A ■ | S f i P O T U P a r lo r -O a r D iv e r s io n . Id . "Porter," Mid the fussy lady In the W ■ w ■ * * pallor car, “ I wish you would opon this Few are entirely (tee from it. window.” It may develop eo slowly aa to oaoae The lady In the aeat directly across little if any diatarbanoe during the whole the car heard the request and drew a period of childhood. I cloak about her. WIT Or THE YOUNGSTERS. Little Freddii •Did Ood make every­ Saplelgb— Yaws, W eddle. B e ¡made evwythlng foh some— aw— per* pose, doncber know. Little Freddie— What do yon s’pose he made yon for? Teacher— What la a shepherd. Tom­ my 7 Tommy— One who cares fo ri ¡sheep. Teacher— That’s righ t Now, remarked the commercial .Tommy, can you tell me what a eow- our duty la very plain, 'ard Is? Johnny— One who cares for - * * ” • ! * ,b" i *■— -'• enmptioD, before earning eruptions, ■b® *“ appq!, testily, aorca or swellinga. death.'* -To get entirely rid of it take the great btood-puriller, Hood’s Sarsaparilla In nsoal liquid form or In chocolated tablets known m S u re* tube. 100 doses |L lauistwui. The elderly and somewhat flnstrated lady stopped an obeee man on a crowd- ad street “ Dees It .make any difference," She naked, "which o f these cars I take to the cemetery?** „ "Not to me, madam." answered the polite heavy-weight aa be lifted his hat and passed on. The Invention o f clocki la by no auane a modern one Clocki which were ran by weights ware need by the Saracens at the time o f the CruMdee, sad some authorities state that they w»ire Invested by Padflcui as early aa the ninth century. In the works o f Dante are references to machines which »truck the hours, I shall freeze to thing t I >en ciom It and suffocate the other." Puck* _________ j f # It tm tm m w r. A million or two o f people who have ent this summer at the seashore are rongly disposed to *>end next sum- •r In the back country or the moan- Ins. i f they persevere In this deter- 'nation their placM w ill be filled by arsons who bavo spent this summer the mountains and the back coon- y and don't want to go back. It has en a very trying qummer, moggy, ggy, 'skeetry, damp, moist, hot sad lacellaneonsly plalatlve. hot ■ It has en about aa bad i f one place u la tother.— Harper's Weekly ' — ---------------— ft TE R R IB LE E X PE R IE N C E . Teacher (to new pupil)— What*e your name? New Pupil—T-t-tomhiy T-t-tlaker. Teacher— And do you stnt- «** time. Tommy? New Pupil — N-n-no, m-ma'am; o-o-nly when I t-t-talk. One day little 4-year-old Elmer had been naughty and his mother found H necessary to use her slipper rather freely. When bis father came borne to dinner Ehner M id : “ Peps, I wish you’d di«charge mamma; shea getting too hossy ” I _ ’ „ „ . . . - Babri had been very ill, and ^ when WM convalescent she M id: "Mamma, Is heaven a bean- tlful p la c e r "Yea, dear," was the re­ ply. “Then why did that old doctor try Ind.* m j i : " I had been showing symptom« of kid- ft church recently dedicated In fit. Paul . SOT trouble from the « M erected at a coat of 97,000, raised by \ timo I was mastered CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING È gorlc* D rops and Soothing; Syrups. I t is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor other Vareotle ■ubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm s and allays Feverishness. It cores .Diarrhoea and W ind Colic. It relieves Teething’ Troubles* cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea --The Mother’s Friend. CASTORIA G E N U IN E F e n th e e s M . Grandma— Tommy, is there anything * I see they’ve discharged that derft who you like better than a piece of pit? M v o d oo much money oat of kU small Tommy (w it h Me month fa ll)— •alary. Didn’t they know he was grafting Yes’m. Two pieces. , all the time?" “ Yea, bat they suspect now that ho got _ M o tio n w ill And M r-. W in d ow 's Soothing Syrup the bast rem edy to ss e for th eir eh U d ieê some of A c graft that rightfully belonged to tho bigger officer* of the company." during th e teething period. and than dropsy. I WM weak and help- lese, having ran down from F . 180 t o 1SS pounds. I was hay­ m oralised the profeaeer, "b u t hi the «mat tsaaitee.Dr.B H .K iia*.Ld. sm A ich B t,rau a..P a ing terrible pain in the kidney* and the Selwatlat’a D e e e rlp tlo a o f B a r t h - of too many men It in a policy that has ------------------------- «w a k e ’s W o r k N e a r V a lp a r a is o . Mentions passed almost involuntarily. a surrender value."__________ a C en e etlee . CharlM Darwin, the famous English My left leg swelled until it was 84 T# Brook in N e w s h o es . Mr. Stoplate— I believe I most say Inches around, and the doctor tapped it • d e n tilt once traveled through Booth N PAINLESS M A I N 2029 EXTRACTI ON FAILING BLOC 3 " ii. W A S H PORTLAND CBÉ S O 9 B e a n the Signature o f Italy about the end o f the thirteenth century. The oldest clock o f which there Is any certain record was erected tn a tower in the palace o f CharlM Y. volt Ava., Indianapolis, o f France In 1804. 10.000 contribution! of 70 cents each. Promotes DtgestionJCheerful- ness and Resi.Conlalns neither Opium.Morphine norMkieraL H ad to K n e w . * "Shay, ol’ man, where’s my fi-fl-flan- eeeT” “ Now, look here—you're In no condi­ tion to see n lady." " I know It— c'd shee two In my cti- dltlon. Merely dldn’ want ber to shee me. WherelMhe ?"— Cleveland Leader. A n ounce o f grease is sometimes the only difference between profit and loss on a day’s teaming. You know you can’t afferd a dry axle — do you know as well that Mica A xle Grease is the only lubricant you can afford? Mica A xle Grease is the most eco­ nomical lubricant, because it «lone possesses high lubricating prop­ erty» .great adhesive power* and long-wearing quality. Hence, the longest profitable use o f your outfit is to be had, only when the lubricant is M ica A x le Grease. Mica A xle Grease contains powdered mica. This forms a smooth, hard surface on the axle, and reduces friction, while a spe­ cially prepared mineral grease forms an effective cushioning body be­ tween axle and box. Mica A xle Grease wears best and longest — ‘ one I„MICA, y gre greasing does for a week’s teaming. Mica A xle Grease saves horse power — consequently saves feed. Mica A xle Grease is the best 'lubricant In the world — use it and draw a double load. If your dealer does not keep Mioa A xle Grease w e will tell you one who does. ■*v * 1 h