4 ■*jr v •J5t- F O R U N IF O R M Buy Hair at Auction? A t any rate, you aeem to be getting rid o f it on auction-sale p r i n c i p l e s : “ going, going, g-o-n-ei” Stop the auction with A yer'a H air Vigor. It ahecka falling hair, and al waya reatorea color to gray hair. A splendid dressing also. Sold fo r over sixty years. Æ UerSjŒhmm*. «AtSATUBU*. I t ory Difficult to Judge. The next time you have a billiard cue In your hand and expect to run the game out Just stop and ponder over the age o f the pieces o f Ivory which are rolling tantallzlngly about the table. That white, ball which has Just received too much ••English" be­ longed to an old elephant who was wandering through the Congo Jungles when Napoleon was still alive. Those balls cost from $8 to 910 apiece. Study the history o f the billiard ball and their case and you will have more re­ spect for the game. The elephant’s tusk which Is large enough to furnlah the product for a good billiard ball must be at least twenty-flve years old. I f It is fifty years old, so much the better. The tusk o f the elephane grows much like an oak tree, and the grain o f the Ivory looks not unlike the grain o f a sea­ soned piece o f oak lumber. I f it is "green” the Ivory w ill shrink just as the wood shrinks. I f It is too dry” it w ill “ chip” in the same fashion." The buying o f billiard uails at best Is a gamble. A ball may have the right weight, the proper gloss and ap­ pear to be well seasoned, but for some unaccountable reason w ill chip off and become totally ruined by a fall on the floor. Buy a doxen balls like a setting o f Plymouth Rock eggs, three or four balls w ill last for years, while the others will have to re­ placed again and again. L a g io a l E d a o n tlo n . "H ow many commandments did the Lord give Moses?" ssked the Sunday school teacher of small Bobby. He could not remember, so in order to prompt him she held up her ten fin­ gers. “ Oh, I know," he exclaimed, triumph­ antly. "two hands full.” The sugar cane is mentioned by Strabo as known in India as early .as 325 B. C. It was then used in its raw state, no method being known Of extracting the sugar. KIDNEY TROUBLE DUE TO CATARRH I went to live wltb Susan, bnt Bnaan's house waa small. And aha was always a-blntln' how snug it was for us ail; And wbat with her husband's sister* and what with child’ rn three, ’Twaa easy to discover that there wasn't room for ms. An' than I went to Thomaa, the oldest eon I've got. For Thomas's bulldings'd cover the half of an acre lot; Bat all tbs child’» waa on ma— I couldn't stand their sauce— said I needn't think I waa Nicholas J. Herts, member of Ancient And Thomas cornin’ there to boas. The Curative Pow er o f PE -R U -N A In Kidney Disease the Talk o f the Continent. And then I wrote to Rebecca, my girl who lives out West, And to Isaac, not tar from bar aoma twen­ ty miles at beat; And one of 'em said 'twaa too warm there for anyone so old, And t'other had an opinion tha climate waa too cold. go they have shirked and slighted me, shifted me about— Be they have well-nigh soured ma, wore my old heart out; But atlll I've borne up pretty well, wasn’ t much put down, pains in my back TUI Charley went to the poormaster, pot me on the town. “In were much relieved and in ft* four weeks I was able to take up my work again. . " I still continued to use Peruna for another month and et the end of that time I was perfectly well. *'I now take a doee or two when I have been exposed and find that it is eplendid to keep me w e ll." Hundreds of Cures. Dr. Hartman ie constantly in receipt of testimonials from people who have been cured of chrnoic and complicated kidney disease by Pernna. For free medical advice, address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. ) _ Coes o f the M esquite. Action Toward Uniform L e t g i a l . t i - ' « " • «• *»>• J * 00« fo r Correction o f Bhockinjr Abuse. “ « Western American desert, and It I The Governors o f the various States only sign o f apology nature has o f the Onion are to be the leaders o f gl?en for mak,n* c* rtftln ot a great naUon“ movement for the cor- th* f * f rth " • » uninhabitable." great nauo , , ■ ^ ^ ^ w ld O. A. Long, o f Pueblo. Col. "The 4 whit# people first learned from the In­ ent loose laws of dians that the mesquite affords the divorce. Th e prea- coolest shade o f any tree, and the sight ent unfortunate .__. - __ . . __ of the low husky growth Is hailed with ¡“ * ° r . * . « o f ) 0 , b , tb . travel.r. I t .1 «, *t)v e r th e H ill to th e P o o r H ouse. furol.be. tb . only fuel o f tboae re- Over the hill to the poorhoose, I'm trudgin’ possible for dla— t- gions, and lately still another use has my weary way— lsfled couplee to go I, a woman o f seventy, and only a trifle been found for i t gray— from one State to “ By cultivating a row o f mesquite I, who a h amart and chipper, for all th< another, and gain years I'v e told, In much the same way as willows are Aa many another woman that's only hall a divorce for tri­ used in low and swampy placea to as old. vial causes, la to keep the soil from washing the sands by Over the hill to tho poorhoose— I can't s o t . r g N N Y P A C K ic a be corrected o f the desert are held in check from make It clear; having a law that shall be uniform In the action o f the shifting winds, and S alto e hill to tho poorhoose— It seems so all parts of tbe United States. Then thus great tracts o f otherwise barren horrid aoeerl Many a step I ’ve taken a-tollln' to and fro. there w ill be no more tripe to Dako­ lands will In time be reclaimed for the But this la a sort .o f journey 1 never ta, a six months’ residence, and di­ use of mankind. Even the desert can thought to go. vorced granted that are really crimes be made to yield to the cunning band What Is tho use o f heapin’ on me a pau­ against laws o f morality. per’s shame? and brain o f man.” — Milwaukee Senti­ ■ I lasy or craay? Am I blind or-lame? Tbe leader In this important fight nel. True, I am not so supple, nor yet so awful la Gov. Samuel W. Penoypacker, o f stout; But charity ain’t no favor, If one can live Pennsylvania. A t a recent session of T w o o f a Kind. without. the Penneylvania State Legislature an The lightning bug is brilliant, but ho appropriation o f f 10,000 was made for hasn't any mind; he meanders through I am willin’ and anxious an' day tbe purpose o f having the Governor the darkness with his headlight on be­ To work for a decent livin' an' call for e national congress, constat­ hind. Likewise the foolish merchant, honest way; Po- I can earn my victuals, an’ more, too. ing o f three men from each State, to whom no ons can advise; he declares I'll bo bound. t h e r e '« "nothin* doin’,” when naked to be appointed by tbe Governors. These advertise. I f anybody Is willin’ to have mo round. are to draw up a uniform law which is One« I was young aa’ hands was, afterward to be adopted by tbe Legis­ upon my soul— Frenzied Advertising. Once my checks was roses, a y eyas as latures o f each State. In this way a In these days of frenzied advertising, black as coal; And I can’t remember, In them days, of uniform law can be secured, and At it is hard for all of ua to tell the real heatin' people say. tbe same time each State retains Its thing, and it naturally follows that the For any kind of a reason, that I was In right to regulate Its own laws on the •afoot way is to pin our faith to those taelr way. subject o f matrimony. articles and prodneta which are backed ’Taln’t no use of boastin’, or talkin’ over Tha bill was Introduced Into tbe and guaranteed by the oldeet and most free. G. reliable concerns. But many a house an’ homo was open then Legislature by Senator W illiam to me; Sproul, o f Delaware County. Gov. The Pillebury company, of Minne­ Many a hen'some offer I had from likely Pennypacker knew all Its provisions apolis, with a world-wide reputation men. And nobody ever hinted that I was a bur­ In advance, and waa the more In favor for beet quality, guarantees to you that den then. o f them because President Roosevelt in buying their ideal breakfast food, And when to John I was married, sure he In a message to Congress has thought "Pillsbu ry’ s V i toe— the Meat of the was good and smart. But he and all the neighbors would own I tbe matter o f sufficient moment to de­ W heat," yon actually purchase a pro­ done my part; vote to It a considerable amount o f duct which ia free from impurities, and For life was all before me, an' I was young discussion, and to recommend action at the same time a most economical an' strong I food. It is truly the white heart of the And I worked tho best that I could In to secure uniform laws. tryln' to get along. In hit speeches and arguments Gov. wheat kernel, sterilised, nothing add­ And so we worked together! and Ufa was Pennypacker contends wltb great ed, nothing taken away; no flavoring, hard, but say. force that tbe laws should be so ar­ no cooking, and a two-pound package With now and then a baby for to cheer ns ranged that .no person could obtain a w ill make yon twelve pounds of delici­ • i our way; Figure the economy T ill we had half a dosen, an’ all growod divorce without very grave cause, and ous white food. clean an’ neat. of this. An’ w fnt to school, like others, an’ had that above all It should not be possi­ I f you are looking for the beat, and enough to eat. ble to get in a legal w ay In a for­ are willing to accept the statements of Bo wo worked for the chlldr’n. and raised eign State that which la not legally the largest and most respected of firms, 'em every one; possible in one’s commonwealth. He whose prodnete are the yard stick by Worked for ’em summer an* winter, jnst points out the farce o f letting persona as we ought to’ve done; which all competitors measure their Only perhaps we humored ’em, which some take up a six months’ domicile in an­ linee, you w ill not heeitate. good folks condemn. But every couple's child'rue a heap the, other commonwealth, and aaya that Ask your grocer today for "P ills - tbe first provision o f tha new law bury’s Vitos— the Meat of the W h eat." Strange how much ws think of onr bleeecd should be a strict order that tbe di­ Put up only in two-pound air' tight Uttle ones!— vorce moat be granted In tbe State in packagee. Price 20 cente. I'd have died for my daughters. I'd have which the applicants lived. H e shows died for my tone; And God He made thet rule o f love; but convincingly that tbe evil o f divorce Tickled Him. when we’re old and gray, has been permitted to grow until it The major found Kemue sprawled I’ va noticed It sometimes somehow falls has become a national menace. to work the ether way. out in the blazing sunshine. “ A few years ago,” be says, "there "Tou don't seem to mind the heat, Btaange. another thing; when onr boys an’ were unhappy marriages, aa there will Remus?” — girla waa grown. And wbon, exceptin' Charley, they’d left always be, bnt tbe divorce was com­ "No, sab; et jes’ suits me. De hot- as there alone; When John he nearer aa’ nearer come, an’ paratively rare, for people considered tab et is de sweeteh de melon grow.” dearer seemed to be. marriage a serious thing, a tie that "But don’t your garden suffer?“ The Lord of Hosts He come one day, an' could only be dissolved for the most "Nailin’ In deh now, ash, but 'tatehs. him away from mo. flagrant causes. That a change has Like to see et so hot det dey’d roast Still I waa bound to struggle, aa' aevar come over the general public la dne tn right In de ground en den Ah wouldn’t to crinct or fe ll— SHU I worked for Charley, for Charley waa tbe first place to tbe publicity given bab de trouble ob build In’ a flab to now u y all; to tbe decency-defying divorces o f tbe cook dem." And Charley waa pretty good to me, with rich. Others have fe lt that I f tha rich •ceres a word or frown, T ill at last he went a-conrtln', and brought dare quickly and openly cast off ties r i T Q Perm anently Cored. H o fit* or nerronaness | l 1 0 afterflrm tday'auseofD r.K Itn e'a«realN erve a wlfa from town. - that begin to bore, they could do like­ Remoter. Send for F r e e S Z trial bottle and treatise. iraa somewhat dressy, an' hadn’ t a wise. Aa a result, divorce la extend­ Dr. R. K . Xllne, Ltd., M l Arch 8*.. Philadelphia, Pa. pleasant smile—^ She was quite conceit/, and carried a hasp ing all over the country, and the good C harged His Tim e. of style;* effect o f preventive legislation In some “ Tho treasury deficit for the fiscal But If ever I tried to bo friends, I did with States Is nullified In others, where di­ year is nearly 924,000.000.” !___ I knew; Bnt she wee hard and proud, an' I couldn’ t vorce ts granted to all who apply.” “ Eh? That doesn’t seem much for a maka It go. Numerous messages from more than big and prosperous nation, docs it?” aha had an edlcatlon. an’ that waa good a score o f States have been received “ And your share of. the deficit—if for her; But when she twitted me on mine, ’t waa by Gov. Pennypacker in reply to his there are 80,000,000 In our nation— will call to tbe different Governors to unite be close to 30 cents.” carryln' things toe fur; I told her once, 'fore company fkn’ It In concerted action for the preserva­ “ What’s that! My share? Say, only almost made her tick). That I never swallowed a grammar, or 'at tion o f the purity o f the American the grossest carelessness and bad man­ a 'rlthmetle. borne. Gov, Dawson, o f West Virgin­ agement could run up an euormous Bo *twaa only a faw days before the thing ia, writes: “ I am thoroughly In sym­ deficit like th a t” — Cleveland Plain waa done— pathy with this movement and shall Dealer. They was a family of themaelvoa, and I an­ be glad to appoint delegates to such a other one; W om en generally consider conse­ And a very little cottage one family will do, congress.” In practically similar strain But I never have seen a boose that was quences in love, seldom in resentm ent- other Governors write, all pledgin g' big enongh for twe. support o f tbe movement, which Its ° An' I never could apeak to suit her, never advocates believe w ill put an end to coold please her rye. An' It made me Independent, an’ then I tbe present shockingly indecent system didn't try; Bnt I was terribly staggered, an' felt It like o f divorce. a blow, When Charley turned ag'tn me, an' told me I could go. Order oi Workmen, Capitol lodge, No. 140, Pearl Street hotel, Albany, N . Y ., writes: " A few months ago I contracted a heavy cold which settled in my kid­ neys, and each time I was exposed to inclement weather the trouble was ag­ gravated nntil finally I was unable to work. "A fter trying many o f the advertised I for kidney trouble. I finally look D IV O R C E . Over the bill to the poorbonae—my dr'n deer, good-liy; Many s night I've watched you when God wae nigh; And G od'll Judge between ns, but I al'aya pray That you shall never suffer the half to dHy. an' an* an' an’ chll- only wlh I do — W ill M. Carleton. She J u m p e d a t It. D o m estic E co n om ics. S pItefU L * He Owed tbe Butcber. “ What’s the metier now?” asked the T i l l a g e editor es the "devil” rushed ex­ citedly into his sanctum. "Yonr wife bee just eloped with the butcher,” replied the inky imp. “ Oh, ie that all!” exclaimed the scis­ sor wielder, with a sigh of relief. “ Well, that makes one less bill I ’ll have to set­ tle, anyway.” A P S H U N W f salary en d expenses paid re lia b le m en , o u tsid e o f th e e i t y ; p lea ran t w ork. H. H e n k e r, ro o m s , W i i 7th st., P ortlan d . MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS lu t M t , tightest and ■trongeet Slump Pulle* on the market. US Hone power o t tlx sweep with two bonem. Write lor deaeriptire catalog and prient, - II; ■— — — .................. KBIERSON M A C H IN ER Y CO. Fan« af Merrieae Street Portland. Or eg— W e ll Supplied. Tbe young man with the black box and big brass born entered the exclu­ sive hotel. "W h a t havs you there?” asked the clerk. “ A talking machine. Can I sell you one?” On White Salmon River " I t would be superfluous here. This hotel is patronised exclusively by la­ Two hundred acres (40 leased school dles.” land) with 1150 young fruit trees, most- ly Spitzenberg and Newton apples. On Pleo • Cure h n remedy for coughs, colds gtage and R. F. D. r«u H te; \ mile from and consumption. Try it. Pri— 25 cent«, gC|lo0| Irrigating ditch W M côverin f e , gar­ St druggists. dens and small fruit*, Stock and tools with place. Price f4,000; 12,500 down. Hie Bad Blander. • : For lurther particulars address City Grocer— W e have some extra H. H. AHRENS, White Salmon. W ash. nice country hams, madam, I f----- Mrs. Flatt (Interrupting)— For good­ ness’ sake, don't say “ ham” to me. I ’ ve just got back from a three-weeks’ * I hare used one o f your Fish Brand visit with a country cousin.— Chicago Slickers for five years, and now want Newt. a new one, also one for a friend. I fru it fa rm Bargain Positivo, Comparative, Superlative. would not be without one for twice tho cost. They are just aa for ahead o f n common coat as a common cos ia ahead of nothing.'’ S tats ot O hio , Crrr op T oledo , I L u c a s C ouwtt , ( "• P uahk J. CasxKY make« oath that be senior partner of the firm of F. J. C hbhet Is A Co., doing bunlnen In the City of Toledo, Coun­ ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of C a t abbh that cannot bo eured by the pas of H a l l ’ s C at a r m C uss . , FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before the and subscribed tn my presence, this4th day of December, A. D., 1886. ___ . A. W. GLEASON, J « sal j Notary Public. HIGHEST I f f ARP WORLD’S FAIR, H I * . Be — re you don’t set one of the — nr ■non kind — this Ie the w f lR P jn mark of escellence. , * A . J . T O W E R C O ., J •oeroN, Hull’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and nets directly on the blood and mneous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. — Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the beet. TOSOWTO. CANADA. - it • • • • • • • I • Mothers w ill find Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. E D U C A • TH E M ULTNO M AH • *. B U S IN E S S I N S T I T U T E : Vegetarianism Is all the vogue among ihose who take thought what they shall eat and what they shall drink, says the London Outlook. Bridge and boiled cabbage came in together, and who shall say which has the firmer hold upon per­ sons of fashion? t • l aa M. A. ALBIN, Pecs. • sr. PO RTLAND , O RE. I six th KILLS lice and all vermin that infest horse« metle. poul­ try, ete. Loasy hen» will not I a j ; nor chicks prow. LICE! live upon the blood which •houkl fro to sustain life L IC E ' £ o W * ¿ g l? V r i the lice, thus it S A V E S F E E D M extra nations niuet be grlven on account of vermin. 2 5 « end SOo denier* By raa.il to- A 7&o P R U S S I A N REM EDY CO. OT. PAUL, MINN. • page Hnad Book Trm PORTLAND St CD CO.. Portia— . Oregon. Coast Agente Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TftEITMEIT ThU wo n i fritti Chi­ l i « « Doctor I r calltd grrat hreaugr h « c.irm proplr without op«ra­ tion ihat are friv« i up to dir. H « curw with lhn«e woi d ritti Chi­ ni b«rbs, roots, buds, harks and v « 4 «:sb lts that nr«, «n tlrv lr un* | known to m*Hl cnl sc’- __ _________ pm « iu th;s c »nmr/s Th o.igh >he us« oi Un h irm jcM r im -dlfs tl !■» funi» u* d o 't o r knows t w* action <*f o v «- 500 differì n remedies w bl b h * •t»fve*«‘ttlìy use* In differ n diseases. H j * u.im n’ i e to c u r e c f a rh. « s iim i» , Ittng, thr a , rhtMima.lAin, nervoi sn ss, stomach, fiver: k d- 1 n y i, etc.; has hundreds of t» stimonUls. 1 t h.-inres oooderat». Call ai d see him. Tati ms 1 out o f the city write for hlankr and c rviJura. s« n 1 stamp. COJV4CLTATION Address THE C. 6EE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 1 U S f¡ra t St., S. t . Car. Morrisoe / Mr. Laybor— W a.traveling men are “ She got so many freckles last sum­ m w mer and she says they worry her so.” thinking o f organising. w ~ — y Miss Nledarman (vagualy>—Yes? “ The idea! I should think they’d be DENTISTS Mr. Laybor— Yea. I wonder whal a comfort to her. She can blame her tha public would think o f our union? I bnd looks on them.“ -^Philadelphia Fantng Rid«.. Third end Washington At». Open sy.n lD g. till . o ’ clock, nnndex* from Mias Nladerman—Oh, Mr. Laybor, Press. _______________________ DR. T. r. w is e . t to 12. Or Mein sue. thia U so sudden 1 — Philadelphia N o E x cep tio n . Ledger. ______________ _ Burglar— A ll I want ia your money, indy! They talk about tha ability of Old Maid— Go away, wretch— you’re "young blood.” Ou% experience haa' Just like a il tha Other men I knowl— Calar stars geeU s, bright* r and fester cel or* th e« any ether dye. O n 1 0c package C b— n that It requires a good deal of Smart Sat. *•_■**■ perfect rreeS*. Ask dealer, er we wik send pest paid at 10c a I pleach and aria cetera. MONROE DRUG C O . W so riR e. Mfossnri. training. 1 n m a n sa t. BROS. j T V £7 A / O lp this out. return to us with the names ■ and addresses o f yourself and two of your * friends, and the date when you will probably * enter a business college, and we will credit . yon with <5.00 on our *65.00 scholarship. * Our school offers exceptional advantages to • students of Business. Shorthand. Engtish. etc. * B est I sstsuction —Lowest Turnon . n m roe caialsmi is —it s rati • SCROFULA LttS W IS E 15s Makers o f Wet Weather Clothing 4 Hats. A lm a M a ter Ho Dear. W ise la an expert at gold flying and crown and bridfework. Extracting f t « « « b i n plat«« or bridges are ordered. * u a l T O W E R C A N A D IA N C O . , L im it e d . ♦F arm er Jason— Want a Job, hey? Are ye a good, steady worker? Bypath Blake— Well, no, now you speak o f it. I have to take four months off every year to go an’ coach me old college football team.” — Puck. The man whose thrifty choice o f a TJie tainted blood o f ancestors la ys upon the shoulders o f innocent off­ «rife Is chronicled In tha Rochester Herald w ill doubtless make a success spring untold su ffering b y ¡transm itting to them, through the blood, that uiienu disease, Scrofula; fo r in nearly every instance the disease can be in the business o f life. His talenu . .. traced t o som e fa m ily blood trouble, o r blood-kin m arriage which is contrary destine him fo r a wider ,.P neT 1 n « e to ___ laws __ o t __ nature. S w ellin g, ulcerating glan ds o f the neck, catarrh, that o f a simple farmer’s life. H a lire, n e weak eyes, sores, abscesses, was an Alabama youth, and courted | Bk 8 k in eruptions, w hite h ite sw ell- Scrofula appeared on the head o f my little two girla girls at the ,t anfi tha same time. tlma. One was waa, i n» nB> s * ,;0 i 0 disease a n d other E,'P,dcllild F 'p d c h ild when only 18 months old, and spread — -----*•----- I | deformities, . 9 Bally; tha other waa Mary. w ith a w asting rtnidlv o w r her body. The disease next attacked Sally was a very flue girl thrifty, o f th e natural strength and S lr s H h a n & right. 1W i industrious, and o f a domestic turn., vita lity , are some o f the w ays medicine at once made a speedy and complett She was not so pretty as some other this miserable disease man- cure. She ia now a young lady, and haa never girls, but James, the swain In ques- ifesta itself. T h e poison ***4 » « g u o f the disease to return, tion, had courted her In his early transmitted t h r o u g h th e *5° S. 5 th St., Salina, Kan. M rs . R. B r r k l v . years. Whan he had prospered and blood pollutes and weakens that heidth-snstaining flu id and in place o f its earned a little money, he became In-1 nu tritive qualities fills the circulation w ith scrofulous m atter and tubercular fatuated with Mary, sweet, pretty, but deposits, often resulting in consumption. A disease w hich has been in the always idle. Tha neighbors at firet fa m ily blood fo r generations, perhaps, o r a t least since the birth o f the suf- wera pusaled by the double courtship. { ferer, requires constitutional treatment. S. S. S. bnt after a while they decided that is th e rem edy best fitted fo r this. I t cleanses’ th e Mary wafc the favored one. blood o f a ll scrofulous and tuberculous poisons, Suddenly Jam— married Sally. m akes i t rich and p are and under the tonic effects ..... .......... .... . ^______ _ who „„„ per- _____ . ° f thia great blood m edicine the general health ¡in­ The Methodist preacher formed the ceremony had a little of_________ the sym ptoms all pass away, there is a sure return to health, the dis- the curiosity which possesses all man- 5“ ? “ f “ » • w h ile posterity is protected. Book on the blood and any advice wished, furnished b y our physicians, w ithout charge. kind. “ Jamee,” he said, ” we all thought C O ., ATLANTA. G A. you were going to marry Mary.” "Y es," replied James, "but I thought W e do erown and hrldgoworlt without pa n. i f I married Mary I should have to en­ Our 1* y ra iV experience tn p lat« work en­ ables us to fit your mouth com fortably. Dr. gage Sally to watt on her. I f I married W . A. W ise has found a safe way to extract Sally she would wait on herself. teeth absolutely without pain. I>r. T. P. PUTNAM C O N S U M P T I O N I d Arizona. The Coroner— Have you say Idea what caused the stranger's death? Broncho Pete— Yep. He died from heart trouble. The Coroner— Are you eure? Broncho Pete— Sartenly. The heart wua an ace an’ he had it up his sleeve. See? _________________ V M ention paper. PORTLAND. OREGON. J Ne. 4 1 - 1 9 0 1 P . N. U. FADELESS DYES w eel ead catte* Writs far free ' weR ead la haw la