Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 31, 1906, Image 3

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    «>-♦**. t r l i «
When the
Hair Falls
to n e
In d ia n
Then It's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi­
ment! You waiu to save your
hair, and save it quicklfttool
So make up your mind thla
very minute that if your hair
ever cornea out you will use,
Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It makes
die scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any-
thing else. It’s nature’s way.
Tha bast kind o f a testim onial—
** Gold l o r o v e r s i x t y y e a r s . ”
A yers
A f a l s i t H e r B e tte r J a t s a e s t .
"A in ’t 70 a rathsr young to' bo lo ft In
charge o f a drag store T”
“ Perhaps so, m a'am ; what can I do
tor you ?"
"D on ’t your employers know It’s dan­
gerous to leave a more boy like yon In
charge o f such a place?"
" I am competent to servo yon,
madam, I f yon w ill make known yonr
"D on ’t they know yon m ight poison
some one?"
-------- —
“'There Is no danger o f that, m adam ;
what can I do fo r yon?”
" I think I bettor go to the store down
the s tr e e t"
“ I can serve yon just as w ell as they
can and as cheaply.”
“ W ell, yon can give me a 2-cent
stamp, but It don’t look r ig h t " — Hous­
ton P o s t
,S e «fB u s Cannot
Bo Cared
by local application» as 1 1
they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ) ear.
Thera 1» only one
way to cure dearness, and that 1» by constltn-
tlonal remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In­
flamed condition of the muoons lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tubs 1» Inflamed
ou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear-
ng, and whan it Is sntlrely closed, Deafness Is
tha res nit, and unless the inflammation can ba
taken out and this tubs ret to ted to Its normal
thetmurous surfs___
We w ill give One Hundred Dollars for any
easa of Deaf ness f caused by catarrh) that can­
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Curs. Band
circulars, fisa,
y. J. CHEKKY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75e.
H alli
I’s Family Mils are tbs bast.
D i d n ’t
M in d
th s
M a c h in e s .
" I hope," said ths renter o f room No.
1197, “ that the rattle o f the typewriters
In my office doesn't annoy yon.’*
"No, sir, It doss not," responded the
crusty capitalist whose office was No.
1199; “ but their gabble does qnnoy me
exceedingly."— Chicago Tribune.
To Brook In Now Shoes.
Always shake In Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Cure« earns. Ingrowing nails and bunions At
all drugglsta and aboe stores, 24c Don't accept
any substitute Bam pie mailed FREE. Add ran
Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy, K. Y.
H ope
A g r e e s is a f.
“ I am sorry to hear that Wrinklina
and his wife can’t live together in peace.
There ia too much obstinacy on both sides
— that’s the trouble, isn't it?”
P r o d i g a l 's
R s t irn .,
but good usage baa made one In Eng>
Solomon Homer, tbe brilliant Choc­ llih, antipode, and aa tbat Is generally
taw Indian, said at bla home In Caddo pronounced an-tt-i>o4e, w ith tbe accent
tbat be needed to be a very intelligent ' on tbe first syllable, there la a grow ing
and Industrie*!* Indian who would go tendency to accent the plural form In
out into tbe w orld and make a name. the same way.
Both methods, how­
"M any Indiana,” he a«ld, “ go out Into ever, are sanctioned by good authority.
the World, and some o f them, o f course,
A T h reat.
succeed. Those who fa ll return borne
Henry bad been so cmstlnuously and
and tbat u a, sad returning, fo r every
one sneers at tbe young man whom the persistently naugbty ttrat, says
wbrld bas conquered and driven back.
" I t la not much o f a welcome tbat charge o f him In bla mother’s absence,
tbe returned Indian gets, even In bis did not know what to do w ith him. In
despair she said, w e a k ly :
father’s bouse.
" I f you w ill not behave, I shall pot
“ Th ere was Black Eagle, a Choctaw,
In one o f grandpapa’s ben coops."
H e went to Chicago, failed and came
“ W ell,” said Henry, sturdily, “ before
back borne. But be was a fraid to go
to bla father’s bouse till an old man you put me In, I want to tell you tbat
I w ill not lay any eggs.”
" ‘A re you going to yonr father’s
bouse, Black Eagle?*
" ‘ I don’t know,’ answered tbe youth.
“ *Qo there,’ said the old man, ‘ fo r
you w ill be very welcome. Th ere la no
doubt o f It*
"H eartened a little, Black Eagle did
go to bla father’s, and tbe next day
met tbe old man again.
"T b e old man smiled kindly.
" ‘ So tbe prodigal returned,’ be said.
’And did your fa th sr kill tbe fatted
" ‘No,’ Black Eagle answered, ’ he
didn’t k ill tbe fatted calf, but be near­
ly killed the prodigal . ' " — Kansas City
th e D e e la r a tio n .
to K n o w .
“ I had n tramp for dinner to-day."
“ Ia this some o f him?” asked bet
husband, poking his fork Into the meat
rather suspiciously.— Houston P o s t
• p e a k in g
A ll
C a a ia r.
Miss Peach ley— Mr. Rpoonamore, havs
I ever given you good reason to think I
preferred you to other young men and
wanted to marry you?
Mr. Rpoonamore— No, to tell ths truth,
you ntver have. I learn from the other
fellows that you kiss them good night
when they go away, ths same as you do
W a a l V l r a l n l a n 'a
A w fu l
D is t r e s s
T h r o u g h K id n e y T r o u b le s .
C u lo r s t d u W o s u u u O l v e e H e r
• fu r P i c k i n g C e rt a in C a a A IA a ts s
T A G T O L D IT W A S N E W .
For Infanta and Children., >
ÂSfctfetable PreparationFor As­
simila ting tee Food andBetf ma­
ting the Stomachs onlBaweis of
IN I \ M
T h e
S o n
m th e
W h & f
W eaT*
d o e s
A n d
w h e r e '
s e ttin g
h a tc h
t h e
n e*T ? ”
C rew s
o f G o ld .
addressed a Sunday school In New
York. I heard the address. I t was de­
lightful. An odd Incident happened,
though, at lta end. an Incident that
Dunbar laughed at as heartily aa tbe
rest o f us.
“ Dunbar, toward the close o f his re­
marks, said:
“ ’And, my little friends, i f you do
all these things some day you w ill
wear a gold crown. Yes, each o f you
some day w ill w ear a gold crown.’
little obap tn the front row,
catching tbe poet’s friendly eye, piped:
“ ’ My fader wears one now.’
" ‘N o l’ said the poet.
" 'Yea, be does— on his toof,’ said
tbe little ebap.”
T o a a s s -T s ls t s r .
W. L . Jackson, merchant, o f Park­ I f you stick a stick across a stick.
Or cross a stick across a stick.
ersburg. W. V a., says: “ D riving about
bad w e s t b a r Or stick a erosa across a stick,
brought kidnay trou -1 Or croas a erosa aerosa a stick.
bles on me, and I Or cross a cross across a cross,
suffered tw enty y e a n Or stick a crossed stick across a stick.
with sharp, cramp­ Or cross a crossed stick across a cross.
ing pains in the back Or stick a crossed stick across a cross­
ed stick.
and urinary
d e n . I often had to Or cross a crossed stick across *a stick,
gst np a dosen tim a s! Or crow a crossed stick across a croaa-
at night to urinats.
ed stick.
Retention set in, and R o w w ill yon stick a cross across a
I was obliged to dm
crossed stick?
I took to my bed, and
tbs cstbstsr
A a -t l-»s S s s o r A s - U f - s - S ss t
ths docton failin g to help; began naing
Doan’ s K idn ey P ills . Th e urine soon
Th e pronunciation o f this word In-
cam * freely again, and ths pain grad­ ro lv w a very nice point In tbe study
u ally disappeared. I have been cured o f our language. T h e word was taken
sight years, and ^though over 70, am as directly from the Latin, and lta natural
active aa a boy.”
| prounclatlon, therefore, Is an-tlp-o-dw.
Sold by a ll dealer«. 50 cent« a box. wtth ^
accent on tb# ^ n d s y lla b i*
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N . Y .
j n r a tin u has no singular
State street was crowded w ith shop­
pers yesterday afternoon, when a young
man came out o f a popular hat store
w earing a new crush h a t There was
not only the conscious look upon bis
face which Indicated that fact but be
carried bla bead In the peculiar w ay—
tbat only the possession o f a new and
stylish hat can produce In the average
young man. Everybody that looked at
him saw at a glance tbat he wore a new
hat .
I t was not alone from tbe signs al­
ready mentioned that tbe circumstance
was apparent, and tbe young man, o f
course, did not give him self aw ay by
carrying his discarded hat tied up In
brown paper under hla arm. N o ; but
on tbe band o f his bat waa the shop
ticket, bearing the price mark
some other cabalistic characters Intelli­
gible to no one outside o f the bat store.
On he w en t all unconscious o f the
attention he was attracting and o f tbe
remarks bla bat was calling forth.
Young women looked at hla hat and
giggled, but be (lid not Imagine fo r a
moment that anything In bis appear­
ance was tbe cause o f their mirth, least
o f all the new hat which proudly adorn­
ed his head. But a la s ! the young man
waa soon to be rudely awakened by a
friend calling hla attention to the adorn­
ment o f hla h a t
Th e telltale ticket was soon removed
and the young man went his w ay sad­
der and wiser. H e carried himself
humbly and looked neither to the right
nor l e f t bat bearded the nearest street
car In order to escape as quickly as
possible from tbe scene o f his humilia­
tion. Something In his eye Indicated
tbat It would be a long tim e before he
patronised that bat store again.— Chi­
cago Tribune.
Promotes Digpstion£heerful'
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium. Morphme nor Mineral.
o t
a r c o t ic
L a te r
C om al d e r a t l e a .
A perfect Remedy forCom Sp»-
Tton, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and L O S S O F S W P .
Signatory of
\M> 111 < 11 < ! h s * » 1 (I
j j Du'.i s
¡ j ( i m s
D a lm tllp
Bears the
of H
For Over
Thirty Years
E xpressed .
Th e author had been dragged fa in t­
ing from a crowd o f »hoppers.
Portland Trade Directory
“ Almost like my last book,” b* mur­
mured, recovering bis sens**.
Tbe listeners, being o f delicate per­
8 U P P L 1 K 8 ; Kode
ception, knew then that tbe book had PHOTO
Ing; w rit* «Mr price«. W u odard. Clark« A
fallen dead from tbe press.— Philadel­
M AG IO L A N T K R N H — W Haler loC
phia Public Ledger.
L o w u l prices on Lanterna and Hilde«.
R I A S TIC H O M E R Y j Rapportare,
FU ; fVae O M u r e M B I M asks: W
HÜKSKH af all klada tor aafo at r r r y i
Inquire 27» Front 8C
.* l o r
a. M olline envelop«« nod
teatlon. Control and Cm-
foil p rit« Uat w n l on applIcatloA.
pire work noilcl lad. l U f n w «
CarboouM Ns-
tlonal Bonk.
TR U SS E S « « a t on approvi ■ I
BUM difficult ouaus; W oo
oodard. Clarke A Co.
A R T I F I C I A L E Y E S ; epery «bade and shap.; as­
saut ou approval ; Woodard, Clarke Co
The G m *T O W fltt
M E N 'S CLOT H I NO - B u tan i A Pendleton.
M e n i» Alfred I Henfcuala « Cu*»
* carree»
E verything In n e u ’ » furntahta
Sixth street«. Opponila
AM )
P O U L T R Y FOOD—I f pon want yowr bene In la v
jn «a n ^ n g | »w ri»«x tlo ifra ^ per Ocular« «b o o t Fu­
P IA N O S A O R G A N S — Oldrst piano house oa Pa-
¿S J g.M T ifflO O f
3 E 5 . CLODHNG.
I t is s o d c o f the best
l a t e r a l » , m Mock o r y d o w .
fully M a a n t c c i »ad s o il by
reliable dealer» everywhere.
"""■ ««ir »
C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S —W a guarantee lbs C.SL
Separator te be tbe beat. W rits lor free cútalas,
o.. F if i» and Oak.
fc iW K S t u u
rori. and, Oregon.
nifi* Vf « n t
D a w n s s o d P . *11 Ori 4hfl M I T
lU tVlliantA
W rite for I lac Let ut quote ron a price.
U liberi-Ram ali er Co.. Portland. Oregon.
A U «« A
T E L E G R A P H Y T A U G H T F R E E . Ca
ple.te ra tin e and poult on secured when graduated
This rflVr good only for short time. W r te for par­
ticulars. P A C IF IC T E L E G R A P H IN S T IT U T E
Grand 1 b e a u « Building, Portland, Oregon.
P. N. U.
No. 22-
i w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t is e r s p i n a ta
U od
th is p a p e r.
versary w ith a huge banquet to her.
The great actress’ first appearance on
the stage took place on A p ril 28, 1850,
when she played the little Mamllllua In
‘Th e W in ter’s T a le " at the Princess
Theater, London.
She was
then 8
years old. Th e fact that she Is now n
grandmother has not affected her popu
lnrlty, nor her remarkable vivacity nor
her popular title o f “ Miss.”
C m rb
S m o k la (.
Recently the Italian government Is
sued an order that there was to be no
smoking In business hoars by officials
w h o « duties brought them Into con­
tact w ith tbe public. F or t b o « whose
duties do not It Is left to the discre­
tion o f heads o f departments to allow
or to forbid smoking. B at their dls
cretkm Is limited to the cigar and the
cigarette. No pipe* are to be allowed.
P la t
S o rt
B z ls to a e *.
" I suppose you are getting thorough­
ly ‘city broke’ now that you’ve moved
to town and are living In a flat?"
“ Yes, w e’re getting city broke fast
enough and Henry snys It’a only a
question o f time until he’ll be flat broke,
too.” — Kansas City Times.
F t n a n c la l.
Mrs. W atkyna— Henry, I want a dol-
lar this morning.
"H o w long do yon think It w ill take
Mr. W atkyns— Great Caesar, w om an!
to build the Panama canal r* said ths Do you think T am made o f m onej?
inquisitive person.
When you want large amounts, you
“ I haven’t begun to figure on t h a t " ought to let me know twenty-four hours
answered tbs e x p e rt “ W hat I am try ­ In advance.” — Som erville Journal.
ing to ascertain now la bow long It
You have probably met the bore,
w ill take to gst tbs building actually
who, no matter what the attraction,
started.” — Washington Star.
alw ays recalls a better one.
Men are so naturally wicked tbat
tbey have no use fo r a parrot u n is «
S .' < H ll D R I . N
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
E levates W ater
C a r d o s H s s ’a H a t A ffo r d s A n n i e -
m e a t to S ta te S tree t T h r o n e .
“ Th e late Paul Lawrence Dunbar,
Mothers w ill find Mr-. Wlnalow’s Soothing
Byrup the best remedy to use for their children the negro poet,” said an editor, "once
during the teething period.
W an ted
B ro t b u r.
Tbe people o f Syria and Tlfila make
their streams do things tbat Am erl
can« do not seem to have learned tbe
secret o f {ierauadlng the watqr court
o f this country to perform, says the
New York Tribune.
A t Tlfila tbe natives have learned
bow to utilise tbe power o f ths cur­
rent o f the R iver K u r without build­
ing dams. What they have accomplish
ed possibly m ight be done by an Am erl
can farm er livin g on tbe banks o f
rapidly moving stream and desiring
amnll, cheap power. T b e Caucasians
.build floats on tbe surface o f tbe river.
Into them are set w ater wheels. The
whole affair Is fastened to tbe bank In
such a w ay tbat It w ill rise and fa ll
with any change In the level o f tbe sur
face of the river, so that the power Is
about constant all the time.
In Hama tbe ancient “ entering In of
Hamath,” tbe Syrians have accom
pllahed a fea t tbat makea one think of
liftin g one’s self over a fence by tug­
ging at one’s boot straps. Tbey have
harnessed the historic Orontes,
Nabr el Asl, aa the Syrians call I t Into
the work o f liftin g Itself many feet to­
ward the zenith and trained it thus to
w ater their fruitfu l gardens and orch-
0 d i
As for size the w ater wheels which
do this work are aa to other water
wbeels what Niagara la to other w ater
tells. Aa one stands by one o f tbear
great wooden fram es revolving upon
Its wooden axle and looks np at Itt
perimeter forty feet above one tblnki
It large and Is astonished when I k
turns his gaze upstream to see that
relatively It is not a great wheel, fo r t u
tbe distance looms up one sixty feet in
height Even then be Is not prepared
fo r the spectacle o f one ninety feet In
diameter, grunting around on Its cum
bersome axle Juat outside tbe town.
L ife In Hama fo r some people Is llk<
the liking o f others fo r olives, an a c
qulred taste, because o f these very wa
ter wheels.
According as one feeh
about I t It la a musical city or one fill
ed w ith nerve-racking groans. Day
and night without ceasing these m a»
sire, alow revolving structures uttei
speech. F or those who have acquired
a taste fo r tbelr companionship tht
never-ceasing tones are soothing, re
sembllng the ocean roar o r a alow
fugue played on some cyclopean organ
T b e diapason tones are deeper and
louder than the deepest organ stop.
Now they are in unison, now repeating
tbe theme, one a fter another, now for
a brief moment In a sublime harmony
never to be forgotten, according to one
traveler, then once more together In a
tremendous cborus.
T b e sounds are
described as a slow movement up the
scale, follow ed w ith a heavy drop to
tbe keynote a s: Do mi sol, do do do;
do sol la, do do do. T h is unceasing
Slgypbean music. It Is said, has been
going on fo r a century at lea st
Ri. V till' Dance and all Nervous Diseases
n.ntly cured by Dr. K llne’ a Orest
____ store». Bend lb» K R K K ,1 trial bottl- and
treatise. Dr. II. H .K iln .L d -.M l ArcbBt., P b lls .P a
A m rs d is g
I.o c k y
S t re a m s — H o ffo O a e s
H lv o r L i f t It s o lf.
A Coloradan, a man o f course, baa
thla to say o f tbe w ay some women
vote in tbat S ta te : " A few days after
the election o f November, 1904, fo r ex
I was talking w ith a young mar­
D l v l d l s g th e S p o il.
ried woman o f more than average Intel­
The lion, Jackal, w olf and fox
ligence, who was livin g In one o f tbe
Went out among the hills and rocks
smaller cities o f Colorado and who de­
Tp hunt— go Aesop says— and caught
A -fine young deer. A t first they thought clared ‘she never voted a straight ticket
O f how they fairly might divide
because she alw ays voted fo r tbe men.
So fine a meal. Who should decide
" I applauded And asked If she would
What share to each would rightly fall,
mind telling me bow she voted and
Since some were large and others small?
why. ‘ Not at all,’ qbe replied earnest
. -
ly. ‘I didn’t know much about Roose­
Tbe lion was the first to speak.
velt or Parker, but In lila pictures
For all his comrades looked so meek:
Divide this deer in four,” said he.
Park er la much more baud some than
"Oh; wise judge,” cried the other three.
Roosevelt, so I voted fo r the Demo­
"Thanks, loyal friends; since I am king,' cratic electors. I don’t like Governor
Tbe lion said, continuing.
Peabody’s w ife, so I voted fo r A lva
Each one, I know, will call it fair
Adams. Tbe Republican candidate fo r
T o grant to me, your king, first share."
County Clerk wanta to m arry a friend
o f mine and could right aw ay i f elect­
Tbe three bowed low. The lion then.
ed, so I voted fo r him.
With dignity, remarked again :
“ As judge, one quarter falls to me."
T b e Republican running fo r As-
And bowed once more, lees low, tbe three.
r got my vote because be la a
As one wbo helped to catch the deer
dear old man and needed a nice eaay
I ’ ll have to take a share, I fear;
Th e Republican candidate
Now, let him take tbe rest,” said be,
fo r State Treasurer wga a Swede and
W bo wants me for bla enemy."
don’t like Swedes, so I voted fo r tbe
D em ocrat One o f tbe candidates fo r
And thus the Jaakal. w olf and fex
County Commissioner on tbe Demo­
Learned wisdom there among the rocks.
cratic tic k e t they say, used to run
saloon, so I voted fo r tbe Republican.
voted against the Republican candt
date fo r Sheriff ^because bla w ife got a
divorce from him. I took my husband’s
advice regarding the other candidates
because I didn’t know anything about
them myself.’
Ellen T erry is still the idol o f tbo
T m ildly asked I f she knew o f the British play-going public, which recent­
special qualifications o f any o f these ly cejebrgted her fiftieth artistic annl-
men to perform the duties o f the sev­
eral offices fo r which they w ere candi­
She replied that she had not
troubled about tbat because tbe rea­
sons she bad stated w ere sufficient fo r
her.” — San Francisco A rgon an t
“ Yea; he’a a standpatter, and she's a
“ My friend«,” exclaimed the candidate,
In a fine burst of disinterested patriotism,
" I don't want this office If you think I
am unworthy to fill h !”
Here he stopped and took m drink of
“ And I might add." he proceeded, “ that
my candidacy ia not the result of any cor­
rupt political bargain.”
“ Yea, you might,” interrupted an old
farmer in the audience; “ but if you did
you’d be lyin’ like Sam H ill 1”
a brother not so talk—
I ha
I haveh’ t any ©flier—
Bo he’s what you may rsally call
A very lucky brother;
For whan my trousers gst too small
For me to wear, our mother
Just “ takes them In,” seams, legs and all.
And givsa them to my brother 1
F lo a t
M aks a
COLUM BIA H Y D RA U LIC RAM is a simply constructed and
T IE inexpensive
machine that can utilize a small fall of water for the purpose
of raising a portion of it to any desired height. It is the farmer's friend in die
* dry season" and is indispensable to those owning land high above ditches. It
will furnish water for domestic purposes, even elevating pure water of the spring
by means of the impure or muddy water, as found in some streams. Requires
no attention. Practically no cost of maintenance, there being no parts to get
out of order. A ram will pay for itself in a short time. Every nun installed »
giving utmost satisfaction. W e keep a large stock constantly oa hand. Write
to our Hydraulic Department today for illustrated literature.