IN THE NATIONAL HAUS OF (M E S S Saturday, May 26. Washington, May 26.— Daring the co n n « of a iiatleee day'a f i l i a t i o n on the diplomatic and consular bill in the houee today, Champ Clark, of Mi»- eouri, «rated that he bad heard wliia- peiinga that the Chineae exclusion law waa to be modified to affect all claaaea o f Chinese, with the exception of coolie labor. He gave notice that, if there waa any such intention on the part of the majority, be would fight each a change to the last ditch; that he bad been somewhat instrumental in patting the Chinese exclusion law on the stat­ ute books, and that for one he would not agree to its modification. Under general debate, the house ba r­ ing met at 11 o’clock for farther con­ sideration of the diplomatic bill, speeches were made by a number of members and this subject took a wide range, from pensioning the Missouri m ilitia to the rate b ill. _ formation concerning the different ses­ tiona of the country to newly arrived immigrants. The bill consists of a series of amend­ ments to the „existing law, all of them intended to permit stricter regulations for keeping out the defective classes of aliens. The head tax is increased from $2 to $6. An amendment requiring an educa­ tional test for immigrants and also re­ quiring that no immigrant carrying less than |25 should be admitted was pre­ sented by Simmons, who spoke in sup­ port of R. Lodge offered a substitute confining the test to an educational re­ quirement and providing that no alien mors than 16 years of age who cannot read in some language shall be admit­ ted except members of the tamlliee of male adults now residing in the United States. Simmons accepted the subeti- tote and it was adopted. Washington, May 23,— When the house met today an unosual scene oc­ Friday, May 26. curred. W illiams, the minority lead­ Waabingon, May 25.— The senate to-' er, demanded the ayes and noes on a day parsed the agricultural appropria- motion of Adams, of Pennsylvania, to ! ,,0 n * 1,L “ rryiJDg • pp/ oprU ti°i! ° i f<> into committee of the whole for the 67 800,000, and, without a word of ?nrther consideration of the diplomatic debate or an objection from any source, and consular bill. This was refused, added to it as an amendment the bill the speaker holding that one-fifth of providing for an inspection of freeh the members present had not risen to meats intended for domestic consump­ demand tbe ayes and noes. tion. m “ I demand that the other side be A number of other bills were pa taken,” called out W illiams. The sea level Panama canal b ill was The speak v refused to take the nega­ made the unfinished business tive on a rising vote, stating that but a The message of the house, declining short time before it had been demon to accept the senate amendments to the strated that a quorum waepreeent, 195. railroad rate b ill waa received, but the Then W illiam s thundered out a pro­ senate conferees were not named. The test against the speaker’ s rilling. senate adjourned until Monday. An attempt to secure order was in vain, and, leaving William s standing, Washington, May 25.— In the house tbe speaker left tbe desk, and Curtis, o f representatives today the queotion of of Kansas, took his plaoe, as chairman veracity was raised between C< oper, of of the committee of the whole, and in a Wisconsin, and Hepburn, of lew s, over general debate the bill was discussed. a oonvenation in which the latter is alleged to have partcipated with a Tuesday, May 22. member of the senate and in which, Washington, May 22.— Tbe senate Cooper aaeerted, the member o f the today devoted the greater part of the house and the senator referred to seseion to consideration of the immi­ agreed that the so-called express com­ gration bill, but before it waa -sken ut> pany amendment to the railroad rate McCumber made a personal statement, bill'should not remain in the bill. contradicting an article printed in thé The bouse waa turbulent during the New York Tribune that the railroad consideration of the rule sending the rate bill had been so amended at his rate bill to conference, the fear of many instance as to render it ineffective members being that the rule, which Previous to that time also the senate disagreed to the senate amendments en adopted a resolution directing the com bloc, might have an influence on the mitteo on privileges and elections to conferees and give them an opportu­ consider tbe course to be pursued in nity, if they ro desired, to vote out the the case of Burton. express company amendment, the Speeches on tbeimmigration bill were amendment relating to pipe lines and made by Dillingham, McCreary, Bacon, the sleeping-car amendment. Scott, Patterson and others. The bill waa still under consideration when tbe Thursday, May 24. senate adjourned.____ Washington, May 24.— The senate Washington, May 22.— For an hour entered today upon the consideration of or more today the house of repreeena- the agricultural appropriation b ill. Hale criticised the provision permit­ tivee could not decide whether to go ting the secretary of agriculture to ex­ into committee of the whole on the tend to SO days the fortnight’ s leave diplomatic and consular bill, or to now allowed to employes outside the follow the lead of Gardner of Mi city of Washington, expressing the chusetta to take up consideration of tbe- opinion that the practice is growing im migrât ion bill Assisted by Williams, tbe minority rapidly, and that it w ill soon extend to all the postoflBces of the country if not leader, Gardner led a mild filibuster checked. He spoke of the general de­ against taking up the diplomatic bill, mand for government employment, say and endeavored to delay matters by ing that such employee became “ a hun­ raising a number of parliamentary gry, persistent band ot mendicants,” points. The Republicans, however, add that congress is dragooned, impor­ had a quorum present, and eventually tuned and browbeaten by the demands tbe diplomatic bill was taken up and of this organised band of subordinates. general dehate began and continued Hale referred to the possibility of pen­ till 6 o’clock. Tbe senate bill authorising the con- sioning government employee. The free alcohol bill waa passed by sturction of a dam across tbe Pend the senate practically as it came from d’Oreille river in the state of Washing­ ton waa passed. the house. • Washington, Mav 24.— Speaker Can­ non, with the memory of yesterday’ s proceedings in bis mind, took a new tack today when the house of represen­ tatives met, by sending word to Curtis, o f Kansas, to raise the point of “ no quorum” when a dviision was demand­ ed by Williams, of Mississippi, on the vote to resume consideration of the diplomatic and consular bill. Mr, Curtis made the point of “ no quorum,” taking the wind out of W illiam s’ sails, the “ call of the house” proceeding un­ der Republican demand instexd of on the demand of the leader of the minor­ ity . A quorum was present, the vote being, Ayes 222, noes 21, present 19. ************* SEE NATURE’S WONDROUS HANDIWORK All the News ♦ Caatle Gate, Canyon o f the Grand, Black Canyon, Marsha ll and Tennessee Passes, and the World-Famous R oyal Gorge. ~ For Descriptive and Dhulnwa^upUeti, write to Wednesday, May 23. Washington, May 23.— In addition to passing a half dosen bills to which no objection waa made, the senate de­ voted its entire session today to the im­ migration bill, which waa passed jnst before the hour of adjournment. The major portion of the discuasion was de­ voted to the provision for supplying in- Should Continue Filibuster. Washington, May 21.— Democratic members of the house of representatives today were signing an indorsement of an action of Williams, the minority leader, in filibustering in the bouse for the purpose of hurrying action on the statehood bill. The indorsement waa drawn by Henry, of Texas, and was circulated by Beall, of that state. It asks W illiam s to on tin n e to demand roll calls on every motion which can be made'iu the passage o f bills or tbe adop­ tion of resolutions and raise the quee- tion of no quorum when poeeible. Back to the House. '* Washington, May 22.— The railroad rate bill was considered for three hours tonight by the house committee on in­ terstate and foreign commerce and tbe decision reached to recommend disa­ greement to all of the senate amend­ ments and to send the bill to confer­ ence. The committee w ill not ask that instructions of any character be given to tbe houee conferees. There was no disposition to criticise the amendment conferring jurisdiction on the courts to review orders made by the Interstate Commerce commission. Dp Clerks Vote fo r Members? Washington, May 21 — Speaker Can­ non instanced his confidence in the reading clerks ot the house yesterday. W illia m s,, of Mississippi, during the filibuster against tbe bill to pay Sam­ uel Lee 110,000 for expenses incurred during his contest for a< seat in tbe Forty-seventh congress, stated that he had heard the name of a member called and that the clerk had recorded him as voting when as a matter of fact the member waa not In the city. Statehood Bill as Rider. Washington, May 22. — There has revival of the question as to whether the bill tor the admission of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as it passed the senate w ill he made a rider on an appropriation bill. This talk has been going on for some time, but was given more attention today because the proposition was broached by one of tbe close friends of the president. But no suggestion of this kind was made by the president, so It was stated. Three Trains East Daily SU B SC R IB E N O W W . C. McBRIDE, General Agent 214 Third St., Portland, Oregon ************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Corvallis & Eastern R.R. T M E TABLE NO . 31 No Matter W hat Your W ants May Be in the Printing Line T H E GRAPHIC r W . #.»- V ' Can Satisfy Them' TRY US Traiae t o n æ d U Y Ito. 1— Leave« Taqu in e........................... T .00 A R Arrives Correlila,........................ . 11:18 A M Arrivée l l b e n j . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 : 1 8 r a Ito. * - Leaves A l b a n y . Mi l a F It Leaves Corvallis.................... i:45 P M Arrives Y equina.................... I:W P M Trains to aad trmm Detroit He. 3— . 7 Leave! Albany tor Detroit....... t : S A K Arrives Detroit...................... U :S P X No. 4— Loaves Detroit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 P H Arrives Albany...................... 8:80 P II Trains fer CarvaHa No. S— Leave* Albany.............................. VAS A M Arrives Corvalila.. y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « 4 « A M No. 10— Leaves Albany.............................. 8:SS PM Arrivas Corvelli*.......................... 1:10 P M Na. • — - — ------------*------------------'— 7~- Leave* Albany...... ....................... T : » P M Arrives C o r v a l l i s . .... 8:18 P M Traiae far A 4 anr Ne. 3— Leave* Corvelli*........................... 8:80 A M Arriva* Albany............................. 7:10 A M No. S - ' ' Leave* Corvallis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:8 P M Arrive* Albany........... ................. 1:38 P M Ne. 7 - Leavo* Corvelli*........................... SK» P M Arrivas Albany............................ 8:8# PM R « « nier Seeday Traîna No. 5 - Leeves Correlila............................. 8:30 Arrives Albany.............................. 7:10 No. 1 1 - Leavaa Corvelli»......................... 11:10 A M Arrive* Albany............................. 13:18 P M Ne. 7 - Leava* Correlila........................... 8 KM P M Arrives Albany.............................. 8:08 No. 8— Leaves Albany................................ 7:80 Arrives C orvelli*.......................... l d i A M No. 18— Leaves Albany............................ 13:40 P M Arrives Corvelli* • •asso eeeeaeaaaaaae lu s P M Ne. 9 — Leave* Albany.. . . :.7 ....V ...^ ..... 7:30 P M Arrives Corvelli*........................... 8:15 AU af the above connect with Southern Pa­ cific company traina, both at Albany and Cor- valH*, a* well a* train tor Detroit, aivlng direct eervlee to Newport and adjacent basche*, a* wall a* Breltenbuih Hot springs. Per further Information apply to J. C. MATO.’ General Passenger Agent B. H. COLES, Agent, Albany. .H. H. CBON18K. Agent Corvelli*. Through Pullman standard and toarlst alaaping ears dally to Omaha. Chicago, Spo­ kane: tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist deeping caste (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kanse* c ity ; reclining chair ears (seat* free) to the East dally. 70 H O UR8 PO R T LA N D TO CH ICAG O N o Change of Cars. D Briar T lH t S C H C fitllS S ravUaad. Ur. ABU va Ch lease Pert land Spoetai Balt Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth,Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louia,Chieagoaad East. »38 p.m. , : “ vfc * ■ Huntington. Salt Lake, Denver, Atlantia Ft.Wurth, Omaha, Express Kansas City, St. 8:15 p.m. Lou 1*.Chicago and via East. Huntington. St. P a u l Foot M a ll a :i8 £ m. Spokano 7:18 a.m. Walla Walla. Lewis- tun. H pot a..«, Wal­ lace. Pul l o a n , Minneapolis, 8t. Paul, Duluth. Mil­ waukee, Chicago and East. For fuller Information nearest ticket agent, or or write your A. L. CRAIG, General P atents TRADE D esi gns C o p y r ig h t s A c . Anvrme »ending e »ketch end d e e d p tkm may amokly esnertetn oar opinion free whether an InvaeBon ______I probably la probably patentable patentable. Communies, tlonaaftrtotlv Handbook on Patents Ilona «trlo tlr confidential. oonOdeStlal. Handk î r ^ foK s r « r s & e Pacante taken tbroegh Mann A C Scientific American. «psetof noUet, without charge. In tbe A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Zorn »at etr- «alatimi o f any T scientific tournai. Terms, 88 a year: r t foor Tour mon1 month», 8L Sold by all newsdealers. Ifc fiW S S !Ì ® Tbe Oregon Ball road A Navigation Co. Port­ ing, Oregon. REGULATOR LINE A M A M POBTU UL ND V A IT ND LA T ID R II8 E S DILLES P M A M STBA m B R « P M ••BAILEY OATZERT” ••REGULATOR” ••DALLES CITY” ••METLAKO” Connecting at Lyle, Wash., with For Wahkiacua, Daly Cen tervilla. Golden dole and all Klickitat Valley point«. Steamer leaves Portland daily (axcept Sunday) Z a. m., connecting with C. K. A N. trains at Lyle 5:16 p. m. for Gol- dendale. Train arrives Goldendale, 7 :35 p. m. Steamer arrive« The Dallea 6.80 p. m. Steamer leave« The Dallea daily vex­ cept Sunday) 7 :00 a. m. C. R. A N. train« leaving Goldendala 6:16 a. m., connects with thia steamer for Portland, arriving Portland 6 p . m . Excellent meals served on all steam­ ers. Fine accommodations for teams and wagons. For detailed information of rates, berth reservations, connections, etc., wr te to 8. McDonald, agent, Portland. General Office, Portland. Or. KIDNEY D I S E A S THE E S S DEATHS. SK TOTAL W h e n the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison* ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part o f the body, deranging the different organs. T his causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host o f other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. .. m iv t * v n r • 7 corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the ovrcd o r BMairrs disease . whole system, and the diseases that have I » get s p lh with dropay end my eyeeieht was so Impaired t mcrom the roam. Ia toe«, I was so badly uaad or waa orgad by a fHoad to try F O L E Y 'S --------- * data, aad baton I had takaa tba third eth.r symptom* af Kidoay troubl*. all thought t was goto« to dla. Eve tba oama o f tha wonderful madiclt has M ad R boa faUad «a to haaadtt Tw o S izes, 50 Cants and $ 1 . 00 » f ' ^iV ” ‘ 1 1 •* SOLD JUU RECOMMEND ED BY — ~ ; ' Agent 60LDMIIA UVEI t lOITIEII lÀlLVAYCI. BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE . «a a »» U n io n P a c i f i c TH E NEWBERG GRAPHIC THROUGH UTAH AND COLORADO Monday, Mry 21. Washington, May 21.— The legisla­ tive, executive and judicial appropria­ tion bill was passed by the senate to­ day within three hours from its read­ ing. I t carries appropriations aggre­ gating $29,816.259, an increase of $69,- 345 over the amount reported to the senate. A number of unimportant measures were parsed and at 3:30 o'clock consideration was given to pen­ sion b ills .* _____ Washington, Mayjf 21.— Decided op­ position developed today in the house of representatives against the passage of the bill to extend the time for the completion of the Alaskan Central rail­ way. Williams, of Mississippi, insisted that the bill was obnoxious because it exempted the property from license tax and tax on its railway daring the per­ iod of construction and for five years thereafter. H e believed that every individual as well as every corporation should pay his proportionate share of the tax burden. „O regon S h o r t L in e All thé Time > P. H. C A L D W E L L «Sr C O M PA N Y .