Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, October 18, 1906, Image 2

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Need o f a Politician at the Vatican Is
Widely Recognized.
A now E lijah h u appeared in Maine
China w ill ask a ll powers to
Japan give up Manchuria.
Moody says ha h u evidanu to
vie t the Standard Oil company.
An «zplonion on n govern mi
er on t in Ohio ri vor killed throe men.
M ilitary enppliee for m e by the
American army in Onba are admitted
free of doty.
o f Cuba and Taft and
tam ed bom^.
the government
have re*
A ll mail for United Statu troops In
Cuba is sent to Havana and from thorn
•ant to its domination.
H E X T P O P I N O T A S A IN T .
Borne, Oct. 16.— In spite of the fact
that the pope ia enjoying
h u lth , the matter of possible results
of tbs nszt conclave, whenever it do< s
occur, is being discussed among the
cardinale, and this with no deairs to
anticipata the election or to be disre­
spectful to the pontiff.
The fooling
among the cardinals has changed great­
ly since August, 1008, and today there
oziata a tendency quite opposite to that
which triumphed th r u years ego. In
view of the V a tiu n ’ e experiences with
France, the cry this time w ill be not
for a merely religions pope, but a po­
litical pope; not lor a saint, bnt for n
Evan the strongut opponents of
th r u years ago of Cardinal Ram polls
favoi his sleet ion.
failed in 1908 chiefly b e u n u he wi
vetoed by Cardinal Posyna, in the
name of Austria, speaking for the en­
tire Triple Alliance.
Although Pops Pins h u suppressed
the right of veto ebroagted by certain
powers, the reason which induced tbs
Triple Alliance to oppou Cardinal
Ram polls «t ill exist, and the church
today is le u able to afford diepleuing
the Central Empire.
there are rumors ol an experiment with
n foreign pope, in spite of the disfavor
of tbs Italians. For the last four cm
tu riu all the popu have bean Italians.
8 H EEP O N F O R E S T R E B C R y tS .
Vessel With T w o Thousand C hine««
On Board Catches Fire.
C h ief o f Grasing Department An­ Superintendents and Principals Sug­
gest Important Changes.
nounces Limit fo r Next Y u r .
Pendleton— As announced by A . F.
Porter, chief of the gracing department
of the Forest Bees rye bureau, in the
eastern division of tha Bine mountain
rourva, a general cut of 26 par cent is
to bo made, reducing tbe number ol
sb u p from 288,000 to 180,000,
other r e u r v u the number of sheep al­
lowed is as follows:
Western division Blue mountain,
880,000; Wenaha, 100,000; Wallows,
160,000. Ohesnimns, 66,000.
In tho saltern division of tho Bias
mountain reserve 1,800 sh u p w ill be
considered a band and tha lambs will
not bo considered.
Permits for one
bond w ill be allowed in tbe eastern di­
vision without reduction.
Permits for
lam than ana band may be increase
provided each d o u not excud 80 per
cent nor go over 1,800.
Growers having from 1,200 to 1,000
■hu p in the reserve this year wiR be
ent 20 per cant, provided each a cut
w ill not reduce tha number below
1 , 200 . th o u having from 8,006 to
4,000 in the reserve thie year w i l l b e
cat 80 per cent, with e corresponding
provision u tbe above.
Growers having 4,000 or more sheep
in the eastern division this year w ill
be cut 40 per oent, provided each a cut
w ill not make tbe average cut for the
entire division greater than 86 per ou t,
In the wutern division of the Blue
mountain reserve the redaction w ill be
made fn n similar manner, though the
average cut w ill be 20 per u n t
In the Wenaha ruerva 1,100 sheep
w ill be considered u a band, and tho
now having le u than that number in
tbe ru erve w ill be allowed eh increu
On or about November 1 a meeting
of tha stockmen who m the eastern di­
vision of the Blue, mountain reserve
w ill be held st Sumpter, under the d i­
rection of Superintendent D. B. Sbel-
ler, end st that time the range within
the reserve w ill be segregated among
the stoekmen according to tho r u lu of
tho Forest Reserve bureau.
Hongkong, Oet. 16. — Tbe British
steamer Hankow, from Canton, wee
burned at 8:10 o'clock yuterday morn­
ing, while lying alongside her wharf,
tlunderde of Ohineu passengers were
burned to d u th end a valuable cargo
w u d u tro y e d . A ll the European p u
eon gets and craw ware u ved .
The stu m er Hankow, with 2,000
C hineu paaungere, man, woman and
children, and seven Europeans, end a
cargo including 8,700 h a lu of matting,
660 b a lu of raw silk and 400 balu oi
waste silk, arrived from Canton et 8
o'clock and w u sh ortly . afterward
meared at tha wharf.
Her chief officer reported to Captain
Branch that tffa ship w u afire. Tbe
captain than directed tbe chief engineer
to turn on the water through the fire
h ou . This w u im pouible (or the rea­
eon that within five m inotu after the
alarm w u given the Hankow w u
ablase fore end aft.'
Captain Branch than awakaned tbe
European paaungere, who rushed down
the gangway, the ladies in their nlght-
clothu . The crew w u 00 mpel led to
leave the ehip, which by this tim e w u
• veritable furnnu.
Ruponding to signals, tha British
cruiser Flora and tbe naval dockyard
dietpached contingents of engines and
Tha flu tin g brlgadu ol
firemen made heroic effort« to extin
gnlah tbe flim u , which lu p ed to a
heUbt of over 80 foot.
The O hineu steerage passengers were
thrown into n (rightful panic.
lying shrieks and c r iu to u v e their
liv u were heard, bat escape w u im­
possible, owing to tbe inflammable na­
ture of the u rg e . Hundreds were
burned to d u th end many others
jumped into the harbor and wi
Salem— I f the legislature of 1907
shall grant any oooaidarable portion of
in recommendations of the county
school superintendents of Oregon, tho
poblie schools of the state w ill have
more funds, longer terms and bettor
paid teachers.
In annual aauion hare
the superintendents and principals
■grand upon many d u iia d changes in
tha school laws, some ol thorn of much
Importance and intareet not only to
teacher« and officers, but to taxpayu
end school patrons generally.
That tha minimum length of term a
district shall maintain school shall ba
increased from th r u to five months,
end that the county school levy «b a ll
ba raiead from $6 per u p ita to $6 per
capita, were tha m u t important changu
suggested. This is raising the m ini­
mum term 66 per cent, and iacreu ing
the minimum-coupty levy 88 per u n i.
One recommendation of general Intel eat
to teacher« is that aa application ba
granted bat one eeoond or third grade
certificate ia this state.
A t present
only one each certificate may be obtain­
ed in a county, but by going from one
soonty to another a teacher may get 82
third grade certificate«.
The proposed
change in the law w ill compel teacher«
to advance from y u r to year ia their
educational qualification«.
In order to r a iu tho standard for
county papers, it is advised that alge­
bra and physical geography be added to
the liet of subjects upon which aa ap­
plicant must be examined for e first
grade county certificate, end that ment­
al arithmetic be dropped aa a separate
and general history were suggesed
proper subjects to bo included in the
examination for first grad# county
tifievtu , but only the two mentioned Determined to Preserve H er Identity
end Will Refuse Jo*nt Statehood.
w ire approved.
Phoenix, A ris., Oct. 15.— The terri­
T h e State Population.
tory of Arieona, rich 1» American citi
Salem — Reports from all but five unship, m well u natural reeourcu, is
eonntiu in tho state, and th eu sup­ making a determined fight to retain ita
plied with estimates based upon school identity.
The people u n whole are
statistics by Labor Commissioner Hoff, bitterly opposed to the plan of joint
givps the total .population for Quezon statehood with N » f Maaico. They ad
according to the 1906 ceneoe, as 488
vance various reasons for their oppoei
574, as against 418,686, under the 1900 tion, some of them potent end others of
Federal ceneoe, or aa inereau of 20,088 little apparent weight. _ Whatever tbe
in five years. T h e u figures era base< 1 mason, they are overwhelmingly against
on ceneoe returns from the oountlu joint statehood, end w ill k ill the prop­
■ending in report« to tho office of secre­ osition at the polls next month. The
tary of etate.
leader of tha "join tlste” in Northern
Arisons ackaowledgu that ba d o u not
count upon mors than 15 par oent oi
Hunters Cut W ire Fences.
M cM innville — A number of farmers the vote itP favor of jointnra.
Tha chief objection to anion with
complain that banters ent their wire
neu in order to get tbelr dogs New Mexico appears to be based upon
through. One men found that hie fence the disparity, in a iu and quality of
bad been cut in th r u places. There is population. The Mextaun element in
talk of forming a elnb to k u p poachers New Mexico number« at lo u t 60 per
cwnt of tbe total population. In A ri­
sons the M exiu n vote is about 15 per
u n t of tbe total. Much of tbe Mexl
Increase ih Receipts.
Albany— The receipts of the Albany u n population in Arisons is flu tin g
poetofflee for tho p u t quarter were consisting of laborers on railroads and
Thie is an increase of irrigation enterprisu, etc., while tbe
Mexicans livin g in New Mexico are, u
$188 68 over the receipts of the
a rale, native of the territory.
quarter a year ago.
figline« Committee lay I« Or-
eanlzed hr Protection.
Carnival o f Robbery end Murder H a »
Stirred Honest Citizens to l
High Pitch.
Ban Francisco, Cal., Oct. 18. — Tha
general alarm caused by the numerous
report« of bold-upe and robber? hen
seriously affected the attendance at nil
plaoee o f amusement. Hotel manege re
end other« entrusted with tbe handling
of large sums of money have made elab­
orate defensive preparations and there
is a general arming on tha part of elti-
Discuaaing tha propriety of the or­
ganisation of a committee of safety in
this stats today to deal with potty
criminals who now infest tha oity, Act­
ing Mayor Gallagher raid:
"T h ere shall be no lynebing in thin
city, and I sincerely hope that at the
meeting to be held in Union equate
today tbe leaden w ill have eaoogh
sense to do nothing that w ill injure tha
"T h e y w ill call it a committee o f
safety,’ ’ the mayor continued, " b u t
other cities w ill call it a vigi lanes com­
mittee, and that w ill do irrevocable
barm to San Franciaoo.
I t wonld be a
cconfeosion that tha people of this city
are not capable of protecting them­
selves, and when I say the people I
mean the authorities with whom the
people have vested the power of gov- ~
era men t The plan is an-American.
"T h a surpation oi tbs powers of »op­
pressing crime by unauthorised persona
is s crime in itself.
I shall regard it
as snob and w ill not permit it.
“ Should those men desire to oo-oper-
ste with tbe antherities in ridding tha
city of thugs end criminals, I shall ba
glad to have their assistance, bnt they
most not act independent of the munic­
ipality. I w ill not allow millionaires
10 take those step# any sooner than I
would allow laboring man.
must be no violence committed by citi-
Lynch law does more harm
than good.’
A Los A n gelu sthreet ear ran away
F O O T P A D 8 HARD A T W O R K .
on n steep grade becauu the brakes
would not work. Two men were killed Pòlice Round Up All the Suspicious
and n s u re seriously injured.
Charactsrs They 8 ee.
The railway mail clerks running out
San Francisco, Oct. lfl.— Despite tbe
o f Houston, Tux., on the Southern Pa­ energetic measures taken by tbe police
cific, have gone on n strike u a result in rounding up ail ex-eonvicte and sus­
o f trouble with the railroad company .
picious characters yuterday and today,
Detectives from London are Investi­ tbe activity af the footpads and high­
Several reports of
gating the alleged importation o f Eng­ waymen continued
lish girls to work in Bputh Carolina robberies sod attempted hold-ups were
cotton m ills ¡.contrary to the contract made to the police.
Carl Wilson, a laborer, was ¡held up
labor laws.
and robbed of $6 by two men, while
Mount P o lu ia again in active crop
walking on Bush stru t, near Kearney,
aboot 10 o’ clock tonight. As the foot­
W ranglu of anions cause a threat of pads stopped him Wilson fired a shot
a general building lockout to Chicago. i t them in the darkness. In their
A Toronto university student wan the haste in searching him, the robbers
first to be killed by football this season. overlooked the pistol which he bad.
Attracted by the shot, a nigbtwatch-
W itte says that, whila be has no ill man came running up and also began
fooling against the c u r , bo w ill never shooting at the fleeing men.
H ood River Land in Demand.
again serve him.
Edward Lang/a street-car conductor,
Hood Biver— 8 a lu of ranch and city
An Atlanta grand jury b u indicted reported to the polios today that ha property aggregating $60,000 in one
SO white m m for complicity in the re­ was held up by two masked men at the day are reported by Hood Rivar real
north end of the Ferry building shortly u ta te men, who u id that the demand
cent ontragu against negrou.
before 12 o’ clock last night. W hile
In his larawall nddrau Taft told the one of them held a pistol against here for apple land w m never butter
than at preunt.
The statement was
Cubaae that the United S tatu w ill not
m g’ s head the other footpad wont made that O. L . Vanderbilt bad bun
foavo till fair elections are assured.
through nis pockets, and, accord lag to offered $ 100,000 for hie apple orchard
Secretary Taft h u informed a delega­ Lang, robbed him of $60.
known a f Boelah Land, which ha re­
An attempted bold-up w u reported fused because he h u a $16,000 crop of
tion of Ialo of P in u citiaens that it is
Discovery Made by 8 ubway Workmen
to think of separation from from Goldon Oats park. The approach apples on it, which the intending pur­
at Depth o f IOO Feet.
of some pedestrians frightened away chases wanted included in the tale.
Oct. 18. — Sobway
the highwiym ea.
Vanderbilt unfirm s tbe sal«.
The Chilean eongreee, city and prop-
workmen digging beneath Water street
ranch of F . Chandler, 60 ecru, w u
arty own eta of Valparaiso, w ill com*
for tbe new tunnel station, nccovered
•old to the read aetata firm of Albaar,
bine to rebuild the city deetroyed by
at tha depth of 100 feet what is clear­
Ben ham A Go., of Portland, for $15,-
ly an old slave prison.
The pen in
000. Tha ranch ia situated near the
composed of narrow cells in three tiers,
John Barrett, now minister to Co*
city, and it ia expected that it w ill ba
Sent to Philippines.
with three-foot corridors between heavy
lombia, ia elated for a better position,
cut up into lots.________
walls. Tbs calls ran six to the tier.
either ambaaeador to Brasil or vice gov­
Wsbington, Oct. lfl.— An argument
Each is large enoogh to held six men
ernor of the Philippines.
against the reduction in the number of
T o Operate Dredge Chinook.
pecked in closely.
Heavy iron barn
Portland— To operate the bhr dredge
The deparment of Justice ia gaining
covered the windows and in each call
Chinook at the mouth of the Columbia
fresh evidence that hundreds of men,
were manacle supports. Directly above
both white and b le d , are held in vir. manding that division, in his annual on an annual appropriation furnished
them ia tbs bouse of Stephan Girard,
by the state is n matter that come np
tea l slavery ia Southern Flordia *»y the
F U R N IT U R E M EN P R O T E 8 T .
an eccentric millionaire, wbo gave Gi­
for consideration at the regular month­
rard college to Philadelphia, end wboee
" W e are for frem h om e,", u y e Gen­ ly m u tin g of the board of trade. In
Cuban Liberals hail Taft
Wheat— Club, 66 c ; blnutem , 68 c Say Railroads Discriminate in Freight estate ie now vnloed at $ 100 , 000 , 000 .
eral Wood, “ and ia case of foreign die- hie monthly statement Secretary La her
as saviours.
In tearing down tbe old Girard home
tnrbencu, even with all our troope devotes considerable apace to tbe tact valley, 67®68c; red, 61®-
Rates to Pacific Coast.
that tbe traction company bought, tbe
Oats— No. 1 white, $28(928.60; gray
A son of Vice President Fairbanks concentrated at Manila, the force avail­ that tbe Chinook h u bu n lying idle at
Washington, Oct. 15. — A complaint prison wee diacovered. Tbe old bones
able would bo scaredy sufficient to de­ tbe government moeringa for two years, $224122 60 per too.
has eloped with a PittsDurg girl.
b u been made to tbe Interstate Com­ is within half ■ square of the Delaware,
. Barley— Feed, $20.60 per ton; brew
fend it from a serious attack.
merce commission by tbe North Caro­ end secret access by water would ba
The Isle of Pines is not affected by ovsr, a strong garrison should be main­ end daring that time it b u been nee- lag. $21.60; rolled, $28.
line Caseworkers’ esaoeietion, whose easy.
American intervention in Cuba
Girard believed in slavery,
B y »— $1.2601.36 per ewt.
tained here until conditionns pertain­ ebe was constructed are unearned. Ha
membership consists of firms engaged owned slave« end many Louisiana sugar
Boasia is expelling all Japanese from
is of the opinion that funds with
in the manufacture and rale of furni­ plantations.
that part of Manchuria oontrolled by tablished and tbe anim ositiu and dis­ which to continue the work on tbe bar per ton.
ture, agninet many lin u of railroad« in
Hay— V alley timothy, No. 1, $ 10 ®
appointments incident to the building u n be eecured._________
the c u r ’s troope.
tbe West, b e u n u of alleged unjust end
11 per ton: E u te in Oregon timothy,
up of a local government under new
Armour’ s Case B efore Wilson.
discriminatory ebargu for the trans­
A lone highwayman held up a
One Board fo r Normal Schools.
$14016; clover, $8.50@7; cheat, *7®
and perhaps atrainsd conditions have
Oct. 18.— 8tata Food
ia the Tooopab, Nevada, district, and
Salem — A t their eeuion the mem- 7.50; grain bey, $7; alfalfa, $11.60
passed aw ay."
H igh Point, N . 0 ., end Danville, Vs., end Dairy Commissioner Warren thie
secured nearly 16.000.
General Wood suggeeta adding some ben of the Department of Superintend­ vetch bay, $707.60.
week caused warrants to be issued fo r
to Pacific coast terminal point*.
F ru it«— A p p lu , -common to choice
The Newfoundland cabinet is still artillery to tbe preunt garrison and ence of the State Teachers’ association
Tbe oompfsinante declare that the the arrest of several o* Armour A Com­
worrying over the fishing privileges ■ending to tbs Ph ilip p in u one squad­ du ided without a dissenting vote to 26® 76c per box; choice to fancy, 76c®
rail ru d e charge them $1.70 per hun­ pany’ s agents in this city on the charge
lost to the United Statu.
ron of each of the caverty regiments in favor tbe piecing of all a ll state normal $1.25; grapu, 60c® $1 60 per box
dred pounds for u rry in g furniture of exposing for sale hams and other
schools under the control of a sing la Concords, Oregon, 2734® half basket
Booker T . Washington in an address the United Statu.
from tbe North Carolina territory to meats containing boracic acid. Assist­
board. There were one or two superin­ peaches, 8 0 c ® $ ); p u re, 75e®$1.26 Pacific co u t points, and inaiat upon a ant Food and Dairy Commission' r D.
to negrou strongly advised them to re­
crahapplu, $1@1.26 per box; prom
main calm during the present trouble Miindanao. T b e rice output there is tendent» who u id that they had not
minimum u rload weight ot 20,000 Schick and N. B. C ritctfield, secretary
26®50c per box; cranberries, $9 per
in th e South.
pounds, whereas they claim to bo able of agriculture of this state, today w en t
tbe people have gone to work.
As own minds and therefore woold not barrel; qnincu, $1®1.25 per box.
put into a u r only 12,000 pounds to Washington to meet Secretary of Ag­
China wante American engineers to there ia an large Mohammedan i lament vote upoD the question, but all thou
Yegetablu — Brans, 60734c; cab­
They insist, therefore, riculture Wilson and Dr. H . W . W iley,
take ebarge of her railway construc­ there, and unexpected disturbances who did vote went on record in tho bage, 134(9134® per poend; cauliflow­
unreasonable and ask chief chemist of tbe department, tn d
tion and w ill pay $26,000 a year on a may occur u tbs result of action of re­ affirmative.
The officers eluted are: er. $101.26 per doeen; celery, 60090c
issue an order re­ lay tbe facta in tbe case before them.
five years’ contract.
ligions fanatics raturning from Mecca, President, L . B . A lderm an,. of Yam­ perdosen; corn, 1234 c per droen; cu­ quiring tbe railroads to lim it 86 -foot
Forest Reserves S afe From Fire.
In the suit against the Standard tbe report n y s the garrison shoo id be h ill; vice pruident, E- E. Bragg, of cumber«, 16c per dosen; egg plant, 10 c u rloed lot^ of furniture to 12,000
Union; secretary, E. F . Neff, of Wasco. per pound; lettuce, bead, 20 c per dos­
Oil company in Ohio it baa developed concentrated.
Washington, Oct. 18. — Gifford Pin-
en ; onions, 1 O 0 1 2 H - perdosen; p u t
" "
■ S'
that one of the large Mnglish o il com­
chot, chief of tbe bureau of forestry,
4 ® 6 c; bell peppers 5e; pumpkin«, 134c
Rebuilding Pendleton Levee.
panies is owned by Rockefeller in­
Ambassador Resigned.
Hard to Reconcile Them.
who fa s just completed a tour of tha-
per pound; spinach. 4 ® 6 o per pound;
terne ta.
Maxim Oity. Max., Oct. 16.— -Joaquin
Gienfuegos, Oct. 15.— Consul Gener­ government forest reeervea, celled upon
the le v u along the wutern part of the, tomatoes, 80060c per box; parsley, 10 al Steinhart’ s endeavors to settle local the president, today. Mr. Pincbot ex-
Immediately upon the retnfb of Taft d'Oassuius, Maxican ambassador to
h u been started with a small force 0 1 5 c; Sprout«, 734® per pound; squash, difflcnltiu and reconcile the h u tile ;preieed gratification with the results o f
from Cuba a vice governor of the Phil* the United Stoats, b u formally tender­
and turns. Owing to tbs late- l H e per round; turnips, 90c@$l per faetiona have not yet bowse much fruit. iiia inepeotioa tour and end of the ex­
ip p in u w ill be appointed. This is the ed his red gnat ion to Pruident Dias,
i of the season tbs work w ill be sack; cat rots, $101.26 per seek; buts, Tbe Liberals continue to demand the cellent condition in which he found the
p u t originally intended for Magoon,
$1.2501.60 per sack; horeersdiah, 10 c
be made public in the next iu u e of tbe rushed as fast as possible. This citv ia
removal of all the police end would be forest reserve«. There bee been only
sow governor of Cuba.
Diary Ofltoial. Senor Oeasaaius g iv u now in the midst of e labor famine.
glad to have the mayor of the city oust­ one big Are on the reserve« daring tb»-
Onions— Oregon, $1®1,16 per bun
1 killed As as a reason for hfs resignation the fact In additido to tbe usual demands (or
ed. Tbe am nutyiug of all persons ■nmmer, be rays, and tha burned area,
help, the s tru t paving company, tbe died*.
that for some tim e past bis b u ltb b
connected with the murder of Congress­ did not exceed 2,000 scree.
Potato««— Oregon Burbanks, deliver­
le v u bnilders end tbe government road
man Villuendae laat yegr is serving to
Ohio b u succeeded in bru king up b u n u rio osly impaired. According to
ed, 80085c; in carlota f . o. b. country,
quiet tbe bad fu lin ge that have pre­
the rumors in circulation, the most experts are ell being g r u tly hand!-
Cold Persists In East.
the bridge tract.
75®80c; sweet potatoes, 20234« per
likely canlidate to sacceed Cesssains is u pped.
The volunteers, instead of
Washington, Oct. 18. — The cold
Many bold roll
u are Recurring
turning in all their guns, have conceal­ wave ia pereietfng in the East.
Enrique C ru l, governor of the state of
Butter— Fancy creamery, 26030c per
daily in San Francisco.
Linn 8 chool Fund Apportioned.
ed some and buried others.
other cold wave in the Rocky Moun­
Albany— County School Superintend­
Tbe political campaign in New York
ts in region, in Idaho and Montana,,
Eggs— Oregon ranch, 81032c per
ent Jackson has mads the semi-annual
is becoming e very warm one.
Economy in British Navy.
Must 8 helter No Strangers.
end moderating in the South end con­
apportionment of tbe Linn count? school
London, Oct. 16.— The Standard this
St. Petersburg, Oct. 16.— The minie- siderably warmer ia tbe central ralleya
Poultry — Average old bens, 12 0
funds, Albany receiving $2,808.80 of
Newfoundland w ill make a bard fight
morning rays the government purposes,
•er of the Imperial ceort bee issued an ie the weather situs tion in a nutshell,
for fieheriu awarded to America.
before the end of the y u r , to remove
1234 « ; spring, 1201234 c; old roosters, order forbidding officials end employee as announced tonight by tbe Weather
Black Hundred« of Russia are spread­ 20 efficient ships from active duty, in follows: -Lebanon, $811.60; Browns- 9010c; dressed chickens, 14@16)4c;
the court to rent rooms or otherwise bureau. Ik is warming up in the West
ing terror, u pec tally in Odeeu.
order to economise for an active fleet.
any persone without the special generally, reaching over 60 degree« in
turkeys, live, I 6 @ 2 lc ; torkeys, dress
burg, $468.60; H a lu y, $802.00. Tb<
permission of the minfater. The order tbe vicinity of Chicago and the Mieeie-
Tbe big British buttlubip Dread­ Six battleships of tbe Majestic clua amounts do not include the emouuta *d> cho,C€- 20022 c;
• rin» to the street of Klepnikoff end eipnl valley and over 70 degrees weak
nought h u developed a speed of 2234 w ill be removed. A ll of these w ill be isceived by mt :h district through its 10c; dncks, 14@16c.
placed in tbe home reserve. Tbe entire
•-»»- T .o n rt«t» at Peterbof, September of th en .
Hops— Ohoice, 1906,11012c; prime,
own tax.
Royal Sovereign clau, eight fine vee-
28, and tbe discovery that many of the
Tbe secood tube of the Pennsylvania u la, w ill be placed in reserve without
«mtipttnta tu tbe conspiracy were liv-
Whore Alfalfa Grows Luxuriantly.
Japanese Designs on Java.
Wool— Volley, 22022 34« » Eeatern
railroad tonne! under tbe Hodeon river crews, and four armored craiaers « i l l
» unsnspee’ ed in the immediate vi-
Oregon, 14®21e se io ehrinkage; mo­
Rome, Oct. 18. — Tbe newspaper»-
at New York h u been completed.
be paid off.
ity nl H(e palace.
finished cutting his third crop of alfal­ hair, cboice, 28@30c.
her» today publish • private letter
An east bound Union Pacific paasen-
fa at his ranch s short distance above
C it t ì« — Beat stura, $3.60®» 66 :
from Tokio that numerous Japan««»
cer train w u wracked n u r Evanston,
Rain Damages Cotton.
M ore Yellow Fever Ceses.
Weston. Hie beet yield w u from two medium, $308.25; cows, $2.6002 66 ;
emissaries have been sent to the island
W yom ing. No on# was »ericasly hart.
Houston, Tex., Oet. 16.— A heavy ecru of sub-irrigated bottom, which •eoond grada cows, $202.25; bulla,
Waehlogto'', Oct. 15.— The Marine of Java, Dutch Eaet Indies, with t b »
Thu Mexican government b u arrang­ r«in b u fallen over tbe ground in part made 16)4 tone. Mr. O’ Harra b u pnt $1.6002; calve«, $404.60.
H «p ite i servire has bean advised of mission to create incident« justifying &
ed to have the United Statu mint at of Texes tbe p u t 24 hours, doing con­ np altogether 126 tons of Jiay, and is
he appearance of three new case« of Jepaneee naval demonstration.
Bbeep Best, $404.26; lamha, $4.6(1
I t is
flea Francisco ooin 2,500,002 Mexican siderable «tannage to the cotton crop. one of the most successful producers In
Hoge— Beat, $6.60; light weighte, $6 «el low fever at Havana end of one at reported that the Dutch a oth orltla »
h a lf dollars.
There w ill be n h u v y lorn in r iu .
this section of the country.
Oienfuegoe and one et Guinea.
are much alarmed.