V y NEWBERG GRAPHIC K I- OREGON OF THE WEEK ■* I d I M UCH T O BE DONE. Many Measures to Com e B efore the , Senate and House. B. N. WOODWARD. NEWBERG. . ............... Condensed Form fer Bosy Readers. 0 A Resume o f the Lees Important but Not Lees Interesting Events o f th e Past Week. ,, Root is preparing for reform in the consular service. Ambassador Wright received a. royal reception in Japan. Odell propoees Horace Porter governor of Near York. for The Northern Pacific w ill add a new transcontinental train each way. Each day’ s investigations into the methods of the Standard O il shows them to be blacker. North Dakota has just experienced a severe snow storm w hile a heavy frost visited the lake states. Presbyterian general assembly has given its doctrines a liberal interpreta­ tion to induce more mergers. A crank has been arrested in Wash ington armed with a walnnt shell with which, he said, he intended to k ill the president. The Russian cabinet has refused the demands of the dooms. Leaders of all parties denounce the action and a revo­ lution is three tend. By the middle of June San Francisco w ill have two theaters running, both under canvas. One of them w ill have a seating capacity of 7,000. A general strike threatens Russia Graft exposures are injuring Am eri­ can trade abroad. The Russian prem ier w ill refuse the demands of parliament. A number of aged Chinese made dee titute by the San Francisco fire w ill be sent home by their countrymen. A severe wind and rain storm which has swept Texas resulted in seven deaths and greet loos to wheat, oats, corn and other crops. The Standard O il investigation at Cleveland, Ohio, shows that independ­ ent oil companies were driven to the w all with the help of rail roads. Washington, May *9.— The senate is counting on a busy week and the pros­ pect is favorable to long work days and tew interruptions. There are tw o ap­ propriation bills ready for eonaid* ra­ tion, and the sea level canal bill, hav­ ing been made the unfinished business, w ill be pressed aa steadily as; Circum­ stances w ill permit. In addition, con­ ferees w ill be appointed on the railroad rate b ill; the nomination of Mr.Barnes to be postmaster of the city of Wash­ ington w ill receive attention,'and tfie bill declaring a policy in the matter of the purchase of Panama canal Supplies w ill be considered. The senate manifests a disposition to devote serious consideration to the ca­ nal type bill. The general plan is to press the con­ sideration of the appropriation bills as speedily as possible. The postofBee and naval bills w ill be ready for considera­ tion early in the week, but it is not yet decided which w ill be given preference! Both w ill preeent features that w ill arouse debate, and it is a foregone con­ clusion that especial attention w ill be given to the provision in the naval bill for a new monster warship. Conference reports on the agricul­ tural and legislative appropriation bills w ill probably be made before the close of the week. Tbe canal supply bill w ill be debated at some length, and Senator Rayner w ill be among those to be hard.cn thiat measure. Work on the sundry civil appropria­ tion bill w ill begin in the house this week. This bill is larger and carries more money than any preceding sundry civil act. The aggregate w ill be in the neighborhood of $90,000,000. There w ill be a m a t demand on the part of members to make speeches relating to items affecting their particular home districts, and Chairman Tawney esti­ mates that it w ill require fu lly a week to consider and pass tb| b ill. The controversy between the purs food and immigration bills w ill follow the disposition ^t-jthe naturalisation bill. I t Is planned that no adjournment w ill be taken for the observation of Decoration day, Wednesday. . The Democratic filibuster to empha­ sise to the country that no progress is apparent, on the statehood agreement is consuming considerable time in the bouse. Rollcalls to determine the lence of a quorum have begun each day’ s session, with few exceptions* and Minority Leader W illiam s announces his intention, encouraged by a*“ round robin’ ’ from his colleagues, to continue these methods. The statehood con­ es announce that an agreement on that measure is in sight and may be reached daring the week. IWAS NOT STEALING Supreme Coart Decides on Per kins’ Alleged Misdeeds. WAS NOT EVEN MORALLY WRONG N ew Y ork L ife Company Money Ap­ propriated Openly and Avowedly fo r Campaign Purposes. New York, May 20. — T h e appellate division of the Supreme court today handed down a decision discharging from custody George W. Perkins, whom the Supreme coart had bald to await action of the grand jury on a charge of grand larceny in connection with the campaign contributions of tha New York L ife Inanraace company to tbe Republican national committee. District Attorney Jerome, upon hearing tbe ooart’ s decision discharg ing Mr. Perkina, said: • “ I shall appeal this case to tha oonrt of appeals and get a decision there.’ ’ Justice McLaughlin, who wrote the prevailing opinion, said: • “ I f tbe facts set oat in the deposi tions upon which the warrant here was issued he construed in the moot liberal way consistent with a judicial deter­ mination, I am of the opinion that each facts do not establish that the crime of grand larceny haa .been committed, as the same is defined by the penal code. The defendant had a right to give of hie own fnnda to the chairman of tbe Republican national committee. The relator made the contribution at the request of the president of the inenr- ance company with the express under­ standing that it would repay him. The money belonging to the into ranee com­ pany was appropriated openly and avowedly by the relator, after all the facte had been stated to the finance committee, to reimburse him for the money which he had previously ad­ vanced.” Justice Pstterbon, w hile agreeing that Mr. Perkins cannot he found guilty of larceny, said that he may be compeded by a civ il action to make restitution, inasmuch as the officers of the company had no power to. make, the contribution. Justice Ingraham says it mast be understood the court is not now concerned with the civil responsi­ bility o f Mr. Perkins .to the company. He continues: “ I t was McCall who appropriated the money of tbe corporation, and the officers or employes of the company, who obeyed his direction in making that payment, w ithoat intent to do more than carry out the insti actions of the president of the corporation, were not, aa I view it, responsible for the act.’ ? Justice McLaughlin says: “ I t cannot be said that M r. Perkins did not have a moral claim, even thongh, owing to the fact that the pres­ ident doubtless exceeded his authority he may have had no legal claim for reimbursement.” T A K E S FIRM S T A N D . President Will Allow No Changes In Beveridge Bill. Washington, May 28. — Representa­ tives Lorimer and Madden and 8peaker Cannou and Senator Cullom called at tha W hite Hoots today to ascertain to what axtent the president would permit the Beveridge meat inspection bill to he amended in conference. Represent­ atives Msdden and Lorimer did most of the talking and before they left the, White Hoose were given to nbderatand while, tbe president does not insist op­ en the dotting o f i ’ g and tbe crossing of t’ s. in tbe bill aa it standi, if it is amended materially in a manner not to his liking, he w ill consider that tbe packers want k fight sa d will*'give it to them. Several points in tha controversy over sanitation have loosed the preei dent to onnsnal activity. One is tha heaitancy with which tha packers havo submitted to regulations that w ill qnire them to furnish domestic meats o f a standard of excellence required for their foreign shipments. The explicit laws governing the pack­ ing industry have not been abolished by the Beveridge bill for tbe reason they are already, satisfactory to foreign nations. Tba Beveridge b ill requires that meats and meat products for do­ mestic consumption shall have tbe asms standard, and while the law is ad­ mitted to be somewhat s’ ringent, it is said that it is no more eo than would be the cast i f ordinary sanitation pre­ cautions withoat government inspection were required at all times. Tha investigation of their sanitary arrangements was conducted bv two experts appointed by the president with secret instructions to visit the Chicago stockyards and report to him. W'jen they arrived in Chicago on A pril 9 one of them eaid they found coaster nation reigning and an army .engaged in wieldipg tbe waehreg and polisher. The president, therefore, is not dis­ posed to give an inch on the Beveridge b ill. A ll the influence of the adminis­ tration w ill be thrown to pass it at this session. On leaving the White House today Senator Cullom said that while he re­ garded the Beveridge b ill somewhat strong in some lines, at the same time he thought a measure on these lines should be trade into law. R A TE S W IL L IN CREASE. Underwriters o f the Pacific Taka Definite Action. Coast OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST RE -ELE C T O F F IC E R S. M A Y R E TA IN LIC E N SE . Boye’ and Qirls' Aid Society . o f O re- I f 8olvent, Insurance Companies W ill , gon In Good Condition. N ot B o Ousted b y State.' * Portland— A t the annnf 1 meeting of Salem — Secretary of State Dunbar, the mem ben o f the' Boys’ and G irls’ who is ex-officio iqsunmee commission­ Aid Society, J. C. Ainsworth, W . B er of thie state, when eh own the state­ Gilbert end Robert S* Farrell were re­ ment that OaliIonia and Nevada insur­ elected directors, and Miaa Helen F ance commissioners' would drive o a t Spalding wee chosen to fill the vacancy companies that quibble over the pay­ i the board caused by the resignation ment of San Francisco fire looses, said of Mrs. W . A . Buchanan. that eo far aa Oregon is concerned he T h e annual reports of tbe officers cannot taka any note of what tba vari­ showed the institution in a flourishing ous companies do in California or any condition. Superintendent W. T. other state so long aa they comply with Gardner’ s report gave a thorough re­ the Oregon law which entitles them to sume of the work accomplished by the do basineoS in this state. society the past year. Under the sag' There is on deposit with the stgte veillanee of the society in Oregon, treasurer $3,100,000, in in tereet-bear­ Washington and Idaho there are 498 ing securities, which the 60 companies children. Of tbeee there are 70 girls doing basinet* in this state have put who era in respectable homes in Port­ np to secure the payment of any ioew land. Assistant Superintendent Gard­ they may sustain and which has been ner haa been appointed to look after finally adjudicated against them. the children who have been placed in Fifty-eight companies have pnt np private lamiliee to ee* that they are $60,000 each and two companies $100,-. doing w ell. In addition to this assist­ 000 each. ant the society now has county advis­ Only one company has notified the- ory hoards to look after tbe children in commissioner that it cannot continue the different counties of the state. to do business in Oregon on aocount o f California loses« and that is tbe Trad­ ers’ Insuranoe company, of Chicago. O RE G O N S T A T E FAIR. A ll agents have bean notified to cease writing inanranoe for that company. Preperatinns Undsr Way at Salem fo r Tha $60,000 on deposit w ill be held Greatest Ever Held. to pey any loose« sustained by Oregon Salem— The State Fair Board has be­ policyholders in that company, or nntil gan preparations lor tha greatest State all its policies have been legally can­ Fair ever held in Oregon. A portion celed, when the deposit may be w ith­ of tbe money that would have been e drawn. ' ________ : pended for premiums last year, when Mr. Dunbar eaid that refusal or ina­ there was no State Fair, was need to b ility of an inanranoe company doing make numerous improvements on tbe basineae in this state to pey any of its buildings and grounds in preparation California looses would not be sufficient fc* this year’ s fair. A ll main build- reason for him to cancel their Oregon ings have been repainted, stock sheds license. and race horse barns extended and im­ A ll he is authorised to do is to look­ proved and the racetrack has been re­ out for the interest of Oregon policy­ graded. holders, and if the companies comply The board purchased a quantity of with the insurance statutes of thie state park seats and chairs from tbe Lewie they can continue to do bnsiness, aa and Olark fair, together with exhibit they are solvent. I f any of them be­ cases, all of which w ill be need this come insolvent they pnt themeelves ont year to make the State Fair more at­ of business without any interference on tractive and comfortable. Many strik­ the part of the commissioner of Oregon. ing pieces of statuary and inside deco­ rations have been removed from the Treasure Mina Sold. Lewie and Clark grounds to the State Eugene — A mining deal of import­ Fair ground«, where they have been ance hat been consummated in this carefully repaired. city. Charles Harding Park, residing here, haa sold the Treasure mine in the Epidemic Attacks School. Bine river dietrict to J. Rowland Rags­ Aurora— A teacher at the publio dale, of Manchester, England. Tbe school recently discovered that on# of purchase price is not made pnblic, bnt the pnpila had what she thought was is said to be the highest ever paid for a chickenpox, and sent the boy home mine in tbe district. ^.The Treasure with a note to hie parents to quaran­ mine has long been known to be one of tine him. I t proved to be chickenpox, tbe richest properties at Bine river. but the pupil wonld not stay quaran­ Mr. Park has spent much money in it* tined, and went back to school. The development, and ia tbe erection of a school directors consulted a physician. ten-stamp quarts m ill on th$ property. The doctor advised that the pupil be allowed to attend school, on the ground N ew Ditch Company. that he had already infected the schol­ Baker City— Articles of incorporation ars, and snre enough he had, and now of the McCary Ditch company have half the cbitdern In town are affected. been filed with the county clerk. T h e incorporators of the company are: G . Will Sentence Meldrum. J. Bowman, O C. Johnson and O. f f . Portland — I f Jndge Wolverton im ­ Fanil. The capital stock of the com­ poses the maximum penalty on Henry pany is $3,600 divided into 360 shsrau Meldrum, former surveyor general for of a value of $10 each. The purpose Oregon, he w ill go to jail with a sen­ of the company !• to handle, for the tence of 210 years of imprisonment purpose of irrigation, the water from banging over bis bead. I f the conrt Powder river under the rights they imposes tbe heaviest fine the law al­ ave held for a number of years. lows, Meldrum w ill owe the govern­ ment $21.000. Jndge Wolverton eet Cherries Ripening Rapidly. Friday, June 8. at the day on which Aurora— Cherries are ripening fast Meldrum w ill come before the conrt for and all kinds of fruits are ahead of for­ sentence. A motion for a new trial mer years. The severe cold snap o f is pending in the case. two days in March had no appreciable Oakland, May 28.— The board of un­ derwriters of the Pacific ooaat, which ganisation fixes tha insurance rates Cold rain at San Francisco has made for the states of California, Nevada, camp life disagreeable. I t is foired Oregon, Montana, Idaho and Utah aad throat and lung trouble may develop tha territories of Alaska and Arisons, among the less robust aa a result. a ll pu ll T o g eth er . has decided to increase rates and the 6,000 insurance agents of the board Two men have been convicted in companies in California w ill be notified Kansas City of giving freight rebates. O regon, Washington and Idaho Form thereof. Interstate Development League. Georg H . Crosby, traffic manager of the Burlington, tried at the seme time, The rulee existing before the catas­ Spokane, Wash., Msy 29.— An Inter­ was acquitted. trophe of A pril 18, under which a state Development League, embracing board company was allowed permission The Interstate Commerce commission the representative organisations of Ore­ in certain cases to meet the cat rate investigation at Philadelphia into al­ gon, Washington and Idaho, and work­ made by a nonboard company, have leged discriminations by railroads ing harmoniously for the good of the been abrogated, and no board company shows that thoee companies refusing to entire Northwest, is the project that w ill, until farther notice, be permitted give stock to the railway officials had was launched at tba conclusion of the to vary from tbe ratee to be fixed by elaborate banquet in honor of the Port­ been practically rained. NEW B IL L O F E X C E P T IO N S . tbe board of underwriters. land visitors at Spokane. It was de­ R ival factions in Russia are brewing cided to leave the working oat of tbe Tbe matter of fixing increased and Defendants in Williamson Land Fraud a revolution. details to comitteea to be appointed by special rates for San Francisco has been Case File Revision. Many Chinese are being smuggled the Portland Commercial clnb, the discussed by the board of uaderwritere, Portland, May 26.— J. N . W illiam ­ but so far no schedule has been adopt­ Spokane Chamber of Commerce and ‘onto the canal sone. son, Van (.leaner and Marion R. Biggs ed. Tbe insurance men say that tbe the Lewiston Commercial clnb. Russia is sending hundreds of polit­ It is expected to have the organisa­ filed yesterday, through Judge Bennett, crippled condition of tbe San Franciaco ical prisoners to Siberia. tion perfected in time to have the first their attorney, a revised b ill of excep­ fire department and tbe lack of water An American woman w ill climb the meeting of the new Interstate Develop­ tions with the clerk of the federal ■apply makes the risks mo.e hazardous highest peak in the Andes. ment league held at some point in court. The bill is a voluminous docu­ and justifies them in raising tbe rate. ment of 1,080 trypewritten pages, and effect on fruit trees in northern Marioa Tbe return of H . F. Atwood, chair­ The Denver city election contest may Washington early next fall. Registration Short in Baker. reprodaces in a large meaanre the testi­ Mr. W ilcox’ s plea for aid for an open county. man of tbe general adjusting commit­ be carried to the federal courts. Baker City— Registration at the river met with a most cordial response mony of the trial in which they were tee from the eeet, is awaited with in Opponents of Smoot are seeking to from all the speakers who followed convicted of conspiracy to defraud the tereet. Atwood, who came here from county clerk’ s office has been brisk, and PO RTLAN D M ARKETS. drag Roosevelt into this quarrel. him. President J. J. Browne, of tbe government. Rocbeeter, N. Y ., was summoned east it is believed that names entered since A copy of the bill" haa been sent to The anion of the Cumberland and Spokane Investment company, and a two weeks ago to lay before tbe borne the books were reopened after the pri­ Wheat— Clnb, 73.:; hlnestem, 74® Judge Hunt. of Montana, who is ex­ Presbyterian churches has been com­ former resident of Portland, made an offices of the big United States com maries w ill exceed 350, inclnding thoee 75c; red, 7 lc ; va ley, 70O71c. pected to come to Portland about June sent in from country districts. Time exceptionally strong plea for aid. pleted. panics tbe conditions as be found them Oats— No. 1 white feed, $29; gray, for registration has expired. It ia esti­ Mr. Wilcox very cleverly stated that 10. Judge Hunt refused to receive a Many gala day festivities have been the month of the Colombia was also former bill of exceptions presented hy in San Francisco. mated that there are 700 voters in Ba­ $28 50 per ton. Upon the report that he makes to Parley— Feed, $23.500 24 per ton; arranged in Spain in connection with the month o( tbe Spokane, the Snake tbe defendants. I t is necessary for ker county who have not registered. the home office, w ill depend in a great Some of these w ill be sworn in at the brewing, $24024.50; rolled, $24.500 the wedding of King Alfonso. and every other river draining the Co­ snch a bill to be accepted before the measure, it is said, the coarse to be 25 60. Great Britain denies that an agree­ lumbia basin. In asking tbe aid of case can go to tbe higher court. Judge follow ed by tbe insurance companies polls on election day, hnt there w ill be Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $12013 ment exists with Russia affecting Per­ Spokane in placing tbe work on tbe Hunt will probably pass upon this lat­ iu settling tbe claims in San Francisco a shortage of 600 to 600. per ton: clover, $7.6008; cheat, $60 est filing soon. sonth jetty on a continuing contract sia, Thibet and Afghanistan. and other places that suffered from 7; grain hay, $708; alfalfa, $12. Berry Pickets Scarce. basis, as he expressed it, “ so some of fire following the earthquake. Two young natives of India have Fruits— Apples, $2 6003 50 per box; Stir About Forest Reserves. Portland — Po. eland employment ns w ill live long enough to see it fin- entered the Oregon Agricultural col­ agencies are not only besieged by rail­ cherries, $1.2501-40 per box: straw­ Washington, May 26.— Conside-ahle iehed.” ___________________ lege to study American scientific farm­ Nogi to StoessePs Defense. road contractors for laborers, bnt calls berries, California, $1.250 1 40; Ore­ stir was occasioned in the senate yes­ ing. Misery fo r Refugees. terday over an amendment to thn agri­ London, May 28.— A special dirpatch are now coming in from Hood river gon, lO O lfic per pound; gooseberries, 5O0c per pound. cultural appropriation bill proposing to Chairman Tawney of the house ap­ to the Telegram from Tokio says: In and W hite Salmon strawberry fields for San Francisco, May 29.— A heavy Vegetables— Asparagus, 75c«$ 1 .2 5 propriation committee, believes a large rain storm swept ovey this city and give 10 per cent of tbe receipts from an interview with General Nogi in pickers. Thousands of men and women majority of the bouse favors a lock surrounding country last night and to forest reserves to tbe states in which reference to the report that General are wanted for this work and the cry per box; beans, 8« 9 c per pound; cab­ day, damaging track gardens, flooding tbe reserves are located, for schools Btoeeeel had been sentenced to death by for help adds to the embarrassment of bage, $1.750$ per 100; green corn, 60c eaaal. basements and bringing much discom and pnblic roads. Senator Fnlton pro­ court partial for surrendering Port Ar­ labor agents who are already trying perdosen; onions, 10O16c per dosen;. The movement to expel Smoot from posed increasing tbe donation to 20 per thur, tbe general declared he doubted with all tbeir might to secure laborers peas, 8 0 6 c; radishes, 16c per dosen; the senate has been abandoned for this fort and misery to the refugees camped rhubarb, Sc pound; spinach, 90c per out on low ground. One and fifteen- cent, in view of the fact that the crea­ i f the report was true, bat he was con­ for railroad and construction camps. samion. box; tnrnipa, $101.26 per t a c t ; car­ hnndredths inches of rain fell, which tion of reeervee m aterially redness tbe vinced, if it were so, that Btoeeeel rots, 65076c per sack; beets, 85cO$l Ackerman Resolves to Retire. The pope is greatly improved. He is the heaviest rainfall fur this .late taxable area of counties, bat this pro­ would accept the sentence with soldier­ laughs at the idea of his life being en­ Belem— J. H . Ackerman, state super­ per rack. opposition, and ly alacrity. Nogi warmly defended son of tbe je e r since 1884. The voked considerable Onione— Bermuda, 4c per pound. dangered. Stoeeael against the attacks that bad intendent of public instruction, has storm added much hardship to refugees probably w ill be withdrawn. Potatoes — Fancy graded Bnrbanks, been made upon bis 'conduct at Port announced his intention to retire from More bodies are being found by la­ and caused much annoyance to tboee 60O65c per hundred; ordinary, nom­ politics at tbe end of his next term. M ore Lighthouses fo r Pacific. Arthur. sheltered in bouoee, but who are still borers clearing away the debris in San Mr. Ackerman bas the distinction of inal; new California, 2c per pound. compelled to cook out of doors. Washington, May 26.— Tbe senate Francisco. ~ f --------------- Batter— Fancy creamery, 17>^O20c being the Republican and Democratic Prepares fo r Another War. committee on interstate commerce to­ Three Turks have been arrested on per pound. nominee, although he only accepted the Dewey Bailing Fast. day votad to report tbe honse omnibus Victoria, B. 0-, May 28.— M. D. Aig- suspicion of having murdered Consul Eggs— Oregon ranch, 19020c per Washington, May 29.— Computations lighthouse bill and added the following neanx, who arrived here this morning Republican nomination, and his name dosen. 8tuart in Russia. w ill appear on the official ballot only made by the bureau of ra'lgation of Items: Lightship for Jntn de Fncs, by the steamer Monteegle, after a tour Poultry— Average old . hens, 185^0 San Francisco banks here opened for tbe Navy department on the shipping Washington, $150,000; light and fog in 8iberia, said in an interview that as the Republican candidate. 14c per pound, mixed chickens, 12 %<£ business and are receiving more money reports of tbe location of tbe Dewey signals. Cape Hincbinbrook, Alaska, Russia is making preparations in Sibe­ 18c; broilers, 20O 22)*c; young roos­ Klamath Land is Reopened. than they pay out. drydock in the Indian ocean May 22, $75,000; lighthouse tender, Hawaiian ria for another war. W hile troops are ters. 12 % O 18c; cld roosters, 120 Washington— During 1904 6 1.600.- The injunction against the union of indicate that the Dewey has made an islanda, $160,006; tender for light­ being sent borne, others are being 1 2 ){c ; dressed chicken», 16c; turkeys, 000 acres of pohlic lands in the Klam ­ house inspector, California district, average of 100 miles per dav since transported from Rneeia over tbe the Cumberland with the old Presbyte­ live. 16018c; tnrkeys, dressed, choice, ath region of Oregon and California leavin the Straits of Bab«l Mandeb. $130,000; lighthouse and fog signal, Trans-Siberian line. Tbe garrieons are rian church has been denied. 20O23c; geese, live, lO O llc ; geeee, This is recarded as particularly good Red Rock, San Francisco bay, $30,000. being strengthened, particularly Harbin were reserved, pending investigations dressed, old 10c, young 12c; docks, old Miss Nance O’ N eill, the actress, bas time, espec'aily in the Indian ocean, as to determine the feasibility of reclaim­ and Khabarovsk. Tbe defense of Vlad- . become bankrupt through the Ban ing under tbe Klsmeth irrigation pro­ 17c, yonne 20c. heavy wea’ her was expected, which Foreign Com m erce in April. vostok «a s recently strengthened. Francisco disaster. She lost all her Hops— Oregon, 1905, l l X 0 1 2 X e . ject. H alf of this area is now restored would delay tbe progress of tbe Dewey. Washington, May 26.— The foreign scenery, costumes and stage effects. Wool— Eastern Oregon average best, to entry, the balance being reserved as Heybum N ow Improying. commerce of the United States for 16021c; valley, coarse, 22023c; fine, lands reclslmable for reservoir sites or There is a rnmored alliance of Rus­ Blsck Sea Ports Blocked. A pril aggregated $261,000,000. of Washington, May I L — Senator Hey- 24tA25c per pnnnd; mohair, choice, 28 rights of way. _________ sia, Austria and Germany. Odewa, May 29. — On account of a wb^:h $107.000,000 wae In imports and bnrn is improving.rapidly today. His OSOc per pound. Hop Prospects Excellent. Forest reserve states are to g e ta ■trike of seamen, 115 at* arners are un­ $144,000,000 In exports. Those figures appetite is returning, and be bas beer Veal— Dressed, 3 } * 0 « c per pound. able to leave port, and conditions are are given in a bulletin leaned by tbe pnt on an egg and toast diet. When Aurora— Hops in this section of the share of the timber revenue. Beef— Dressed balls, Sc per pound; becoming serious. Stevedores threaten bureau of statistics, which says that sufficiently strong be w ill go to A ‘ 1an- valley, the banner h^p-raislng district cows, 4 ^ « 5 H e; country steer-. 606c. George F. Beer, president of the to join in tbe strike M they are com­ only in one previous A pril in tbe his­ tic City. Heybnrn w ill not he able ac­ of Oregon, are farther advanced this Mntton— wrested fancy,* 708c per Reading road, says there is no grafting pelled to do all the work Shipping is tory of the country’ s export trade bas tively to participate in the work of the rear than in former seasons at this pound; ordinary, $ 0 6 c; lambs, with, among tha officials of his lino, as they practically suspended at all ports of the the total of imports and exports reacn- senate this session, though he hones to time. There is a large acreage, and all pelt on, 8c. are above sneh^tbings. B ’ ack sea. i ad aa much as $200,000,000. go beck to his seat before adjournment. the yards are showing well. Pork— DreeMd, 7 0 »c per pound. «