What you leave weekening. Kant yu do sum- Hatn from a Burn Prom ptly by Cham berlain’* thing kwiklv and at wunc tu R elieved P ain alm ., restor konfidens? We surv notis Mr. James N. B Nichols, a mer­ th at the posishun which the chant sad postmaster at Vernon, l l l l l l l RVBRY THURSDAY MORNING Grafik fels kompeled to tak is az Connecticut, makes the following tolloz, wishing no disrespekt to statement: “A little child of Mich­ yu: The Grafik will be fonetik ael Strauss was recently in great pain from a barn on the hand, and or it will not be fonetik. Shaks- as applications only increased Finds its way back to you. peer madc hiz insain(?) Dain the cold inflammation, Mr. Strauss came What you spend with mail say, "tu be or not tu be—that ix to me for something to stop the order houses is most likely the kweschun.” The same kon- little one’s pain. From the many frunts the Grafik. Linkun wunc liniments I carry in stock, I ad­ gone for good and all. him to use Chamberlain’s said th at this nashun kannot vised Pain Balm, the first application eggist hai slav and haf free. drew out and Every dollar spent on jewel­ the inflammation and Neether kan the Inglish lang- gave immediate relief. ry out of „ town makes you, I have used wadg. If the shakkls ot bondj this liniment myself and recom­ us and everybody else just are tu be strilcken from our mend it very often for cuts, bunts, that mush poorer. sprains and lame back, and have m uthertung (plez xkusthemiksd Goto’ to Independence, known it to disappoint!” metatur) letz du it thoroly. Letz never There to rush the can; A BEQUEST—Bring us the mail For sale by C. F. Moore. Everything else but pickin' fite it out on this lin if it taks all order man’s proposition, and For my old man. A truly sharp person knows sumr. But having ressled kon- we will show you how easy Where the dance is thickest, th at cutting remarks do not pay. sidurably with the abuv we du it is for us to duplicate i t Or fightin’s goin’ on, not frei the zeel and ambishun W AS A VERY SICK BOY There you’ll see my daddy, tor reform which thrild us when B ut Cured by Chamberlain's Prancin’ up and down, Very likely we will be able we started in, so we beleev we Colic, Colera and Diarrhoea One eye robed in mournin' to MORE than duplicate it Rem edy. T’other in a can, will dezist and rest sum befor They cannot held the lid down opening the sumr campane* es- "When my boy was two years It will be worth your while to On my old man.—Corvallis Times. peshuly he had a very severe attack of az it iz a litel lat in the old prove this for yourself. r r - bowel complaint, but by the use of When a newspaper gets its edi­ sezun. Chamberlain’s Colic, Colera and torial utterances whittled down Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him NEWBERG out all right,” says Maggie Hickoz, M ILLS JEWELER THE NEW OREdON. en».” it is time for the editor to Much is said now of the “new of Midland, Michigan. This reme- Next to Postoffice. either take a rest, buy a pair ol Oregon” th at will follow the scissors or quit, says The Dalles extensions, the adver­ Optimist, and we have several railroad tising, the development league such sheets in Oregon. meetings and all the work being done for the advancement of ma­ terial interests to Oregon, says Nothing sublime is open to the self-indulgent. the Albany Herald. DRUGS & MEDICINES. The old Oregon is interesting W ell W orth T ryin g. ' J " in its historic interest The Hud­ W. H. Brown the popular pen­ PRESCRIPTION WORK A son Bay Company touched all sion attorney, of Pittsfield, Ver- SPECIALTY. of its territory with romantic mont, says Next to a pension, color. The old Oregon was rich He writes: B ooks, S tation ery, F an cy and in forest and stream and all that in splendid T oilet A rticles, C am ara and belongs thereto. The pioneer r headache, K odaks and a ll k in d s o f C am era The worst is yet to come. S. mess. z^C. I Supplies. often with rod and rifle C ald w eU & 'L E 8SO N 8 G IV E N IN K O D A K - A.D. Pater, king ot the convicted came and scratched a tew acres 61 hra ERY. land fraud operators, announces donation claim. It was a land -th at while enjoying the enforced easy to live in and favoring the hospitality of Uncle Sam, he will careless life. So the sons of the write a book giving in full the pioneer neglected opportunity inside history of the land fraud and often the old place has operations on the Pacific Coast. passed to strangers, or is suffer­ The public may look for a ing from weeds or a mortgage. S. A. D. story. The old Oregon thought of The Confederate veterans, of wheat as the staple and scoffed, Louisiana, the state university a t diversification. So, as the ot which commonwealth has re­ price of wheat declined, discour­ fused admittance to three Fili­ agement and failure visited the pinos, are preparing to erect a land, dependent upon agricul­ We pride ourselves on having the prettiest and monument in loving remem­ ture, which meant wheat. neatest line in the city, for which we have taken particular precaution throughout in se­ brance and honor of Captain The new Oregon will be a land lecting same and expect Jo please the most pre­ Henry Wirz, "a gallant and de­ of good roads, of an increasing cise in their selections. Price? will be right voted Louisiana Confederate” variety of agricultural products, and we defy competition. Will quote a few arti­ (sic) who was in charge of An­ of dairies and of manufacting in­ cles just for a reminder. OilCIoth...................................>............... 17 l-2c per yard derson ville prison. No m atter dustries. With improved trans- Fancy Worsteds in plain or plaids, latest how many monuments are raised effects.......................v.................16c to 75c per pard Outing Flannels, our heaviest in solid to Wirz, his name will go down colors and plaids....,i..................... 10c per yard in history inseparably linked Domestic B. and Un. B........................... 5c to l(fc per yd Prints, newest patterns, all staple brands with the unspeakable privation worth 6c and 7c at .V..'.................. 5c per yd and misery suffered by the boys In Groceries, our prices are lowest in blue and for which he was di­ for first class stuff.- rectly responsible. Verily it doth Sugar, best gran, 18 pounds»..............1.00; 5,00 per sack A. . 1 & H. ______ Soda, 6 . pounds for................... 25c appear th at Louisiana has yet A Arbuckles Coffee, we have it.............. 15c package to be reconstructed. All 5c Smoking Tobacco. ...................... 6 for 25c All 10c Smoking Tobacco................ ...... 3 for 25c Heneyphobia is a name which On Shoes and Rubbers we are very strong and might be given to a new and ap­ can beat the beater on quality and price. Our Hat and Cap department is full of the latest parently somewhat contagious It is generally supposed th at styles, in new patterns and Blocks, try us for malady which seems to be break­ the incubator is a strictly modern we can save you money.'- We carry everything ing out in spots. One symptom and American invention, but this in Queensware, Crockery, Tin and Graniteware. is found in a Portland daily is far from the fact. The ancient which has it th at Heney’s effort Egyptians were onto the trick before the land fraud jury last and thoroughly understood the week "was probably the most advantages of the "wooden hen” logical and conclusive ever wit­ thousands of years ago. About nessed in any legal proceeding.” four hundred of these artificial It is a case of “more probably” hatchers have been discovered as th a t the writer is longer on im­ the result of recent exhumations agination than on sober judge­ in old cities of the Nile, which ment. Mr. Heney has proved shows th at at one time they himself an able and conscientious were in common use. These fore­ prosecutor of the land fraud con­ runners of our machines were spirators and as such is worthy about nine feet high and were of the commendation of good arranged with galleries for hold­ citizens. But why such fawning ing the eggs, which were heated NEW BERG , OREGON and sycophancy? from a central oven We have rediscovered one of the It iz with no dezir tu be simply lost arts and proved again th a t T h t n ew school ye o r opens S e p te m b e r 2 5 . kounted konsurvativ th at the there is nothing new under the E x c e lle n t A d v e n ta g e s o ffe re d fo r s tu d e n ts . Grafik haz bin inklind tu bawk sun—or the hen. P le a s in g s u rro u n d in g s , w ith g oo d m o ra l a t fonetic speling as advokated a s s o c ia tio n s . Rozvelt. And just tu pruv S tarvin g to D eath . th at it doz not wish tu be thot Because her stomach was so kantankerus the Grafik haz kon- weakened by useless drugging that kluded tu tri it a whurl. But she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. with a spirit of du kurtesv the Walters, of 8 t. Clair street, Colnm- Ohio, was literally starving to Grafik wud lik tu ask Rozvelt a bus, death. writes; "My stomach T H E M U S I C D E P A R T M E N T will be under kweschun. If fonetik speling was so She weak from useless drugs efficient supervision of Prof. Jas. Carrick, of the that I could not eat, and my nerves Conservatory of Glasglow, Scotland, an instructor so wrecked that I could not sleep; of ability and experience. and not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Electric For further information call on or address, Bitters, with the wonderful result that improvement began at once, and a complete cure followed.” H . E d w in M c G r e w Beat health tonic on earth. 50 c. P r e s id e n t Guaranteed by F. H. Caldwell & Co., druggist. NEWBERO ÛRAPHIC B A R G A IN S IN DRY G O O D S Pacific College F R E IG H T Do you know you can buy anything in the Hardware. Vehicle Implement line at A. R. and Moomaw A Son’s, as cheap or cheaper, than yoii can in Portland? COME AND SEE. Hop Wire and Spray Supply a Specialty, T . B. CUMMINGS A COMPANY ARE ABLE T O FURNISH YOUR HOME COMPLETELY . FURNITURE, CARPETS, LINOLEUM, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES AND GRANITEWARE A F in e L in e OF P a in ts The Measure .of all Typewriters. „ Commercial Brains How approach it in responsiveness—in mechanical perfec­ tion. How resemble it in appearance, design and fin­ ish. Its increasing fame makes permanent the stand­ ard. The Original of its Kind. Im itations Are Never Ho Good.*’ UNDERW OOD TYPEW R ITER CO. 241 Broadway, N Y . 0 8 Oth St. Portland, Ore. T ry our L IS K W A R E F o r y o u r K itc h o n U te n s ils . A f in s lin e o f CUTLER Y THE IMPROVED ACME WASHER A Child can Operate it Saves Health, Strength & Clothing. J . B . M o u n t’s Having been given the agency for the Chico, Cal., Nurseries, 1 am prepared to fill orders for all kinds of Nursery stock, including all varieties of Fruits, Ornamental Shrubbery, Climbing Vines, Roses etc. English Walnuts a specialty. Stock delivered promptly to the nearest station or boat landing. Prompt attention given all orders, sent to J. B. FORSYTH, Newberg, Or. NEWBERG BAKER Y Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always on hand. Orders . filled at short notice Strohmakr A Hanish JO H N A. BECK