and the • voters rewarded roof does not keep out the heat. NEW BERO GRAPHIC. return him with an adequate evidence You would be interested in notic­ City Meat Market. i m atter «I th« the native carpenters build. of their confidence at the polls. ing at Mewbeif, Orafo*. They no tools save bolos Next door to the bowling alley Unscrupulous politicians are and a have short heavy stick for handles all kinds of fresh and ctqpd B S U K D KVKKY THURSDAY M O R N IN G given a striking object lessen to pounding. The bolo is a long meats. Both phones. . « the efiect that the scurrilous cir­ knife like a corn knifc. The roof KAM. W . C. WOOOWARD. Free Delivery. cular and anonymous letter cut has not a nail in it. The frame work for it consists of bamboo HigUrt cadi p in f d Ur U » real, aad little figure in this day when poles which are tied at eve " voters are something more than tersection. $1.00 Per Year in Advance. suckers, grass that« JOS. MOTSCHENBACHER. P m » and misrepresentation is tied on too, The with rattan, '< j becomes a boomerang. The peo­ walls of the house are composed WESLEY BOYES, CaBai. THURSDAY, APRIL M, ] Do you know you « ml Buy BOTH FS0NSS ple saw a masterful man in Mr. of board» which fit into anything in the „ Hardware, The hills about Mulana; Hawley, a man above reproach, very beautiful and green Good bye, Toe re. Take keer and Vehicle and Implement line they pinned their faith to are many cocoanuts o' verseli. at A. B. Moomaw ft Son’s, him. He will make Oregon an open spaces are filled in wi ae cheap or oheaper, than you- The registration books will be ideal congressman. tall coarse grass which it oan in Portland? ten feet high. The people here open up to May 15. Better reg­ are very poor. School is ister if you have not already The general result of Oregon’s greasing splendidly, a tt first direct primary election, is having increased done so. . from 100 to the choice of an admirable lot of 160 since our coming. The assurance comes from candidates from which the peo­ are bright and Marion county that Hofer of the ple may choose at the June elec­ yonngsters to learn. We can S it whi Capital Journal, who was a can­ tion. The direct primary law things can be bougi t here much Hop Wire and Spray Supply a Specialty. than at Lucena. didate for representative, was may need some amendment, but cheaper are 12V£c a dozen and issued free transportation up we believe that remarks to the to size from 12Vfccto Salt Creek along with his man effect that the new law is a fail­ according 25c. Only one kind of vegetable Friday from Woodburn. ure are hasty and ill advised. It seems to be purchasable and tfiAt is true the vote was not as |^ g e is the egg plant. They call it If the Portland dailies, instead as it should have been, but does he« the talong. Our expenses here are very light, almost noth-! of spending so much time quar­ anyone suppose for a minute ing. T. B. CUMMINGS & COMPANY • • * * * • • * . »H reling with each other as to that one tenth as many voters Friday was mail day, when we which furnished the best stories would have been out to attend received the Oregonian, Reporter, of the San Francisco disaster, the primaries under the old re­ Graphic, Review of Reviews, Ceh- j had taken a little trouble to get gime? Some ideal candidates tury and numerous home letters. Mulanay is so far out of the! a little election news from over were selected Friday who would world that we get very hungry the state they would stand bet­ never have had a look in under for news A fine large line of of the world.* In Lu- ter with their readers. the reign of the party boss—and eena there were telephones, tele­ that is worth all the cost to graph and mail connections with A Ü 1B JÜ L I R A u r r With such a man as Dr. Withy- the state. Manila but here only the mail The direct primary comb to head the ticket for gov­ stands for real representative twice a month. The much talked We have Just fitte» up election for governor of Tnya- ernor, no republican will have government—the new “square of occured last Monday, but 1; an adequate excuse for voting déal” policy. It stands for bas suppose we shall not hear-the On hand at the Racket Store for a democrat to fill the guber­ cleaner politics. Let’s not be result until next mail day, two natorial chair. He is a clean, hasty in condemning it. weeks hence. Q and carry a earn alata Full Supply of capable man in every respect We had two Americans with ataak ef of underta undertaken’ ateek for dinner bn Friday—Mr. DRESS GOODS, SHOES, and has no personal habits which Life in a Philippine W ilderness. us supplies. West, the deputy treasurer ahd are a cause for reproach. Mr. Kennedy, a school teacher \ AND NO TIO NS. Mulanay Tay, P. I. from We had Friday’s election indicates On this rainy Friday night, canned Catanaoan. mutton, canned my best half is studying canned milk, canned cheese, clearly that newspapers whose while coffee, M. J. NASH ft 00. Spanish, I shall talk a bit with canned sugar, canned plums,; influence had been bought by cer­ y6u. week has passed very and potatoes. You see we Kve tain candidates did not prove quickly This with me even though we out of cans. The canned milk is ra LINE OF to be worth the price. Political are in the midst of an oriental and fresh, so we use it al­ advertising is one thing, buying wilderness. I do not think we good The cows and goats find our ten weeks stay together. up the editorial columns is an­ shall are so tubercular that the Ameri­ here so lonely and long as we cans do not think of using the other. Editorial exhortation first feared, . milk or meat. To-day I am bod­ which readers have good reason School closes March 31st and ing a chicken with tapaya, na­ to suspect has been paid for has that will soon be here. Then we tive vegetable. We get nice a eggs little unction. can go back to civilization in here for one cent apiece so we you Lucena. We are living in camp live on them for breakfast. The now. The alarm rattles at little Filipino boys bring them] A word of condolence is ex­ style 5.30 a. m. Then Vicente gets up As they are clad in nothing but tended from this office to the and starts fire and puts a a short tailed shirt, Mr. Mc­ IM P L E M E N T S Tillamook Headlight and a num­ teakettleful of the water on to heat. Killop is fond of telling them to ber of other newspapers through­ About six I make my appearance put the money in their pants H eadquarters for Feed, Seeds and Fertilizer the kitchen, and make mush pockets. We have often said out the First Congressional Dis­ in and try eggs, while Vicente sets now much yon would enjoy teas­ trict that were so free in giving the M ILLER & W RIGHT We get through break­ ing these funny little brown A SPECIAL WORD fatherly advice to the Graphic fast table. by 6-30. during,-the campaign. They Then we dress for school while Pickaninnies. Unless the delicate, exactly ad­ BOTH PHONXS Yesterday we had a school were cock sure they had the Vicente eats his rice and washes program with a debate. The justed parts of a watch are kept right hound by the ears and the the silver and stacks the other pupils did very well. They do clean and lubricated, in covered basins. speak English as plainly here certain to become. wo jolt they received when the votes dishes At seven thirty a. m. oar house not as in Lucena, but it is because greater or less extent were counted, showing their is locked and we are beginning they learned of a native instead movement will surely lose its false reckoning, was no doubt school. We teach until eleven. of an American. Try our painful. As soon as he gets home from E thel T aylor M c K illop . curacy. T iny particles of grit are school Vicente builds a fire and bound to work into the best pro­ LISK W AR E washes the dishes, while a can F A S H IO N A B L E Now that the candidates are of tected movement; the oil will be­ meat and some vegetables are D R E S S M A K IN G selected it is time to pay some cooking. For your Ritolto come gummed in time and these We get through dinner In all the Latest Styles attention to the amendments by 12.30. Vicente then eats his combined will serve to cut and which will be brought before noon rice and washes all the Residence, River St. bet 3rd & "4th grind the pivots and cause fric­ the people in June, several being dishes while Mr. McKillop and I MISS G R A C E BU TLER tion. or sleep. School begins at Mutual Phone 12*9 proposed. Some people form a read Every watch should be thor­ again and closes at 3.45. After habit of yoting against all 2 school oughly cleaned and oiled at least Vicente gets things started CU TLER Y amendments, which, while safer for supper once in eighteen months, and if while Mr. McKillop than voting for all of them, is and I take a walk on the beau­ yours has not been cleaned with­ M IL L IN E R Y hardly the intelligent method of tiful, sandy beach. There are in that time, it should have pretty shells and jelly fish procedure. Some are worthy of many mediate attention. Purposos. THE IMPROVED look at. The river separates an affirmative vote while others to We will clean your watch pre­ ACME W ASHER the town from the beach, so we First Class and You will find them at rfiould be given a decisive nega­ have cisely as it would be done in the to cross on a little bamboo tive. Don’t vote blindly. Think raft palling it across by a rope Up-to-date best watch factories—take the A Child can Operate it. a little. hich is stretched from bank to J . B. M ount*» movement entirely apart, dean Saves Health, Strength f t bank. In the evening wc usually each wheel, cog and pivot sepa­ Clothing» study Spanish. On Saturday The “Oregon Sidelight“ column and rately, assemble and regulate it— BEST PRICES {Sunday when we have time of the Portland Journal gLwell we have and when you get it back you chicken for dinner. We named and must be presided pay 12Vfcc for a nice fry, so it is may depend upon it being in over by some smart individual cheaper and - better, than canned {.'perfect shape.” who is cross eyed. Some days meat. Vicente knows how to ^ M il 1 C JEWELER NEWBERG and cook chicken beauti­ ago a note appeared saying Ncw- dress fully. That and the cooking of berg was to own its own. water rice comprise his knowledge of Next to Postoffico. system, and this in the face of cookery. The pupils here do not Having been given the agency for the Chico, the lgct that Newberg put in its dress as well as in Lucena. The Cal., Nurseries, 1 am prepared to fill orders for own system nearly ten years boys usually wear long white all kinds of Nursery stock, including all varieties pants and a low necked, short ago and has operated it ever sleeved of Fruits, Ornamental Shrubbery, Climbing of any color, worn since. On Tuesday evening the with the shirt Vines, Roses etc. English Walnuts a specialty. tail outside. The little Stock delivered promptly to the nearest information was volunteered girls usually exhibit their tat station or boat landing. that Newberg is to have more little brown stomachs in the cus-1 of Newberg, Oregon Prompt attention given all orders, sent to and better water. More water touiary gap between waist and j Respectfully Solicit» Your Business The little girls dress just certainly, but as Newberg’s skirt. J. B. FORSYTH, N ew berg, Or. like old women, having long i water is already unsurpassed it skirt and hair W e carry Insurance against robbery of up. can scarcely be better. But all We are the twisted only American*! all kinds, and offer this is about on a par with the within seven miles. I'm the only ABSOLUTE PROTECTION Journal’s standard of accuracy. American woman within forty. re are certainly in the wilder- to Our !*S. Ths sweeping victory of W. Vicente is fixing a chicken for NEWBERG We pay interest on time deposits, have ample JOHN I . BECK. C. Hawley, republican candidate dinner, funds to accomodate our patrons and so guess I had better BAKERY for congressman, came as a fit­ oversee it as I never know extend to the public the courtesies WATCHMAKER ting climax to the fair and open what dreadful thing he will do. of our Bank. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes o> JEW ELER , aad high minded manner in Kitchen cleanliness seems to be always on band- Orders unheard of virtue among Fili­ ' J. D. Gordon* President which he conducted his cam­ an filled at short notice fell *14 .......................... A. Nelson, Vice President r ig ir ili < paign. Though misrepresented pinos. This is a very warm day for N . C Christenson, Maynard Redmond Strohmakr & Hanish and maligned by political trick­ Mulanay. The nm is shining PO R TLA N D . O B . Cashier, A sst Cashier sters, he stooped to nothing in brightly and our low thatched SAVE TH E FREIGHT COME AND SEE. Special! SUMMER WAISTS . • • « ‘ r V BUGGIES aow The First National Bank /