Wanted and For Sale. ¿¿=TH E: CHAS. K. SPAULDING LOGGING COMPANY. Ella D. Fitzgerald 21, to Chas. you the finest line o f summer lap Wilson Spencer 24. robes ever in Newberg. Dcakrs in O regon Pine, A sh ^ ! and M a p le Lum ber. Doors Lime, Sand, Cement, Windows, Mouldings Wood Fibre Plaster Gutter LATH S, AND w $2000. T B and C B Cummings and wive8to W W Hollingsworth and w f 20x60 ft in Newberg $1050. C C Ferguson and w f to L M Smith and H R Morris pt It 2 blk 9 Deskins add to Newberg $ 200 . E M Pray Cow for sale. B. F, De Ford. Linville 50 a Ladies white hats, 35 cents at $2500. the Gazelle. A E Gardner Ottinger sw Vi Genuine bargains on our bar­ 11 sec 1 1 5 s r 6 gain counters at the Gazelle. M arriage Licenses. Hugh C. Law er can now show S H IN L E S CEDAR PO STS. S T O R E BUILDIN G: One Block East of P orter & Larkin's. SÜSS W E ARE SELLING Our products to several of the Portland wholesale houses and receiving complimeqts 90 our workmanship. W E ARE A B L E To meet any legitimate competition and ask that the people of Newberg and vicinity give us their patronage when want­ ing anything in our line. LAST YEAR Our Newberg customers were supplied through our agent, but this did not prove satisfactory to ourselves nor to our customers. THIS YEAR No one has a graft on us and we will supply your wants direct from the factor y. Y ours for a Square D eal W. P. HE ACOCK & SO NS Respectfully Solicits Y ou r Business Gospel meetings at 8 p. m. by ministers o f the Church o f God, a hall, corner o f First and Center streets. A cordial invita- all to attend. are here to preach and live nothing more or less than a full new testament gospel. Contrary to some rumors, we are neither H oly Rollers, Latter Day Saints or "Com e Outers,” w ith which we have no unity. We invite the public to use the opportunity o f investigating and hearing the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. Respectfully, J. L. G reen & Co. J . D . Gordon, President A . N elson, V ice President N . C Christenson, M aynard Redmond Cashier, A s s t Cashier Beal Estate Transfers. JUporUd hr the Tambtll C o u t , Co 11 M i r . MaMlanrttto. Abstraet L C & Bdith Cox to M A Cox It 16 blk 12 C ox’s orig town Whiteson $50. J W Hobbs and w f to C C Car­ ter 1.15 a in cl No 55 sec 29-30 t 4 s r 3 w $40.25. Ellen S Jones and hus to Eakin & Stockton Co small tract in C B Graves d 1 c $1. Henry Crawford and wf to O G Estes and w f Its 3-4 blk 1 Its 5 6 7 and 8 blk 2 Park sub of cl 55 t 4 s r 4 w $1100. S D Nelson to Eva V Nelson Its Z and 5 blk 7 LaFayette $1. - C C Myers to W N Daniels ne - V 4 sec 1 8 t 2 s r 5 w $ l . Emma J Richards io W N Dan­ iels sw Vi sec 8 t 2 • r 5 w $1. G A Douglas and w f to C H Griner 115.68 a in Jno R Row ­ land d l c i n t 3 s r 4 w $7750. Jesse Edwards and w f to G T M organ and w f Its 5 6 7 8 blk 46 Edwards add to Newberg $175. W Wurick and w f to Angeline Wills Its 4 5 blk 15 LaFayette $325. M artha McDaniel to D W & L E Heston s Vi Its 1 2 blk 15 Deskins 2nd add Newberg $900. J S Ryder and w f to Henry L Starkweather Vi a cl No 55 t 3 s r 2 w $50. J R Edwards and w f to Chas E Davis 40 a J S Johnson d 1 c in t 3 s r 4 w $1. WiHiam Roberts to Chas E Davis 40 a J S Johnson d 1 c in t 3 s r 4 w $1. David W Heston and wf JoJas C Duncan 80 a in C^rrison Crow d l c i n t 3 s r 5 w $1000. J S Courtney and w f to Jennie L Parker It 1 and e Vi It 2 blk 14 Deskins * 2nd add to Newberg $1150. W M Rose and w f to Hilma Anderson 80 a in cl 51 1 3 s 1 4 r ............ At McMinnvUle o ne : day only Monday, June 4 SHOW 2 & 8 p. m. T ftfc G R E A T BURCH & REISS S H O W S Remember there is no better flour than Chehalem Valiev Mills Patent hard wheat flour. For express and light hauling leave orders at Rich’s grocery. . NORRIS & R O W E SH O W S and I CONSOLIDATED * Royal Roman Hippodrome ° Big Double Menagerie Aerial Enclave Grand Free Street Parade Enormous Waterproof Tents 500—People—500 400—Horse Fair—400 When in Portland eat at the Vegetarian Cate, 105 Sixth street near Washington. S. J. Administrator’s Notice oft Final Lashier, Manager. Settlement. Notice la hereby (Ir e n , that the undersigned F or S a l e —Seven year old administratrix of the estate of L e ri Hagey de­ baa rendered and presented and Hied mare. W eight about 800 lbs. ceased. in the county court o f Y am h ill county Oregou. good saddle animal and single her Anal account of har administration of said estate, and that aaid court baa appointed Mou. mver. Porter Skinner. day the 2Mh day of June A I) 1906, r t one Don’t forget that the place to buy hay, grain, feed and poultry supplies is the City Feed Store, opposite postoffice, Newberg. Both phones and free delivery. F or sale —Household goods al­ most new, heating stove, couch, rngs, sewing machine, buffet. Herbert L . Howard. o'clock in the afternoon of said day as the time, and the county courtroom in the oily of .Mc­ M innville, Yam h ill county Oregon aa the place for the hearing o f said account, and the objec­ tions thereto, at which tim e and glaum any and all persons Interested in aaid esiale-may appear, and Ale their objections in w riting ro the said account or any item therein, anal, oontast the same. Dated thla 24th day of May A B-W06- 6 M B 1 K. HAG BY. Adm inistratrix o f the estate «(■ L evi H ager deceased. F A S H IO N A B L E 10 acres near D R E S S M A K IN G Springbrook, $1250 with crop; In all the Latest Styles $950 no crop. 1905 gave 7 tons dried prunes, 2200 pounds cher­ Residence, River St. bet 3rd & 4th ries, 30 sacks spuds. This crop • MISS G R A C E B U TLER w ill make 10 tons prunes alone. Isaac M. Pollock. 32 t5 F or S a l e — J. DUN LAP O n M ain Street N ewberg W e carry Insurance against robbery of all kinds, and offer A B S O L U T E P R O T E C T IO N to O ur Depositors We pay interest on tiihe deposits, have ample funds to accomodate our patrons and extend to the public the courtesies o f our Bank. ......... .. W anted —Machine and cabinet H A V IN G ACQ U IRED men at J. W. Duncan’s furniture T R A IN E D A N D SA L S Mrs. H. D. Harford w ill deliver factory—also tw o boys. Call at an address on “ The Amendment” once. and other leading auestions of Ice cream season is at hand. the*day at the school house Sun­ day evening. Mrs. Harford also We handle the finest cream made; wishes to have the ladies of the tnr it and you are the judge. W. C. T. U. meet at her home Washington is its name. A t M core’s pharmacy. next Thursday afternoon. Miss Belle Newhouse has re­ A good carpet loom for sale. ... t . turned home from Portland and In good working order. Price Sam e w ith their Fam ous show s, M essrs. B urch & R eiss her feet are weary with dancing $10. Enquire at this office. in the hog trough;” thus you can now have the best <’ ,* .. ; almost hear the wftfldlng bellf in A, full Hué o f graniteware at passing by “ Shady nook.” right prices at J. M. Shaw’s. There w ill be Children’s Dfcljf W an ted —Family horse 1050 exercises next Sunday morning. T H A T H A S E V E R V ISIT E D T H IS SE C T IO N Let all attend them as the schol­ to 1150 pounds; safe, fair tra v­ ars and teachers have been at eler. Dr. J. A. Lyman. Apply to quite an expense o f time in Porter Skinner. getting up the program. F or S a l e —Baled cheat hay, To the Voters of YamhUI County, y% ton loose clover hay. Full circle hay baler, $45. S. J. M ad­ I desire to state that if elected* sen, Mutual phone. I shall be perfectly free to choose men w a nte d —Saw mill and such deputy as will best serve the interests o f the people, as I lumber yard laborers, $2.25 per have made a n d v w ill make no day. Woodsmen, $2.25 to $3. ante-election promises. Con­ Steady work. Apply to Booth- trary to a report that is being Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore­ gon. circulated, I have not promised the deputyship to either Dr. J. H. For sale, well improved farm Nelson or Ira G. Nelson. Neither at lowest price o f any improved o f these gentlemen desire or eat? property in this vicinity. H. C. afford to accept the position, anff Paulson. if elected I shall appoint neither o f them as my deputy during my Use Chehalem Valley Mills term o f office. This statement is Patent hard wheat flour. Every made with the full knowledge sack guaranteed. and approval of both the geutf Notice to parties desiring ice fet men referred tQ. cream. Special prices to parties J. C. M c K e r n . or socials for ice cream. Wash­ ington, the best made. At Gospel Meetings. Moore’s. ■ FARMERS Remember of N ew berg, O regon ... Chehalem Center. Proprietors Newberg Sash &. Door Factory. The First National Bank 11 tfrictly You caa fancy gro- Right Prices! The place to get your I am prepared to put fencing m all sizes and stj right prices, guaranteeing factory work. It will to consult me. H. E. N e w l in . Springbrook, Oregon. ' A good assormedt o f trimmed hats in all the prevailing styles a t Miss Reinwand’s millinery parlors. Prices extremely mod­ erate. SPECIALTY. Chehalem Valley Mills Patent hard wheat flour is unsurpassed for strength, purety and white­ ness. $1.30 per sack at all stores. Books* Stationery, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Cam ara and Kodaks and all kinds o f Camera Supplies. LESSONS G IV E N IN K O D A K ' EK Y. *• U sS re BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT t * ______ ~ 1 TS- 1 7 S P in t St* PORTLAND, OB j SS*’. SitoictS^SLc »¿ 7 _ One W ho Knows. J. G. Scott, Salt Lake City, Utah, writes: “ Ioannot too highly praise your Ballard's Snow Liniment for the relief of acute rheumatism, caused by sudden change and exposure to the weather. I also recommend your Ballard’s Horehound Syrup for coughs and colds. These used together defy all pain. G E T THE GENUINE. Three Sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 I t la a hlgh-arm, drop head, ball bearing, lo r i- atltch, double feed, self- threading ahattle: h u automatic bobbin wtudir and other lateat Im prore- mente. Thla la tha ANTI* TRUST M ACHINE It |a tha aama machine agente ara taking you $M for. All attach manta ita 1 go with each machine. Sold lor only |6 caah and Ü monthly. ¡sreaffesa AND V L J i A i u u Beck and all the Ills that Flesh b Heir to. this $60 Machine for $ 2 5 alagant’ Toiiaahoid Äm hoTd good* we w flí «h ip ( n on lae* Caa* f faymaata ir a w a la -o o o r new CStSfT COT »IT pl.n Prepaid) KINO OF THEM ALL you wOl always have good health, What is more to a man than health? All the th money in the world can’t make ----- „ good — , happiness where health is unknown. Ballard’s 8ao CURES B uy on O retU tI FIEIMT PREMIO. I A ll kinds of art work and painting; taught at my resi­ dence on Wednesday, Thurs­ day, Friday and Saturdays. Twenty-five cents a lesson, or twelve lessons for $2.50, payable in advance. Chil­ dren taught from seven years up. See samples of work in Walling’s Baazaremd at Par­ ker Merc. Co. Mas. G race C ady Fourth & Meridian Sts. Health u More T h a n Wealth Patent. Patent, Patent. DRUGS ft MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTION WORK A ART WORK Ballard Snow Liniment Co. 500-802 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, 1 “ ' f I f e r i K i a y i« M a a a a p j æ M - MISSOURI. S o ld a n d R e c o m m e n d e d b y C.F. MOORE ft 00,. Newberg, Ore.