Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 20, 1906, Image 3

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Government Is Folly Prepared to
. Toko Such Steps.
Protect American Interests on
Island o^C uba.
Havana, Sept. 14. _— One hundred
armed sailors from the United States
protected cruiser Denver, landed last
evening and camped in front of the
president’ s palacs, in anticipation of
possible uprising within or attacks
upon Havana. ________
Tampa, Fla., Sept. 14. — A private
cablegram reoelved here from Oienfue-
goa, Cuba, states that marines from tbe
Intervention Would Not Bo a Holiday
United States gunboet Marietta were
A ffa ir—T r o o p « A ra Bains Re­
landed at that place yesterday to pro­
tect American interests.
turned From Philippines.
Washington, Sept. 18.— President
Roosevelt is keenly alive to the revoln-
tionaqr movement in Cabs end the re­
sponsibility of the United States in
case the conditions grow worse end in­
tervention becomes necessary.
I t is
known that the president w ill not in­
tervene nntil it appeals absolutely ne­
cessary, yet stepa have been taken
which would make such intervention
The ship« that have been
sent to Cube are there for tbe purpose
only of protecting American Interests
and furnishing asylum for Americans
who may be in danger from tbe war­
ring factions.
I t is recognised that intervention
would not be "h o lid a y ” matter, but
that an army would be necessary and,
in cate of intervention every available
man of the regular army w ill be used
and w ill be sent to Cube aa fast as pot-
sible. Although no regular transports
are available on the Atlantic coast, it
is known where tiie transports can be
obtained ai soon as needed.
Some weeks ago the Sixth and
Twenty-first regiments of infantry were
ordered home from the Philippines, it
being stated that their term of service
in the islands was completed. The
transports which sailed last winter for
the Philippines w ill bring available
troops to the Atlantic coast and also
the transports, which would be very
neceseary if the Platt amendment is
involved. _________________
fe d e r a l Grand Jury Returns Verdict
in Land Fraud Case. •
Portland, Sept. 18.— State Senator
Franklin Pierce Maya, ex Representa­
tiv e W illard N . Jones and George Sor­
enson stand in the shadow of the -peni­
tentiary now.
A t 9:45 a. m. today tbe sealed ver­
d ict returned by the Jury at 1:48 this
morning was read in the Federal court,
finding all three defendants guilty of
conspiracy to defraud the government
ou t uf lands in connection with the cre­
ation of the Blue mountain forest re­
serve. A breethlees silence reigned in
th e courtroom when the elerk read tbe
words that branded the defendants on
tb e catalogue o f land fraud convicts.
Counsel for tbe defendants gave
notioe of intention to move for a new
tria l and w en allowed time to do so.
T h e verdict, while probably not unex­
pected, was a severe blow to the accus­
ed men, but there was no scene.
Although the hour was early the
courtroom was crowded with people in­
terested in tbe outcome of the long
tria l.
E x p o s e s
Washington, Sept. 14.— So far as can
be ascertained no official word has been
received regarding the reported landing-
of marines at Oienfuegos, Cube. The
Marietta’s commander had special in­
U nion P acific
Three Trains East Daily
Sunday excursions to Newport and retara en
the Corvallis « Eastern Railroad will
Castle Gate, Canyon of the Grand, Black
, Canyon, Marshall and Tennessee Passes, and
i the World-Famous Royal Gorge.
M c B R ID E ,
Arriving In New ort at noon.
leave Newport at 6:«u p. „
at the flnesl reeort In the
and pleasure tor the weary worker.
Three-day and season tickets from all 8. P.
or C. a R. points will be good going or return-
log on Sunday Excursion trains.
Pare from Albaay, Corvallis or Philomath,
For Descriptive and Illustrated Pamphlets, write to
W. C
Through Pullman standard sad
•leaping cars dally te
knot; tourist si as plu f can daily
City; through Pu llm an tourist
rsonally conducted) weekly --------
uses Clty^ reclining chair ears (male
Lem Albuy Emyltaday. 7JO A. M.
Lem Csrvallis StOO A. N.
General Agent
214 Third S t, Portland, Oregon
Nomorons attractions, including boating,
fishing, surf-bathing, baseball, music by tha
band and gathering pretty watar agates.
Annuii i io
ric T rn u n
t ik e »C H lflu L ir
Salt Lake. Denver,
f t Worth,Omaha.
Xearns City, St.
Lsula, C hlsago sad
1:16 a. m.
Atlantic Balt Lake, Denver,
Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, St.
0:15 p.BL.
Loule.l hicegoend
St. Pool
Fast Mall
No. 1—
! I
No Change of Cars.
$ 1.^ 0 fo r the Round T r ip .
‘ :uv £ ~
Trains from aad To Y««ulaa.
Walla Welle, Lewis­
ton, Spokane. Wal­
lace, P u llm a n ,
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Duluth. MU-
**d East. Cl“ e* * *
Arrives at Corvallis........................ 10:45 A M
Arriva* Albany............................... 11:40 A M
For tallar Inform atto, ask at
No. 3—
Leaves Albany...... ........................ 13:10 P M n ««r««t ticket agent, or
Arrives Yaqulua............................ 6:00 PM
General Passenger igred
Trains Te aad rreas Detrait.
No. 3—
Leaves Albany............................... 7:80 A M
Arrives Detroit............................... 13:10 P M
No Matter
Lears* Detroit...v..................... .
Arrives Albany........................... .
6:55 P M
Traies fer C erva«*.
No. I
Leaves Albany........................".......7:56 A M
Arrives Corvallis............................ 8:85 A M
No. 10-
Leaves Albany............................... 8:50 PM
Arrives At Corvallis........................ 4:80 P M
No. 6 -
Lesves Albany................................. 7:85 P M
Arrives at Corvallis..........................6:16 P M
Your W ants May Be
Trains far Albaay.
No. 8—
Leaves Corvallis.............
• :» A M
Arrives Albany................................. 7:10 A M
No. S—
Leaves Corvallis................................... 1:80 PM
Arrives at Albany.....................
8:10 PM
No. 7 -
Leaves Corvallis.............................. 4:00 P M
Arrives at Albany ........................... 6:40 PM
No. 11—
Leaves Corvallis. ......
11:00 A M
Arrives at A lbany.......................... 11:43 A M
No. 12—
Leaves Albany................................12:45 P M
Arrives at Corvallis.............
1:88 P M
in the Printing Line
All of the above.connect with Fouthern Pa­
cific Com pan/ trains, both at Albany and Cor­
vallis. as wo.f as train for Detrrlt, giving di­
rect service to Newport and adjacent beaches,
aa well as Brel ten bus i Hot Springs:
For further Information apply to
J. C. MAYO, Gen. Paaa. A g t
B. H. BOLES, Agent, Albany.
Can Satisfy Them
Washington, Bept. 14.— Discussing
tha probable method of proceeding un­
der tbe new railroad rata law. Intar-
state Commerce Oommiseioner Cockrell
said the first effort of the commission
would bs a uniform way of doing bust-
•V B A M B R S
Connecting at Lyle, Week., with
" W e ara,” he said, "g iv in g most of
Russian Paper 8ays General Rennen- our attention to securing tbe adoption
kam pff Robbed Army.
of a general system, believing that by
St. Petersburg, Sept. 18.— Tbe Perle, pursuing this course we w ill lighten
an organ of the moderate Liberal party, oar own labors and render it poesible
has been suspended on acoount of its for tha railroads to aid us in earrying
publication of aa article by M . Demi- tha law into effect.”
H e then outlined the plans of the
cbensky, a well known writer, attack­
ing the bureaucratic system, in the commission to be to secure:
First— A uniform system of account­
course of which General Rennenkampff
was flatly charged with thievery and ing by the railroad«.
Second— A uniform system of classi­
defied to bring an action for libel. The
sirticle alleced that General Rennen­ fication of freight throughout tbs U nit­
kampff had filled his pockets from the ed States.
Third— A uniform schedule of rates,
m ilitary fund and with tribute levied
upon his subordinates during tbe fares and charges.
Fourth — Tha performance by the
Rueeo-Jaapneee war, and be was asked
to explain why tbe investigation start­ roads of the entire transportation from
ed bv General Dobennuachnitzy, which the place where freight is received to
was interrupted by tbe battle of Muk­ the point of destination.
Mr Cockrell also raid that the rail­
den, was never resumed.
road« are manifeeting a disposition to
aid the commission in the enforcement
Famine in the Provinces.
Odessa, Sept. 13. — Official reports of the law.
just made by the special missions late­
ly sent into the provinces show that
Tube Trust in Great Britain.
four more governments, namely, N ov­
Glasgow, Sept. 14.— I t is announced
gorod, Vyatka, Taurida and Orenberg, that a combination of Scotch and Eng­
have been added to tbe 20 previously lish tube manufacturers to regulate the
announced aa famine stricken.
The home and export buaineaa bee been
central relief committee estimates the formed with a view to abolishing the
minimum fund necessary to tide the present keen competition.
The indus­
33 governments over tbe next six try has suffered incalculably since tbs
months at $75,000,000.
The semstvo previous agreement was cancelled 18
organisations do not contribute more months ago. I t is understood that tbs
than $7,600,000, and the imperial ex­ new combine is wider in ita scope then
chequer must furnish the remainder.
the old, taking in ell tbe firms in the
United Kingdom except one Ciydelsdals
Western Union Will Extend Lines.
firm. It is stated that the American
New York, Sept. 13.— The directors producers are supporting the combine.
of tbe Western Union Telegraph com­
John D. Says Not Guilty.
pany, at a meeting today, authorised
President Clowry to call a meeting of
Findlay, O , Sept. 14.— A plea of not
stockholders on October 10 to vote on a guilty has been entered in tbe Probate
proposition to issue $25,000,000 In court here by John D. Rockefeller on
gold bonds.
The director« also voted tfie charge of violating tbe auti-trust
that $10,000,000 in gold bonds be is­ law through tha Standard Oil company.
sued Immediately for subsetiption by Mr. Rockefeller was not personally in
stockholders. The money realised from court. Tbs defendants in tbs
the bonds is to be used for flew con­ against tbs pipe tinea also pleaded not
struction and buying new property.
guilty in the same way and each de­
manded s separate trial by Jury. Judge
Banker adjourned court until the first
River Washes Away Towns.
E l Paso, Tex., Bept. 13— Correspond­ Monday in October.
ence of the Herald reports that recent
Rain o f Liquid 8ulphur.
rains between Tuxpan and Colima,
M 'X ., caused vast earth slides on the
Buenos Ayrss. Sept. 14.— Tbs stats
Manasnillo extension of the Mexican telegraph department today received a
-Central railroad. Tbe towns of Mexi- telegram from Jachate, province of San
celtllan and Tuxpan, on the Santiago Juan, stating that tha night of 8eptem-
river, have been practically washed be 11 there waa a rain of sulphurous
away and scoiea of persons are home- liquid and that In consequence tbs in­
leas and suffering.
habitant« were greatly alarased.
S hort L ine
Corvallis & Eastern R. R.
Commission W orks to .That End and
Railroad« Halp.
.O reg o n
Havana, Sept. 14.— A dispatch from
Oienfuegos says that tbe United States
gunboat Marietta haa debarked a de­
tachment there. Oienfuegos is besieged
by insurgents and some of the fortifica­
tions have been damaged.
Washington, Sept. 14.— I t was offi­
cially announced here that the sailors
who were landed at Havana from the
American cruiser Denver have been or­
dered to return to their vessel immedi­
ately, seve for a small guard which w ill
be left at the American legation. This
action followed the receipt of an official
report by-Acting Secretary of State Be-
oon from M f. Sleeper, tbe American
charge d’ affairs at Havana, regarding
tbe landing.
Tbe report was not made public, but
it was announced offiically shortly af­
terward that the sailors were landed
from the Denver solely for the protec­
tion of tbe lives and property of Am eri­
can eitisensi that such action was in
pursuance of a discussion between M r.
Sleeper and the naval commander, with
the belief that it was a wise precaution
looking to the protection of Hie live«
and property of Americans. There was
no intention, it is stated,-to do other­
wise than to safeguard American inhab­
itants, and the services of the sailors
were to be utilised only in cese of dis­
orders within the city which threat­
ened such inhabitants. That tbe land
ing in any way contemplated the pro­
tection of either tbe Cuban government
nr the insurrectionary
President Palma, or any other persons
than American eitisens, was disclaimed
officially and it was pointed out that
this fact oould not be emphasised more
Secretary Bonaparte conferred with
officials of the Navy department today.
He declined to eay anything about tbe
con faience, but it is known that Cuba
formed the main topie.
The cruisers
Tacoma and Cleveland, now outfitting
at Norfolk, be said, would be held in
readiness to go to Cuba if needed.
P atents
D esigns
C o pyrig h t * A c .
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion fr e e w ea th e r an
Invention Is prob ab ly peteittsb l * , Com m unies-
lion s strictly eon Sdentisi. H M M 60 K qgRRm m gm
sent free. Oldest agency fo r so m rtn *
Patenta taken through Munn « Ü
•perlai notice, w ith o u t chartre. In
Scientific flm erkaiT
_ , ____ nalr Illustrated weekly.
Terms, 93 i
i mmr: four months, f L bom Myall newsdealer«.
M il
For Wahkiacus, Daly, Centerville^
Goldendale and all Klickitat Valley
Steamer leave« Portland daily (oxoepS
Sunday) 7 a. m., connecting with C. R.
A N. trains at Lyle 6:15 p. m. for Gol­
Train arrives Goldendale,
7 :36 p. m. Steamer arrives The Delia*
6:80 p. m.
Steamer leavae The Dalles daily tac­
cept Sunday) 7 :00 a. ifl.
C. R. A N. train« leaving Goldendale
6:15 a. m., connects with this ■ teemed
for Portland, arriving Portland 6 p. ra.
Excellent meals served on all steam­
Fine accommodation« for ta«iu*
and* wagon«.
For detailed information of rataa,
berth reservation«, connection«, etc.,
wr te to 8. McDonald, agent, Portland.
General Office. Portland. Or.
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