Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 01, 1906, Image 8

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    The Other Side.
Sturdy School Qothes
For Boys
7 to 17 years old
D ouble Breasted Jackets and K nee Pants suits,
$3.50 to $6.00. Suits are of dark tw eeds, cheviots,
plain blue materials, side vents; coats serge^ined and
bottom faced
L on g T rou sers Suits, $6.00 to $15.00.
erate price. F or youths 9 to 16.
M od­
Wanted and
For Sale.
Editor Graphic:—My mind has
been drawn to an article in your
last issue, “ The Bible in the Pub­
lic School,” and I trust I will
Cedar posts for sale. T. J.
not be misunderstood when I say
Paid $5 0 ,0 0 0 Capital
that I for one (and am certain Werth.—11—31.
It will pay you to see us before
that 1 represent a large class)
am not in favor o f the Bible in buying your millinery goods.
the public school. Those schools The Gazelle.
are paid for out of public funds
One o f the oldest Banks in the
A bargain in a bass viol may
and are intended for the educa­
county. Has been tested by
tion of the children o f all classes be had at J. M. Shaw’s.
professional burglars and by
and denominations. This is a
For express and light hauling
free country and we boast ol our leave orders at Rich’s grocery.
the hard times.
liberty, but when we use the arm
Interest paid on savings and
Baled clover or cheat hay de­
o f law to force the Bible into the
time deposits. Small accounts
livered in Newbery at 35 cents
public schools, we break the first
per hundred. E. S. Craven.
solicited to encourage the wage
principles o f our constitution
and impose on others what we
See our line o f ladies’ and chil­
would not be willing to submit dren’s flannelette gowns. The
to if we believed as they do. Gazelle.
The Catholic for instance will
F or S ale —A number o f young
not read the Bible nor allow
Berkshire sows at
their children to, and I have
B. C. MILES. P m .
J. C. COLCORD, Cashier
D. Gordon & Son.
known instances where they de­
J. L. HOSKINS, Vic« Pres.
D. D. COULSON, Asst. Cashier
tained them at home each morn­ When in Portland eat at the
ing until the morning exercises Vegetarian Cafe, 105 Sixth
was over so they would not hear street near Washington. S. J.
Lashier, Manager.
it read. Many others do not
want it taught their children,
Use Chehalem Valley Mills
and although these things are Patent hard wheat flour. Every
to be deplored, yet it is their sack guaranteed.
God given right to believe as Just received a dandy assort­
they choose.
ment o f the latest opalescent
Real patriotism will respect novelty glassware. The Gazelle.
and defiend the rights o f others
Feed, hay, grain, poultry sup­
and will not trample on the
Excellent Advantages offered for students.
and the best wire fencing
rights o f any.
Pleasing surroundings, with good moral
By all me&ns teach the Bible made, at City Feed Store. Op
associations. For further information call
to the children but let it be in posite postoffice—both phones.
on or address
the home, the church and de­
Remember every time you
nominational school.
spend fifty cents with us you
minutes spent morning and even­
are entitled to a guess at the
P r e s id e n t,
ing by father and mother with
pitcher o f coin. The Gazelle.
the children in the study o f the
Scriptures and prayer, will do
1 am prepared to put up wire
more to instill all those desirable fencing in all sizes and styles at
traits into our little ones than right prices, guaranteeing satis­
the careless reading o f a chapter factory work. It will pay you
t o consult me.
in the school room.
H. E. N ewlin ,
The writer says she would not
To call your attention to the fact that we have the largest stock o f
Springbrook, Oregon.
Umbrellas, Bicycles and Sporting Goods in the city. We have chil­
have it taught according to the
drens school umbrellas at 50c sod up. Ladies umbrellas from 75c to
Music lovers should call and
tenets of any church but as our
|8.00. Gents from Tbe to $5.00. We have ambrellas with rest proof
teachers are of all "isms,” many see the fine line o f phonographs
ribs and rain proof coven. W e have ala* just received a large as­
even holding infidel views with and records at C. F. Moore,s
sortment of umbrella cover» which we put cm from 75c up. Bring in
no faith in God’s word and it pharmacy. Sold lor cash or on
your old umbrellas aad let us put a new cover oa them; then they are
being a spiritual book is spirit­ installments. Large lot to se­
ns good as new.
We handle all standasd grades of Bicycles, Cans, aad Ammunition.
ually discerned, how could its lect from.
Gun Smithing, Sewing Machine work. Bicycle, Cream Separator,
precepts be taught aright. Much
New undertaking parlors have
Apiary, Saw Filing, etc., a specialty.
more might be said but this
been opened this week in the
sufficient. Yours for justice and
Y ou rs for Business
Bristow building by A. D. Ken­
and equal rights.
worthy and C. A. Hodson. They
M r s . W m . P erkins .
have just received a complete
line o f caskets and burial robes.
Sixty Weeks for $ 1 . 75 .
Mr. Ken worthy is an experienced
Don’t put off until to-morrow embalmer and funeral director
the matter o f subscribing for The having been engaged in the busi­
Youth’s Companion. The pub* * ness for some time in Portland
Ushers offer t o send to every new and studied under Prof. Eckles.
A fine large line, of
subscriber for 1907 who at once Mr. Hodson is a well known
remits the subscription price, business man o f this place hav­
$1.75, aU the issues for the re­ ing been engaged in the clothing
maining weeks of 1906 free.
business here for several years.
When you are hungry try
the White House Restaurant
These issues will contain near­
E«tray Notice.
where warm meals will be
ly 50 complete stories, besides
served at all hours.
the opening chapters o f Hamlin
Came to my place on or about O n hand at the Racket S tor^,
Location—Glen Hotel
Garland’s serial, “ The Long October 16, buck lamb. Owner
Full Supply o f
Trail” —all in addition to the 52 prove property, pay expenses
issues o f 1907.
and take away.
Whatever your age, six, six­
J ames S. H erd .
A N D N O T IO N S .
M rs. C J. Leavitt
teen, or sixty, you will find The
Companion to be your paper.
M. J. N ASH & C O .
lœ e B o æ e s x c o ;
It touches every worthy interest
Chehalem Valley Mills Patent
in life—every interest that pro­ hard wheat flour is unsurpassed
motes cheerfulness, d e v e l o p s for strength, puretv and white­
character, enlarges the under­ ness. $1.30 per sack at all
standing and instills ideas of stores.
true patriotism.
Full illustrated Announcement
The Newberg Meat Co
o f the companion for 1907 will
* Has the best facilities for fur­
be sent to any address free with
Fvflry cough weaken* the long«, lower* the
nishing first class meats and
vitality, break* down the tinaue* and leave*
sample copies of the paper.
butchers’ supplies, and the best
the in te rn In a weakened condition, causing
New subscribers will receive a
it to be more susceptible to the cunsumptive
is none to o good for their cus­
germ. Ballard's Horehound Sprup will cure
gift o f The Companion’s Four- tomers. Free delivery and both
the cough and strengthen the system.
Leaf Hanging Calindar for 1907, phones.
lithographed in twelve colors
Worth Looking After.
and gold.
Mm. C. H. Runyon, Stanberry, Mo., writes: “ I have
Subscribers who get new sub­
used your Ballard's Horehound Syrup and find It a very
• A twenty-acre farm tor sale
useful mediolne for coughs and colds, and In faot all lung
scriptions will receive $16,290
one mile west o f Newberg. Ten
troubles- It is very pleasant to take, and we have no
in cash and many other special
trouble in Inducing the children to take it.
I recom­
acres in bearing friiit, good im­
mend it highly.”
awards. Send for information.
provements, large fruit dryer
Don’ t wait until that cough develops Into a more dan­
just completed, living water.
gerous malady. Save yourself and children many sick
144 Berkeley street, Boston,
spells and insure a long and healthy life.
A. E. M oore .
Pacific College
H. E dw in M c G r e w
O u r stock of shoes is the best in the city.
R e­
m em ber w e sell the W . L . D ouglas Shoe—best in
the w orld.
H ats— T h e K ingsbury is right for style and
Call and sea
For Yourself
Hodson Bros.
City Meat Market.
N ext door to the bow ling alley
•handles all kinds o f fresh and cared
meats. Both phones.
Free D elivery.
cadi pnce paid (or
real, aad
Real Estate.
FOR TRADE: 260 acre farm
to trade for small place near New-
50 acres in cultivation,
balance good pasture. One mile
from Oretown on Nestucca Bay,
near school, cheese factory and.
fish cannery.
FOR SALE: 200 acre farm,
all fenced, 100 acres cultivated,
balance good pasture and nice
young timber, well watered by
running creek through pasture.
Good farm buildings, splendid
well o f water at house, four
acres o f orchard. Nicely located
three miles northwest o f New-
berg and known as the W. J.
Stater farm.
Price, $8,000—
$5,000 cash, balance five years at
six per cent.
McMinnville. Ore.
N a p oleon B o n a p a rte .
Showed at the battle o f A aster-
litz, he was the greatest leader in
the world. Ballard’s Snow Lini-
meat has shown the public it is
the best liniment in the world. A
quick cure for rheumatism, sprains,
■ burns, cuts, etc. A . C. Pitts, Ro-
dessa, Louisana, says: ” 1 use Bal-
lard’s Snow Liniment in m y family
and find it unekcelled for sore chest,
headache, corns, in fact for any­
thing that can be reached by a lini­
ment. Sold by C. P. M oor*.
Music Tuition.
Piano, Organ, $7.50 per term
of ten lessons.
__ Voice Production, Harmony,
|7.50 per term o f ten lessons.
Lessons o f one hour’s duration,
one per week. Beginners can
divide the hour and take two
half hours per week.
Half hour lessons, i. e., one
half hour per week 50c.
Pupils beginning now will be
able to appear in recital.
J. S . C A R R IC K
Musical Director, Pacific College
S om eth in g S tra n g e.
The last o f August I published
an article in the Graphic giving
the number of genuine osteo­
pathic colleges; there are now
A book called Polk’s Medical
Directory o f North America, con­
taining over 3000 pages o f
“ names and patent medicine
ads,” also contains the names o f
twenty osteopaths mixed in with
ads for such patent medicines
as “ Kretol,” Antikamnia, ttc.
Sometimes names do get in
strange company.
At the end o f the list o f osteo­
pathic physicians, is a list o f the
“ Schools of Osteopathy,” and
according to the “ Directory”
M a rr ia g e L icen se«.
there is one school, and that
schoql i8s unknown to the Ameri­
Una M. Miller 16, to Wm. E.
can Osteophthic Association and
without standing among osteo­
Mable Ralston 20, to Herman
paths. I wonder why such mis­
Kramer 28.
representation should be con­
Churchman 23, toGrover
sidered necessary by the Ameri­
Cleveland Wood 22.
can Medical Association.
H ombr D. B owers .
Clubbing Rates.
N e lso n & H a n so n
will recom m en d
The Children Like It
A M ost W o r t h y A r t ic le .
W hen an article feu been op the
market for y ea rs-a ril gains friends
every year, it is safe to call this me­
dicine a worthy one. Such is Bal­
lard’ s H orebound Syrup. It posi-
tively cures cough s and all pulm on­
ary diseases.« One o f the best
known merchants in M obile,-A la­
bama says: “ For five years my
family has not been troubled with
the winter coughs. W e ow e this
to Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. I
Remember there is no better
The Weekly Oregonian $1.50, know it has saved my children from
flour than Chehalem Valley Mills the Graphic $1.00—the tw o for many sick spells.” Sold by Cbas.
Patent hard wheat flour.
$ 2 . 00 .
F. M oore.
25c, 50c and $ 1.00
Ballard Snow Liniment Go.
500-502 North Second Street,
S T . L O U IS ,
Sold and R e co m m en d ed b y
C.F. MOORE St CO.. NexDer g. Or».