9 Deskins 2nd add to N ew berg $500. P . 0 . B arber Shop— H a ir cut­ M T H illard told w f t o J n o M R oot and w f 10 a Jas Badley d 1 tin g 25, shaving 10. Everything new, dean and up-to-date. O ur c 1 3 s r 2 $1500. m otto is good w o rk guaranteed. C has M Agee and w f to Ed H T a y lo r54 a cl 37 1 4 s r 6$12J 5. T h s N ew berg M eat Co Seth A M ills and w f to John H a s the best facilities for fur­ G ow er 4 a D D Deskins d 1 c in t nishing first class m eats and 3 s r 2 $2200. * butchers’ supplies, and the best M aude K elso and hus to W A is none to o go o d for their cus­ tom ers. Free delivery and both H ow e 4 5 a s e c 3 2 t 2 s r 5 $ l . phones. ______ ______ Am os R M oom aw and w f to D A G ood M a rk e t W Dorrance Its 9 ,1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ,1 3 , 14, 28 H obsons F ruit L an d sub $3000. w ith A . D. Christianson & Co., Geo C C arl to D W Dorrance 329 Second street, Portland, Its 26, 27, 29, 30 H obsons Fruit w h o handle fish, ponltrv and produce. Any produce shipped L an d sub $1200. W m M ilne to fas M cDougall and w f $148.69 a sec 4, 9 1 4 s r 3 $9000. _____________ “ H e haan?t an enemy on earth,” W as W anting Aw ay. W ill help any man to do business in a more satisfactory w ay than an old-fashioned institu­ tion. I f you w ant to know our methods and resources call on our cashier or send us your name. W e invite the closest inspection o f our investments. W e are w illin g to loan money in large o r small sums on good security. BANK OF NEWBERG J. C. COLCORD, Cashier ____________ ! r e s ta u m n T Spring j j Goods j $ 3 f Ì I I 3 W hen you are hungry try 3 the W hite House Restaurant 3 where w arm meals w ill be served a t all hours. Fine line o f Spring Goods on display at the y N ew b erg Racket Store Location—Glen H otel M. J. NASH ft 00. j M rs. C J. Leavitt re ? I An ou n ce off P r e ­ vention is worth a pound of Cure. H e r b in E . your stomach with arsenic, calomel, quinine sad ‘he system leaving symptoms that it takes years tc obliterate. nerMne is purely vegetable containing nothin« injurious, and is a gentle harmless purgative. C H R P «; CONSTIPATION, CHILLS AND „ .V FEVER, DYSPEPSIA. MALA­ RIA AND A LL U V E R COMPLAINTS. Does More Than W e Claim . Don C. Morrison, Kissimmee, Fla. writes: “ I have need several bottles of Herblne myself and have advised several of mv friends to use same. I have found it to be the beet medicine for the liver I ever used. It acts gent­ ly at the same time thoroughly.” PLEASING — PRICE Soc. _ HARMLESS Ballard Snow Liniment Co. M fcM tt North Second Strato. ST. LOUIS. M A H arrow Escape. Sold and Recommended by 0. r. NOOKS, Newbenr. Ora W onderful Ecsema Cure. H ow often do we hear it re­ marked: “ It's only s cold,” sod a few days later learn tha( the mao is on bis back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurs nee that a cold, however slight, should not be disregarded. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy counteracts say tendency of s cold to result in pneu­ monia, and bus gained its great popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cares end is pleasant to take. For sale ^y C. F. “ Our little boy bad eczema for five years, writes N . A . Adams, Henrietta, Pennsylvania. “Tw o of our borne doctors said the earn was hopeless, his lungs being effected. W e then em ployed others but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Electric Bitters; bought a bottle and soon noticed im prove­ ment. W e continued this medidoe until several bottles were used, when our boy was completely cured.” Best of all blood medi­ cines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed to F. H . Cald­ well A Co’s, drag Mon. 50 c.