Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 20, 1906, Image 7

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What is Castoria.
ASTORIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colio, It relieves Teething Troubles,
cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children’s Panacea—The
Mother’s Friend.
The Kind You^ Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over
30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under
his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and li Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with
and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
There «re four verses. Verse
1. A yer’e Hair Vigor makes
the hair grow. Verse 2. A yer’s
Hair Vigor stops falling hair.
Verse 3. A yer’s H llr Vigor
cu res d a n d ru ff. V e rs e 4.
A yer’s Hair Vigor always re­
stores color to gray hair. The
chorus is sung by millions.
" Brior* M in f Ayer'a Hair Vigor I had vary
thlB. i " i . T* r7
•“ ‘ f - .
I eon tinned to
■M the Vigor until my hair greatly Improved
In every way. I here used Tt off 'and on for
l!7wl3t! N
M“ ' **• Db(7i<m01,i>-
em m r
pectoral .
Le tte rs from P ro m in en t Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
iai i t ll' ai l i l a I a
i 1
i 1
l 1
l 1
l 1
t 1
» u
I i I i 1
li A
ft a * t 1
W i t ;j»f •
K le g 'a
F a m ily .
Queen Maud has the reputation of
being the w it o f K in g Edward’* family.
On one occasion she was with her sis­
ters at a public function and noticed
a curious pressman gazing at their ev­
ery movement, says the London Tatler.
Accordingly, she wrote something on a
place o f paper and, making a pretense W o m a e o f H a r v a r d U n lv w r a t t y H a s
o f banding It to one o f her slstera,
K i t 'T h i s O U t la r t le a .
dropped it. Th e reporter, o f course,
T o be accredited a* the discoverer o f
In great glee picked It np, expecting to more stare than any other livin g as-
get a great scoop fo r his paper. Im ­ j ttpnoiner must be gratifying. Especial­
agine bis chagrin when he found w rit­ ly should thla be the case when the
ten on It the commonplace rem ark: “ My lucky discoverer Is a woman.
new boots pinch me horribly.”
distinction belongs to Mrs. W illlam lna
I I'aton Fleming o f the H arvard observ­
r i r o at. Vitos’ Pane* »a a an Natrons Dtaraaa*
f | 1 0 pvrmanaatly cured by Dr. Kline’s Urea* atory.
Th e results o f her Investiga­
Narva Restorer. Hand ft>r KRKK «2 trial bottla and
treat I «a. Dr. H. H .K lln,.Ld..M l Arch BL, PhlU-.Pa. tions have Interested the entire astro­
nomical world.
A t t e m p t ! « * t h e I m p o s s ib le .
In addition to her achievement* In
She— My beauty doctor wants to give
. this line she Is distinctive in being the
me some lessons in the proper w ay to
only woman occupying an official posi­
open and shut the mouth. H e says It
tion at H arvard University.
has a great bearing on a woman’s looks.
Eight hitherto unobserved stars In
H e— Why, my dear, you open yours
the novae have been discovered by her.
gracefully enough, and as fo r shotting
O f fifth-type stare ahe has found eighty-
I t what’s the use o f throwing away
four, aa compared with fifteen located
good money?— D etroit Free Press.
by her compeers In science. Incidental­
G ood Sch em e.
ly she has fonnd 200 new variables. In
Tom m y— Th at medlclne’a nasty.
recognition o f her work Mrs. Fleming
Mommy— D id you take a whole has jnst been elected a member o f the
spoonful o f It as I told you?
Royal Astronomical Society o f Lon­
Tom m y— N o’m. I couldn’t find a don. Bhe la the first American woman
spoon, so I took s fork full.— Cleveland and the third o f her sex to receive such
an honor.
“ More star discoveries are accredited
To Break la New Sboea.
"to Mm. Fleming than to any other per­
Always shake In Allan's Foot-Earn, a powder.
It cure* hot, aweatlns. aching, swollen feet, son In the history o f science,” Is the
(’ urea corns. Ingrowing nails and bunions. At remarkable assertion
recently made
all druggists and shoe stores, 24r Don't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address concerning the work o f this woman.
Allan & Olmsted. Ie Roy, N. Y.
And the assertion appears to be true.
F or that reason she attracted the at­
A b s e n t - M in d e d P a p « .
tention o f the savanta o f the Royal A s­
“ I f Mr. Jinx calls to-night, papa, what
tronomical 8oo!ety o f London.
shall I say?”
Members o f that body as a rule are
“ That will depend on what you hold—
er— that ie to say, send him to me.” — cold blooded. They do not admit any
Houston Post.
M e r e ly •
P a s s in g K a a c y .
Dennis— Fwhat's all this fuss they’re
soakin’ about the pa-ackers?
Larry— A lot o’ cranks is atsr-rtin’ a
fad f*r clan* mate.— Chicago Tribune.
K e e p !«*
th e F a m ily .
“ Confound It all,” said the elderly
gentleman who wag dining with a cho­
rus lady, “ the youngster with that ac­
tress at the corner table Is my grand­
son. Th e young puppy!”
"Oh, It’s all right.” retorted the fa ir
“ He’s with my grandmoth­
er.” — Pittsburg P o st
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lot
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
H a ll’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. C H EN E Y A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 14 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transac­
tions and financially able to carry out any ob­
ligations made by th eir arm.
W b it A Tan AX. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
W a l b in o , K in n a n A M a b v in , Wholesale Drug-
^ H a il’aCatarrh Cure U taken Internally, act-
In f directly upon the blood and mucous sur-
Price 74c. per K
\ of t M “ system. U"1“
a HI a
* its. Testimoniala free.
br all Druggie
11 ?■ Fam ily P1U
Ila era the beau
H all's
M o th e r
G oose A m ea d ed .
* J
The cow had jumped over the nfoon.
"T h at’s a little the highest,” she said,
“ that beef hat gone since the trust was
organ ized .’’
A t this point the little dog wept.
“ What’s the pay?" asked the prospect­
ive hired man.
"W e ll,” answered the farmer, “ ye kin
have ffl a day an’ three of my darter’s
kisses, or $3 a day and six kisses. Suit
yourself. Aa fer as I ’m concerned ye kin
take It all out in kisaes if ya’v* a mind
to.” — Houston Chronicle.
FADE d T o A 8H ADOW .
Worn Down by Flvo Yoars of Suffer­
ing from Kidney Complaint.
Mr*. Remethe Myers, of 180 South
Tenth St., Ironton, O., «ays: " I have
worked herd in my time and have been
e x p o a e d again and
again to chanffoa of
It ie no
wonder my kidney«
gave oat and I want
all to piece« at laat.
For five yean I waa
fading away and Anal­
ly ao weak that for alx
montha I could not get ontof the honee.
I waa nervona, reatleaa and aleepleaa at
night, and lame and aore in the morn­
Sometime« everything would
whirl and blur before me. I bloated
ao badly I could not waar tight cloth­
ing, and had to pat on ahoea two
aiaea larger than oanal. Tha urine waa
disordered and paeaagea were dreadful­
ly frequent. I got help from the flnt
box of Doan’a Kidney Pilla, however,
and by the time I had taken font boxee
the pain and bloating waa gone. I have
bean in good health aver aince.”
Bold by all dealer«.
50 oenti a box.
Foatsr-Mllbnm Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
o f 300 pounds net each. Th e firm had
to buy the seed abroad, as obstacles
w ere placed In the way o f It* purchase
In Ceylon by the bign price demanded
as soon as It became known wbat it waa
wanted for. Th e price In Ceylon has
been as high as 60 cents per i>ound,
against 10 cents asked In England.—
Philadelphia Record.
R U 8 8 IA N
R e v o la tlo a la ta T a r a l a * to G r r g o r r
M a x im e , N o w 1 « T h la C o a a t r p .
One o f the most prominent o f the
Russian revolutionists Is Gregory M ax­
ime, who Is now In this country, with
a price o f 15,000
roubles on bis bead.
Maxime was one o f
the leading citizens
o f Riga, where be
owned a newspa­
per, now suppress­
ed by the govern­
m ent Th e revolu­
tionary ‘ movement
struck that place In
1905 and the Baltic
o be g o b y m a x i m e , republic
was pro­
claimed, with M axim e as Its first pres­
id en t In December It was suppressed
by the government and every efTort was
made to appreheud Maxime.
H e es­
caped, however, making his way from
one revolutionary body to another, un­
til he reached Manchuria. H e pushed
on to the Pacific coast and from V ladi­
vostok sailed fo r a Chinese port.
Thence be passed over to Japan, from
which country he came to the United
Th e untimely end o f the little repub­
lic has anything but dampened the
young Russian's ardor. Th e example
be set he believes to have been o f In­
calculable value to the whole empire,
and he declares that the seed sown on
the Baltic w ill spread all the way to
Unlike Count W itte, Maxime scoffs at
the D oum i. “ A helpless and useless
parliament,” he terms It, and when be
stated that “ soon It w ill be smarting
under rebuffs” his words truly had the
ring o f prophecy.
Q j
Although, an exile in America. M ax­
ime works night and day for his people
at home. Th e newspaper he owned at
Riga has been suppressed, and while
the autocracy reigns he dare not cross
the Russian boundaries, yet be fre­
quently expresses the belief that It w ill
not be long before be can return to
his home unmolested.
nas. f l e m i n o a t h e b w o b k .
W itte cast aside, Gapon dead and
one to equality w ith themselves unless Gorky practically an Impossibility now.
the right to comradeship has been clear­ It Is to Gregory Maxime that the Rus­
ly established.
sians o f this country are f is t turning
Mrs. Flem ing has passed the fortieth as the logical leader o f their cause.
milestone o f Mfe’s journey, but, unlike
l a a a l a * I 'p t h e F a s t .
many persons who devote themselves to
what la this stuff?" Inquired
scientific ends, Is affable and charming
the late Senator Vest o f a Boniface.
o f personality.
“Coffee,” meekly replied the proprie­
In her pronunciation o f words a
slight burr reminds the bearer that she tor, somewhat taken aback.
“ C o ffe e !"
Vest, In fine
la a Scot— in fact, ahe la a native o f
Dundee, In the land o f oatcakes. She scorn ; "m y friend, I could Insert a
was educated there and taught school coffee-bean In my mouth, dive Into the
Missouri River, swim to the town o f
there fo r five years.
H er father, Robert Stevens, was a Alton. 111., and I'll guarantee that one
man whose Inclination leaned to scien­ could ball up much better coffee than
tific research and be was the first In this, sir, over the entire route 1” — The
that section to take an Interest In the Search-Light
then new daguerreotype process o f pho­
T k ra a A * r e o f M aa.
tography. Th e daughter, however, waa
Th e first age o f man la when be
not content to remain amid the rigid' thinks about all the wicked things he
environments o f the old world. More la going to do. Thla Is called "In n o­
than twenty years ago she came to cence.”
The second age Is when he
America and toon obtained a position does «11 the wicked things he
at H arvard observatory as computer.
thought o f In childhood. Thla la called
For some time her work there was o f “ Th e Prim e o f L ife .” The third age Is
the simplest character, but, as the value when he repflts o f all the wicked things
o f her services waa recognised, she waa
he has done. This Is called “ Dotage.”
quickly advanced from one poet to an­
— N ew York Press.
other. In 1897 she was appointed cura­
tor o f the astronomical record* o f the
W h a t «h e 'f t l l l a a S a l«.
university and since then her work has
“ Yeh,” said the first gallery god. de­
been directed to a study o f the heaven«. scribing the melodrama, “ the hero done
A t present she has In charge more the villain up all r ig h t but the villain
than 150,000 glass platee, each covered wouldn’t admit i t ”
with almost countless Images o f stars
“ C b ee!” efclaim ed the other.
and which make a complete record o f
“ No,” the first continued. “ De last
the heavens since 1886. Every night
words he said was, ‘ I am undone.’
when the weather permits the H arvard
Philadelphia Xedger.
observatory scans the heevena, both In
the northern and southern hemispheres.
W h at has become o f the old-fashion­
ed man who aald be could whip his
S e a la l a a d C o tto n l a C t r l o a .
enemy ori a sheep skin?
A firm In Colombo offer o f to give sen
I f a groery store clerk Intends to rob
island cotton free to anyone who would
plant It in Ceylon, and they report that you at all, he w ll rob you when be sells
seed sufficient to plant 8,000 acres has' you cantaloupes. ,
been applied for. Three thousand acres
Th ere are men who every time they
means 8,000 bales o f sea Island cotton encounter a sight draft envy the blind.
Dr. 7. Gerald Blattner, of Buffalo, N. Y., any«: “Your Castoria in good
for children and I frequently prescribe It, always obtaining the desired
Dr. Gustave A. Etsengrseber, of SL Paul, Minn., says: “I have used
your Castoria repeatedly in my practice with good results, and can recom­
mend it aa an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children.“
Dr. EL J. Dennis, of SL Louis, Mo., say«: “I have used and prescribed
your Castoria in my sanitarium and outaldo practice for a number of yearn
and find it to he an excellent remedy for children.”
Dr. 8. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa,, says: “I have used your Cas­
toria In the case of my own baby and find it pleasant to take, and hare
obtained excellent results from Its use."
Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, I1U soys: “I have used your Castoria in
cases of colic in children and have found it the beat medicine of its kind
on the market”
Dr. R. EL Eskildaon, of Omaha, Neb., says: “1 find your Castoria to be s
standard family remedy. It is the best thing for infants and children I
have ever known and I recommend it ”
Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: “Your Castoria certainly
has merit' Is not its age, its continued use by mothers through all these
years, and the many attempts to imitate it sufficient recommendation?
What can a physician odd? Leave it to the mothers.”
Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, says: “For severs! years I have
recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, aa it hen
invariably produced beneficial results.”
Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: *T ,object to what are coital
patent medicines, where maker alone knows whet Ingredients are put In.
them, but I know the formula of your Castoria and advise its use.”
. 1
ì i i ! 1 n n
;ivl ■ filHl 1 ’TffTTHTfflTTl ¡HTÌ rj TBi
XVege table Preparation for As -
stmflaling the Food ¿nd Regu la
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes DigesHoivCheerful-
ness and Hest.Contalns neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
N o t N a r c o t ic .
A perfect Remedy for Constipa­
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and L o s s OF SLEEP.
the Signatare of
toc Simile Signature o f
' otL&wz&sz
A t b m o n th *» o ld
The Kind You Have Always Bought
] j D o n i n - } "jC I m s
In TMC Use
For Over 3 0 Years.
Cater « M r « i « t e
m r a M K t I . give i
bleach aad aia cele
W a fe r •
G eo«
Rem edy.
There le no remedy o f such general
Replication and none so easily obtained
as water, and yet nine persona out o f
ten w ill pnss It by In an emergency to
seek fo r something o f less efficacy, says
the National Magazine. There are but
few cases o f illness where w ater should
not occupy the highest place as a reme­
dial agent.
A strip o f flannel or a napkin folded
lengthwise and wru g g out o f hot water
and applied around the neck o f a child
who has croup, w ill usually bring relief
in a few minutes. A towel folded sev­
eral times, then quickly wrung out o f
hot w ater and immediately hpplled over
the seat o f the pain in toothache or
neuralgia, w ill afford prompt relief.
Thla treatment In colic works
Ilk #
magic. Cases on record having resist­
ed other treatment fo r hours,
yielded to this treatment In ten min­
utes. Pieces o f cotton batting dipped
In hot water, then applied to all sores
and new cuts, bruises and sprains Is the
treatment now generally adopted in
hospitals. H ot water taken freely a
half-hour before bedtime la an excel­
lent cathartic In the case o f constipa­
tion, w hile it has a most aoothlng e f­
fect on the stomach and bowels. This
treatment continued for a few months,
together with proper attention to diet,
w ill alleviate mild cases o f dyspepsia.
R e la e «
er mmt fe ele r celere Ih
t t m eh l.
Asb Scalei
M la e tr e la .
Tambo— Kin yo’ te me, Mieteh Skies,
why a one-legged man la like s po* fsh-
is ah?
Interlocutor— Why, no, W illiam ; that
is s little too deep for me. Why ia a one-
legged man like a poor farmer?
Tambo— ’Cause he cain’ t raise mo' ’a
half a crop o' cawn.
Interlocutor— Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Blimber, the pleasing vocalist will
now sing ."Dearest, Wipe Your Feet on
the Door Met ; Me Has Scrubbed.”
ether dye.
O ec 10c pack aee
send seat paid et 10c «
Write 1er
Saxony has seven special industrial
schools founded for the sole purpose of
training locksmiths and blacksmiths.
M K A v em c u m c p !
troubles. Cures Hearn,
Ceufhs, Distemper u l
Indigestion. VeteriaatL
ana nee u d recommend
Druggists will get them.
Price toe at dealer. Me hr
mail. Send for F r a book.
CHAS. H. LILLY G0„ Seattle and Portland. Wholesale A gt
This Book Is FREE
Egan Dramatic
Operatic School
Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15
Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic
Stage and places Graduates in six
Forty Graduates now w ith
traveling companies.
Send for Cato*
“ Borax in the Laundry, Kitchen, Nur­ Egan Dramatic and Operatic School
sery and Sick Room.’*
Egan Ball. Arcade Building, Seattle.
“ How to Have a Clear Complexion.”
FKAKir EGAN, PrindpaL
“ Articles on the Hair and Hands.”
“ Borax as a Preservative, Etc.”
I t gives invaluable inform ation on the
1000 uses of 20-MULE-TEAM BORAX in
the H om e, Farm and Dairy.
A ll dealer. F r a Sample Korea and Borax Snap.
Booklet a d Kouveulr Picture tu col»,«, for 10 centa
and Daaier’a name. PA C IF IC CO Abl BOKAX
CO., Oakland, Cal.
___________________ ;________ 1______________
• 3 .5 0 A .* 3 .0 0 S h o e s
W .LDougla $4 Silt Edge Vmy
can to t b« equalled a 1 an; pi ioe .
7b Shoe D n tltrt:
W . I. Dougina' Job­
bing llonae la the mot*
complete In Itale country
S m d f o r Paiole*
"When you buy on
Its the easiest end
only wey to get
the best
R eveaw e.
Sold everywhere
The reporter had been sent to get an
Interview of the noted burglar who had
been caught in the act and was behind the
bars at the police station.
“ The boys say you put up a pretty stiff
fight. Bill,” said the reporter. “ I ’d like
to have your version of the affair. It
ought to make a good story.”
Portland Trade Directory
“ It’ll make a good story, all right,”
Address** la Portland ef Ream-
sullenly answered Bill, “ but I ’ll see you
in Pittsburg before I ’ll give it to your tentative BMeinem firma.
paper. It was in your society columns C H K A M S K P A H A T o HM— W . ( uara > m the U . t
Separator to be the beet. W rite lur Arm
that I aaw the Item that the Thompsons
Haaeiwood Co.. Fifth nod Oak.
had shut up their house and gone away
M K N 'B C L O T R I N O - nnttum * Pendleton, ante
for tha summer—and they hadn’t.”
England’s trade with her colonies la
much more valuable, dollar for dollar,
than that with other countries, because
It is largely manufactures.
agent* A lfred llen lan iin A Co.'a correct clothe«.
K v e r y tb ln g In m en'e furnishing«.
Morrteou and
S ixth a l re e l a. opposite poa tome*.
P I A N O S * O R G A N S — Many line laa rumenta re­
veal to ut acroiiDi a i-knen* or removal of buyer
W rit* for deter ptlon of p anoe now on band
t u n a , eta. W rit# today.
Gilbert Co., Portland
s^ r^ o J S n S & E t &
n g
Misers' * Children'! Shore. SS-85 to « 1.0 0 .
T r y W . L D o u g la a W o m e n 's . M isses a n «
C h ild r e n ’ * a h o ea; f o r atyle. fit an d w e a r
th e y e a r e l o th e r m a k e *.
If I could take you Into my large
factories et Brockton, Mass.,and show
you how carefully W .L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wherever yon Mve, yo« can obtain W . L.
Douglas shoo*, til* name aad price la stamped
on the bottom, which protect* you against high
prices and Interior ehoes. Tatra a a aubafl*
fa ta . Aik yoar dealer tar W . L. Douglas ahoea
aad Inatat upon having them.
Fast Color f.W rfa -sod. l*eg will mot moor brass»
W rit* tor illustrated Catalog ot Fall Styles.
W . L DOUGLAS, Dept- I J, Brockton, Maas.
P. N. U.
No. 3 «
I TXTH K N w rit la g to ad vrrttaare p lo a s a f
I TT sa a n tlo « th la p aper.