N E W B E R Q G R A P H IC . k i n matter at the poeto® c* at Newberg, Oregon. B S U K D B V B K Y T H U R S D A Y M O R N IN G a n . WOODWARD. W . C. WQOOWARD, $1.00 Per Y ear in A dvance. notices may not be necessary, bat in the larger districts in the townspeople depend on the local papers for such information and a little tw o by six notice is passed unnoticed. It is safe to say that tw o dozen people did not know that a school meeting was being held last Friday in Newberg. "G raft!” M innesota Reunion. THURSDAT. JANUARY *, IMI. The bargain sales are now on and it is "n o trouble to show goods.” Better read what our advertisers have to say. The Oregonian and the States­ man each issued holiday editions that were filled with valuable in­ formation for the homeseeker. An Indiana woman offers $5 for a husband. She will probably get one, but husbands picked up from the bargain counter are dear at any price. Better “ meek­ ly w ait and murmur not” than to take shell worn goods. Frank C. Baker, ex-State Print­ er, died at his home in Portland Wednesday at the age o f 53. He made a fortune out o f the office the tw o terms he held it, and leaves a w idow and little daugh­ ter with property valued at $ 200 , 000 . The gathering o f the Minne­ sotans on New Years day chilled iere sufficiently to cause the falling o f a few flakes o f snow, but on the following morning the Oregon weather man go t his "first wind” and the patter, patter o f the rain up, on the ro o f restored confidence, for we were back again to. good old winter time in Oregon. Don’t do it again. The Portland Advocate says: " I f some of the preachers would CSCbtw meddling into the affairs t>f operating -.slot machines, rooming-houses, saloons and other things that do not directly belong to their profession, and attend to things that belong to their line, such as visiting the rick, helping the poor and af­ flicted, lifting up the fallen, care for the dying, preach "and teach tbfc brotherhood of man, they might be some good to a com­ munity.” The preachers com­ plained o f will no doubt gladly enter into an agreement to "es­ chew,” as suggested by the Ad­ vocate, the day on which the slot machines, rooming houses, saloons and "other things” shall cease to turn ont the sick, the poor, the afflicted, the fallen and the dying. In the matter of teaching and preaching "the brotherhood o f man” we ques­ tion the orthodoxy o f the Advo­ cate. A family reunion is always one o f the green spots along life’s pathway from childhood to old age, and the larger the gathering o f the flock the greater is the in­ terest taken in it. 'This was the view taken by the Minnesota colony located in and about Newberg, when they conceived the idea o f calling for a gather­ ing o f their forces on the opening day o f the new year, at Crater’s hall, for a big feed and an all round good time. The published call met with a hearty response and on Tuesday morning they came in from all directions, carrying baskets of eatables, any one ot which would feed a thrashing crew o f hungry men. When the crowd had gathered permanent organiza­ tion was effected and the follow ­ ing officers elected for, the ensu­ ing year: E. R r"lforton, presi­ dent; Geo. Graves, secretary; Mrs. N. J. Sykes, treasurer. The first thing o f interest was the photographing o f the large company: The early morning fall of " t he beautiful” lent a touch o fg a y e ty to the hearts o f those present; and it was needless for tfye "man behind the camera” to caution them with the time worn expression for each face, indeed, looked pleasant. Dinner was served from 12:30 until 2:30 and fully one hundred and fifty loyal Minnesotans par-, took o f the good things with which the tables were loaded. And evidently the cooks were in­ spired by the season’s first snow, as the eatables seemed to have the real M innesota flavor. The register shows that nearly every county in the state was represented, from the north ‘to the south and from the east to thewest. _ • Interesting remarks by H. A. Grafe, Rev. Jos. Hall, C. E. New- house, A. T. Behnke, E. R. H or­ ton and others, interspersed with music, both vocal and instru­ mental, made a very pleasant program. The numbers w orthy o f special mention were a vocal solo entitled "Th e Homeland” by Miss E l e a n o r Satchwell which was exceedingly well ren­ dered, a charming recitation by Almeda Conrad and a "Dan­ ish Song” by Olive and Garfield Johnson called for much ap­ plause. Many warm words o f praise were spoken o f Minnesota "The Star o f the North” but bidding farewell to their native they had come to Oregon ing for health and long life, as the president expressed it realized the dream o f his life when he came to Oregon.” So the party dispersed voting to hold the pleasant gatherings annually. In the past few years the State Press Association has at different times insisted that the tax payers would be benefitted by the pas­ sage of a law requiring many more legal notices published in the papers, and immediately there has been somebody ready to shout “ graft!” Well, let us Marriage Licenses. see. The school law requires that notices calling for a meeting Daisy Fletcher 18, to o f the tax payers o f a school dis­ Lady 21. trict shall be posted on three Ruth Cook 20, to Clyde “ gate posts,” or something to 23. that effect. Our school board Lillie McKern 24, to Isaac Via followed the law and what was the result? When the meeting son 29. Isabelle Evans 24, to Claude was held on Friday afternoon Fendall 24. there were just seven residents of Valeria Molsby Patty 28, to the district present and yet the enrollment in the school is 583, Win. Wiley Reed 33. Daisy L. Potter 30, to Geo. A. taxable property has a valua­ McCullock 32. tion o f $718,532.50, and an Lavia Viletta Crosiar 18, to eight and a half mill tax was Roy Lewis Hanville 25. voted, which will take more Constance M. A. Frances 18, than $6000 out o f the pockets o f to Ullery A. Hadley 20. the people this year. The Graph Etta B. Redmond 29, to ic is not calling in question the mer E. Wheeler 35. wisdom ot the few who attended the meeting and voted the tax, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy but we do insist that fifty cents „ Absolutely Harmless. or a dollar spent in advertising Every mother should know that a $6000 proposition in a news­ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is paper would not be a very big perfectly safe for children to take, "g ra ft.” Id small outlying dis­ i it contains nothing harmful. For tricts the publication o f such sale by C. F. Moore. Adm inistrator’s Notice. No So* U hereby >1 . van that tha «indorata ih < i beam duly appuin mad administrator of the ta of John Had issati oatata county court of OfOfOO, lor Yomhltl county. Now, therefore, all penen* haring dal agaln