NEWBERG GRAPHIC NEWS OFTHE WEEK h i (tndensed f m hr Mr A Resume o f the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events o f the Pest Week. John D. Rockefeller la missini from b is Forest H ill home. Th e steemer Mongolia hsa started for Ban Franciaoo, leaking badly. The Caban situation adds many com* plications to M r. Roosfvelt’ s already etrennoos job. The Russian government is now tak­ ing Anal action towards the distribution o f land to peasants. Bernard Shaw says the new spelling reform is not much of s reform, oon- aieting mostly c i abbreviations. The resent report of the killing of >6 Ctilled States soldiers by Cuban insur­ gents is declared absolutely untrue. The total number of deaths from the reoeat Gulf storm is n >w placed at 126, and many points are yet to be beard from. The report of Pension Commissioner Warner shows a decrease of f 12,470 There were 43,300 deaths of pensioners during the year. Indications now are that at the com­ ing aeesion of congress the senate w ill throw many obstructions in the way of Roosevelt’ s policy towards Cube. General Thomas Hailey Harris, brigadier general in the Union army daring the rebellion, is dead, aged 93 years. A t Appomatyx he is said to have silenced the last battery ever placed infection by General Lee. S till another plot to assassinate the cmar has been discovered. A new outbreak o f Jetrbaiting has occurred at Odessa, Russia. % A sister of Mrs. Howard Gould has married a Chinese coolie in San Fran­ cisco. TROOPS OFF FOR CUBA. DROWNED AT. HI8 POST. Keeper o f Lighthouse on Gulf Declines to Take Refuge on Tug. Mobile, Ala., OcL 2.— The number of casualties in the great storm o f last Wednesday Is slowly increasing, as messages arrive from places which have heretofore been inaccessible. The total last night o f the known dead was 76. This number was brought up to a certainty o f 7$, and s possibility of 102, by the reports which reached Mo­ bile during the night and early today. Four bodies not before countedthave been found at Coden, and It is esti­ mated that 23 lives have been lost from the oyster fleet around Cedar Point. This last estimate is not known to be accurate, and Is probably some­ what exaggerated, for the reason that it Includes among the dead every man aboard a fishing boat who has not been heard o f since the storm. It is known that some o f the boats on which these men were have been driven ashore, and It is entirely pos­ sible that some o f the crews managed to reach the shore. It does not seem likely at present that the death roll w ill amount in this vicinity tq more than 126. Mobile itself is rapidly emerging from the confusion caused by the storm. Large gangs were kept work­ ing all o f Sunday in clearing the streets o f debris, three o f the street car lines have commenced to run, for the first time since Wednesday, the confusion at the docks is rapidly be­ ing repaired and business will be at normal action as soon as the railroads are able to run trains. The keeper of the Horn Island light­ house, Just outside o f Scranton, lost his life. The captain of a tug which came near the house at the commence­ ment o f the storm urged him to leave, but he refused to abandon his post, and in a short time was drowned. The entire end o f the island on which the lighthouse was situated 1 b said to have been carried away by the waves. F ive out o f eight vessels at Ship Island at the time o f the storm were beached and two, w ill be total wrecks. Several vessels, the names of which are unknown, are ashore off Horn Is­ land and the small islands marking the passage between Dauphin Island and the mainland have been destroyed. The beacon lights on this part of the coast are not greatly damaged. The schooner Alice Graham, o f Mo­ bile, is known to have been lost, with her crew o f six men. This boat has been pursued by an evil fate, and, be­ sides having various mishaps from time to time, was wrecked in the great storm o f 1893, when several people were lost from her. Four bodies have been picked up in the water near Dauphin Island and have been buried there. T w o were evidently sailors and two were boys. Th e people on Dauphin Island suffered great hardships during the storm, and for 24 hours were In great danger. The soldiers o f Fort Gaines made a dan gerous trip o f two miles to the resi­ dences on the island, offering to give everybody shelter within the fort, but the offer was in all cases refused, the people preferring to Temain in their own houses. OREGON STATE HENS OF INTEREST IR R IG A TIO N A S S O C IA T IO N . C O B A L T IN G R A N T . Annual Meeting at Hood River Octo­ la T o Be Found In N o Other Section ber II and 19 Prom isee Well. ' o f United 8tates. The fourth .annual meeting of the Oregon Irrigation association w ill be held at Hood R iver in connection with the Hood R iver Valley Fruit fair. Oc­ tober 11 and 12, 1906, and all whq are interested in furthering the irrigation movement which at this tim e means so much to the development of the state, are invited to be preeent and partici­ pate in the work of this organisation. The appointment of delegates w ill be as follows: A ll state officials, induct ing members of the legislative assem­ bly, senators and members of congress, including members of congress elect and senators nominated, the mayor of all cities, the presidents of the state university, state agricultural college and state normal schools, shall be con­ sidered ex-officio members ol the as so- elation, and delegates shall be appoint- ed as follows: Fifteen by the governor of the state, ten by the mayor o f the city of Portland, five by the mayor of each other city in the state, five by the county judge of each county and five by each chamber of commerce, board of trade or other commercial body or reg­ ularly organised irriation, agricultural, horticultural or engineering society within the state. I t is respectfully urged that in , the appointment of delegatee, persons shall be selected who are sincerely interested in the subject and who are likely to at­ tend the convention, and that appoint­ ments shall be made as early as possible. The appointing powers w ill please have the full name and poetofflee ad­ dress of their appointees mailed to the secretary, A . King Wilson, at his office in the Chamber of Commerce building, Portland, immediately upon appoint­ ment being made. Information of every character $ela- tive to this meeting w ill be furnished by the secretary. A partial program has already been arranged as follows: “ Irrigation Under the Caiey Act in the Deschutes V alley,’ ’ Jesse Stearns, attorney for D. I . A P. C o.; “ Need of Legislation in Oregon on the Subject of Waters,’ ’ John H . Lewis, state engineer; “ Irrigation for Humid Regions,” (Oct. 12) Prof. F . L . Kent, dairy instructor, O. A . C .; “ Irrigation Conditions in Malhenr County, Oregon,” F. W . Met­ calf, manager famous Arcadia farm; “ Fruit Growing on Irrigated Lands,” Jadd Geer, of Cove, Oregon; “ Some Legal Phases of Irrigation,” John H . Lawrey, attorney, Pendleton; “ Irriga­ tion in the W illamette V alley,” Grant B. Dimick, county judge, Clackamas county; “ Irrigation in the Rogue River V alley,” J. W. Perkins, member of legislature, Jackson county. Salem — According to the statistical information furaiabed Labor Commis­ sioner Hoff, by the United States geo­ logical survey bureau, at Washington, D. C., there are 2,170'mineo of differ­ ent kinds in the state of Oregon, under development, the greater number of which are gold and copper, while in some portions of the state deposits of some kinds of mineral are found which do not exist elsewhere in t h e , United States. Notable among these latter are the cobalt mines of Grant county, said to be the only discovery of this valua­ ble mineral to have been found in the country. Cobelt is used extensively and is of great value for colorirg purposes and in the arts. I t is found in combination ... . gold. . . ****? ’ his hu'^nrthrmmhnL forthcoming *hi« biennial ol * ° id ' I In b forthcoming bis report, Labor Commissioner Hoff w ill comment upon this statistical data as follows: “ A large number of the mines given in the table are not operated, some having been abandoned, and many are in the first stages' of development, on account of the lack of capital to carry on the work. Considerable harm has been done the mining intense) of the state by unscrupulous promoters who, by ’ wildcatting,’ have succeeded in swindling many unsuspecting investors and a n nenonsible for ntarding the development ol the indastry generally. The principal mining counties in the order of the number of m inen em­ ployed a n : Baker. Joeepbine, Jack ron, Grant, Lane, Douglas and Coot, Other counties have extensive mining interests, and the industry, already or some magnitude, w ill continue to grow. A t preeent th en a n about 3,370 min­ ers in the state who draw an average wage of $3 per day. Estimating that they work, on an aven ge, two-thirds of the time, the amount paid them annually in wages is $2,022,000 Mobilization o f Forces at Newport News Where Transports Are Ready. ‘ TAFT AS GOVERNOR Cuban Congran G in s Op and , On A ssam s Contrai - Washington, Oct. 1. — American troops are now moving toward Cuba Mobilization o f the forces will be at Newport News, Va., for the most part, although a part o f the expeditionary force to Cuba w ill be aent from New York and Tampa. Fla. Advices re­ ceived at the departments o f the mili­ tary today Indicate that all Is quiet la Majority o f All Parties Refused to At­ Cuba and that the Insurgents Intend tend the Special Session o f to lay down their arms. Cuban Congress, Th e probability is the United States INTERVENTION WAS WELCOMED forces in the island will be landed only as a precautionary measure. So far as officials are advised no trouble o f a serious kind is anticipated, but in ac­ cordance with Instructions from Pres­ ident Roosevelt hurried preparations are being made for the sending o f an expeditionary force o f the army to Cuba. The first American troops will be landed at Havana next Saturday. Meantime the marines and bluejackets from the American fleet in Cuban waters w ill protect American Interests and support Secretary Taft, the Pro­ visional Governor o f Cuba, in the preservation o f order and the protec­ tion o f life and property. In official circles here American in­ tervention was regarded as inevitable. How long It may continue it is Im­ possible to foretell, ’lire nature o f the Intervention and the preparations for It indicate a supervision o f Cuban af­ fairs on the part o f the American gov­ ernment for an Indefinite period. A r­ rangements have been concluded not only for the expeditionary force to Cuba o f about 6.600 men. but for a second force of equal numbers. No orders for the mobilisation o f the second force, o f course, have been is­ sued, but if the men are needed all arrangements have been completed for hurying them to Cuba at the earliest possible moment. Whether more troops than are Included In the first expedi­ tion will be sent to Cuba will depend upon the developments in the island during the next ten days. It is certain, however, that a suffi­ cient force o f American troops w ill be maintained in Cuba to support the provisional government and to Insure security to life and property pending the establishment o f a stable govern­ ment by the Cubans. Havana, Sept. 29.— American inter­ vention in Cuba w ill be an accomplish­ ed fact today. President Roosevslt’ s peace commis­ sioners, although clothed with the ta ll­ est authority from him to taka such ac­ tion whenever it became obvious that the securing of peace by barmooising the warring Cubans wee impossible, patiently withheld their hands irom thus setting aside Cuban sovereignity until the lest hope disappeared. This stage was reached at a late hour leet night, when a majority of e ll parties refused to attend the » s«ion of congress celled to act upon the resignation of members of the government end declar­ ed definitely that they would have nothing more to do with the govern­ ment of Cuba. As was expected, there hee been much rebid denunciation of the course pursued by the American commission­ ers, who, it has been alleged, have act­ ed unfairly towards the government, bnt the greet mem of the residents o f Cuba, Cubans, Spaniards, Americana end e ll other foreigners, welcome inter­ vention as something for which they have longed throughout six weeks o f unrest, disorder end ill-feeling. The proclamation w ill be imued to­ day. I t w ill be tinged by M i. Taft, by virtne o! the authority vested in him by President Roosevelt. I t w ill create Mr. Taft provisional m ilitary governor of Cube until be deems the country sufficiently pacified for civil govern­ ment, whereupon be w ill call Beckham Winthrop, governor of Porto Rico, to act as civil governor. - Chittam Bark in Demand. N A V Y IS S H O R T O F M ARIN ES Eugene— Chittam bark is going np in price rapidly. A ll the past winter Urgently Needed at Cienfuegot, N o n * Eugene dealers have been paying 3)4 Taft w ill not use troops in Cuba if ht A re Available. and 4 cents for the bark, but at present can possibly get along with marines the price offered is 6 cents. Light peel Washington, Sept.' 29.— An appeal and bluejackets. W IR E L E 8 8 C O N V E N T IO N . for the past two seasons is given as the for more men to eaeist in protecting A ll preparations are complete for the cause for the rise. Menu actureis property at Gienfuegoe, Cube, wee re­ inquiry into the doings of the lumber stocks are running low. There are Delegates From Thirty-one Countries ceived today by Acting Secretary New- trust at San Francisco. Meet at Berlin. about seven carloads of the bark in Eu­ berry, of the Navy department, from gene warehouses, some of which The H ill lines are said to have sole Berlin. Oct. 1.— Delegatee represent­ Commander Smith oi the cruiser Cleve­ purchased two and three yean ago at a vast deposits of iron ore to the United ing 31 governments w ill assemble here land, which la now stations«! at Cien- price about the same as is now offered. October 8, by Invitation o f the German fuegns, together with the gunboat Ma­ States Steel corporation. government, with the object o f reach­ rietta. The Navy department has issued or­ Farmers Catch Salmon. In addition to the regular comple­ ing a common agreement for the ex­ ders to prepare the receiving ship Han Arlington— The John Day river, a change o f messages by the use o f var­ ment of marines end bluejackets on the cock for use as a transport. few miles west of Arlington, is simply ious wireless telegraph systems, and to warships, 225 othjr marines were sent Governor Toole, of Montana, baa an­ alive with fine big salmon, and farmers define the basis on which private wire­ to Cienfnegos to assist in looking after W orking Old Hammersley Mine. nounced himself q candidate for the are catching them there each day by less telegraph companies may operate foreign interests there, end et present United States senate to succeed W . A Grants Pass —■ The old Hammeraly the wagon load. It is expected that at with the consent of the governments. the N e w department hue no available Clark. mine, in the Jump-Off-Joe district, is I t 10,000 of these fish w ill be cap- The conference is a result o f the men. Practically ell the marines who tnred in that Again the scene of active mining opera­ stream within the next A Japanese steamer is accused of re­ Marconi Company having refused to can be spared from barracks in the tions, after lying id 'e for a number of two weeks. fusing aid to the American steamer allow Its stations to do business with United States end from warships are years. R. G. Smith, of this city, has preparing to go to Havana. I t la not Mongolia, which went ashore at Mid persons using other than Marconi ap­ a force of men at work, and the stamps believed by the Navy department that PO R TLAN D M ARKETS. way island. ^ paratus* This controversy began soon of the old m ill are again dropping on any of the men now at Havens or on The expenses of the San Francisco re­ Wheat— Club, 64065c; blnestem, 67 after the Marconi Company, In 1901. their way there can be spared to assist good ore. The old pile of tailings, of set up stations for public telegraph lie f committee for September were which there are in the neighborhood of 088c; valley, 67068c; red, 61@62c. at Cienfuegoe. $121,67.6 T b e t u lg e t for October Oats— No. 1 white, $24024 60; grey, purposes. The refusal of these sta 350 tons, is being run through a cyan­ Vancouver Troops for Cuba. tions to take messages sent In by redu -ed to $49,607. W ork o f the Hurricane. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Oct. 1. ide plant which has been erected. The $220 23 per ton. the Slaby-Arco (German) apparatus Barley— Feed, $20021 per ton; brew­ tailings, according to assays, carry $11 Teddy Roosevelt, Jr., and three — To assist in protecting life and prop­ Mobile, Ala., Sept. 29.— Between 76 brought about the International wire- chums at Harvard have been arrested erty and in preserving peace in Cuba in gold, and as the expense of working ing, $21 60022,, rolled, $22. and 100 Uvea lost, fully two score ves­ i-ess telegraph conference, also by the Rye— $1.36 peir cwt. for beating up a policeman in the col — the "Pearl of the Antilles’’— is the them is small, a handsome profit will sels driven ashore or wrecked in vari­ Cora— Whole, $27; cracked, $28 per Invitation o f Germany, tn 1903. Eight ous parts of the Gulf of Mexico, dam­ lege town. They have been released. peaceful, rather than war like, mis­ be realised. governments took part, as follows: ton. age amounting to $4,600 000 in the citv O . A. C . Starts Well. Roosevelt does not expect a crisis in sion which wifi stgrt the Seventeenth Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $10 0 The United States, Germany, France, of Mobile, and two millions more at and Eighteenth mountain batteries the Cuban affair. Corvallis— In spits of the fact that 11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, Great Britain, Italy, Spain. Russia and outaide points, is the record of the now stationed here across the conti­ The United Statee navy is extremely nent to Newport News at an early the O. A . 0 . opened early this year, $12014, clover, $707.60; cheat, $70 Austro-Hungary. storm which swept Mobile Wedneedav The delegates o f six governments the first two days showed the largest 7.60; grain bey, $7; alfalfa, $10; short of marines. and Wednesday night. No accurate es­ hour today and which later will lead enrollment for a similar time in the vetch bey, $707.60 e agreed in the final protocol to a series timate of the casuelitiee can be made Russian terrorists have offered a re­ them to the scene of the present West history of the institution, 498 being en­ Fruits— Apples, common to choice, o f recommendations looking toward as yet, and it ie donbtfn! if exact figure» ward for the assassination of the czar Indian imbroglio. It will be the first rolled end many ere still coming. This 26076c per box; eholce to fancy, 76c the co-operation o f all users of wire­ w ill be known for a week or more. 0$1.26; grapes, Oregon, 60076c less. The delegates o f Great Britain Outlawry in Leyte and Samar, Ph il time thal these troops, equipped bet­ enrollment is an increase of 66 ovi Pensacola suffered aa much as Mo­ ter than the foot or mounted soldiery last year. A t this rets an enrollment crate; peaches, 7 6 c0 $ l; peers, 76r0 and Italy, because their governments ippine islands, may force m ilitary rule bile. The loos of life is known to be o f any other poet in America to wage of more then 900 w ill be reached this $1.26; crab apples, $101.25 per box; had contracts with the Marconi, did heavy and damage to property w ill The hurricane which has swept the warfare among the mountain passes year. W ith an expectation of this four prunes, 26050c pet- box * not sign the Yecommendatlons. Little h $5,000,000. The smaller towns Southern states w ill greatly-damage the and inaccessible highlands o f Cuba, new profeeeort and assistant professors Melons— Cantaloupes, $101.26 per has come o f these recommendations. and country throughout the district felt cotton crop. have been away from the Columbia have been added to the faculty. Very crate; watermelons. H @ 1« per pound; The Marconi Company has continued the hurricane equally as much as th e Taft opposes the plan for a provis­ River garrison since their return from noticeable among the new students is cssabas, $2.60 per crate. to set up stations and to refuse the two cities. "the Philippines nearly two years ago, the increase in the number of high Vegetables— Beans, 6 0 7 c ; cabbage, messages o f rival systems. ional government and may proclaim save for their short trip to San Fran­ school students, several coming from 1 >402c per pound; cauliflower, $10 himself governor. The most Important act In the con Insured by Penny Paper. cisco to do patrol duty following the the Portland high school. 26 per dozen; celery, 50090c per troversy In the conference was that of Mexican rebels captured the town of New York, 8ept. 29.— A special cable- dozen; cucumbers, ,16c per dozen; egg the United States in 1904 directing earthquake. Jimines, but after a sharp fight they plant, 10c per pound; lettuce, bead, the Maaconi Company to remove Its dispatch to the Timse from London Teach Spanish in University, were driven out by troops. Coal Running 8hort. 20c per dexon; onions, lO 0 l2 )4 c per apparatus from the lightship Nan states that the heirs of one of the vic­ Eugene — The University of Oregon tims of the Grantben disaster have re­ San Joan, Porto Rico, experienced a Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 2.— As the re­ has established a new department, that drzen; peas, 4 0 6 c ; ball peppers, 6c; tucket. ceived $1,000 insurance, which wee series of severe earthquakes. Buildings sult o f the strike o f 5,000 miners em­ of romance languages, which w ill be pumpkins, I $4« per pound; spinach, Germany will propose to the confer­ effected et a coot of 1 penny. The in­ were badly damaged and the people ployed at the Crow’s Nest Pass Coal under the cBarge of Dr. Timothy Clo- 4 06 c per pound; tomatoes, 40 0 60c ence that an in tf mational bureau shall sured was a regular subscriber to * were panic stricken. Company and the Fernle-MIchel and ran, who has just returned from a per box; parsley, 10016c; sprouts, 8c be established for the control o f wire- London penny weekly which insures- General Stoeeeel has resigned from Coal Creek companies at Fernie, a year’s travel in France and Spain. per pound; squash, 1 Me per pound; leas telegraphing; that each wireless its readers against scccidenta and the army and it has been accept« d to coal famine threatens the cities of the Heretofore the university has offered turnips, 9Oc0$l per seek; carrots, $1 station must be connected with the death. Hia bag, containing a currant prevent bis stirring up a scandal over Canadian Northwest The mines at | courses in French, with the instructor 01.26 per sack; beets, $1.2601.60 per ordinary telegraphs by special lines; copy of the paper, duly stamped, wee Lethbridge have been closed down for under the direction of Professor F. G. sack; horseradish, 10c per pound the surrender of Port Arthur. at the hotel at Retford. W ithin a few Onions — Oregon, $101.26 per hun­ of modern Un- several months and when the man- Schmidt, profi Troops From Fort Sheridan. hours of bis death the claim was i In the hearings of the w e l land guages and literatures. But with the dred. Chicago. Oct. 1.— Brigadier-Genera) tned, allowed and settled. fraud in Wyoming by the Intestiate agers o f the Fernie mine refused to coming of Dr. Cloran Spanish w ill be Potatoes — Oregon Bnrbenks, deliv­ W. HI Cater, commander o f the Depart­ Commerce commission testimony was discharge nonunion mlnera, President added to the university curriculum, ered, 80090c; in carlote f. o. b. coun­ ment o f the Lakes, received orders Cold 8torage Chickens Condemned. Sherman, o f the district organization offered that a justice of the So preme and there w ill be opportunity for broad­ try, 76080c; sweet potatoes, 2)4c par from Washington today, directing two court of Wyoming helped the Union o f miners, called all his m«n out. Even Chicago, Sept. 29.— Two cars of cold er work in the department of Germanic pound battalions o f the Twenty-seventh In­ storage chickens and over tan carload» Pacific to secare government coal land. the coke ovens are now shut down. Batter— Fancy creamery, 27)4030c language and literature under Professor fantry and the Fourteenth United of meat ware condemned yesterday by per pound Schmidt. The government w ill prosecute the States Field Battery, at Fort Sheridan, Chief Food Inspector M irrsy and h ie Six Added to Death List. Eggs— Oregon ranch. 29c per dozen. sugar trust. to proceed Immediately to Newport istanta, to say nothing of 16 carcass­ New Orleans, Oct. 2.— Six more Siuslaw is Full o f Salmon. Poultry — Average old hens, 140 News, where they will embark for es of diseased cattle and four calves. 14)4c per pound; mixed chickens, 18)4 Engene — Reports from the Siuslsw A plot to blow up the czar’ s yacht deaths were added to the list of Cuba. Colonel W. L. Pitcher, In com­ Tbs condemnation of the chickens waa has just been discovered. drowned in the Mississippi Sound re­ river stats tbst tbs present run of chi- 01 4c; spring, 16c; old roosters, 9 0 mand o f Fort Sheridan, ordered two, due to privet# advices reoeived by M r. 10c; dressed chickens, 14016)4c; tur­ nook salmon is the biggest in a num­ President Roosevelt has ordered six gion today. Captain Culver, his wife ber of years, snd tbs peck of the two keys, live, 16021c; turkeys, dressed, special trains o f 12 cars each for Murray from Canada. When he learn­ more warships and 1,000 marine« to snd four boatsmen, who were on an canneries and the co’d storage plsnt st choice, 2 1 0 2 2 )gc; geese, live, 9010c; Tuesday morning, and It la expected’ ed that the lot had eeraped him and Island In Grand Bay on the Missls- the troops will leave for Newport News was on the way to New York, ha noti­ Havana. ducks, 14016c. sippf-Alabama statq line when the hur­ Florence w ill be a record breaker. The fied the authorities there. Hops — 1906, 16017c per pound; canneries ere owned end operated by Twenty have been killed in the race ricane began, have been given up for Railroads to Bs Sued. war at Atlanta. Troops are now in lost. Everything on the islands was O. W . Hard and William K yle A Sons, 1906, nominal; 1904, nominal. Uncle Sam Owns Palma Island. Washington, Oct. 1.— Attorney Gen­ Wool— Eastern Oregon average beet, respectively, end the cold storage plant control and quiet reigns. washed Into bay, leaving the place Washington, Sept. 29.— I t ia said a t by the letter. The eilvereidee ere Jnsfl 16(819c per pound, according to shrink- eral Moody has directed that suits be United States marines have been or­ almost barren/ 20022c, according to brought against a large number of the State department that no doubt now beginning to run, and they, too, age; valley, dered to guard the British railroad in exists as to the American ownership promise to be very plentiful. Santa Clara province, Cuba. Another Stornr Is Coming. Mohair— Choice. 24030c per pound. railroad companies to recover penal­ and control of Palma’ s island, one o f The American legation at Stockholm ties for violation of the safety appli­ tbs small islands on the southeastern Washington, Oct. 2.— The Weather Veal— Dressed, 6 )4 0 8 « per pound. O ffers Big Ranch fo r Sale. arrow eecape from being blown Bureau tonight announced that an­ About 1 » Beef— Dressed holla, Sc per pound; ance law through failure to keep their edge of the Philippines. Athene— J. J. Realatone bee pieced op by Finnish refugee revolutionists. other "tropical disturbance’’ Is report-1 als large ranch on the market. He has oows, 4 )4 0 6 )4 «; country steers, 506c. equipment In proper condition. The months ago the War department re­ Russian authorities have secured evi- ed as approaching the Yucatan «Chan-1 1,100 seres of the very beat wheat lends Mutton— Dressed fancy,’ 7 0 8 « per largest number o f violations attributed quested tbs department of State to de­ i that General Trepoff was poison- nel from the east, but that there was in Umatilla oounty, hoe farmed it for paund; ordinary, 6 0 6 «; lambs, fancy, to any road la that o f 61, against the termine whether or not Palma’ s island Delaware A Hudson Company. The waa included in the Philippine group, A doctor has bean arrested for no Information available as to the in- many years and reaped a fortune. The $08)4«. { tenaity o f the storm. iplicity in the crime. total number o f violations la 181. owned by the United States. Fork— Draaecd, 7 0 8 )4 « per pound. price asked is 176 an acre. 1