NEW BERG GRAPHIC. ■ M 7 X D I W K Y T H U R S D A Y H O R N IN G m. W OODWARD. W . C. WOODWARD. $1.00 Per Year in Advance. ments—and among the number will be found those who insist that they must sleep in tents in order to breathe pure air at night—will take their seats with a self-satisfied air, perfectly oblivious to the fact that every window in the hall is closed air tight and the stifling atmosphere o f the room is heavy enough to make an ox breathe with discom­ fort. L o q v Tennessee Fight. For twenty years W. L. Rawls, of Bells, Tennessee, fought nasal Qa­ tar rah. He writes: “ The swell­ ing and soreness inside my nose was fearful, till I began applying Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to the sore surface; (his caused the soreness to disappear, never to return." Best salve in existence. 35c at F. H. Caldwell & Co’s., druggist. Clubbing R a t««., THURSDAY, DECK M BIR *7. IMA The Graphic is sorry to note that Walter Hoge has sold the Forest Grove Times to W, H. Parker and W. T. Fogle. The new owners are no doubt all right, but it has appeared to us during the five and a half years Mr. Hoge has had charge o f the Times, that he has always been on the right side o f almost all questions, and his paper has been one ot our exchanges that we have always read with inter­ est and quoted from treely. Mr. Hoge is a man ot convictions and he has not been afraid to express them courteously but fearlessly. That, is our kind oi a man and that is the reason we are sorry to see our friend leave the field o f Oregon newspaper- dom. He probably would have made more money in the business if he had not been so free to ex­ press his opinion about some things that he thought ought not t o be allowed to exist, but the fact that the money consider­ ation did not have the “ balance o f power“ with him is another reason why the Graphic dislikes to see him leave the field. We hope the new owners o f the Times are made o f the same kind o f stnff. We need more like him i n the ranks o f Oregon news­ paper men, Every young man starting out in life should resolve never to run a hill at a store unless some adversity should drive him to it. He had better by far borrow a little money to start with, if need be, than to begin going in debt at the store and thereby placing his nose on the grind­ stone. “ Pay as you g o “ is a m otto that should be hung up in every household and rigidly ad­ hered to. Better do a little skimping to avoid contracting store debts, than to be compeled to lay awake o f nights later on, worrying over the bill that is almost sure to be much larger than you ever expected it to be. The merchant must charge enough more for his goods to cover all losses on bad bills and the whole credit business is a curse to the country, and es­ pecially is it a curse to the young man who takes steps early in life to become a slave to the sys­ tem. Don’t do it. ^ When mention was made a few days ago o f the need o f some better business houses on First street a resident remarked that Newberg was a one story town and consequently there was no demand for more tw o story buildings. It all depends on the people. If we are content to have a one story tow n we will ' never have any other kind. In fact, if we have no other ambi­ tion it w on’t be long until we will be satisfied to see the one story go without paint. We don’t want to see any money spent extravagantly, but the de­ mand for better things for New­ berg will come largely as the people, hy their energy and push, make way for it. If we set down with a self satisfied air we may be sure that men o f push will “ pass hy on the other side.” Why don’t women make a busi­ ness ot using profane language the same as some men do? Part­ ly because society demands that they shall refrain from the habit and partly because they have more consideration for decency and good manners. This is only another instance where society makes a great mistake in setting up one standard tor men and an­ other for women. Women how­ ever are responsible to a great extent for the existence o f the double standard. While it is true that men should be men without being driven to it, it is a fact that women could easily correct many objectionable hab­ its in men if they would only say the word and stick to it. The Times ventures the asser­ tion that there is not another tow n in Western Oregon, as old as Forest Grove with the same population, or anywhere near the same, that can boast o f as many newly painted residences or as little moss on the roofs. The term “ mossback” certainly is not applicable to the houses in our beautiful little city.—Times. That is a pretty safe proposi­ tion. There are tew towns in Oregon as old as Forest Grove and the people are enterprising and energetic. Newberg is still in her 'teens but we will enter the “ show ring” for well painted houses with any o f ’em. The Weekly Oregonian $1.50, the Graphic $1.00—the tw o for $ 2 . 00 . That's It! Cough yourself into a fit of spasms and then wonder why you don’t get well. If you will only try a bottle of Ballard’s Horehoand Syrup your cough will be a thing of the past. It is a positive cure for coughs, influenza, bronchitis and all pulmonary diseases. One bottle will convince you—at your druggist’s, 25c, 50c $ 1 . Sold by Chas. F. Moore. Who needs a Watch? How much do you wish to pay? Come here for a $1.60 watch. Or a $100.00 one. Or all the prices in between. We are watch specialists. It’s a branch o f our business that we think just about the most , important o f any. BY DOINO YOUR TRADING IN N B W B ER Q You will Find we carry as Complete a Line of We personally select all our time-pieces, and we mean it when we tell you that to-day we are able to meet your watch needs with particular advantage to you. fcr Hardware and Implements We have studied watch values from one end to the other— and you can safely trust to our experience. , Our Prices will save you money and the quality o f our goods can not be ex­ celled. M il I C IV IIL L O The place to get your START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT As Can Be Found. newberg JEWELER W e wish you a happy and Next to Postoffice. prosperous N ew Y ear. DRUGS & MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTION WORK A • SPECIALTY. B ooks, Stationery, F a n cy and T oilet A rticles. «C am ara and K odaks and all k in d s o f C am era Supplies. LESSONS G IV E N IN K O D A K ' EKY NEW BERG BAKERY Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always on hand. Orders filled at short notice Strohm aier & H anish T . B. CUMMINGS & COMPANY ARE ABLE T O F U R N IS H Y O U R COM PLETELY F U R N IT U R E , C A R P E T S , L IN O L E U M , W A L L P A P E R , W IN D O W SH AD ES, STOVES, H E A T E R S , R A N G E S A N D G R A N IT E W A R E A walk ot a couple of blocks almost any morning will con­ vince any thinking person that Newberg ought to pass an ordi­ nance against spitting on the sidewalks and enforce it to the letter. Think ot a man unload­ ing the contents o f a catarrhal throat on the walk, not only for every passer by to be forced to see, but tor women to brush their skirts over. We are aware that the Scripture text reads “ Let him that is filthy be filthy still,” but we suggest that those who insist on fulfilling the text should take to the woods. A F in e L in e O f P a in ts T H E GOOD OLD QUAKER This space is reserved for Patterson, Parrish & C o’s, next w eeks ad. O n ce said to his boy , “ N athan, it is not w hat thee reads that m akes thee smart; it is not w hat thee eats that makes thee fat; nor w hat thee earns that makes thee rich, but w hat thee S A V E S .” A great deal o f discussion is be­ ing indulged in by pulpit and press just now on the question of trial marriages, which has been raised by the appearance o f Mrs. Elsie Clews Tarsons’ new book entitled “ The Family.” It occurs to us on noting the rapid increase in the business o f the divorce mills throughout the country that the “ trial marriage” system is to o much in vogue already A system that would require time for a little sober, second thought before the marriage vow is taken would come nearer reaching the case. Cupid discriminates tween youth and old age in hill. In the grist of marrii censes noted this week will be In the face o f all the latter day found the seventeen year old preaching and teaching about bride in the same class with ventilation and the necessity for dame of seventy summers. breathing pure air in order to R. B. Conover who until ward off disease and maintain cently published the Herald at good health, it is surprising to Dayton has begun the publica­ note the fact that those who tion o f a new paper at Hubbard have charge ot our public halls which he has christened the pay absolutely no attention at “ Beaver State News.” all to ventilating them. And The Christmas number o f the further it is even more surprising “ Rural Spirit” was a splendid edi­ t o note that nineteen twentieths tion, showing what can be done o f the people who g o to these by a lot o f well directed, hard halls to attend public entertain­ work. o T h is saving habit m ay be acquired through the steady use of a savings account in our bank. T H E F IR S T N A T ’L B A N K Newberg, Oregon. T r y our L IS K W A R E For yo u r K itchen The unfortunate ones among children at Christmas time are not only those who get no pres­ ents but those who receive too many as well. A surfeit is about as likely to bring discontent none at all and it is unfortunate for the child to teach it to o much. There are going to he tw o fac­ tions in the United States senate this winter—those who will try to “ suppress” Senator La Fol- lette, and those who are afraid o f their constituents at home.— Milton Eagle. HOM E U te n sils. A fin s line o f C U TLER Y S u ita b le fo r all Bran, 6 0 c per sack Shorts, 80c per sack Rolled Barley 95c sack Shorts and Middlings - , - - 90 lb sack 95c Qet our Spot Cash Prices on ton lots.“ Both phones Free Delivery THE IMPROVED ACME W ASHER A Child can Operate it. Saves Health, Strength & Clothing. Purposes. You will find them at J. B . M o u n t’s OLDBST FIRM IN TOwN k » X X X J , X X X X a X X X A x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X W ’ v w t v vrjcicw yy.v.vv .cx v ir N u r se r y S to c k . Having been given the agency for the Chico, CalM > Nurseries, I am prepared to fill orders for all kinds o f Nursery stock, including all varieties of Fruits, Ornamental Shrubbery, Climbing Vines, Roses etc. English Walnuts a specialty. Stock delivered promptly to the nearest station or boat landing. Prompt attention given all orders, sent to J. B. FORSYTH, Newberg, Or. aaaapuB O B