Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 29, 1906, Image 8

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    Wanted and
For Sale.
W e are
Some extra good bar­
gains in Children’s Suits,
sizes 3 to 8 years, at one
half regular price to close
Rain Coats at half regu­
lar price. $ 7 .0 0 Rain
Coats at $ 3 .5 0 — sizes,
36, 38, 40, 4 2 .
Having sold out our hardware
and implement business, we take
the opportunity to thank the
people o f Newberg and vicinity
Good cow tor sale. Inquire at
for the liberal patronage given
us while in business here. And this office.
we feel that we can highly rec­
Closing out all Millinery goods
ommend our successors, Messrs.
at cost. The Gaselle.
King & Bennett, as gentlemen
who will endeavqr to serve atari Cedar posts for sale! T. J
cater to the wishes o f the people. W trth.—11—31.
Yours very respectfully,
Victor talking machines and
A. R. M oomaw & S o n s .
records for sale at C. F. M oore’s.
Large stock just in.
As we have sold out our busi­
ness and desire to close all our
accounts, we would ask those
indebted to us to please call and
settle. You will find us at the
old stand for a few days. Please
settle at once and save further
notice, and oblige,
A. R. M oomaw & S o n s .,
Paid g S O .O O fX Capital
One o f the oldest Banks in the
county. Has been tested by
professional burglars and by
the hard times.
Interest paid on savings and
time deposits. Small accounts
solicited to encourage the wage
F or express and light hauling
leave orders at Rich’s grocery.
Baled clover or cheat hay de­
livered in Newberg at 35 cents
per hundred. B. S. Craven.
L o s t — A halter between New­
berg and Dundee. Finder please
leave at this office.
B. C. MILES, Pres.
J. L. HOSKINS, Vice Pres.
J. C. COLCORD, Cashier
D. D. COULSON, Asst. Cashier
We have some exceptional bar­
gains yet in skirts. The Gazelle.
Hodson Bros
Clothiers & Furnishers
All persons knowing them­
selves indebted to the firm pf See notice o f millinery sale at
Calkins and W right will please Mrs. H orton’s in another col­
call and settle so we can meet umn.
our bills. W right & White, suc­
W anted —Cull potatoes, stock
cessors to Calkins & Wright.
beets, turnips. Porter Skinner,
both phones.
Heifer, 18 months old, light
When in Portland eat at the
red with white star in forehead, Vegetarian Cafe, 105 Sixth
stocky built. Liberal reward.
street near W ashington. S. J.
Lashier, Manager.
T homas H e r d .
W ante » —A lew high grade
& . Jersey heifers from eight to fif­
ENTERTAINMENT. teen months old. Atkinson Bros.
Pacific College
Excellent Advantages offered fo r students.
Pleasing surroundings, w ith good m oral
associations. For fu rth e r Inform ation c a ll
on o r oddreso
H. Edwin M cG rew
P residen t
Opera House Saturday Night.
College stationery, printed es-
Every citizen should g o to the pecally for college students, for
Opera House Saturday night and sale at C. F. M oore’s.
Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’ s Shoes in great
variety and at prices the lowest for like quality
I f you question the correctness o f this state­
ment, call and examine our stock.
I f in need o f shoes, you will go away with
proof in the way o f a purchase.
Wilson & Hanning
Ladies, do you need anything
in the millinery line? i f so call
A m a c h i n e especially con­ on Mrs. H orton. We have new
structed and costing an enorm­
ous sum w ill be used to show goods continually arriving.
the rich hand painted films, made
Feed, hay, grain, poultry sup­
and used exclusively by. the plies and the best wire fencing'
French shows.
Ordinarily pictures shown here made, at City Feed Store. Op
are on the cheap order, but you posite postoffice—both phones.
may rest assured that on Satur­
Pvrographic outfits and skins
day night you will see the best
burning, also stamped boxes
there is in that line. They also
have the only original and genu­ ready for bnrning at Q. F.
ine pictures of the San Francisco M oore’s pharmacy.
earthquake and will devote 20
W anted —Ten teams to haul
lumber. 2400 pound team can
make $8 per day. Call, or write
C. C. Wilson Lumber Co., Rai­
nier, Oregon.
Sells More o f Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy than o f all
W hen a man says he always was
Others Put Together.
sick— troubled with a cough that
T he follow ing letter from a lo­
cality where Chamberlain’s Cough
Rem edy is well know n shows by
the unprecedented demand for it
that the medicine sells on its own
merit. Mr. T hos. G eorge, a mer­
chant at Mt. Elgin, Ontario, says:
" I have had the local agency for
Chamberlain’s Cough remedy ever
since it was introduced into Canada,
and I sell as much o f it as I do o f
all other lines I have on my shelves
put together. O f the many dozens
sold under guarantee, I have not
had one bottle returned. I can
Clubbing Rates.
personally recommend this medi­
The Weekly Oregonian $1.50, cine as I have used it m yself and
given it to my children and always
the Graphic $1.00—the tw o for with the best results.” F or sale
$ 2 . 00 .
C h am berlain’s P a in B alm .
There is no danger from blood
poison resulting from a cut or
wonud o f any kind, when Cham­
berlain’ s Pain Balm is used. It is
an antiseptic dressing and should
be in every household-. For sale by
C. F. Moore.
When men become suddenly
good they should be executed
In Time o f Peace.
In the first months o f the Rnssia-
Japan war we bad a striking e x ­
ample o f the necessity for prepara­
tion and the early advantage o f
those wbd, so to speak, „‘ ‘ have
shingled their roofs in dry weather. ”
T h e virtue o f preparation has made
history and given to us our great­
est men. T he individual as well
as the nation should be piepared
for any emergency. A re you pre­
pared to successfully combat the
first e d d you take? A cold can be
cared much more quickly when
treated as soon as it is contracted
and before it bas become settled in
tbe system. Chamberlain’s Congh
Remedy is famous for its cures o f
colds and it should be kept at band
ready for instant use. For sale by
C. F. Moore.
Y o u rs for Business
Hill ranch for rent to party
wanting a home. Rent can be
paid in fencing. Good buildings
and orchard. Apply Graphic of­
Always was Sick.
lasted all winter— what would you
think i f be should say he never was
sick since-.using Ballard’s Hore-
hound Syrtfp. Such a man exists.
Mr. J. C. Clark, Denver, Colorado,
writes: "F o r years I was troubled
with a severe cough that would
last all winter. T his congh left me
in a miserable condition. I tried
Ballard’ s Horehound syrup and
have not had a sick day since.
T h at's what it did for me. Sold
by Chas. F. Moore.
To call your attention to the fact that we have the largest stock of
Umbrellas, Bicycles and Sporting Goods in the city. We have chil­
drens school umbrellas at 60c and up. Ladies umbrellas from 75c to
68.00. Gents from 76c to 65.00. We have umbrellas with rust proof
ribs and rain proof coven. We have also just received a large as­
sortment of umbrella coven which we put on from 75c up. Bring in
your old umbrellas and let us put a new cover on them; then they are
as good as new.
We handle all standard grades of Bicycles, Guns, and Ammunition.
Gun Smithing, Sewing Machine work, Bicycle, Cream Sepantor,
Apiary, Saw Filing, etc., a specialty.
Big Millinery sale Friday and
Saturday, November 23 and 24.
All hats at big reduction on
Famous Strike Breakers.
above dates at Mrs. H orton’s
T he most famous strike breakers parlors.
in the land are Dr. K in g ’s New
Life Pills. W hen liver and bowel 9
g o on a strike, they quickly settle
the trouble, and the purifying work
goes right on. Best cure for con­
stipation, headache and dizziness.
25 c a t F. H . Caldwell & C o ’s.,
I am prepared to put up wire
fencing m all sizes and styles at
right prices, guaranteeing satis­
factory work. It will pay you
to consult me.
Full line o f Dress Goods,
Ladies’ waists, Ladies Shoes
Notions for Everybody.
M rs. C
H . E. N e w l in ,
Springbrook, Oregon.
Music lovers should call and
see the fine line o f phonographs
and records at C. F. M oore,8
pharmacy. Sold for cash or on
installments. Large lot to se­
lect from.
Had a Clone CalL
‘ ‘A dangerous surgical operation,
involving tbe removal of a malig­
nant nicer, as large as my hand,
from my daughter’s hip, was pre­
vented by tbe application of Buck-
len’s Arnica Salve,” says A; *C.
Stickel, of Miletus, West Virginia.
"Persistent use of tbe salve com­
pletely cared it." Cares cuts, burns
and injuries. 2 *>c at F. H. Cald­
well & Co’s., drnggist.
There are a great many calico
souls in silken coats.
Reported S r the Y am hill O oa n tr
C o m m t . M eM tnarllU .
A bat n e t
O R Additon and w f to John
L Anderson It 221 and a 15 ft It
220 Dayton $750.
Nancy E Mason t o j P Sntton
and w f pt It 24 Oak Fruit Farms
M C Luellen and w f to Jas P
Bryan 2 0 a s e c 2 3 t 2 s r 3 $500.
M A Baker and wf to W C Ha-
herty 5 a c l 4 8 t 4 s r 4 $700.
Samuel C Gockley and w f t o
Alonzo Hadley 1.6,2 a cl 38 t 3
s r 2 $100.
Alonzo Hadley and w f to Eliza
Hadley I a c l 3 8 t 3 s r 2 $400.
Location—Glen Hotel
Christmas Goods
Soon to arrive.
T wenty acres Vi mile from de­
pot, postoffice, store, graded
school and churches at Marion,
M arion county, Oregon. House,
People w ho need to be contin­ barn, outbuildings, r u n n i n g
The DeMoss family o f singers
ually propped up are not w orth water. Price $700.
were in demand at all the big ex­
the prop.
A. L. C hristopher ,
Springbrook, Oregon. positions held in the past fifteen
years. You will have an oppor­
B e Charitable
tunity to hear them at Duncan’s
To your horses as well as to
The Newberg Meat Co
ball, Saturday night, December 8.
to yourself. You need not suffer
from pains of any sort—your horses
Has the best facilities for fur­
N ott & Son, o f the McMinn­
need not suffer. Try a bottle of nishing first class meats and
Ballard’s Snow Liniment. It cures butchers’ supplies, and the best ville Racket Store, invite the
all pains. J. M. Roberts, Bakers­
public to call and see the best
field. Missouri, writes: " I have is none to o good for their cus­ line o f holiday goods ever ex­
used your liniment for ten years tomers. Free delivery and both hibited in Yamhill county. Pres­
and find it to be the best I have phones.
ents to suit everybody and prices
ever used for mon or beast." Sold
Beal Estate Transfers.
that will please you.
by Chas. F . Moore.
Truth never runs around ask­
ing people to believe it.
When you are hungry try
the White House Restaurant
where warm meals will be
served at all hours.
will recommend
T o our knowledge French’s
m otion picture shows have been
given in the best opera houses ip
the country and we are author­
ized to hold the receipts on Sat­
urday night and to refund the
money to any person w ho may
not be entirely satisfied. Bryan
Sc Baird, managers, Duncan’s
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
Marriage Licenses.
500-502 North Second Street,
Rnby Merle VanBnskirk 17, to
Fred C. Ruble 18.
' Bessie B. Cone 22, to Byrd O.
Handley 25.
J . Leavitt
T T llU v r
S T . L O U IS .
Sold and Recommended by
O.F.WOOBF, Newberg -Ore.