\ Form for Renters. A Resume o f the Less Important but Not Lass Interesting Events o f the Past W eek. An American bank is to be opened in Berlin. Anarchists continually General MacArthur is now lieutenant general. There is 14 inches of snow on the mountains in Western Colorado. Stensland’ s eon has betrayed the hid­ ing place of much of his plunder. The government of Ecuador is ar­ ranging for a loan of $27,000,000. As a whole the Caban people wel­ come the American offer of mediation. Terroi ista claim credit for the death o f Trepoff, believing him to have died o f poison. Special precautions are being taken to prevent the ahipment of contraband goods to the Cuban rebels. The carte have decided that there is nothing in'the way of municipal owner­ ship for Chicago, as the law is valid. S L A V E S IN R A ILW A Y C A M P S . N O T H IN G FO R J E T T Y . N egroes by the Hundred Make C om ­ plaint to District Attorney. C ongress N ot Likely to Make Appro­ priation at Next 8ession. K n oxville, Tenn., Sept. 18. — The Federal grand jury now sitting in this city is investigating alleged peonage a at several railroad ramps in this vicinity where hundreds of negroes are employed. The investigation is going on secretly under the direction of a de­ tective sent here by the government from Washington on the complaint of numerous negroes to District Attorney J. R . Penland. A ll last week the government build­ ing was crowded with negroes, who one by one told their tale of woe and maltreatment before the justice. I t is believed indictments w ill be found this week against some prominent railroad contractors and their subordinates. Th e government detective visited the railroad camps in the role of a man de­ sirous of purchasing timber lands. He spent a week or more in several differ­ ent camps located in Blount county, and quietly gathered a volume of evi­ dence. Most o f the negroes were brought here from North and South Carolina and other neighboring states. W itn es have told some frightful stories of the manner in which they were held prisoners at the camps for debt. They allege that a guard line is kept and no man is allowed to pass this line. They say that outrageous commissary prices are charged them and they get deeply in debt to the contractors. One or two witnesses told stories of seeing negroes killed and assert that the bodies were sunk in the river. Portland, Sept. 17.— That the $2, 500,000 needed for completion of the Columbia bar jetty cannot be secured next year from congress is the opinion of Congressman Ransdell, of Louisiana, and Jones, of Washington, members of the rivers and harbors oommittee, who have just inspected the jetty, escorted by members of the chambers of com­ merce of Portland and Astoria, mem­ bers of the Oregon delegation in con grass, Governor Chamberlain, Lieuten­ ant Colonel Roeealer, who is United 8tates engineer of this district, and others. That it is inadvisable to resume work on the jetty until this sum shall be available, either as an appropriation or under continuing contract, if very wasteful construction is to be avoided, was the opinion ol the two committee members, who accorded with the view of Colonel Roeeeler announced before a meeting of the.Chamber oi Commerce of Portland Friday night. Colonel Roees- ler advised further that money should not be diverted from the bar project, by insistence on sums of money for other improvements on the river, lar­ ger than are necessary for maintenance of present work and slow construction. This plan is opposed by Representa­ tive Jonee, who rather considers the Celllo project more important than tbe bar project, at least to the upper Go lumbia river region, which wants lower transportation rates to and from tide­ water. He take« the view that the Ce- lilo barrier, which now prevents navi­ gation up and down the river, should be opened as soon as possible, and that the bar improvement is not as urgent as is alleged, because ships of 23 and more feet draft can already pass in and out.' This opinion is shared .by M i. Rans­ dell, and he urges that the two piojects be striven for together, saying that" otherwise, there w ill be a divided effort, which w ill react against the in teiests of the entire river. Mr. Jones and Mr.Ransdell said that it is extemely unlikely that the jetty can obtain $2,500,000, or that even tbe whole Columbia river can secure such a sum. Both were even fearful that th en w ill be no river and harbor bill at all next year. I t w ill be impossible, they said, to put through an emergent y appropria tion, as was done at the last session of congress for $400,000, because that sum was allowed simply in order that the government might not lose several hun­ dred thousand dollars’ worth of con­ struction works at the jetty, for want of money to finish the stone deposits under the tramway then in place. I t was not the most cheerful outlook for the river, interests that were repre­ sented in the party. Its members be­ gan busying their heads with devices for obtaining the required $2,600,000 right away, because, in their minds, completion of the jetty is extremely urgent. BIG F L E E T IS S E N T T O SEA. Cashier Hering, of the defunct Chi­ cago bank, is declared by handwriting Force o f 4,000 Men Can Be Landed experts to be the champion forger of in Cuba by United States. the world. Washington, Sept. 18.— It is an­ Th e Japanese government baa sent nounced at the Navy department to­ representatives to New York and Lon­ night that the battleships Louisiana, don to arrange a new loan. Her for­ eign and domestic debts already reach Virginia and New Jersey have been or­ dered down the Altantic coast on a $1,011,500. shakedown cruise, and that they had France and Japan w ill likely agree been directed to keep in touch with the on an Asiatic policy. Colorado Republicans have nominat­ government at Washington by wireless telegraph and, if necessary, in the event ed P h ilip B. Stewart for governor. of an emergency arising, they w ill be The Cuban congress in special session I t was also stated has, voted men and money to fight th6 sent to Havana. that the cruisers Tacoma, Cleveland, rebels. Minneapolis and Newark have sailed General Corbin has retired as head of from Norfolk, Va. the American army on account of the The Minneapolis and Newark carry lim it. about 700 men altogether and the T a ­ Ambassador Leishman has been noti­ coma 150. Should all these vessels go fied that the sultan w ill receive him to Havana the navy would be able to land a force of 4,000 men in Cuba by September 21. ' Wednesday or Thursday, if any devel­ W yom ing Democrats have nominated opments should occur rendering such 8. A . D. Reiser for governor and in­ action necessary. dorsed Bryan. Final instructions w ill be given the Turkey baa called the attention of Cleveland and other vessels when they Europe to the evident preparation Of reach Key Wast. The Cleveland sailed from Norfolk Saturday, w nile the Ta­ Bulgaria for war. coma left there Sunday. The Louisiana A handcar with 12 men plunged and the Virginia left Newport Saturday 'through an open draw of the Maumee after hurriedly coaling. The New Jer­ bridge at Toledo, Ohio. A ll were sey sailed from Boston. drowned. BIG BALE O F G O A T S . Polk F O R T U N E 8 IN O R C H A R D 8 . County 8ends Eight Hundred Fruit G row er's Opinion o f Hood River Apple Land. Angoras to Washington. Independence— Last week 700 floe buck lambs, for which a good pries was paid, were shipped from Independence to Wyoming for breeding purposes. This week 800 fine Angora goats were shipped from here to the state of Wash­ ington. The goats were held her« sev­ eral days awaiting cars for shipment. Hundreds of men have looked at the hand and all pronounce it the finest large collection of goats ever seen in the West. The purchasers were Car- son A Littlejohn, of 8teilacoom, Wash. The goats were bought up by Boothby A Lewis. Goat and sheep raisers of Polk coun­ ty are learning that it pays better to raise the pure bred than common ani­ mals, for the demand for Polk couutv Angoras and Lincoln and Gotswold sheep now exceeds the supply. Tbe Riddell and Stump sheep and goat farms, in particular, have national fame, especially since carrying away premiums at tbe St. Louis fair. Fancy prices are received for much of the live­ stock shipped out of Polk lately. As much as $100 is often obtained for a single ' ‘ billy*' goat, and as high as $5 a pound has been realised for the mo­ hair. What seemed to be extravagant in­ vestments in imported sheep and goats a few years ago are now bringing their reward. The goats just shipped out w ill be put on the big stock farm of Carson A Littlejohn, near Steilacoom. “ I hope to see the Angora goat busi nees built up in Washington like it is in this state,” says Mr. Carson. “ We have only about 80,000 goats in Wash­ ington, and we may just as w ell have a m illion.” _________ Coal Mine Bonded. Medford — The recently discovered coal mine on Rim Rock of Roxy Anne, the mountain east of Medford, has been bonded to the proprietors of tbe Blue Ledge copper mine, who w ill put a force of men supervised by R . P . L it­ tle, at work running three tunnels into the mountain to determine the extent of the measures, R. S. Towne, of the Blue Ledge company, having concluded tbe coal was of good enough quality to use in the smelter of the Blue Ledge. Mr. Towne has also made arrangements to drill for oil on tne land bonded by the coal mine people. Hood River — The prices now made public by independent buyers tor Hood River Newtown and Spitsenberg apples have caused rp p le grower« to do some figuring. A well known apple man, who Is an authority on this subject, in talking about the matter, said: “ A t tbe prices this year for the d if­ ferent lises of Spitssnbergs, which were $3, $2.75, $2 50 and $2.25 per box, growers obtained an average price of $2.40. Placing the yield of 7-year-old Spitsenberg trees, planted 65 trees to the acre, at five boxes to the tree, we w ill get 866 boxes to tbe acye. A 20- acre orchard on this basis w ill produce 6,500 boxes, which, at tbe average price of $2.40, gives us $16,600 for our season’ s work. “ The price« for Newtowns so far an­ nounced are $2 26, $2 and $1.75 per box. This give« us an average of $2 per box. But the Newtown ie more pro­ lific than the Spitsenberg, and produces seven boxes to the tree instead of five, giving us 65 boxes to tbs acre, or 9,100- boxes for a 20 acre orchard. As can easily be seen, the earnings on a ,20 acre Newtown orchard this year at theee prices w ill be $18,200. “ W hile these figures are large, they are based on the yield of comparatively young trees which have not yet reached their full bearing maturity. A full bearing orchard can be safely depended on, I think, to produce 500 boxes of apples to the acre, as I know of several in tbe valley that now do it. Figuring on a basis with trees in fu ll maturity, and with a large proportion of the crop composing the larger sises, as it does this year, it is not very difficult to de­ termine tha profits of the apple busi­ ness in the future.!’ WORK ON TOE BAR Alter That It Finished T e n At­ tendee to Deep lite r. OPINION OF COLONEL ROESSLER Government Engineer Makes Xddress B efore Meeting o f Portland Open River Enthusiasts. Portland, Sept. 16.— Conditions are such that the national appropriations for the improvement of the Columbia river should be concentrated and di­ rected upon the work at the mouth of the river, and that the other projects, having for their purpose the opening up of this great waterway, should wait or proceed slowly until tbe biggest and most vital undertaking of them all is completed. This is the opinion of Lieutenant Colonel Roeeeler, of the United States engineers, voiced by him at the meeting of the river and harbor improvement enthusiasts, held last night at the Chamber of Commerce. One hundied or more of the most prominent and earnest citisens of Port­ land gathered at the chamber to be en­ lightened as to the most effective meth­ ods to pursue in securing the ultimate impiovement of the Columbia river as it should be improved. Congressman Ransdell, chairman of the rivers and harbors congress and member of the bouse committee on rivers and harbors, Congressman Jones, of Washington, and others, addressed the meeting, but the remarks of t b f prominent engineer created the greatest interest because of his advocating the “ mouth of tbe Co­ lumbia river first; then the other pro­ jects.” Coming as they did from a man pos­ sessed of the expert knowledge as is Colonel Roees ler, and one sc thorough­ ly familiar with every phase and detail of the various works of improvement, his address last night carried great weight and made a deep and lasting impression upon the representative * as­ semblage. “ Let me impress upon you tbs one thought which has been uppermost in my mind in making theee remarks,, namely, that it is good from an engi­ neer’ s standpoint, from a commercial standpoint and from all points of view to finish the great work at the mouth of the river before asking large sums for works farther up the river,” said be, “ and that in my judgment it would be contrary to the beet interests of all the improvements, taken as a connect­ ed whole, to advocate the policy of di­ viding- up sny sum that congress may decide to appropriate for the Colombia, river valley in such a way as to prevent the early fulfillment of, the commercial aspirations which are centered in a deep channel at the mouth of the river.” Beet Harvesters Needed. La Grande— Preparations are going forward to start the fall run at the sug­ ar factory about September 20. Grow­ ers are anxious for a good rain as the present drouth w ill render the digging slow and unsatisfactory. To get suffi cient help at the present time is i grave problem and lively hustling in that line is being done. The yield is so heavy that a much larger force than usual w ill be required to handle the crop. I t is predicted that unit more help can be procured than the present outlook justifies, many tons of beets w ill remain in the ground for the University Instructor Resigns. want of harvesters. University of Oregon, Eugene— Pro­ fessor James Hyde, who has been bead Drilling Well at Culver. of the department of mines and mining, Culver — Tbe w ell being drilled by has resigned and w ill be at the head nf a large mining concern in Mexico. D. W . Barnett two miles north of Cul­ Professor Hyde has been with the uni­ ver is down 330 feet and has 35 feet of versity fog three years, and was obliged water in it. D rilling w ill be continued to resign on account of trouble with bis in hopes of getting a stronger flow near­ eyes. Dr. H . B. Leonard has been er the surface. What is already in the elected as an assistant instructor in well, however, w ill be very acceptable, The steamer Oregon, from 8eattle mathematics. He is a University of as water has to be hauled for stock and T W O -C E N T FARES IN E A S T . for Valdes, Alaska, was wrecked at the Chicago graduate, and comes to Oregon domestic -purposes on this farm, which entrance to Prince W illiam sound. No T R E P O F F IS DEAD. at one time had water flowing on the from the Unitersity of Colorado. lives were lost. The vessel may be a Western Governors Say Population is surface, but a number of years ago the T o o Sparse in Th eir States. total loss. Tyrant o f Russian People Succumbs surface water disappeared. Denaturized Alcohol Plant. W O M E N LO SE TH E IR V O T E S . Harrisburg. Fa., Set. 16.— 8. M. to Heart Disease. The president has sent Secretary of * Portland— By January 31 there will W ar Taft and Assistant Secretary of W illiam s, secretary of the Pennsylvania be located within ten miles of Portland St. Petersburg, Sent. 17.— General PO RTLAND M ARKETS. Female Suffrage, Says Austrian Min­ State Bacon to Cuba in an endeavor to State Board of Trade, today made pub­ a plant manufacturing denaturiaed al­ Dmitri Feodorovitch Trepoff, command­ ister, is Failure on Continent. straighten out affaire without inter­ Wheat— Club, 62063c; blnestem, ant of the Im perial palace, died at 6 lic copies of letters received from the cohol, tbe establishment of which will vention with troops. Vienna, Sept. 16. — Under the new mean an expenditure of $100,000. Tbe 65 066c; valley, 65@68c: red, 60061c. o’clock Saturday evening in his villa at governors of several states on the move­ Oats— No. 1 white, $22.50023 50; Peterhof of angina pectoris. plant is to be started as soon as land electoral reform bill the privilege here­ Russian Democrats w ill hold a con­ ment to obtain uniform legislation for the purpose is secured. This state­ gray, $21.60022.50 per ton. General Trepoff, whose name is in­ tofore accorded women who are landed vention in Sweden. Barley — Feed, $20021 per ton; delibly linked with reactionary repres­ thionghout the United States for a 2- ment was authorized by J. B Laber, proprietors of voting at parliamentary Secretary Root was showered with cent maximum fare on all steam rail­ sion in Russia, was a remarkable man secretary of the board of trade, who brewing, $21 60022; rolled, $22. fajbnors at Lima, Peru. roads. A number of the governors are says the board has been working on tbe t R ye— $1.36 per cwt. He was a natural despot, a tryant by elections is abolished. A t a meeting of Corn— Whole, $27; cracked, $28 per inclination, education and conviction the electoral reform committee today Colorado Democrats have nomrinated personally favorably to a 2-cent fare, proposition for some time, but cannot and, in a few instances, they tell of the disclose tbe identity of tbe promoters ton. H e was one of those men who have con several of tbe deputies urged the reten­ A lv a Adams for governor. Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $100 stantly appeared in Russian history tion of the prvivilege'and its extension movement« in their states to obtain the until the preliminariee are arranged. The freight car blockade in San Fran­ 11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, just at the time when conditions were to women earning $200 yearly or inde­ passage of such legislation in the next cisco has been almost cleared away. $12014; clover, $707 60; cheat. $70 most promising for putting an end to pendently carrying on business or ad­ session of the legislature. Will Fight fo r Damages. 7.50; grain hay, $7; alfalfa, $10; despotism, to turn tbe Russian rulers ministering estate. E. H . Plumacher, American consul The governors of some of the West­ Eugene— The petition in the matter vetch hay, $707.50. at Maracaibo, Venesuela, has discov­ ern states say that because of the from liberalism to reaction. Baron von Blenerth, the minister o f of opening the Lucky Boy road, in the Fruits— Applet, common, 26060c ered a curs for leprosy. sparsely settled condition of their states I t was he who became the guiding the Interoir, pointed out that all at­ Blue mountain mining district, to pub­ per box; fancy, 75c0$1.26; grapes, the time is not yet ripe for a radical spirit of tbe reaction after Nicholas I I tempts to extend female suffrage on thn Charles Francis, American ambassa­ lic travel has been granted by the la n e 6Oc0$1.26 per crate; peaches, 75c0 reduction of fare«, but that such a i had issued his manifesto in the fall of Continent bad failed, especially where dor to Hungary, has been slighted by county Commissioners’ court. The $1.10; pears, 5O c0$ l; plums, fancy, 1906, promising tbe people a share in universal suffrage had been introduced, form w ill come aDout when the popu­ not being invited to the unveiling of a claim of the Lucky Boy Mining com­ 50076c per box; common, 26076c; the government. Holding tbe position and he doubted the advisability of thw lation Increases to give the business to statue of Washington. pany for $10,<*00 damages was turned blackberries, 50 6c per pound; crab of master of the palace, in league with step. Victor Adler, the Socialist lead­ justify a cut. The Western governors down, and the attorneys for the com­ apples, $101.26 per box. . Adm iral Evans says men of his ships express their approval of the movement the court intriguers who were deter­ er, though an advocate of female suf­ were badly treated w hile at Portland, so far as it applies to the thickly popu pany state that they w ill fight for the Melons — Cantaloupes, 25c0$l per mined to restore the old regime, he frage, also considered the present tin- amount in tbe courts. They were wil­ crate; watermelons, lc per pound; ca­ Mains. Secretary Bonaparte w ill en­ lated states of the East. constantly had the emperor’ s ear. prop itioui for an extension of the right- ling to compromise the matter, and se baa, $2.60 per dosen. deavor to have congress correct the is said they would have accepted evils. Vegetables — Beans, 507c-, cabbage, Want Postal Savings Bank. Wavs Seven Feet High. Cut Down Big Land Holdings. 000 1 $40 2 c per pound; celery, 90c per Rabbi Hirsch, of Chicago,- who has Chicago, Sept. 17.— About 800 per­ Tackson, Neb., Sept. 18.— A t 7:80 London, Sept. 16.— The Times’ Wel­ dosen; corn, l)4 c per dosen; cucum Fine C rops In Benton. just leturned from the border between o’ clock this morning water from a sons attended the mass meeting tonight lington correspondent says that th e bera, 16c per dozen; egg plant, 10c per Germany and Russia, says the Russian cloudburst in the northwestern part of to further public interest in postal sav government land proposals are tbe moat Corvallis— Threshing operations wiU pound; lettuce, head, 26c per dosen; Jew is bound to get the worst of it Dakota county and tbe eastern part of be ended in this vicinity by tbe middle ings banks. The meeting was address drastic in the history of colonial leg­ anions, 10012)4® per dosen; peas, 4 0 whichever way Russia goes. Dixon county rushed down tbe valley of tbe week. The crop, according to ed by Mayor Danne, Congressman Bou islation and are creating intense inter­ 5c; bell peppers, 12)4016c; radishes, Cuban rebels are constantly gaining of E lk creek, sweeping away hundreds tbe statement of a well known thresh­ 10016c per dosen; spinach, 203c per telle, ex-8enator W illiam Mason, Hon est in New Zealand, especially tbe law Justus Goldiser and others. Resolu­ compelling owners to sell within a de­ ing machine man, is the beef he baa of tons of hay, drowning hogs caught strength and have taken possession of pound; tomatoes, 26050c per box; tions were adopted pronouncing custo­ cade the excess of land held beyond in peas, flooding cellars, washing away had to do with for a dozen years. Santiago de Las Vegas, 18‘miles from parsley, 26c; squash, $101.25 per Havana. They are believed to be con­ railroad tracks and doing other damage, Fields of wheat of 40 bushels and 60- orate; turnip«, 9Oc0$l per sack; car­ dy of tbe people’ s savings by the gov $260,000 unimproved value and tha eminent itself tbe true remedy against provisions preventing the present own­ all of which is conservatively estimated bushel yields of oats were not infre­ centrating for an attack on Havana. rots, $101.26 per sack; beets, $1,260 the insecurity of private institutions, ers of 1,000 acres of first class land o r at $100 000. The wavs of water in the quent. The best net crop he threshed 1.60 per sack. and urging upon congress the speedy those holding 6,000 acres of second The Chicago C ivil Service commis­ creek which struck this town was seven was 66 bushels, though other fields in Onions— New, 1)401)4® per pound. sion claims to have evidence that police feet high. enactment of proper laws for that pur- class land adding to their estates by Several railroad bridges the vicinity went as high as 66 and Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, 70080c; better. captains have been inducing burglars to were washed out. free holds or lease bolds. sweet potatoes, 2)4c per pound. make robberies that they might recov­ Butter — Fancy creamery, 26027)4c er the booty and received honor and re­ Manchuria Has Been Floated. Usa Gasoline on Feeders. Tiburon Is Firf-Sw ept. 8ells Big Ranch. per pound. ward. Omaha, Sept. 17.— W . R. MrKeen, Tlburon, Cal., Sept. 15.— Fire which Honolulu, 8ept. 18.— The Pacific Eugene— E. J. Grow, who has been Eggs — Oregon ranch, 26026>4c per superintendent of motive power of the broke out about 4 o’ cock this afternoon Mail Steamship company's steamship in the stockraising business in tbb dooen. The kaiser has just witnessed a sham U iio n Pacific, announced today that and burned until after 7 d*clock to­ Manchuria, which went agrongd on Spencer butte country, six miles south Poultry— Average old hens, 13140 battle in which 80,000 German troops Rabbit island August 20, was success­ of Eugene, for the past 25 years, mak­ 14c per pound; mixed chickens, 180 the experiments of his company in the night, destroyed the business district o f were engaged. fu lly floated today and she is now be­ ing a success of it aud acquiring 1,100 18)4«; spring, 14016c; old roosters, use of gasoline for propelling passenger this town. Only the utmost efforts o f The Canadian Pacific has arranged to ing towed to this harbor by the tug acres of land, has sold his farm to 0 . 9010c; dressed chickens, 14016c; tur­ cars have at last proved successful. Mr. the Twenty-second Infantry and the put on a new fast train between Mont­ Restorer. A great crowd of people are B. Bennett and W. L. Fields, of Colo­ keys, live, 16021c; turkeys, dressed, McKeen took a party over tbe line from state fire tug, Governor Markham, sent watching the Manchuria being towed rado Springs, for $18,000. Mr. Crow choice, 21022)4c; geese, live, 8010c; Columbus, Neb., to Omaha today in from San Francisco, saved the residence real and Vancouver. \ in. Dnring the final efforts to pull tbe w ill reside in Eugene and retire from ducks, 13016c. motor car No. 8, an average speed of portion. Two hundred people w ere Three earthquake shocks in Ecuador Manchuria off tbe rocks several thou­ active business life. above 46 miles an hour being main­ rendered bomeleesa and the loss is esti­ Veal— Dressed, 5 % 0 8 c per pound. have greatly excited the people. The sand bags of flour wers jettisoned and Beef— Dressed bulls, 3c per pound; tained. The branch lines of the system mated at $100,000, with little insur­ volcano of Tunguragua is in an active is now washing asbore. ance. Students A re Hop Picking. oows, 4 % 0 6 14c; country steers, 606c. will be eqnioDed with these csirs. s t a t e ." Chemawa — The 460 of the Indian Afutton — Dressed, fancy, 708c per 8team er Mongolia Aground. Plotters’ Nesf" In Peterhof. May Build Fouth Shamrock. boys and girls at the school here are pound; ordinary, 6 0 6 c ; lambs, fancy, Secretary Root has declined to accept Midway Island, North Pacific Ocean, St. Petersburg, Sept. 17.— The police Glasgow, Sept. 15. — John Ward, all out picking the hops in tbe nearb/ 808)4®. any social entertainments in Panama Pork— Dressed, 7 0 8 )4 « per pound. hare arrested 14 revolutionists in Pe- managing director of *Denny Bros.», and tbs young republic feels greatly Sept. 18.— Tbe Pacific Mail steamship yards. The boys go into camp while Mongolia, a sister ship of tbe Man­ tbe girls are in the care of the teach- Hops— 1906 contracts, 17020c per terbof, including several students. Tbe builders of tbe lqst two Shamrocks, has Alighted. churia. is aground on Midway reef. r, and come back to the school each pound; 1905, nominal; 1904, nominal. ’set that one of the men arrested was a sailed for New Y ork. It is understood Harrimen has set aside an additional The ship is being lightered and her evening. Tbe school mansgement could W ool— Eastern Oregon average beat, court larkey caused a rumor that a plot the Dennys have submitted proposals to $8,000,000 for railroad extension in oaseingers havs been landed safely. have placed out 1,500 more girls and 16019c per pound, according to shrink­ against the emperor had been discov­ Sir Thomas Liptpn for the construction, Oregon. A ll work is being hurried a l Toe weather is fine and the sea is boys in the hop fields of the neighbor­ age; valley, 20022c, according to fine- ered, but there is no definite informa­ of a Shamrock IV , they to be given a. smooth. fast as possible. hood. free hand in designing and building. ; mohair, choice, 28030c pound. tion to this end. . _____