■» Railroad Time Table. NORTH BOUND. 8.52 a. m. 5.05 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. 8.52 a. m. * __ Discuss the Boys* Clothes Question w ith U s W e can sell you most about the clothes your boys should w ear, and can show you most in the w a y of clever workm anship, durable fabrics and re­ liable, honest merchandise. ' • A t one time and another all the clothing m akers in Am erica have given us the opportunity to look at their goods and handle their line. W e have had our choice of all the lines made, and have selected as the one brand «p resen tin g the high standard of quality and reliability that m ade by Ederhehner, Stein f t C o. under their famous/label X T» AGOOPD . T h e X t r a p o o D brand has given satisfaction to more people than any other brand of boys’ clothes. M ore* X tw a g o o D clothes are w o rn than an y other kind. People w h o k n ow about the different grades of boys clothing prefer to bu y X t * agoo J ). It is guaranteed absolutely; m aker and furnisher both pledge you full satisfaction. F o r these reasons it w ill pay you to talk over w ith us the style your boy could w ear, the pattern that w ill best suit him and the price you should pay. Discuss these natters at once and in our store. E ve ry C o rre c t S tyle V e ry R easonable P rices Hodson Bros. M oney to G ive A w a y . Money saved is money made. W e not only save you money on every article you buy o f us, but we have got M O NEY TO G IVE A W A Y . You may see in our show window a fa ir sized pitcher heaped up with U. S. coin. Every time you spend 50c with us, you w ill be entitled to a guess at the number o f pieces o f coin in the pitcher. A t the close o f this contest, the date o f which w ill be given later, the person or per­ sons guessing the nearest the correct number, w ill receive absolutely FREE all the coin con­ tained in the pitcher. Get in the habit o f trading with us and you w ill always have money in your old stocking leg. T H E G AZELLE City M eat Market. R eal Estate. FOR TR A D E : 260 acre farm N ex t door to the bowling alley to trade fo r small place near New- handles all kinds o f fresh and cared berg. 50 acres in cultivation, meats. Both phones. balance good pasture. One mile Free D elivery. from Ore town on Nestucca Bay, near school, eheese factory and Migk#. caik price pad (or hop, veal, and fish cannery. FOR S A LE : 200 acre farm, JOS. MOTSCHENBACHER. Prop. all fenced, 100 acres cultivated, WESLEY BOYES, Caiter. balance good pasture and nice BOTH PHOXE8 young timber, weH watered by running creek through pasture. Good farm buildings, splendid well o f water at house, four acres o f orchard. N icely located General Contractor. three miles northwest o f New- berg and known as the W. J. Stater farm. Price, $8,000— $5,000 cash, balance five years at six per cen t E. A. ELLIS, Sewer and Tile Work. Also Well Digging. SEPTIC TANK S A SPECIALTY H trrCAL PHONE, 1 » W AR R E N & STATER, McMinnriU«. Ora. GIRLS! Wilson & Hanning for Teas, Coffees and Spices. Don’t Fall to Try for the 5.40 p. m. Local Events. __ Wanted arid For Sale. F or S a l e — Gent’s bicycle, Miss Leora Buchanan spent coaster brake, in good condition. the past week visiting relatives Wheel can be seen at this office. and attending the State Fair at Salem. ’ For express and light hauling Miss Cora Dunham, formerly leave orders a t Rich’s grocery. a student o f Pacific College, is to be married in Berkeley next Sun­ Remember there is no better flour than Chehalem Valley Mills day to Dr. Chas. Ponting. Patent hard wheat flour. John Bristow, who has been working for a furniture manu­ Wanted—Butter and eggs at facturing company at Spokane, Wilson & Hanning’s. came home the first ot the week. The Germans seem to be rapid­ ‘ When in Portland eat a t the ly taking the Rex neighborhood Vegetarian Cate, 105 Sixth street near Washington. S. J. and are preparing to build a Ger­ Lashier, Manager. man Methodist church at that Use Chehalem Valley Mills place. Joseph H all’s Byff Orpington Patent hard wheat flour, Every sack guaranteed. pullets came to the front at the Tomatoes for sale at 25 cents state fair with first and second awards as offerings at the hands per bushel to those who pick them. Enos ElKs, R. P. D. No. 1. o f the judges. Will McDonald, who bas been Call and try the Eastern Hard working in a Portland planer Wheat Flour at Wilson & Han­ for some time came home a few ning’s. days ago to take charge ot the Spaulding Loggin g Company’s Feed, hay, grain, poultry sup­ planing mill here. A responsible plies and the best wire fencing position for so young a man. . ; .made, a t C ity Feed Store. Op I t will probably be q f interest posite postoffice—both phones. to local hop growers to know Accordian and sunburst plait­ that Carmichael, ot Salem, the ing steam process, expert w ork­ coast representative o f Wiggin, men, a t Portland. W ork re­ Richardson . & Co. o f London, turned mext day. F or samples has appointed W. H. Nelson-as of work and prices see Mrs. J. M. his representative in this section. Shaw, West Third street New­ Fred Barrell, living one mile berg. west o f Newberg, has ju st com­ You are cordially invited to pleted the building o f a thor­ attend the tall millinery opening oughly modern hop dryer, H. L- a t Miss Reinwand’s on Friday Christenson contractor. A test and Saturday September 28th ot the dryer with his own hops and 29th. All the latest styles proves it and equipment to be in will be shown for ladies, Misses every w ay satisfactory. • and children. ' t2 48 Mrs. M. E. Satchwell’s home I am prepared to put up wire in the northwest part o f tow n fencing in all sizes and styled at had a .narrow escape from fire right prices, guaranteeing satis­ Sunday morning. Fire caught factory work. I t will pay you in the ro o f and a blaze was just to consult me. . H. E. N e w l in , getting under headway when it Springbrook, Oregon. was noticed by F. A. Youngs, a near neighbor, who rushed over Wood Wanted. and applied a bucketful o f water Wanted — dry fir cordwood, in the nick ot time. tw o or tour foot, F or further Dr. C. C. Bennett, formerly,of this place, who has been prac­ particulars address Salem, Falls ticing succe3stullv a t Whittier, City & Western Ry. Co., Dallas, t3 48 California, t o r three years, Oregon. $30. CASH P R E M I U M S Offered by the Chehalem Valley Mills on bread made from their flour, the “ Patent,’ ’ .the ’ “ Excellent” or the “ Lewis & Clark.” Exhibit to be made at the Yamhill County Stock Show and School Fair to be held in Mc­ Minnville, Sept. 25th to 28th. CLASS (A ), t Girls 12 years old' or over, 1 st prize. $ 10 . 00 ; next five prizes, $ 1.00 each. CLASS (B ). Girls under 12 years o f age, prizes same as in Class (A ). - ’ BANK S T A T E M E N T Report o f B ank o f Mewberg a t clo se o f bu siness June 30,1906: Loans and discount»......... Real estate and buildings. Furniture and fixtures..... O verdrafts.... .................. Due from Banks. $131,995.62 7,181.84 2,275.50 4,282.07 . 39,271.74 . 13,998.70 T o ta l............. ...... .......— , r ....T........... $198,9 Liabilities Capital Stock fully paid................................ $ 50,0 Undivided profits less expense and taxes paid 4,4 Deposits subject to pheck............................. 79,6 Certificates o f deposit....... ...........................? 64,8 T o ta l........................ $198,9 J. C . C O L C O R D B . C . M IL E S , P re sid e n t C as Special! A tine large line' of H anson ---- dealers in---- SUMMER W A ISTS though living in Los Angeles, has The Newberg Meat Co recently purchased a home in Has the best facilities for fur­ W hittier to which he has moved. nishing first class meats and According to the Register he is batchers’ supplies, and the best planning extensive improvements O n hand at the Racket Store is none to o good for their cus­ to his already beautiful home. tomers. Free delivery and both The commission appointed at phones. F u ll Supply of Seattle to examine Esther Mitch­ Patent, Patent, Patent. ell and Mrs. Creffield as to their DRESS G O O D S, SH O ES, sanity, completed its labors Tues­ Chehalem Valley Mills Patent A N D N O T IO N S . day but has not yet made its re­ hard wheat flour is unsurpassed port. Both women say they are fo r strength, puretv and white­ M. J. NASH ft CO. glad they killed George Mitchell ness. $1.30 per sack at all as they were divinely told to do stores. so, and that they would do the same thing again under the same circumstances. They declare they are not insane and w ill gladly meet death. Now that Newberg has an early morning mail out from Portland, orders came Monday evening that the rural mail car-, riers should w ait until after it is distributed before starting out. A sa result the carriers now leave tow n about ten thirty o ’clock instead o f at seven as formerly. This gives patrons an excellent service—“ the news while it is news” in other words, but it w ill keep the carriers on the jump^to get in in time to catch the evening mail out. An important meeting in the interest ol the dairy industry of this neighborhood will be held in Duncan’s Opera House this even­ ing at 7.30 o ’clock to which not only dairymen but the public in general is invited. The fleeting will be addressed by Prof. Far­ rington, director of the Wiscon­ sin College o f Dairying, a man well w orthy o f a hearing. Hon. J. W. Bailey, state dairy com­ missioner, and Dr. Withycombe and Prof. Kent, o f the Oregon Agricultural College, will also be present. N elson & t Bicycles, and Bicycle Sun- $ dries, Guns and Ammuni- a tion, Baseball and Tennis 3 Goods, Fishing Tackle, etc. Come in and see us. We have the best the market affords. of all kinds a Specialty. Repairing G e n e ra l R o b e r t K. Lee. Was the greatest general the world bas ever known. Ballard’s Snow Liniment is the greatest lini­ ment. Quickly cures all pains. It is within the reach o f all. T . H . Pointer, Hempstead, Texas, writes: This is to certify that Ballard’s Snow Liniment has been used in m y household for years and has been found to be an excellent lini­ ment for rheumatic pains. I am never without it. Sold by Chas. F. Moore. “ Yes,” said Farmer Comstock, “ ’long about July, the popula tion o f this ’ere taow n just dpuhles up.” “ Summer boarders or green apples?” asked the new arrival, innocently. t T •>* An Ounce of Prevention Is worth a pound o f cure. There are many poor sufferers, consump­ tives who are hopless o f getting w e ll- -who, i f they had taken care o f themselves, would now be well. A cough is the foundation o f con­ sumption. Ballard’s Horehound Syrup w ill cure that cough. Mrs. S — , G ieat Falls, Montana, writes: “ I have used Ballard’s Horehound Syrup in my family for years— my children never suffer with coughs Sold by Chas. F. Moore. Health is More T h an Wealth U -s e BALLARD'S il J SNOW LINIMENT K IN O OF THEM ALL AND than good health? A ll the money in the world can’ t make happiness where health is unknown, Ballard’s Snow Liniment CURES Beck and all lbs Ills that Flesh to Hair to. O ne W h o K now s. ** ?,■ Ftab. writes; “ I cannot too highly praise your Ballard’s 8now Liniment for the relief of acute rheumatism, caused by sudden change and exposure to the weather. I also recommend your Ballard’ s Horehound Syrup for coughs and colds These used together defy all pain. GET THE- GENUINE/ Three Sixes 23c, 50c, $1.00 Ballard Snow Liniment Co. * 500-502 North Second Street, S T . L O U IS , - M IS S O U R I. S o ld a n d R e c o m m e n d e d b y O.F. MOORE ft 00.. Newberg, Ore. i