Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 20, 1906, Image 1

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G raphic
N ewberg
vol .
x v n i.
NO. 48
City Council Adopts Routs for Jones and J. Carl Nelson. Tak Sheridan $125.
* --
« .. ! » __ * - -
itinr f their
tio if n
n o i f i n t l l under
i n d a r a grace,
Eakin & Stockton Co to E
New Water System.
-------- 4 —
ful festoon ot Oregon grape and Henderson small tract in Sou'
A t an adjourned meeting o f the crysanthemums with flowering Sheridan $100.
Loren Ryan and w f to L
C ity Council held Monday even- plants before them, a beautift
ing, important action was taken ring ceremony was used in join­ Smith & H R Morris tracts 45
relative to installing the exten­ ing the young people in sacrec 46 Hurleys sub John H Hess d i e
sion to Newberg’s w ater system. union. It is another pleasing $2600
L M Smith & H R Morris an^l
The Council has heretofore been fiction to speak o f such an affair
Martin L Thorn and w f
working on the general plan o f as “ one o f t he prettiest weddings
46 Hurleys sub John
establishing the reservoir on or o f the season.” Well, this w a s
near the Pontallier place south­ I f corroboration is necessary ask H Hess d 1 c $2800.
S A D Puter and w f to Edward
east ot the Snider spring which any o f the guests and if that
We wish to call your attention to our stock of General Merchandise.
G Jones sw Vi sec 36 s r 3 $1.
is to be tapped. From there as isn’t enough—ask the bride am
Our store is completely filled with all kinds of merchandise and at our
Jas W Shepard to Asa G Pattee
.nearly a direct route as possible groom. They know. A t any
prices we believe we can save you money.
It in Sheridan $1000.
w as projected to Newberg, com­ rate if any ambitious young
M arriage Licenses.
• a • g
ing into tow n on Main street.
couple around here think they
A new plan has come up for can get up a prettier affair they
Jennie Cooper 41, to Wm. E.
We have the largest stock of Ladies and Misses Jackets in Newberg.
discussion recently however, and w ill have to show the editor.
Peek 37.
Also the largest variety and the lowest prices.
An inspection will con­
after careful consideration was
The happy young people were
M arietta M ay Jones 25,
unanimously adopted Monday showered with congratulations Jens Carl Nelson 29.
vince you.
evening. According to it the in a hearty, informal manner,
Mabel Neal 24, to Carl
9 I t t
reservoir w ill be brought nearer after which the relatives with­ Grover 25.
X' ' / *
t o tow n and farther east and drew to the home o f the groom ’s
Edna B. Huntley 16, to Arthur
In Ladies and Misses Skirts, we have by far the largest stock and
w ill probably be located on the sister, Mrs. C. F. Johnson, where T Moore 24. i
we are making some special prices on many lines.
We know that we can
£nos Ellis place, at an elevation the wedding dinner was served
Just Lovslyi
save you money.
.corresponding to that ot the
The bride is well known as
present reservoir. From there a one o f Newberg’s winsome and
“ The stars never peeped from
9 9 9 9
straight line can be laid to town w orthy young ladies, “ to know the blue sky on a fairer occa­
entering on College street, a dis­ whom was to love,” says Carl. sion; nature never yielded more
School will commence in a few days. ' Bring in that boy and get
tance o f tw o miles, and almost Mr. Nelson, a graduate o f Pacific bountifully o f her abundance;
him a suit of clothes for school.
We are making some special prices which
wholly along the public road, College, in which institution he time never wanted to linger more
you cannot afford to miss.
. r
doing aw ay with complications was prominently identified with than at a quiet spot in Arleta,
arising from the securing o f nu­ various student movements, is the center of interest around
9 9 9 9
no^v one o f Newberg’s progress­ which clustered the events o f
merous rights o f way.
Bring in that boy or girl and fit them out with a pair of Red School
By this plan it will be noticed ive young business men. Both Wednesday evening, September
that the tw o reservoirs will be young people are active members 5, at which time occurred the
House shoes, the best ever sold for the price. A large shipment will be due
considerably less than a mile o f the Baptist church, in which marriage o f ’ etc., etc.
in a few days.
apart. When in the course of their work is greatly appreci­
The preamble to the write-u;
time the present line shall have ated. They have the hearty, o f “ one o f the prettiest weddings
given out the old mains can be good wishes o f all as they settle o f the season” as sent in to a
abandoned it thought best and down to home life in Newberg.
neighboring exchange last week.
P. S.—Feminine readers o f the
mains laid th e . short distance
Card of Thanks.
from the present reservoir to the above may note the omission of
new, thus giving Newberg a a description o f the bride’s gown.
We desire to express our gra ti­
united system rather than tw o We’re sorry, but it couldn’t be tude to friends for their kindness
disconnected ones. With this in helped. This writeup was made and sympathy in the hour o f
mind the new reservoir to be without coaching and the writer bereavement in the death o f our
constructed w ill in allprobablity knows his limitations too well husband and father.
have a capacity o f at least half a to enter a domain so foreign and
M. J. N ash a n d F a m il y .
million gallons. A larger pipe, unknown.* Whether it was made
Worth Looking After.
something near a twelve inch, up o f silk, satin, albatross, crepe
from the reservoir to tow n is al­ de chine or alpaca we hesitate to
A twenty-acre farm for sale
so contemplated, the decreased say. But it looked pretty good one mile west o f Newberg. Ten
distance making this possible to an amateur whom it im­ acres in bearing fruit, good im­
pressed as being creamy, silky, provements, large fruit dryer
from a financial standpoint.
and elegance itself—and al­ ust completed, living water.
Having arrived at a definite
understanding and decision in together lovely. As to the at­
A . E. M o o r e .
this important matter it is the tire o f the groom we can speak
For Sale.
Not a Reduction Sale, but a clean sweep of every rig in the house at Factory prices
intention ot the Council to push with greater confidence—he was
the car load freight added. The list of stock on hand follows with prices
the work as fast as possible. dressed in the conventional black.
Team and harness, steel beamed
in plain figures, for we do not fear the gaze of any competitor, no matter in which part of
L a t b k — A s the forms g o on
The money obtained by the sale
plow, lever harrow, disk har­
the state he resides and we want you to see the goods, as well aa the figures, for we know
o f bonds has arrived and is ready
row, hay rake, three horse rig
it is impossible for you to match the price in goods of as high a grade aa these we
fo r use. The water committee state that the bridal dress w a s or wagon and four headot milch
offer, and they are going, too, at the price, neither one cent mòre or less.
was empowered, with City At- o f cream crepe de chine, the waist cows; one fresh. I f you are in­
tarney Butt, to proceed in locat­
terested come and see them, at
stick seat,
driving wagon, ONE genuine leather trim, steel tire, top buggy
ing and securing a reservoir site,
W. E. Terrell’s place.
steel tire, never sold fo r less than 965
Beal Estate Transfers.
employing an engineer to make
to close out............................................... $52.50
A sa C. M o r se .
A«ported be the Yamhill Oountr Abstract
all necessary surveys and speci­
Com pan r. McMInnrtlle
, O N E Road Wagon, one seat, steel tire, sold every
F O U R top buggies, genuine leather trim, steel tires,
where from $60.00 to $65.00, we will
fications and in short to get
W J & L A Huston to H M Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy
which you can not buy off any floor in . . . _ _
sell s t ..................................................... $ 5 1 . b U
Acts on Nature’s Plan.
Portland fo r less than $75, to go a t..... $ 6 6 .U U
things moving.
Abbott and w f 80 a Garrison
O N E genuine leather trim, Bike Wagon, solid rubbe
Crow d 1 c $3000.
F O U R steel tire, top buggies, genuine leather trim,
tire, nev^r sold for less than $80.00, to
Wedding Bells Ring.
the price has always been considered
. close out a t........................................... $ / U .s fo
A P Oliver to A R M oom aw are those that aid nature. Cham­
low at $82.50, to close out a t...... .........
Yes, tor once they really rang. Its 3, 4 blk 11 Central add to
T H R E E Stick Seat, genuine leather trim. Bikes, solid
this plan. T r te it when you have
sold everywhere from $80 . . . o n F IV E extra finished throughout, steel tire, top bug­
ibber tire,
And it is no little hymeneal fic­ Newberg $1.
to $85, to g o a t ....................................... $ / l . Z U
gies, genuine leather trim. You have never
tion or poetic license when we
O O Howard and w f to Geo R
bought one fo r lees than $90 and we have seen the
say so, as is generally the case. Mclntire It in McMinnville $40.
same grade priced at $100 on many o f t o o _ _
ill close
fo r less than $65.00, we w
tmoc w e e q a
the floors in Portland, to close a t......... $ o Z . Z 5
Prom ptly at noon yesterday,
out a t .................................................... » O O . W
Nettie Hivley to J A Harris It
in restoring the system to a healthy
September nineteenth, in the in McMinnville $400.
year of our Lord nineteen hun­ Jas C Duncan to True L Simms condition. Thousands have testi­
dred and six, the Baptist church et al It 2 blk 19 Central add to fied to its superior excellence. It
counteracts any tendency of a cold
bell began to ring at the hands Newberg $200.
o f Master Garfield Johnson,
J J Hembree and w f to T B Nel to result in pneumonia. Price 25
cents. Large size, 50 cents. For
nephew o f one ot the principals son It 1 blk 8 LaFayette $40.
in the ceremony which was to
J T Simpson et al to J C Ellis sale by C. F. Moore.
follow . And this is why. Aw ay small tract in Sheridan $1000.
A box o f goods is being made
B e ll P h o n e M a in 124*
M u tu a l 2 3
back in the home land o f the
M ary Bent and bus to Levi L up to send to China, to Miss
groom, across the sea, from time Dye Its 4 5 6 blk 2 H & L add to
Edith Graves, missionary, from
unremembered it has been the Newberg $1000.
Newberg. Anyone wishing to
custom that % the church bells
A M and P H Kenworthy to contribute anything for the same
The Breath of Life.
peal out the tidings o f happy Jas P Price It 9 Churchs add to
is invited t o do so. Dried fruit
a significant fact that the
marriage vows, o f another home Newberg $1000.
and sweet corn, drygoods or any
animal of its size, the
t o be established. I t was in Jesse Edwards and w f to K C
little personal gift w ill be thank-
GorilYa, also has the largest lungs.
memory o f this beautiful custom Hollingsworth lV i a adjoining
Powerful lungs means powerful
f u l l y received. Contributions
that the wedding bells first rang Newberg $450.
How to keep the breath­
may be left a t the Free Meth­
O f sending to the cat­
Agent for the Angle
in Newberg yesterday.
ing organs right shonld be man’s
John Wennerberg to M aggie J odist parsonage a t any time
alogue houses fo r your
Lamp Co’s.
chiefest study. Like thousands of
The bells ceased ringing, the France It in Carlton $300.
until October 12, 1906. Com­
watches? I have just re­
others, Mrs. Ora A . Stephens, of
guests gathered in the church,
H oward Hibbs and w f to f A mittee.
A n gle L a m p s
Port Williams, Ohio, has learned
ceived s nice line o f Elgin
and soon the bridal procession Derby It in McMinnville $800.
how todothis. She writes: "Three
and* Wslthsm Wstches,
“To Cure a Felon”
The light, that never fails.
marched down the center aisle,
M ary A Coyd and hus to M or­
bottles of Dr. K ing’s New Dis­
bought st a very low price
festooned for the occasion, the gan Baker pt w Vi John G Baker
Says Sam. Kendall, of Pittsburg,
covery stopped my cold of two
Dealer in «pedal High Grade
and they are only $4.85
years and cured me of wbat my
wedding march being played by d 1 c 48 $4688.
Kansas, ’ju st cover it over with
Kero*** ind C .»W
friends thonght consumption. O,
while they last.
Delivered free of cheep is city Eaifc.
Mrs. N. J. • Sykes. Following
Frank Hauswirth to A M Buck ten’s- Arnica Salve and the
it? grand for throat and lung trou­
President H. Edwin McGrew, Ruggles 2 Its in North Yamhill salve will do the rest.” Quickest
bles.” Guaranteed by F. H. Cald­
S o le A g e e i n t for
cure for burns, boils, sores, scalds,
w ho officiated, came Olive John­ $80.
well & Co., druggist. Price 50c
w oe
and $1. Trial bottle free.
son and Rosa Nelson as flower
A M Ruggles to C C Ailor Its wounds, piles, eczema, salt rheum,
Watchmaker and Jeweler
girls, Marion McGrew bearing 7 8 in North Yamhill $80.
chapped hands, sore feet and sore
B e ll P h o n e 1 76
When the heart is lifted np the
the wedding ring and then the
Eakin & Stockton Co to E tta eyes. Only 25c at F. H. Caldwell V jau ra rg] ar*-A, a , ' x; jrxp
bride and groom—Miss Marietta I Henderson small tract in South St Co’s, drag store. Guaranteed.
»V .
P O R T E R & CO.
This is a straight closeout, every one must go
Calkins & Wright.
-What’s the Use
W . S. Reynold«
* H. A . F O R C H T