Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, October 18, 1906, Image 1

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    N ewberg
vol xvni.
H ood River have better hotel ing to see him lingering around
accommodations and ow in g to that box when taps were sound?
Eight Hundred Boxes of Apples the rush on the occasion o f the ed a t the closing hour on the last
on Exhibition. Nothing Too fair many o f the citizens opened night and he must go. Oursym*
Good for Visitors
their homes in order to give ad­ pathies were w ith him. T o on«
who came up by the paw paw
On arriving in Portland last ditional accommodations.
the smell o f the fru it b;
Sunday morning on the return
trip from the H ood River fair, and while it was supposed to sweet memories o f boyhood da;
th e Graphic scribe in company show the different products of th at make the w ords o f the so:
w ith W. N. Welch, w ent to the their valley it w as in reality an “ M ollie come drive the c
An old resident home,” seem very real, and
First Congregational church to apple show.
a former could alm ost hear the rustle
hear Mrs. Rose Bloch^Baur sing
"C v, us the autnmn leaves nnder
and to hear a sermon by W illiam
Shaw the great Christian Bp- fellow s who are raising vege­ feet.
, Hon. B. L . Smith was in
i deavor worker o f Boston. On tables are not in it here. Why,
everywhere, and
entering the church we were
handed a printed program by fine sweet potatoes as ever grew would H ood R iver be w i
the usher and glancing a t it we in California and they w on’t him? Then there were
read under the head o f "T h e look a t them.” And so it was. M oe o f the Glacier and B:
minute mens topic” these words: The people were there to talk o f the News-Letter
Ganos, Yellow Newtowns and give the glad hand to
“ A s w s m ast and touoh each day
The many traveler* on onr way
Spitzeubergs and w hile in a few newspaper men, among
L a t every Bueh b rief contact be
instances Sarah Ann m ay have were Albert Tozier,
A glorious, helpful m inistry. ”
been heard to ask if the baby the state press association
Our first thought w as th at Dr.
had finished cutting its teeth Tim othy Brownhill o f the
House, the pastor w ho arranged
and if Johnny had started to State Herald. Tozier keep«
the program had no doubt re­
school, she was soon switched stantly on hand a w ell
cently made a trip to H ood River o ff to engage in the one theme o f
stock o f newspaper yarns
where every man, wom an and
conversation, apples.
Tim othy, w ell he is not
child engages in " a glorious
Apples, w ell yes some apples an Irish comedian but be i t
helpful m inistry” —for the en­
magine a mammoth tent filled past m a*ter a t telling wt
lightenment o f the stranger w ith­
w ith right hundred boxes of such and he was a t his best
in the gates, and a t this reason
apples as would delight the eyes night. I t w ill pay yon to
o f the year the text is alw ays of the crowned heads o f any
his den if yon ever go to Gres
taken from the one theme "H ood country. N ot little boxes mind
and it he don’ t g e t your
R iver apples.”
yon, bnt the regulation forty- down on his subscription list
On Friday we went to H ood five pound box just as they are
shall miss onr guess.
River, arriving at a late hour in put up fo r shipment. There was
The traveler passing Hi
the night and ow ing to the many not a poor box in the lot, and
River by rail has no idea of
people in tow n w e considered since they, pride themselves on
valley in th at mountainous
ourselves fortunate in being able their packing as much as on the
trict, situated as it is
t o secure a bed at the Mount quality o f the fruit, there was
the snow capped peaks o f Hi
H ood H otel. Hon. F. A. Craw ­ not a poorly packed box among
and Adams, but when one
ford w ho was on the same train them.
out on the hill above tow n
w as unable to secure lodging at
Of course the fellow w as there ooks aw ay tow ard H ood on
the same place when he applied who asserted th at his part o f
south he imagines the vi
and he proceeded to make him­ the country could prpduce just
made to order. By the courtesy
self as com fortable as possible in as fine apples if the people would
o f Jed Ferguson, a real estate
the hotel lobby and entered into turn their attention to fruit
man we took a nine mile drive
a discussion w ith tw o o f the grow ing, bat he w as met w ith a
oat through the valley,
residents o f the city on the rela­ smile mingled w ith pity and con­
much- o f the w a y we
tive merits o f Yam hill county tempt, as he failed to show up
splendid roads and saw many
and the H ood River valley as w ith the goods.
fine orchards loaded down w ith
fru it grow in g districts. The dis­ F o r strictly a show apple the
cussion waxed warm and it is W o lf River is a great success
In the evening we were invited
conceded that Fred was getting w ith its enormous size and fine
out to the P otter farm, tw o and
the best o f the argument, for, color. I. N. Campbell o f Camp­
h alf miles to the southwest
along about tw o o ’clock in the bell Bros., who own an orchard
and by the kindness o f Mrs. P ot­
morning the hotel clerk, who is on the east side o f the valley, in-
ter were loaded down w ith a
lo ya l to H ood River, tapped the ormed the w riter th at they re­
couple o f baskets of great red
new ly elected member o f the cently made a shipment o f one
apples to carry aw ay as souve­
legislature from Yam hill on the mndred boxes o f this variety
nirs of onr visit.
shoulder and told him he had which they picked from eight
It m atters not how good the
found a guest w ho would share trees and for which they received
ocality is in which you live, it
his bed w ith him, provided Fred $1.00 per box. They w ent to a
pays to get oat from home oc­
would pay the cost of the bed New York man who wanted
casionally and visit other sec­
fo r the night. Fred accepted the them fo r decorating purposes a t
tions o f the country. I t enlarges
offer a t once and th at is where a big banquet. O f course they
your vision and gives you a
the H ood River fellow s floored were labeled H ood River apples
chance to learn many lessons of
him, so to speak. A t a very and this is the w ay to make a
value. Oregon has such a var­
early hour in the morning we reputation. Some men in busi­
iety o f soil, clim ate and varied
heard a man banging around in ness say it don't pay toadyertise
and scape, go in any direction
an adjoining room and we soon but H ood River people w ill tell
you may, th at it w ill keep you
recognized the voice of M r. you it does. Few if any o f their
may to see all the points of in­
C raw ford when he said to his apples are selling tor less than
terest, but you don’ t w ant to
bed fellow " I thank yon for a 1.00 per box and the Yellow
eave H ood River out o f the list.
place to la y down during the 'iew tow ns and Spitzenbergs run
When you g o there you w ill do
night,” never mentioning sleep. as high as $3.00 per box.
well to leave your money and
L a ter he told us th at when he
The Reubes who never fail to your credit a t home unless you
went to the room he found the show up at the agricultural
want to invest. They w ill show
fellow who made him the gener­ iorse tro t were not
evidence you the goods and they w ill not
ous offer had pre-empted a claim tere. The fact is the successful
hesitate to tell you there is no
in the middle o f the bed, from apple grow er is a man o f intelli­
other spot on earth like it. They
which he was unable to move gence and culture and Hood
tell it ju st as though they be­
him, artd all he w as able to River seems to be filled up w ith
lieved it 'and in an unguarded
do was to plant himself on this class o f people. So fa r' as
moment you are liable to be
the bed rail next to the w all. we could see in one short day’s
tempted to invest in some of
Before he g o t to sleep the fellow stay, the one thing th at they
their dirt.
I t seems to be in the
began to snore and although he ought to be ashamed o f is the
jabbed him in the slats and yelled saloon. Many o f them, in fact
a t him he sawed aw ay like an very nearly a m ajority o f them,
Chehalsm Center.
old time corn stalk fiddle, and are ashamed of it as a vote in
Miss Crumly visited over Sun-
the Yam hill man slept not a the past has shown.
dav w ith M r. and Mrs. Enos
Bat we must not forget the Ellis.
This little account o f the trials one box o f fruit which to many
H. Chase and S. Linton are
o f M r. Crawford is throw n in to was a great curiosity, though
making lumber in .their new
show how the H ood River peo­ not so to the w riter. It was a
ple stand together to hold their half-bushel o f paw paws all the mill at Springbrook.
Miss M ary E tta Livengood
ow n w ith an outsider in an argu­ w ay from Indiana. They had
ment regarding apple grow ing, the smell of the real thing and and Geo. Perry were married on
but had they known that their had the watchman kindly turned Sunday, 12 o ’clock, at the home
guest would be in a position to his back, something m ight have ol the bride. Just a few friends
cast a vote in the legislature happened.
Then there was were present at the ceremony.
next winter, either for or against Byerlee, the city editor o f the
Jesse Hammer came home last
them in their county division News-Letter and he was tempted week, bnt intended to go this
fight, they would Rave given also, and might have fallen had week over to Newport, where he
him a room w ith tw o beds and conditions been favorable.
He has a position for the winter, in
free bath.
came from "back east,” the home the M int horn sanitary bath
Few tow ns is the class w ith o f the p aw paw and it was touch­ house.
NO. 52
Predicts that we are going: to have very wet weather
fo r the next nine months— (quite a long w et spell.)
Does not this suggest to you that you need one o f our
nice, dressy Cravenett Rain Coats? W e have them at
prices from $7.00 to $20.00. Each one is a special
value, and w ill protect you from the showers that old
Neptune is turning loose on mother earth.
" ""■
----------- —
You, too, need a rain coat It affords Style, Comfort,
Protection. W e have a nice line o f new, up-to-date,
Stylish Cravenett Coats fo r you. W e wish to call your attention to our $10.00 Coats.
They are the best value we ever offered, . Call and look our line over before you purchase.
W e wish to call your attention to the fact that w e have a line o f Overcoats that w e
are making some Special Prices on. Come and look them over, we can save you some
N ot a Reduction Sale, but a clean sweep o f every rig in the house at Factory prices
with simply thej car load freigh t added. The list o f stock on hand follows with prices
in plain figures, fo r we do not fear the gaze o f any competitor, no matter in which part o f
the state he resides and w e want you to see the goods, as well as the figures, fo r w e know
it is impossible fo r you toj match the price in goods o f as high a grade as these we
offer, and they are going, too, at the price, neither one cent more or less.
stick seat.
driving wagon, O N E genuine leather trim , steel tire, top buggy
■tael tire, never sold fo r less than $66
. .
to clone out................................
$ O A .D U
O N E Road W agon, one seat, steel tire, sold every
where from $60.00 to $65.00, w e w ill
Mil a t..................................................... $ 5 1 .6 0
FO U R top buggies, genuine leather trim , steel tires,
which you can not buy o ff any floor in
Portland fo r less than $75, to g o a t .... $66.UU
O N E genuine leather trim . Bike W agon, solid rubbe
tire, never sold fo r less than $80.00, to
o e FO U R steel tire, top buggies, genuine leather trim ,
the price has always been considered « . . . ~ ~ '
c I o m out a t......................... ................. $ # U.SJO
low at $82.50, to close out a t......_.........
TH R E E Stick Seat, genuine leather trim , Bikes, solid
rubber tire, sold everyw here from $80
_ A F IV E extra finished throughout, steel tire, top bug­
to $85, to go a t....................................... $ # l . Z l l
gies, genuine leather trim . You have never*
bought one fo r less than $90 and we have seen the
O N E tw o seated, open rig ; steel tires, sold nowhere
same grade priced a t $100 on many o f t o o _ _
fo r le u than $65.00, w e w ill close
the floors in Portland, to close a t.........
out a t ............................................ - ...... $55.90
Th is is a straight closeout, every one must go
Calkins & Wright.
M u tu el 2 3
B e ll P h on e M ein 1 2 4
lÆ X X X X X X S a c ¿MvALM
W h at’s the Use
O f sending to the cat­
alogue house* fo r your
watches? I have just re­
ceived a nice line o f Elgin
and W altham Watches,
bought at a very low price
and they are only $4.85
When you are hungry try
the White House Restaurant
where warm meals w ill be
served a t all hours.
Location—Glen H otel
while they last.
W . S . Reynolds,
? W atchm aker and Jew eler
Mrs. G J. Leavitt
M usic
Piano, Organ, $7.50 per term
o f ten lessons.
Voice Production, Harmony,
$7.60 per term o f ten lessons.
Lessons o f one hour’s duration,
one per week.
Beginners can
divide the hour and take tw o
half hours per week.
H a lf hour lessons, 1. e., one
half hour per week 50c.
Pupils beginning now w ill be
able to appear in recital.
Musical D irector, Pacific C ollege