Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, October 12, 1905, Image 8

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    F ra n k M ill* and w ife h a v e
been spending several d a y s visit­
ing relatives a t P o rtla n d an d
E stacada.
P a u l M a ris acted as h ost a t
an inform al social function M o n ­
d a y evening w hich he g a v e a t $700.
the M a ris home to a com pany o f
college triends.
James Bean, accom panied b y
his son H a r r y , arrived la st w eek
from S an Jose, C alifo rn ia, to
m ake a short visit w ith his sister,
M rs. Elizabeth Miles.
A fam ily nam ed Shipm an, con­
sisting o f husband, w ife an d t w o
sons aged seventeen an d tw e n ty
E ave
years, are here from C h elan
county, W a sh in gto n , w it h the
intention o f renting a house fo r
the w in te r a t least.
The lecture given in C r a t e r ’*
tall S a t u r d a y night b y N e w to n ,
the hum orist lecturer, is h igh ly
spoken o f b y those in atten d ­
ance. T h e size o f the audience,
towever, w o u ld indicate t h a t
the public is h a rd ly re a d y yet t o
be entertained
L A T H S , S H IN G L E S
One Block East of Porter &
F irst Street Assessm ent
Is n o w due an d can be p a id a t
irst N a tio n a l B a n k .
J o h n
. ark in , C ity T reasu rer.
IN C O R P O R A T E D 1889
C h eat seed clear o f pink. S an -
: o rd G oodrich, D a y to n , O regon ,
L F . D. N o . 1. M u t u a l phone
C A P IT A L P A ID U P , S 8 1
Transacts a general banking business. Customers given
every accommodation consistent with safe and
conservative banking business.
Bicycles and Sundries
B. C. M iles , President.
C has . K. S paulding .
J. L. H oskins , Vice Pres.
S. L . P a r r b t t .
E. H. W oodward , Sec.
C la r e n ce B u t t .
J. F. T a y l o r .
Guns and Ammunition
J. C . C O L C O R D C a sh ie r
Jason N egu s an d wife, o f
Springdale, I o w a , *' h ave been
visiting N e w b e r g friends this
T he saw m ill shut d o w n Tues­ week an d attended college chapel
d a y fo r t w o o r three d a y s a w a it ­ W edn esd ay m orning.
in g repairs.
C . A . B ris t o w m oved histam ily
M rs . E . P . D ix o n a n d children, back from the D a y to n neighbor­
o f G ra n ts P ass, are v isitin g rela­
h ood t o N e w b e r g the first o f the
tives in t o w n an d vicinity.
week an d they are a g a in a t home
A tto rn ey Chase, o f C o o s coun­ on n o rth M eridian street.
ty , w it h his w ife, spent S u n day
J. L . H osk in s an d son Hervey
in t o w n visiting w it h the la tte r’s g o d o w n to G old H ill, Southern
parents, M r . an d M rs . W m .R ic h . Oregon, the latter p a r t o f this
And Umbrella Repairing.
the week.
Rev. A. L . Black, ot P o rtla n d ,
w ill preach in N e w b e rg a t the
B a p tist church, next Sunday
m orn ing and evening, ot w hich
he w a s p a sto r for a short time a
Sartin, c o u ^ n s o f L u th e r Shirley,
visited here la st week. They
have been spending a couple of
years in C a lifo rn ia an d w ere on
their w a y hom e
Shade, Kentucky.
Sum m er
T h e college b o y s h ave secured
A rth u r W ilson , o f P o rtla n d , to
coach them in athletics this year,
in bask et ball" p a rticu la rly a s a
pla y e r o f w hich ga m e y o u n g
W ilso n has an en viable repu ta­
A lv a P. M a c y w a s d o w n from tion. H e is also enrolled as a
D a y to n the first o f the week on student in Pacific college.
H e has traded his
M r. an d M rs. W ilso n R o bert­
D a y to n property fo r a piece o f son, o f M o s c o w , Id a h o , visited
tew years ag o .
alfalfa land a t Chico, C aliforn ia, here from F r id a y until W ednes­
an d is prep arin g to change his d a y w ith his broth ers W . L . an d
location a t an early day.
W . O. R obertson an d their fam i­
J. L . H oskins an d son Cecil lies. M r . an d M rs . S an ford
represented N e w b e rg a t the L e w is G oodrich, o f D a y to n , w ere d o w n
an d C la rk p o u ltry sh o w , the the first o f the week, the latter
form er ge ttin g first prem ium on being a sister o f the boys.
pen w ith his Black M inorcas,
T h e q u a rte rly m eeting in the
first on hen an d third on cock. Free M eth od ist church a t N e w ­
Cecil exhibited B u ff W yan dottes, b e rg w ill begin a t 7.30 on F ri­
securing first on cock and third d a y o f this week, in ch arge o f the
on pullet.
district elder, Rev, W . N . Coffee.
Ernest L u g a r and M rs. R. M . Preach in g F rid a y , S a t u r d a y and
C a h ill w ere m arried in P o rtla n d S u n d ay a t 7.30 each evening,
last T h u rsday. B oth the bride and on S a tu rd a y a t 2 p. m. and on
a n d g ro om , w h o are residents o f Sunday, lovefeast a t 10 fo llow ed
N e w b e rg , stand w ell in the esti­ by preaching; sacram en tal ser­
m ation of the people and their vice to T o llo w the S u n d ay m o rn ­
m an y friends are g la d to k n o w ing preaching. A cordial in vita­
th a t t w o hearts have been m ade tion to attend extended to all.
t o beat as one.
D. W . C o ok , pastor.
Delivered to any part of town.
Quality guaranteed.
22 qts for $i if paid in advance
Alden Chamberlin
D on ’t B urrow Trouble.
It i* a bad habit to borrow any*
thing, but the worst/ thing you can
possibly borrow, is trouble. When
sick, sore, weary and worn out by
the pains and poisons of dyspepsia,
biliousness, bright’s disease, and
similar internal disorders, don’t sit
down and brood over your symp*
toms, but fly for relief to Electric
Bitters. Here you will find sure
and permanent forgetfulness of all
your troubles and your body will
□ot be burdened by a load of debt
disease. A t F. H . Caldwell & Co. ’s
drugstore. Price 50c. Guaranteed.
A Judlci.rtMr In q u iry .
A well knowtf (raveling maiY
who visits the drug trade says he
has often beard druggists inquire
of customers who asked lor a cough
medicine, whether it was wanted
for a child or for an adWt, and if
for a child they almost' invariably
recommend Chamberlain’* Cough
Remedy. The reason fo r fhis is
that they know there is no dhmger
from it and that it always' cures.
There is not the least danger in
giving it, and for coughs, coldrand
sro u p h is unsurpassed. For sale
by G. F. Moore ft Co.
W h a t constitutes a fool is not
A sew in g machine has been in«-
bein g a ble to k n o w a g o o d thing: vented« w hich ia said t o be so
w hen he sees it.
simple th a t it can be sold tor ten
School Supplies.
o lla rs’ B u t the question ia w ill
Before b u y in g y o u r tablets,
A Pleasure To A ll
pehcils, school book s, look
N o Pill is as pleasant apd posi
stock over. F . H C a l d w e l l & tive as D eW itt’s Little Early Risers.
N w w C r i e P e r Cancer.
These famous little pilla are so mild
C o., prescription dru ggists.
' Ail surface cancers are now
and effective that child/en, delicate
koown»td>he cnraMe, by Bscklen’s
T h e Ncwberg Meat Co
ladies and weak people enjoy their
Arnica Sabre:
Jan. Walters, o f
cleansing 'effect, while strong peo­
H a s the best facilities fo r far- ple say they are the best liver pills Duffieldj-Virginia, writes: ” 1 had
s cancer on« any U p for years, that
nisltin? first class m eats an d sold. W. H . Howell, Houston,
seemed incnmble, till Bocklen’s
butchers’ supplies, an d the best Texas, says: “ For years I have Arnica Salve healed k sod now it
used Little Early Riser Pills in my
is none t o o g o o d fo r their cus­
is per feet ly w e lU ” Guaranteed cure
family. N o better pill can be used
tom ers. F ree delivery an d bo th for constipation, sick headache, etc., for cuts an d1 bums. J j r at F . H .
Caldwell d^G oi’rdvug: state.
than these famous little pills.” Sold
by F. H . Caldwell.
People « M a n to* «h in fau sorr o f
*• ,1
Practical Sanitary Plumbers.
Som e people m ake the condi­ their children th a w o r m oney,
F o r g o o d p lu m bin g t r y the A l­ tion s o f a fa v o r s o onerous th a t an d y et t h e y w i l l risk th eir
bert & R o bertson C o . S team , it ta k e s a w a y the go o dn ess of children with/people th e y w o u ld
lo t w aiter a n d h o t a ir h e a t in g ; th e deed.
n o t risk their«moneyrwithir
lop pipe, g ut tering ; a ll kinds o f
Wards o ff Pneuiuo ata
tin w o r k ; engines a n d boilers
A ll coughs, colds «and < pninssaarj
put up a n d repaired. P u m p s advice to urge people at this season
complaints that are datable w e
o f the yew to lay ia a suppl o f quickly cured by One Minnie G su gh
Chamberlain's Cough remedy. It Cure. Clears the phietnj.dram out
is almost sore to be needed before isflamation and heals and> soothes
W e are d o in g a b e tte r q u a lity winter is over, and much more the affected parts, strengthens- (b e­
o f w o r k a t the present tim e, prompt and satisfactory results are longs. wards off pneumonia* H arm ­
than has ever been, turn ed o u t o f obtained when taken as soon as a less and pleasant to take. Soldi by
coM is contracted and before it has F. H . Caldwell.
this laun dry, an d o u r p rice» are-
become settled in tbe system, which
w A . K P r e s s n a ll.
A s to r y is n o t fanny, if life haw
enm only be done by keeping tbe
remedy at band. This remedy is t o be explained -after it is-toldl
so wkUy known and so altogether
For A ll Kinds o f Files,
good that no «me should hesitate
about buying it in preference 40
T o draw the fire out« o f alburn,
any other. It is for sale by C. F. heal a cut without leaving, a. scar,
or to cure boils, sores, tetteri eczema,
and all skin and scalp diseases;.use
’i k e m o th er o f six b o y s h as DeW itt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A*
Just a s h a rd a time finding one specific for blind, bleeding, itching
and protruding piles. Stops the
indigestion and dyspepsia. It is
pain instantly and cures penna
curing hundred» and thousands—
nently. Get the genuine. SekLby
some had faith, and same didn’t.
F. H . Caldwell.
Kodol w ill core yen i£ medicine can
cure yon whether yaw have faith in
E very m an is w o rk in g ifo r him .
it or not. Mss. J. P. Baikey, W au gh . Springs, Texas, writes, Jnly 19 th,
self w hen he is w orkuag.ab.alli.
Virginia, says: “ I am &i yeaftr 1899 : “ I have used in my family
old. Several years I suffered e x ­
H o w to C u re C o r n » a n d H a n lo n s.
tremely with ind ig estion and dys­ hound Syrup, and they have proved
First soak the corn o r bunion i in
T be lini-
pepsia. M y gytukbon, A . Bailey, certainly satisfactory.
water to soften Uc then.pare
Ji., a merchant at Allwood, V ir ­ ment ia the best we have ever used
it down as closely « as possible-with­
ginia, sent me a bottle of Kodol
out drawing Mood and apply. Cham>-
Dyspepsia. Cum. T h e world ought syrup has been our doctor for tbe berlain’s Pain Balm: twice dally,
last eight years.” 35 c, 50 c, $ 1 .
robbing vigorously fo r five-minutes,
Sold by C. F . Moore and Co.
at each application. A «com plaster
“ A re y o n tw in s? ” asked the .should be worn a fe w day»to*pro­
tect it from tbe shoe. A » a. general
y o u n g la d y teacher o f her t w o liniment for sprains,. bruises, lame­
n e w a rriv a ls , in sim ilar B u ster ness and rehumaitsm, B ain Bohn is.
B r o w n suits. “ N o , W e’re b o y s .” unequaled. Foe sale by CL.IL M oore
ft Co.
,1 Ä . * S S , <V S , l‘ ' i u
C lin t N ew h ouse an d L e w is w eek an d from there w ill g o on
M ills w h o h ave been w o rk in g in a deer hunt w it h J. L . ’s brother,
a b ig otchard n ear Salem for six C . E. H oskins.
w eeks came home T u esday.
B n fo rd Shirley an d T a lb o r t
R ev. C . T . W hittlesey, p a sto r
o f the P resbyterian church a t
N e w p o rt, w a s here on business
in connection w ith his Spring,
b ro o k orchard the la tte r p a rt of
d a y evening.
i Pine, Ash
and Maple Lumber
Be ported by the Yam hill County
Company. McMlnuylllo.
S arah
to W a lt e r
J. R. Sm ith has sold his t w o Evenden 156.74- acs in Jas T
cottages ju st w est o f the B a p tis t
church to C. C. F ergu so n fo r
H a sh a n d w f 14 acs in F ran cis
H o ld re d g e d 1 c t 4 s r 3 w $ 10 0 0 ,
The C hristian associations o f
the college g a v e their an n u al re­
ception t o the new students F r i­
K e a l Estate T ran sfers.
d To **»*’— *» Christie, Edward MeKera, Robert
M t f m . Hiebei O. MoKera. U U le McKern and
Marj A. McKern, Greeting:
la the amate of the State a« Oregon.
Yen ere hereby cited end required to appear
io the County Court of the State at Oregon for
tbeeonnty at Yamhill, at the court room there­
of, ot MeMinnyilte la the eouaty of Yamhill
and State of Oree00 on Monday the 6th day of
November A D 1906, at ten o’efoek la the Iora­
ri oen of «aid day then and there to »how eauae,
if any exists. why an order of aald court ehould
not be modo, llcenainc, authorising and em-
i-oWsrlng L. P. Ball, aa the administrator of
,aM estate, to sell at prirata aale upon the
premises to be told, tbe following described
' Tract N o°l'being tba south half of the Origin­
al donation land claim of Luke McKern and
Mallnda McKern, hla wife, claim No. 66 and
parts of ssctlons 31 and 28 In township 8 sooth
rang# 2 west of the Willamette meridian. In
Yamhill countr, Oregon, aald claim being
>o«nded and described as: Beginning at a
point 8.80 chain» west and 87.65 chains south of
th* northeast corner of said aeetlon 28, and
running thence west 60.28 chain»; thence north
48.36 eSalna; thence sooth 80 degrees and 80
mlautes aast 4 chains; thence north 48.87
chains; thence aest 66.00 chains; thence aouth
»5.10 chalna, to the place of beginning and coo-
alning 600.72 acre», save and except from tbe
iDeration of said order tbe following portion»
niaaid «m th half of aald claim Mid and deeded
by thsaaid Luke McKern daring hi» life time
to the following named penona, to-wit: 16
acres to one B. Lafalvre, 10 acres to W. A. Par­
rish and 20 acres to W. J. Jones, making In all
cxeapted 45 acres ot land.
Tract No. 2 being a part of the north half of
said claim and beginning at the MUthwest
comer of said north half of aald claim and
running thence cast 81.83 chains; thenoe north
16.11 chains; thence weet 27.88 chains; thence
sooth 14.08 chains; thence west 4 chains aed
thane# M ath 2-08 to place of beginning, and
containing 46.60 acres of land more or Jess m
prayed for In tbe petition of tbe aald Admini-
-trator now on file in said court.
Witness, the Honorable B. T. Rhodes, Judge
of M e County Court of the State Of Oregon, for
the county of Yam hill with the Seal of said
court affixed thU 9th day of October, A. D.,
C oakl N ot be B etter.
The uniform success o f Chamber-
lain’* Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy has won for it a wide repu­
tation and many people throughout
the country will agree with Mr.
Chas. W . Mattison, of Milford, V ir­
ginia, who says: It works like
magic, and is the best preparation
I know of.
It couldn’t be any
better.” H e bad a serious attack
of dysentery and was advised to try
a bottle o! this remedy, which be
did, with the result that immediate
relief was obtained. For sale by C.
F . Moore & Co.
' Som e people carry, w a h a h *» to.
see if other people’» ctlD&ks. ax e
P i 00 * - to o « h M s a
A re often, frustrated bgr sadden
breakdown, due to
constipation. Brace up. and take
Dr. K in g ;» N e w U f a Fife. T hey
take out the materials which are
clogging, your enengfas, and give
you a new start. Case headache
and dizziness too.. A t F. H . Cald­
well & Co.’s dru g store; 25 c, guar­
J N I M E îia
P E N E T R A T E S tha F ares, loeasna thn Fibrous
motas a frae circulation of tba Blood, giving tbs Mb
W. 8. Bailey, P. O. Tree, Texas, writes: “ My
wife had been suffering five years with paralysis in
her arm, when I was persuaded to use Bailard's
Snow Liniment, which effected a complete cure. I
hare also used it for old sores, frost bites and skin
eruptions. It does the work.”
25c, 50c and $1.00
ST. LOUIS, U . 1 A .
C.F. MOORE f t O )
Nswborj, 0ro.