Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, October 11, 1906, Image 1

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    vol .
To The Citizens of Newberg.
Areyouawake? Are you alive?
H ow do you know you are? Can
you convince anyone else that
you are? By being alive in thM
day and age is meant at least
being familiar with the vast pro­
gress and improvements o f the;
twentieth century. If you are
not such as to fit this discription
you are liable to be classed as
a moss back who is a forgotten
remnant ot a bygone u n w i
tion. Those desiring to keej|
abreast o f the times in t r e iy
particular should get into c o w .
munication a t once with tfci
representatives of the OregoniaA
W s wish to call your attention to our stock o f General Merchandise.
Our 8tore is com pletely filled w ith all kinds o f merchandise and at our
prices w e believe w e can save you money.
• t » t
W e have the largest stock o f Ladies and Misses Jackets in N ew berg.
A lso the largest variety and the low est prices.
vince you.
Encyclopedia club. Communica*
tions addressed to McMillan 8c
Murray, White House Hotel, I
Newberg, Oregon, will receive I
prompt consideration. Let os
An inspection w ill con­
In Ladies and Misses Skirts, w e ha ve b y fa r thè largest stock and
w e are m aking some special prices on many linea.
save you money.
W e know that w e can
hear from you.
The latter are spending their
Mind Training Rules.
School w ill commence in a fe w days.
B ring in that boy and g et
“ Behold! The Man!” A picture honeymoon in college.
him a suit o f clothes fo r school.
W e are m aking some special prices which
The athlete may look with
•or portrayal o f the Man o f Gali­
Miss Grace Stone, the scholar­ longing eyes at the “ pies and
lee was given in which were
ship winner o f last year’s high puddings” but he must not break
emphasized the qualities o f sin-
school class, registered Friday training rules. David Starr Jor­
-cerity and honesty, unselfishness,
and began work Monday.
dan says:
B ring in that boy or g irl and fit them out w ith a pair o f Red School
true humility, quiet but com­
The pitcher w ho smokes a
One o f the first subjects to en­
manding dignity, charity and
House shoes, the best ever sold fo r the price. A large shipment w ill be due
cigarette gives aw ay the game.
generosity, tenderness, genuine­ gage the attention o f the asso­
in a fe w days,
The punter who dances loses the
ness and positive moral fibre. ciation will be the reconstruc­
goal, the sprinter w ho takes a
He was held up as the ideal to tion o f the gymnasium.
convivial glass of beer breaks no <
whom all should look and re­ floor is too small for basket
record. His record breaks him.
ceive an inspiration for more >all and i f P. C. remains
Some day we shall realize th at j
earnest and self-sacrificing ser­ in the league the gymnasium
the game o f life is more strenn-
will have to be greatly en-
ous than the game o f football, j
In the evening Rev. Caleb arged—sufficiently so to furnish
more intricate than pitching*
Jenkins, o f Enterprise, supfge*. a.regulation floor 35x70 feet.
curves, more difficult than point­
men ted the thought o f the morn­ There is little time to be wasted
ing in an able sermon in which if-the new building is to be com­ ing. We shall keep in trim for
it. We must remember training
he encouraged his hearers to live pleted by the opening o f the
rules. The rules that win the
th a t perfect life which “ the Man”« visket bail season.
football game are good also for
" ' ’ T ......
lived among men.
Considering the very late open­ success in business. H alf the
The first social event o f the ing o f college, the short football strength o f young America is
college year took place in the season a t best, the general “ con­ wasted in the dissipation o f
college halls and society room servatism” o f the players tow ard drinking or smoking. It we keep
Friday evening when a reception taking up the game, together the training rules o f like in liter­
w as tendered the new students with the radical change in the al honesty, we shall win a host
by the Christian Associations. rules, it seems very doubtful o f prizes that otherwise we would
The rooms were beautifully dec­ about Pacific College putting lose. Final succes goes to the
orated With vine maple foliage out a football team this year. few, alas, who through life keep
N ot a Reduction Sale, but a clean sweep o f every rig in the house a t Factory prices
presenting the brilliancy of the The fact also that other colleges mind and soul and body clean.
w ith sim ply th e] car.load freigh t added. The list o f stock on hand follow s w ith prices
autumnal tints and furnishing with whom P. C. generally com-
in plain figures, fo r w e do not fe a r the gaze o f any com petitor, no m atter in which part o f
Be True to Yourself.
an attractive background for * tea are not taking up the game
the state he resides and w e want you to see the goods, as w ell as the figures, fo r w e know
the festivities o f the evening.
las a bearing on the situation.
it - is impossible fo r you to J match the price in goods o f as high a grade as these w e
An informal program was The academy boys appear un­
offer, and they are going, too, at the price, neither one cent more or less.
much enjoyed, in which Prof. daunted however and have been
stick seat.
driving wagon,
Carrick rendered piano solos, out for practice with the inten­
steel tire, never sold fo r less than 966 É M
the Misses Katherine Romig and tion of organizing a team.
Sara Knight a vocal duet and
O N E Road Wagon, one seat, steel tire, sold every
F O U R top buggies, genuine leather trim, steel tires
Miss Beulah Spaulding a read­ Contrary to the usual order in
where from $60.00 to $65.00, we will
which you can not buy off any floor in
M il at................................. ................. | 5 1 . 6 (
ing. Selections were given by a this day and age, the ladies are
Portland for less than $76, to g o a t ..... $66.(X
O N E genuine leather trim, Bike Wagon, Mlid rubbe
rather hastily organized glee,
F O U R steel tire, top buggies, genuine leather trim
tire, never sold for less than $80.00, to
composed o f Prof. Carrick, Huber ege this year. M ay it be a case
the price has always been considered
low at $82.60, to ck>M out a t ................. $71.(X
Haworth, W. C. Woodward, o f a little leaven.
T H R E E Stick Seat, genuine leather trim, Bikes, solid
Arthur Wilson, Earl Kenworthy,
Teachers’ Annual Institute.
rubber tire, sold everywhere from $80 —
n A F IV E extra finished throughout, steel tire, top bug­
to $85, to g o a t ........................ .............. $ 7 1 . 2 0
Paul Maris,
Russel Lewis,
gies, genuine leather trim. You have never
The Teachers’ Annual Institute
bought one for less than $90 and we have seen the
O N E two seated, open rig; steel tires, sold nowhere
H arry Maxfield and Perry Macy. will be held in McMinnville on
same grade priced at $100 on many o f
fo r less than $66.00, we will close —
_ _
Various attractive features of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nine­
the floors in Portland, to c I o m a t......... $82.25
out a t ................................................... $ 5 5 . 9 0
entertainment followed, the even­ teenth and twentieth o f October.
ing being closed with the par­ The last day will be school offi­
taking o f light refreshments. cers’ meeting. According to the
The new students seemed greatly aw no public school can run
to enjoy their first introduction during the time that an institute
to the social side o f college life.
is in session and all teachers are
The athletic association has expected to be present.
The following instructors will
been reorganized with the elec­
tion of the following new officers: je present! J. H. Ackerman;
Roy Mills, president; Clarence 3res. P. L. Campbell, o f the Uni­
Brown, vice president; Cecil Hos­ versity oi Oregon; Pres. Ressler,
kins, secretary; Riley Kaufman, o f the Monmouth Normal; Prof.
Paul M a r i s was Sweetser, o f the University o f
elected football manager, with Oregon; L. R. Travcr, o f the
instructions to investigate the Pendleton schools; Superintend­
Betty Botter bought some but­
pros and cons relative to organ­ ent Robinson, o f Multnomah
county; Pres. Mulkey, o f the ter; but said she, this butter’s bit­
izing a team this year.
Piano, Organ, $7.60 per term
O f sending to the cat­
Ashland Normal; Miss Marvin, ter; if I put it in my batter it
3 of ten lessons.
The prohibition club held its
alogue houses fo r your
o f the Oregon Library Commis­ will make my batter bitter; but
Voice Production,
first meeting Monday evening to
watches? I have just re­
$ $7.60 per term o f ten lessons,
sion. All are invited.
outline future work and was ad­
ceived a nice line o f Elgin
When you are hungry try
Lessons of one hour’s duration,
make my batter better. So she
dressed by Rev. Caleb Jenkins.
the White House Restaurant
and Waltham Watches,
ù one per week.
Beginners can
bought a bit of butter better
The officers o f the club are—Perry
take two
bought at a very low price
Notice is hereby given that I than the the bitter butter, and
served at all hours.
half hours per week.
Macy, president; Arthur Wilson, lave sold my housefurnishing
and they are only $4.86
made her bitter batter better.
H alf hour lesMns, i. e., one
secretary; Haines Burgess, treas­ and second hand business to A.
Location—Glen Hotel
while they last.
half hour per week 50c.
! ?encel. All outstanding accounts bought a bit of bitter butter.
Pupils beginning now will be
to appear in recital.
Miss Ragon, a returned Bap­ are payable to me. Persons
tist missionary from Burma, mowing themselves indebted to
J. S. C A R R IC K
Watchmaker and Jeweler
M rs. C J. Leavitt
India, met with the college Y. me are requested to make settle­ wood at $1.40 per cord, three
Musical Director, Pacific College
O R EG O N ,
miles north o f Newberg. M. G.
W. C. A. Tuesday evening and ment as soon as possible.
J. M .S h a w .
gave the girls an unusually in-
This is a straight closeout, every one must go
Calkins & Wright
1 Music Tuition.