i Railroad Tim« Table. N O R T H BOUND. 8.52 a. m. 5.05 p. nj. SO UTH BOUND. 8.52 a. m. 5.40 p. m. r \ Wanted and For Sale. Cedar posts for sale. Werth;—11—31. « BANK O F N EW B ER G T . J. % Paid $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 Capital College Students Contribute Some nice glassw are and lamps Liberally Toward Haw just received a t Th e Gazelle. Gymnasium. F o r sale cheap, one set o f good A fter m aking ten tative plans fj louble harness. Inquire a t H an­ as to the erection o f an addition nings grocery store. to the gymnasium a t least as large as the present building, the I An apprentice t o learn millin­ athletic association submitted ery w an ted. See M iss H orton. them to a contractor for an esti­ I A bargain in a bass vio l may m ate as to cost. The bill for be had a t J. M . S h a w ’s. lumber alone was estim ated a t F o r express and light hauling about $440, which would make the to ta l cost something over leave orders a t Rich’s grocery; $600. This rather to o k the ■ Remember there is no better breath of the boys, and the p ro­ flour than Chehalem Valley M ills ject seemed a big undertaking. Patent hard w heat flour. After conferring together h ow ­ F o r S a l k —A number o f young ever, and w ith others, they con­ B. C. M ILES, P t m . thoroughbred Berkshire sow s at J. C. COLCORD, Cashier cluded th at the improvement $10 apiece. J. D. Gordon & Son. J. L. HOSKINS, Vice Pres. D. D. COULSON, Asst. Cashier w as a necessity and th at the money must be raised. T h ey I Buy 50 cents w o rth and make proceeded accordingly to size up a guess a t the number o f coin in the situation from a dollars and the pitcher at, The Gazelle. cents point o f view . Believing th at the students should first do When in Portlan d eat a t the for themselves all th at they Vegetarian Cafe, 105 Sixth could before outside aid w as street near W ashington. S. J. solicited, a meeting o f the stu­ Lashier, M anager. dent body w as called Tuesday Use Chehalem V alley M ills evening when it w as announced Patent hard w heat flour. E very N E W B E R G , OREGON th at it would be necessary t o sack guaranteed. raise $300 from the students F o r S a l k —N ew heavy broad and faculty. A tew speeches tire w agon , o r trade for lighter T h a new achool year opena September 25 were made and the ball w as one. E. M . Haskin, Excellent Advantagee offered for students started rolling. I t rolled up t o w est o f Newberg. Pleaaing aurroundlnga, with good mora abont $200, and when momen­ aaaoeiatlona. Parties w an tin g cabbage for tum seemed about to be lost, an sourcrout m ay leave orders a t element o f class rivalry Richs* grocery. D. M . H oots. strategically introduced. As the 10-25 Seniors led in the first round, the The Radiant Glass Cone lamp faculty agreed t o g o five dollars above w h atever they w ou ld do. burner, increases ligh t 50 per T H E M U S IC D E P A R T M E N T Class conferences w ere hastily cent and lasts five times longer. called, and again calling the F o r sale a t The Gazelle. meeting t o order reports w ere F or S a l e —50 cords old fir given. Th e Freshmen, not to be wood at $1.40 per cord, three outdone, began to bid up and a miles north of Newberg. M. public auction seemed soon t o be Oakley. in progress, in which all the Feed, hay, grain, pou ltry sup­ classes engaged from the low est P re sid e n t academic class t o the faculty, plies and the best w ire fencing every “ raise” being greeted w ith made, a t C ity Feed Store. Op applause. When the bids were posite postoffice—both phones. called, a reckoning showed th at Be sure and see those stylish about $385 had been pledged, dress and street hats a t Miss which w as the occasion o f a H orton ’s before buying else­ hearty college yell. Nelson Hanson where. A good line *of street A riva lry w as then started as caps now in. t o which class should "cash in I am prepared t o put up w ire first. The Seniors g o t busy w ith fencing in all sizes and styles a t individual check books, but the righ t prices, guaranteeing satis­ turned the trick by factory w ork. I t w ill pay you the front w ith a check t o consult me. H. E. N b w l in , the individual account o f one Springbrook, Oregon. of the members covering their subscription of $80. F o r S a l e — $35 kodak outfit Considering the size o f the stu for $25. Eastm an 5x4 film or O n hand at the Racket dent body, , and the financial cir- plate. T w o sets lenses, snap and members, the wide angle, carrying cases and cumstances of the t Full Supply of show ing made w \ as remarkable, tripod complete. Isaac M . P o l­ I t remains only fo r the alumni lock, Springbrook. 10-18 D R E S S G O O D S , S H O E S , and citizens to do as w ell and A N D N O T IO N S . Tha Newberg Meat Co Pacific College w ill have a gym ­ nasium equal to her needs. H as the best facilities for fur­ One of the oldest Banks in the county. Has been tested by professional burglars and by the hard times. Interest paid on savings and time deposits. Small accounts solicited to encourage the wage earner. Sturdy School Clothes For Boys 7 to 17 years old Double Breasted Jackets and Knee Pants suits, $3.50 to $6.00. Suits are of dark tweeds, cheviots, plain blue materials, side vents; coats serge lined and bottom faced Lon g Trousers Suits, $6.00 to $15.00. erate price. For youths to 16. 9 M od­ O ur stock of shoes is the best in the city. R e­ member w e sell the W . L . Douglas Shoe— best in the world. Hats— T h e Kingsbury is right for style and price. Pacific College will be under efficient supervision of Prof. Jas. Carrick, of the Conservatory of Glasglow, Scotland, an instructor of ability and experience. For further information call on or address, H. E dw in M c G r e w o Call and saa For Yourself Sc DO IT NOW Come in and see us. We have the best the market affords. Get our prices on Millinery, Ladies’ and Children’s Under­ wear, Horery, Skirts, Wraps, Etc. J u s t L ik e F in d in g M o n e y THE GAZELLE Real Estate. . . * - Market. Next door to the bowling alley FO R T R A D E : 260 acre farm handles all kinds of fresh and cured to trade fo r small place near N ew - meats. Both phones. berg. 50 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture. One mile Free D elivery. from Oretown on Nestucca Bay, cwli price paid lor bop. Teal, (ad near school, cheese factory and fish cannery. FO R S A L E : 200 acre farm, all fenced, 100 acres cultivated, balance good pasture and nice young timber, well watered by running creek through pasture. Good farm buildings, splendid w ell o f w ater at house, four acres o f orchard. Nicely located northwest o f New- known as the W. J. Price, $8,000- $5,000 cash, balance five years at six per cen t W A R R E N & STATER, MeMmorillc. Or». Bicycles, and Bicycle Sun­ dries, Guns and Ammuni­ tion, Baseball and Tennis Goods, Fishing Tackle, etc. SUM M ER W A IS TS JOS. MOTSCHENBACHER. Prop. WESLEY BO YES. Crnm. BOTH PHOHBB Napoleon Bonaparte. Showed at the battle of Auster- litz, he was the greatest leader in the world. Ballard’s Snow Lini­ ment has shown the public it is the best liniment in the world. A quick cure for rheumatism, sprains, burns, cuts, etc. A. C. Pitts, Ro- dessa, Louisana, says: " I use Bal­ lard’s Snow Liniment in my family and find it unexcelled for sore chest, headache, corn*, in fact for any­ thing that can be reached by a lini­ ment. Sold by C. F. Moore. Ralph Rees represented the col­ lege in M cM innville Friday at the executive meeting o f the col­ lege Debating League, when ar­ rangements were made fo r work the com ing season. The ques­ tion decided upon for deb ate is: “ Resolved, th a t the railroads o f the United States should be owned and operated by the na­ tional governm ent.” Pacific C ol­ lege w ill be bate here w ith the Oregon State Norm al o f M on­ mouth, and w ill take the affirm ♦ ative side of the proposition. A t the first meeting of the Agoreton, the b o y ’s debating and Kterary society, held Friday evening, the desirability of pho netic spelling w as debated, sever­ al lady visitors being present. F ollow in g the debate a spelling match w as appropriately held, in which Miss Lena Spangle and Arthur Wilson stood up longest. nishing first class meats and butchers’ supplies, and the best is none to o good for their cus­ tomers. Free delivery and both phones. M. J. NASH A 00. A GOOD DOCTOR w ill r e c o m m e n d Worth Looking After. A twenty-acre farm lor sale one mile w est o f Newberg. Ten acres in bearing fruit, good im provements, large fruit dryer ju st completed, livin g w ater. A. E. M HOREHOUND SYR U P B v ery cough weakens the longs, lowers the vitality, breaks down the tissues and leaves the system in a weakened condition, causing it to be more susceptible to the cunsumptlTe germ. Ballard's Ho rebound Sprup w ill cure the cough and strengthen the system. oore . A Most Worthy Article. When an article has been on the market for years and gains friends every year, it is safe to call this me­ dicine a worthy one. Such is Bal­ lard’s Horehoupd Syrup. It posi­ tively cures coughs and all pulmon­ ary- diseases. One of the best known merchants in Mobile, Ala­ bama says: “ For five years my family has not been troubled with the winter coughs. We owe, this to Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. I know it has saved my children from many sick spells.” . Sold by Cbas. F. Moore. The student body w as organ­ ized M onday w ith the election of Card of Thanks. the follow in g officers: Ralph W e wish to express our heart Rees, president; R oy Mills, vice felt thanks to friends and neigh­ president; Miss Lena Spangle, bors, also little Aileen’s friends secretary. and schoolmates, for their kind­ ness to ns during the sickness Umbrella Bala- and death o f our daughter and All stock a t cut prices, Satur­ sister. Mrs. M ary E. Cummins day, October 20 a t Patterson, and family. Parrish & C o ’s store. The Children Like It Mrs. C. H . Runyon, fitanberry, Mo., writes: “ I hays used your B a llard ’s Horehound Syrup and find It a y s ry useful medicine for coughs and colds, and In fact all lung troubles. I t Is yery pleasant to take, and we haye no trouble in Inducing the children to take i t I recom­ mend it h ighly.” , I D on 't w ait until that cough develops Into a more dan­ gerous m alady. Save yourself and children many sick aixiliM aMM * —-----------^ Ballard am J L _ 11 Snow Liniment Co. 500-502 North Second Stmt. S T . L O U IS , M IS S O U R I Sold an d Recom m ended by O.F. MOORE Sc 00,. Newtoerf, Ore.