Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 27, 1906, Image 1

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N ewberg
vol .
G raphic
xvm .
NO. 49
DAIRY COW EULOGIZED. speaker declared th a t the “ un­ tuberculosis question w as left,
milked product” oi the country
Prof. Farrington of Wisconsin would mean an annual addition­
and Others Exploit Dairy*
al income of $100,000,000.
Ing In Nswbsrg.
Hon. J. W, Bailey, of Portland
state food and dairy commis­
r. i unes and hops are objects of
sioner, spoke o f dairying as the
an« . e immediate and pressing at
great factor in upbuilding the
tention these busy days than th e ,
. .
It has
«TDCTO« offering, o f t h ' faithful «“ “ T “ V “ d « « * ■
thus to be ex- 1
«>« expenmental stage
-cow and It w u
~ I «odthe.acce»h.l d a y m a n « “
. .
___ ..
good advertiser of the industry.
He contra,ted it w ith the old
fired a few leading questions rel­
ative thereto a t Mr. Bailey, a
lively and much appreciated tilt
between the tw o gentlemen
bringing the meeting to a close.
Why are there so many in­
valids in the country? We find
them am ong the class th at have
taken drugs for months or years,
some o f them for a score o f years
We wish to call your attention to our stock o f General Merchandise.
and still they’re seeking the
Our store is com pletely filled with all kinds o f merchandise and at our
Z H t 0a^
d ^ i v T o t e ^ I «"* > t * * * — • <>f « * '* » '- “ Elixir o f Life.” They bowed a t
prices we believe we can save you money.
w T r e t and t t e S S t i o g ^ d ' 7 * * ° " “ * itig r e a tly repenor
the shrine o f drugs; they were
n o t only inrtroctive b i t MnKL
m s “ ? enthralled by them and still
« 9 9 »
w h a t diVerting a t tin t« .
1 t,nual and *t* b1' mcom' and “ they are invalids. It is passing
building up instead of running
M ayor H. R. M orris presided,
We have the largest stock o f Ladies and Misses Jackets in N ewberg.
dowp the land. He encouraged strange, when one hears so much
t a t introducing Prof. E. H .lfc n n m to ra|K th d r
A lso the largest variety and the lowest prices.
An inspection w ill con­
own feed o f their w o n d e r f u l curative
’F arrington, o f Madison, Wiscon­
| and w as decided in the convic­
sin, director o f dairying a t the
There is quite a change in a
tion th a t dairymen do not use
Wisconsin State Agricultural Col­
9 9 9 9
sufficient care in selecting their arge part of the public. Depen­
lege. Prof. Farrington, though
cows. It costs as much to teed dence on drugs is grow in g less
In Ladies and Misses Skirts, we have by fa r the largest stock and
he had been in the state but tw o
a cow th a t nets $20 in the year and less. More and more people
we are m aking some special prices on many lines.
We know that we can
weeks, said he w as finding Ore
.. j . j _ .. . .__ias the one that brings in $100 are forming the habit o f taking
g o n well adapted to the dairy ,
,5 e
save you money.
their children to the osteopath
? , /
_I clear money—thus the folly m
industry. In calling attention
feeding the poor co w . The dairy-
i f f «
t o the advantages o f dairying as
man should know ju s t w h at three or four months, to make
a a agricultural pursuit he threw
School w ill commence in a few days.
Bring _ in , that boy and get
each animal in his herd is pro­ sure o f keeping them in good
o a t the suggestion th a t a can of
health. It prevents the oncom­
him a suit o f clothes for school.
We are m aking some special prices which
cream is often w orth more than
“ I feel th a t I m ust take issue ing o f disease. The next twenty-
you cannot afford to miss.
a ton o f hay and a pound of
w ith Prof. Farrington on one five years w ill show a great de­
butter than a sack o f potatoes.
thing,” said Mr. Bailey, “ and its crease in the number o f invalids.
~ * ’
0 0 0 0
And how much easier are they
about this tuberculosis busi­ M ark the prophecy. We have
put on the market and alw ays
Bring in that boy or girl and fit them out with a pair o f Red School
ness.” And then the sparks be­ had a number o f parents bring
a t profitable prices.
gan to fly. The speaker main­
House shoes, the best ever sold fo r the price. A large shipment will be due
The speaker paid his respects
tained strongly th a t from per­ us go carefully over their little
in a few days.
t o the dairy cow as the most
sonal observation from long bodies, hunting out the mis-
. wonderful animal in existence
years’ experience he had little adjustments, especially o f the
the greatest wealth producer.
patience w ith the theory th at spinal column, (the forerunners
An animal th at can produce
tuberculosis is transm itted by o f disease) and correcting them
8000 pounds of milk in four
milk from the animals to hu­ Such is the experience o f ail oste­
months, bringing in $50 per
mans, citing numerous instances opaths. It is so much more the
month, as did a St. Louis ccw ,
to prove his contention. He de­ part of wisdom t o begin in time.
is w orthy o f attention, but to
clared th a t some medical theo­ B ut the osteopaths are just
a tta in such results she must
rists had given people foolish skillful in com bating the real
have th eb est of care and treat­
alarm over drinking milk, which acute diseases too. I know a
ment. As showing the progress
is nature’s own food. “ Drink lady osteopath in Frankfort, In­
made iu the industry in this
milk, and lots o f it,” be admon- diana, w ho sa ved .« little babe
country within the past several
e »
. .
r !ished, “ there’s no danger of &<*** cholera^infantum, artertwev
Prof. P am aR ton toH of tnbnOTl<Mil,.„ M r. Bailey de­ M. D’s. had said she couldn’t live
th , « m it, . . fammary of tbe|
hand th at if a half day; but she staid by the "
tw o great “ cow races” or milk |
I the people of this country would bedside th a t afternoon and all
tests held a t the Columbian ex-
. non
take to living on milk and dairy night and won the battle against
P ? * * 0” 1“
,C f g ° ,n .
. products we would become im- disease and death. Even then
the M. D’s. claimed th a t it w as
St. t a n . t a m 1903- 1 " *m m t lrom t a b u l a r trouble.
the first c u e the average product
M orteM on, ^
their drugs th a t did it, but the
p er cow w as 1.9 pounds of b u t - 1 ,
parents and friends knew better.
t w tat per d ay while ™ t a see- thc
dream ery Com-
Not a Reduction Sale, but a clean sweep o f every rig in the house at Factory prices
Such ministrations as these show
with simply the car load freigh t added. The list o f stock on hand follow s w ith prices
o n d i t w a .2 % pound., . b o w i n g ^ <* ° ^
’ ^
h“ .a the beneficence o f osteopathy in
marked development of « * < * "*
*0.000 p ^ n d . its power over disease. No gen­
in plain figures, for we do not fear the gaze o f any competitor, no m atter in which part o f
d airy cow iu ten y e a n . The <* “ “ **“ • w a . prewmt and offered uine osteopath cares to exert his
the state he resides and we want you to see the goods, as w ell as the figures, fo r w e know
m o « economical c o w i . the good »
P™ **“ 1 .« ftg n t.o n .re la energies on anyone th a t is not
it is impossible for you to. match the price in goods o f as high a grade as these we
offer, and they are going, too, a t the price, neither one cent more or less.
feeder. A . to the tweed d e ta b le . “ « ‘ o ‘" “
° g "pd marketm g ailing and would not treat any
----- ______________________________
the .peaker did not commit him- « “ “ •. He «ompl.mented Ore- one longer than needed to con­
stick seat.
driving wago
elf farther than in the state- K °" « ta jm e n on bnngm g m the trol the disease and effect a cure;
O N E genuine leather trim, steel tire, top buggy
steel tire, never sold for leas than $66 # e o - n
ment th a t be had no sym pathy best cream he had seen m any and we do not w an t to treat
to close out................................ ..............
$ 6 8 .5 0
w ith the dual purpose animal. state which he said accounted anyone th at does not w ant the
O N E Road Wagon, one sea
steel tire, sold
F O U R top buggies, genuine leather trim, steel tires,
where from 160.00 to V r a .00,
w , we will
“ You" m ay find a beef animal I for the tact th at Oregon butter treatment.
which you can not buy off any floor in
which is a good milker,” he ad- to p attie market
Portland for less than $75, to g o a t...... $ O D .U U
D k . H. D. B ow ers .
O N E genuine leather trim, Bike Wagon, solid rubbe.
mitted, “ but you can’t count o n
’ro,cu ^is remarks with
tire, never sold for less than 180.00, to
n - F O U R steel tire, top buggi< es, genuine leather trim,
For Sale.
price has
wre jaiw
uaa always
aiwa/o been
been C
onsidered a _ , rtn
her calf. Dual purpose animals
cloae out a t ......................... - ................ $ 7 U .S r5
low at $82.60, to close out a t ..... .......... $71.00
relished by his his hearers.
can ’t be bred up to type.”
T H R E E Stick Seat, genuine leather trim, Bikes, solid
Team and harness, steel beamed
rubber tire, sold everywhere from $80 a 7 1 o n FIVE extra finished throughout, steel tire, top bug­
Much w?.s m?.de also o f tV*<* H. E. Lounsbury, of Portland,
plow, lever harrow, disk har­
to $86, to g o a t .......................................
gies, genuine leather trim. You have never
progress which has been made in
bought one for less than $90 and we have seen the
row , hay rake, three horse rig
the care of milk, and cleanliness
same grade priced at $100 on many o f
_ _
we will close
than $66. (
fo r lei
in handling it as noted by the Oregon, spoke from a transporta- for w agon and four head of milch
$ 5 5 .9 0
out at
equipment of dairies furnishing «on man’s standpoint, assuring cows; one fresh. If you are in­
certified milk and o f the tests dairymen o f the interest o f his terested come and see them, at
being used to detect the presence company in dairying as evinced W. E. Terrell’s place.
A s a C. M o r s e .
of tubercular trouble. As regards in thc low ratcs <l«oted on dair?
the latter, the importance of I products. There is absolutely Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
much care and safeguard w as no daiW
overproduction, de-
Acts on Nature’s Plan.
emphasized as playing a great dared Mr. Lounsbury, espedallv
The most successful medicines
factor in the health of milk con­ when we can’t produce enough are those that aid nature. Cham­
M utual 2 3
B ell Phone M ein 124
sumers and in prevention o f butter to supply our own home berlain’s Cough Remedy acts on
tuberculosis. He spoke tor well market. In comparing Yamhill this plan. Take it when you have
ventilated stables along which county w ith other dairy districts a*cotd and it will allay the cough,
line the average Oregon farmer in middle western qtates he gave relieve the lungs, aid expectoration,
figures to show th a t our county open the secretions and aid nature
needs little encouragement.
As to the disposal o f the prod­ is capable of a much higher de­ in restoring the system to a healthy
uct, the system o f hand sepa­ velopment from a dairying stand­ condition. Thousands have testi­
What’s the Use
rators w as commended, the point.
fied to its superior excellence. It
skimmed milk being used to de­
counteracts any tendency of a cold
O f sending to the cat­
cided profit in feeding to calves and remarked th a t when men to result in pneumonia. Price 25
houses for your
within tw o or three miles of cents. Large size, 50 cents. For
or pigs.
watches? I have just re­
P ro f Farrington suggested Newbergare shipping their cream sale by C. F. Moore.
When you are hungry try
ceived a nice line of Elgin
th a t dairymen should see t o i t
White House Restaurant
“ To Cure a Felon”
th a t their cow s are thoroughly easy to see w hy the business
where warm meals will be
bought at a vefy low price
Says Sam. Keudall, of Pittsburg,
milked, in which connection be men should be vitally interested
served a t all hours.
they are only $4.86
Kansas, ’ just cover it over with
made an astounding statement.
Location—Glen H otel.
while they last.
A committee appointed to test home. He expressed unbounded Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and the
the proposition visited dairies faith in dairying, about which salve will do the rest.” Quickest
and stripped the cows after the there is very much for us yet to cure for burns, boils, sores, scalds,
W. S . Reynolds,
wounds, piles, eczema, salt rheum,
milkers had finished. Estim at­ learn
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Mrs* C J. Leavitt
R. C. Crosby, o f Dundee, who chapped hands, sore feet and sore
in g the average amount o f milk
they secured with the number of wasn’t altogether a t ease with eyes. Only 25c at F. H. Caldwell
I ^ R i a a x r j a a i M r r J a it
cow s in the United States, the the manner in which the milk vs. & Co’s, drug store. Guaranteed.
This is a straight closeout, every one must go