Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, October 04, 1906, Image 3

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All Humors
A n Impair« matter* which the «kin. liver,
kidney* and other organa cannot take care
of without help.
Pimple*, holla, ecaema and other erup­
tion*, loaa of appetite, that tired feeling,
btllooa turn*, flta of tndigeetlon, doll head­
ache* and many other trouble« are due to
them. They are removed by
Short Calories;;
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
In uaual liquid form or in chocolated
tablet*knownaaftarMtabd. 100 doses $L
N o rero e e ’a N e w g i r t .
When Charles P. Korcroes. now a
tvell-ki.jwn Waahlngton correepondent,
began bla newapaper career be waa
Bent to “ cover” one o f the court*. Hla
bualneaa waa to look at the docket and
find the facta about any ease that seem-
ed to him to warrant him In writing
One afternoon he discovered an entry
that aald one William Burn* had been
arreated and fined $10 for stealing it
martingale from James Jones, a neigh­
He recited thee facts In an Introduc­
tory paragraph, and then went on:
"Thla criminal waa Justly punished, for
the pretty little martingale be stole was
the Joy and comfort o f the w ife o f
James Jones. She kept It In a cage In
her parlor, and when, tired with the
work o f the day, the martingale began
to pour forth those strains o f melody
for which our Pittsburg martingales are
famous, she found great pleasure. Such —Cincinnati Post.
miscreants as this man Burns should
not be allowed at large, especially when
they descend so low as to steal harm­
less «nd melodious martingales.” — Sat­
urday Evening Post
k ittle
B ad,
B ad
K itty !
¡B p a t r io t i s m
The scientists make out a good case
against the bouse cat who, with all her
charming and lovable qualities. Is
shown to be an agent of disease, and
In the battle of Lake Champlain,
a wholesale destroyer of bird life. Dr.
where .nore than one American distin­
Caroline A. Osborne, who has been con­
guished himself for bravery, notably
ducting experiments at Clark Univer­
among them Commo­
sity, has found that cats have, diph­
dore McDonough and
theria, whooping cough, tuberculosis,
Capt. Ileuley, Lieu­
eczema and ring worm. Even when
tenant Commandant
cats do not actually contract these
Stephen Caaaln per­
maladies they may carry the contagion
formed s e r v i c e s
about with them. As nlmrods they
which won for him
are responsible for the death o f about
a medal from Con­
fifty bird* s year, according to E. H.
gr e s s ^ ^ n d wide­
For bush State Ornithologist for Mas­
spread recognition of
sachusetts, not Including the suffering
bis bravery.
they inflict by their mangling o f birds,
The British force
squirrels and rabbits.— Philadelphia
superior In num-
c a p t ., c a s s i s .
here, the calmness of
B a r s * !* lia r .
the lake permitted heavy armaments
The fresh cream puff* In the Italian
on comparatively light vessels, and of
baker’s window looked Inviting, and
this circumstance the British availed
the Interested housekeeper stepped In­
themselves, giving their commander a
side the shop to ask the price.
ship equal In force to two of the Amer­
“ Fifteens cents a doz,” replied the
ican ships, with which be, being a vet­
smiling proprietor, wiping his hands on
eran officer o f no mean ability, made
bis apron, preparatory to wrapping the
sure o f capturing the young American.
“ Why,” exclaimed the lady, unable
' But the nava| discipline—Caaaln had
to conceal her astonishment, “ that’s
served In the Tripolitan war— the skill,
very cheap for cream pufTs! I usually
the coolness, the courage and the dar
have to pay thirty.' I don’t's e e bow
lug Intrepidity o f Casein were brought
you can make them at that price.”
Into action. He made the attack in­
“ Him cheapa all rights,” confided
stead o f waiting for It, thereby gaining
the baker. “ Da bealt’ office telephone
an advantage over bis rival.
I gotta closa da shop right ofT. My
Ills undaunted spirit, which
girl, Antonie, gotta da measle.”
enabled him to endure two years’ Im­
A L a t e E d it io n .
prisonment In Spain in the previous
Julius Kahn, representative from San war, now bore him forward. In spite
Francisco, was lu Washington when the of the apparently overwhelming ob­
earthquake came and wus nearly fran­ stacles that confronted him. he over­
tic, because his wife and children. In­ came the enemy, and by bis action so
cluding a baby n few days old, were di­ Inspired his own men and even the men
rectly In the path of the fire.
lu the other ships that he deservedly
Kahn sjient two days trying to tele­ won bis reward of the praise of the
graph and then took a train and went Congress of his country.
out, and finding his family safe, stayed
a week or so In the ruined city.
On his return be found a letter from
a constituent, written eight days after M i s s M o r o a l e l , N e w Y o r k H e i r e s s ,
the hbock, which began:
S p e n d s f 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 Y e a r l y .
“ Dear Julius: “ No doubt you will be
Moat people would be satisfied and
surprised to learn from me that we consider themselves well fixed for life
have Lad a terrible earthquake out If they fell Into a fortune o f $100,000.
here.’’— Saturday Evening Post.
That la the sum, however, which Miss
Giulia Moroalnl, daughter o f the mill­
T o l d h r T h e i r R a t io n s .
The minister’s wife was busily en­ ionaire banker o f New York, spends on
gaged one afternoon mending the fam­
ily clothes when a neighbor called for
a friendly chat After a few moments
o f news and gossip the caller remarked,
as she began to Inspect a basket of
miscellaneous buttons:
“ You seem to be unusually wen sup­
plied with buttons of all kinds. Why,
there Is one like my husband had on his
last winter’s suit.”
. “ Indeed.” said the minister's wife,
with a slight smile. “ All these but­
tons were found In the contribution
box, and I thought I might ns well have
some use out of them.- Well, must you
go? Well, good-by. Come again soon.
D oes Y our
H eart B eat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Does it send out good blood
or bad blood ? You know, for
food blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood — A y e r’s
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed It for 00 years..
O s * frofloont cant* o f bed blood I* * alatfrl.b
Nv*r. T ill* produce* o*n*tlp*tton. I'oi.onou*
•ub*tence* * r * then *b*orb*d Into th * blood,
ls *«**d o f being removed from th* body dolly
e* nature Intended. Keep the bowel* open
with Ayer** n il* , lite r ptll*. AH vegetable.
t t L Z x s g a Z z r 1-
Æ uers
M ia s MOHOS IM .
One day when William M. Evarts,
Secretary of State under President
Hayes, was a college student, be waa
called on to read Virgil In clan. He
started out bravely: "Three times I
strove to cast my arms around her
neck, and— and----- ” adding lamely,
“ That’s as far as I got, professor,'
“ Well, Mr. Evarts,” said the professor,
“ I think that waa quite far enough
William H. Crane, the actor, was re­
cently asked bow It was that be never
roles. "But I did once,” replied the
comedian. “ Years ago. In the West,
I played ’Hamlet.’ "
“ Did you. In­
deed?” said an admirer and friend.
“ Didn’t you have a great success?
Didn’t the audience call you before the
curtain?” “Call me,’- replied Crane.
“ Why, man, they dared m e!”
John Sharp Williams bad an engage­
ment to speak In a small Southern
town. The train be was traveling on
was not of the swiftest, and be lost no
opportunity o f keeping the conductor
Informed as to bis opinions o f that par­
ticular road. “ Well, If yer don’t like
It,” the conductor finally blurted out,
“ why In thunder don’t yer git out an’
walk?” ‘‘I would,” Mr. W illiam » bland
But yet there is a connection.
Her *Y replied, “ but you see the committee
friends regard her as the most expert doesn’t expect me until this train gets
woman whip in the country.
And In-"
therefore It becomes her to conduct her-1 General Carr, at the outbreak of the
self as such. Accordingly, when she Civil War, left Troy to take the com
takes the air In one of her $10,000 turn­ mnnd o f a regiment. At Big Bethel bis
outs behind her tbree-abreast team— a regiment had been halted for rest and
matter of some $15,000 to $20,000 worth refreshment and had not yet exi»erl-
of carriage horse— she must naturally enced the excitement o f ’ a skirmish.
be appropriately dressed, with a due Confederates were In ambush, aud
consideration to the matching or proper from a safe biding place they opened
contrast between the colors lu horse, fire. Carr, so the story runs, instantly
harness, whip, hat, hair, cloak, gown, put spurs to bis horse and dashed up
etc. She designs her own harnesses, to to a group o f officers.
“ They are fir­
match the coloring o f the horses. When ing upon my regiment!" he shouted.
driving she Is clad In colors which har­ “ My God! Now whut is to be doueV
monize with the harness and elaborate
equipage. One set o f harness and a
F ir s t P r in c ip le * .
cart cost $7,000. Even the whips are
A few plain rules, formulated by •
made to match the turnouts, o f which Chicago bank official, have been circu­
there are seven. One o f them has a lated in the business section of New
nine-inch handle of solid gold and cost York, and are attracting attention as a
Restatement o f first principles for th«
Mias Moroalnl Is a girl o f striking regulation o f the conduct of business
beauty and superb figure. Her father, men wjlo
achieve solid aud
Giovanni Moroalnl, first came to tms soul-satisfylug success.
country as a refugee with the great
The foundation maxim o f the Chica­
Italian patriot Garibaldi. H * met with go banker ts that money must b«
¿rent success In the financial world and
made honestly or not at all. _There arc
was ouce a partner o f Jay Gould.
nobler pursuits tban the nwte getting
of money; but one may is y ih a t after
A M H E R 8 T S W IM M IN G R U L E .
a sufficient education the first worldly
lle d e r g ra d an te*
R e q u ire d
« • duty of thé man who has not inherited
B e c o m e A d e p t * In t k e S p o rt.
« fortune is to gain a competence. Th«
The decree that has gone out from
productive period o f life Is ratbei
Amherst College, now that the Institu­
short From twenty to twenty-five yean
tion has a large and complete swim­
are spent In preparation, gaiuing
ming equipment, that all students of
knowledge and experience.
that institution must not only bathe but
forty years will remain for money
learn ts> swim, Is arousing much inter­
making, and If eveu
est lu the press, says the Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle.
this time,
one has
Heretofore, swimming has not been
The making o f money Is a mighty prob­
dignified as an accomplishment to be
lem, and In the vast majority of in
require of college undergraduates. It _____ _ .. _
. .
_ ,
, ...
has either been Ignored altogether, or. \
Industry, hard work and sti let observ­
if encouraged, left optional with the
ance o f the prudeutlal maxims. The
students whether they should acquire
mass o f men are not sufficiently gifted
It or not
to acquire money by short cuts and bold
But Ainherst has Initiated a forward
strike« o f enterprise.
It requires a
movement In the matter and her exper­
very exceptional order of ability to or­
iment will be watched with some curi­
ganize and eouduet successfully vast
osity. It Is, at least, a pretty good ad­
schemes o f profit; but. whatever the
vertisement for the college, and will no
limitations o f financial skill, it Is s
doubt popularize the Institution in the
mistake to suppose that dishonest prac­
estimation o f many young men; for In
tices and questionable finessing In busi­
this day of athletics swimming should
ness yield greater success than old-
be In favor with all who love manly
fashioned Integrity.— Philadelphia Led­
exercise or sport.
Strange as It may seem. It I* raid
that a large percentage of college
W r i l U * o f P r n r r lp t lo n * .
youths have not acquired the art of
use o f Latin by physicians In
swimming. A sturdy, healthy boy
writing Is commonly re­
should take to the water with the
eagerness o f a young duck. In the old garded as a harmless survival o f me­
days o f deep-creek or swluunlng-bole dievalism, anys the Literary Digest
Indulgence there was much danger at­ Occasionally a lay writer suggests Its
tending one’s experiments in the water; abandonment. In commenting on a re­
but despite that the bfiys generally took cent note to this effect in a dally pa-
the risk and learned to swim. The ]»er, which advocates the compulsory
modern Institutional swimming tanks Is use o f English In prescriptions, the
much safer, and there Is no excuse for Druggist's Circular and Chemical Ga­
a natural youth, having access to these zette takes occasion to make a strong
or any other safe bathing places, re­ defense o f the time-honored practice.
maining Incapable of taking care of Says this paper:
"Suppose the sapient writer quoted,
himself In the water. Of course there
are danger for even swimmers; but whose uttei anees may sound all right
the boy or girl, man or woman, who can to those who know no more o f his sub­
swim, on the whole, la better assured of ject that he does, should fall sick and
escape In a water accident than one hie physician should decide that the
one thing needful to save his life was
who can’t
Moreover, there Is a lot o f pleasure geranium robertlanlum. I f there were
and fun In swimming when the practice a law preventing the doctor from pre­
la Judiciously Indulged. So every en­ scribing In Latin he would have to
couragement should be afforded to the choose one o f the upwatd o f a dozeu
English names for this drug. 8upi>oae
youth o f our time to cultivate the art
o f swimming, even If It Is not made he chose ‘redshanks’ and so wrote the
compulsory In onr schools, college« and word In his prescription. When the
druggist went to prepare the medicine
he would find that ‘redshanks’ was the
■ H eap p o in t I n s .
English name of at least four entirely
A car had stopped at a busy corner. different plants, namely, the chie al­
Just as the conductor had reached to ready mentioned, polygoulum ampliib-
give the signal to start, there were Inm. polygoulum persicaria and rumex
yells o f warning and an answering yell acetosa.
from the outside.
“ As with redshanks so with hun­
“ W alt till I get my clothes on !” dreds o f other drugs: Aaron’s l>eard
cfled a shrill voice.
may be cotlnus continua, cymhnlarla
The passengers craned their necks rymbalarta or aaxlfragn sarmentosa.
and looked ont A small boy with a Of snakeroots there are numberless
basket of laundry was trying to get kinds. Suppose the Engllsh-wrltlng
aboard.— Harper’s Magazine.
doctor wanted to be sure o f getting the
right kind, so specified snakeroot, then
T u r f N o te.
“ Morris waa blackballed at the golf Is the druggist to dispense clmlclfuga
club, and he’s not even allowed on the racemos«, asaruni canadense or saní­
cula Marylandlca?"
her clothes In one year. At times her
outlay for clothes exceeds even these
enormous figures. Mias Moroalnl does
not consider the sum at all large and
waa surprised that the statement should
create any public Interest, when 1
newspaper writer Interviewed her at
her father’s palatial home at Rlverdale
on the Hudson.
Many of the gowns In M in Moroalnl’s
wardrobe coat from $4,000 to $8,000
each. Her lingerie alone costs $S,000
She la Interested In road driving and
“ For goodness’ sake I Why?”
maintains the most costly stables own­
Some matches may be made In heav­
ed by a woman In the world. O f course,
“ He’s the sort o f man that mjver lets
the coat o f maintaining her (table has the grass grow under hla fe e t " — Boston en, but the majority are made by the
match trust
nothing to do with the Item for frocks. Transcript.
The K in d Y ou H ave Alw ays B ough t has borne the ___
tore o f C h a t H . Fletcher* and has been m ade under hla
personal supervision fo r over 8 0 years. A llo w no one
io deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Im itations and
“ Just-as-good ’* are b a t Experim ents, and endanger the
1th o f Children—Experience against Experim ent.
What is C A S TO R IA
Castoria Is a harmless substitute -for Castor O il, Pare*
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I t
contains neither Opium , M orphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys W orm s
and allays
I t cures Diarrhoea and W in d
lays Feverishness.
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cores Constipation
and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and B ow els, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The M other's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bean the Signature of
In Use For Over 3 0 Y ea rs.
■ Tr wHMT evaerr. new to «* err*.
T h e L t a ll o f H ee**1 r,
There are now about 300,000 spindlca
Dora— Never tell Flora any secrets. employed in the worsted industry In Aus­
tria, against 100,000 spindles in 1882.
Cora—Can’t she keep them?
Dora— Keep them? Why, that girl
tells people her right age!— Cleveland H O W A R D K. BURTON.—Aseayer a rg Chem lut.
11 Lean ville, t'otorodtt 8 penmen price*: Uold,
Silver, L. ad, f 1 ; Uold, 811 ver,7úe ; Uold, toc ; ZI uc o r
V tne* P u r « end e ll Nervous D t o w w
neatly cared b y Dr. K line’ s Un-e*
Nerve Bcs'ore
iiorer. «en d fur K R E K *3 trial botU. end
treatise. Dr. It. H -K lln , Ld. M l Arch 81., Pblla-.Pa.
ailing envelopes and
Copper*, *1. Cyanide teM * M
rIon. Coni trot
and V m-
Aill price list sent on application,
pire work solicited.
Reference: Carbunate Kar
H l a t a * In t h * E e * e * e o e * t .
“ Our engagement will have to be
temporarily suspended,” announced the
summer girl, calmly.
“ Oh. Impossible,” the young man
” It will have to be. My husband
writes that be Is coming down for h
week.” — Louisville Courier-Journal.
- 0 ------
You Can Oct Allen’s Foot*Ease FREE.
*r0" bl**' J * ™ Beews,
Writ« Alien B. Olmsted, La Roy, N. Y., for a
HEAVES )1 u S a b ^ y M n ig u v
free mm pi« of Allen’s Foot-Ease. It cares
ans see *eo r*rnmr,TOl
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
hew or tight shoe* eery A certain cure for
corn*, Ingrowing nail* end bunions. Ail druC
Droggtsts will get them.
gists sell it. *5c.
Don't accept any suhaUtute.
N a t u r e ’*
E n d o w m en t.
Price Me at dealer, **c by
■aril, a **« far toe* book.
Caller— Miss Millicent plays wonder­ CHAS. H. LU T 00« Suffit sad I
fully on the piano.
Grandfather Greevius— Yes; it sort o’
runs In the fam'ly. By jocks, you’d ort
to 'ave beerd roe play “ Ole Dan Tucker”
an’ “ Ole Bob Ridley” on a jewsharp when
I was a boy!
$ 100 .
The readers o f this paper w ill be pleased to
learn that there is st least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In *11 its
stages, and th at Is Catarrh. H all’s Catarrh
Cure is the on ly positive cure known to the
m edical fratern ity. Catarrh being a constitu­
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat­
ment. H a ll's Catarrh Cure ts taken internally,
acting d ire c tly upon the blood and mueou*
surface* of the system, thereby destroying the
t foundation
o m f f i w of * the disease, and
d g ivin g the
tient strength by b u ilding up 1*1
the constitu1
and assisting
work. The
ig nature in doin
a c m g e _
_ ____
proprietors have so much faith In its curative
pow er! that th ey offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case th at It fall* to cure, «e n d for list
of testim onials.
T. J. CH ENEY A CO., Toledo, a
Bold by druggists, 7Sc.
H all's Fam ily Pills are the best.
th e
I.lw * lt .
Gunner— And I* old Closeman *o
very close in bis dealing»?
Guyer— Close? Why. he wanted to
pay less for a desk calendar for the
month of February because it did not
contain aa many days as the other
D i IU m i
Softens Water, Saves, Cleans and
Whitens Clothes.
▲It dFftUrt Free sample Borax and Porax Soap,
Booklet a 'd Sou vet. :r lie lire i-i col irs, for 10 rents
•nd Pee . V r i.ame. J A C IH U COAST BORAX
CO., Oakland, C al.
There is no satisfaction keener
thnn being dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest storm.
A ifw k m .
“ Pa,” said little Willie, looking up
from his book, “ what la ‘a comatose
*tate’ ?”
“ Well, my son,” replied W illie’s pa.
“ just at present there isn’t a single
comatose state In the union; all bus­
tling and prosperous.”— Philadelphia
Not a Single Stone Has Formed Since
Using Doan's Kidney Pills.
*3.504? *3,00 Shoes
J. D. Danghtrey, music publisher,
$4 Gilt Edge line,
of 8uffolk, Va., aaya:
“ During two or
car-Mba equelleditini price y
three years that I had kidney trouble I
To Shoe Demiert:
p a s s e d about 2)4
W. U Dougina* Job-
btnff U >ute it the most
pounds of gravel and
complete tn this country
-"end/or Catalog
sandy sediment in the
I haven’ t
peased a stone since
using Doan’ s Kidney
Pills, however, and
that w m three years
I need to suffer
the most acute agony
daring a gravel attack,
and had the other ue-
ual symptoms of kidney trouble— lassi­
tude, headache«, pain in the back, uri­
nary disorders, rhenmatic pain, etc. I
have a box containing 14 gravel stones
that I passed, bnt that ia not one-fourth SHOES FOR KVKBTBODY AT A LL PklCEA
_____ oes, LB to {l.S O .
of the whole nnmber.
I consider Woro.n o Shoe*.
Doan's Kidney Pills a fine kidney
Miss-a' a Children a Shoe*. $ 2.115 to fi.oo.
W . L . D o u g la s W o m e n '* , M l*
« C h ild re n '* s h im s ; f * o r s ------,
t y le , flt and t
Bold by all dealers/ 60 cents a box.
th e y e aeel o th e r m ake*.
If I could take you Into m y large
Foster-Milburn Go., Buffalo, N. Y .
factories nt Brockton, Mas*.,and show
you how carefully W .L . Dougina shoes
are made, you would then understand
w h y they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are o f greeter value
Portland Trade Directory
than any other make.
la Portland ef K«*rw-
C B K A M e a r A R ATO R O — W» l U t t n m lb * V. A
Separator le be lb * beet. W rit* 1er h e * e sta o s .
MeeM wood Co., » ISh sad Oak.
M E N 'S tC O T H I NO - R atera A Pendleton, nolo
ágeme Alfred Hanlamla A Co.’» correct cloth**
Everything la m ea'* fhrnluhlngm. Monteen end
Sixth *trente. Opposite poetóme*.-
P I A N O » A O R O A N S — Many no* laetromenta re­
vert to *• account e'ckneeaoc removal o f buyer
W rite fbr deeer pilon o f p anas now on bend,
term * eta. W rit* led ay. Ollbert Co., Portland
aa Ute b
and price Is »temped
Test high
protect* yen egainst
is. T a k e n e * * M l h
1er W . L. Dengle*
t a««. A
■Met noon having them.
and Insist
Feet Cofoe Cye/et* »•*•; tAo* » < « tw>< wear *
W rite tor Illustrated Catalog ot Fall Style*.
W . L. DOUGLAS, D*pt- IS. B rockt**, M a te
P. N. U.
Ne. 4 1 M
I w " » writing tn advertiser» planen |
I I ? m en llwu this paper.