G raph ic NEWBERG YOUNG IDEA SPROUTING. NO. 51 NEWBERG, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12.1905. VOL X V II. ties. The second award of $500 w as divided am ong Clackamas, Columbia, Jackson, Polk and M orrow counties. The third award of $300 w as divided am ong Benton, Yamhill, M al­ heur, Union and Baker counties. For the fourth award o f $200 there are seven claimants: W al­ low a, W ashington, Sherman, Josephine, Lincoln, Harney and Douglas counties. ' This is not as good a showing as Yamhill should have made but considering the inactivity o f the county court and lack o f general co-operation from over the county, it is all that any one could reasonably expect. Every thing considered, Yamhill county has been very creditably repre­ sented at the fair, and the after­ math w ill be more than com ­ mensurate with the efforts pnt forth. _____ _______ Newberg Public School Opons Monday With Full At­ tendance. Four hundred and six pupils gathered at Newberg’« elegant new school building Monday m orning prepared to take up you n g America’s burden o f book and rule for another year. - Quite properly, there w as a new test and pride over this year’s open' ing, noticeable alike in teacher and student. There w as an un w onted freshness and crispness in the atmosphere, imparted by the new surroundings and fine, ample equipment, Last year school opened with room s overcrowded at the start, w ith the prospect o f having to re- eort to makeshift methods w ith a short teaching force through- • ou t the year. On the other hand, school began M onday in a modern sixteen room building, AT HOME IN THE PHILIPPINES w ith principal’s office, a library, Ethel Taylor McKUlop Register. Her Im and large basement to be used pr«M loi» of the Philippine« la a Berie* of la- a t recess periods when Oregon teraatlng Sketches. Lncena, Tayabas, P. I. winter sets in. School opened • last year w ith nine instructors— August 27—This is late Sab­ bath afternoon and as I write I this year with twelve. - T h e attendance is counted hear the shouts at the cock fight. . good for opening day. Last Every now and then we see a night it had increased to 425 and man going by carrying a cock Prof. Kirk thinks it will reach with his body all torn and bleed­ 450 by the first o f the week ing. In a little while the victors There will doubtless be 500 will come proudly bearing their enrolled by Christmas and a beloved cocks. To-night there . g ood part of the next hundred will be the usual Sunday evening before the year is out. band concert on the public Though Newberg gives but square. tw o grades o f high school work, We could not get our usual (or there are already nearly fifty unusual) mail to-dav as the boat pupils enrolled in this depart­ is in quarantine. M anila seems ment which certainly speaks to be having an epidemic o f well for the tow n. ' cholera and stH boats leaving The w ork o f transporting chil­ there have to g o into quarantine dren to the Newberg school from for five days. I suppose that : the district west o f tow n bids will somewhat disturb the home fair to grow on the director’s relatives o f the Taft party. They hands. J. H. Bidgood has be- are making a tonr o f the Islands ; g w the w ork o f “ rural deliver- now. _ i ing,” and from the very first In his first Speech Secretary morning his big hack w as over- Taft forestalled any presenta­ . loaded, with some o f the pupils tions ot petitions for independ­ • delivering themselves on foot. ence by saying that the Filipinos The directors expect to be com ­ were in such a condition th at pelled to pnt another wagon on they could not expect independ­ 'th e route at once, as the stn- ence during this generation and • dents to be brought in will num- very likely not during the next* > ber not far from thirty. His utterance is, o f course, for The follow ing is the personnel the administration, and the na­ • o f the teaching force, with the tives accepted it ns such. It was assignments o f the various n ot pleasing to some o f those in teachers: Miss Ella Crawford, high places. One official, draw ­ i first grade; Miss Claras Vaughan, ing about $2400, in a position : first and second grades; Miss that would have been impossible M argaret Inglia, second grade; to him under Spanish rule, M rs. F. H. Buchanan, third thought to show his displeasure .grade; Miss Elizabeth K irk,third by having a banquet in opposi­ and fourth grades. And with a tion to a public entertainment .grade each beginning with the given to T aft’s party. He in­ fourth are Mrs. Josephine Brad­ vited the governors o f all the ley, Mrs. H. R. M orris, Miss provinces and a few other men Etta M cCoy, Mrs. David M ar­ in high places and ordered tables tin, F. H. Buchanan, Miss Ina at the Grand hotel for sixty peo­ • Gould and Principal R. W. Kirk, ple. The tables were prepared w ith the tenth grade. and five guests appeared. That Awards Mad« to Oregon Coun­ would have ended an American but I suppose he is not abashed. ties. Last week an American w ho The com parative standing of had embezzled some funds, was twenty-four Oregon counties in their com petition for special sentenced to the jail here for one aw ards offered by the state at year and one day. The sentence the Lewis and Clark exposition was light for he returned all the w aam ade public Tuesday. The money, He begged to be sent to the States as a vagrant instead results o f this com petition and of being herded with the Fili­ the awarding o f prizes was made pinos here but the Judge refused. by an impartial jury composed Some w ho know him feel very o f executive commissioners from sorry for him as they say he is •outside the state. Their findings a better subject for the asylum -were presented at a banquet than jail. given Tuesday evening at the We are getting along very American Inn by the Lewis and well with the school w ork. Our C lark State Commission to the health is good except for a slight representatives o f exhibiting cold. We can get treatment fire counties. o f charge from the civil doctor. In their work o f passing upon He is a venr intelligent American the various county exhibits the and must be a good doctor to special jury found competition pass the doctors’ examination so close and the showings made for civil service.~ • so uniformly excellent that it was necessary to split the awards. School Books. The prize o f $1000 for the best Good serviceable books, secopd county exhibit was distributed am ong Marion, Coos, Linn, hand, at half price or les» at Umatilla, W asco and Lane Conn. Shaw’s. ^ « , /-¿-I • > • , m t . Marriage Licenses. Sallie J. Bones 1$, to T . K Crook 28. . .. Vida ^Kuns 21, to Finfle Jones 27. Mabel Stephens 23, to R ots Rogers 25. Rebecca M . Cahill 39, to Ernest C. Lugar 48. Grace G. Mulligan 24, Ernest Stapleton 29. Ada Kilgore 20, to William Spencer 22. W. L. D O U G LA S Want a Phone? HODSON BROS If you want to buy a telephone why not buy the best? The Stromberg Carlson w ill surely give satisfaction. F or sale by S. A. M u xs. English Setter pups for sale. Call and see them at *C. B. Wil­ son’s confectionery store. Men’s Boys’ and Children’s Clothing $35 to $3 “ « Show $i.T 3 to $5 .■ i W hat i 44 44 44 F or? * v - . . — • * . ' .J l: f ' 44 Hats and Caps 44 Furnishings Cravenette Overcoats $18.00 to $15.00 Because they have the Best Line in the City. 44 ' their gooods are good, honest goods, (no shoddy stuff.) 44 their Prices Are Right. H e llo C e n t r a l! Where is the best place to purchase mil- inery? M rs. Horton’s To be sure. • W e k ffp in stock and take orders for the B row nsville W oolen M ills' C lothing, Cat! and inspect samples. Yours for good goods HODSON BROS. NEW S T O R E " We wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that we have just opened a store in the building formerly occupied by the James W . Duncan Furniture Co. Our stock consists of « full line o( M ONOGRAM S AND IN S C R IP T IO N S . S C R IP T O R O L D Carpet, Linoleum, Matting, Tin and Granite Ware and other articles. E N G L IS H W H IL E Y O U W A T T . Which tend to make the home more comfortable. Parties wishing any of the above goods will do MILLS NEW BERG JE W E L E R well to consult us before purchas­ ing. Yours for Business JUUUL&JLXJLOJUL8JUUUUUUUL8JL/ Meet Me at Ehret’s S ay the thrifty housew ives SAVAG E & CONE H ave U ncle Sam Protect Y ou r M oney b y depositing it with T h e First National B. of Newberg, Oregon United States Depository D rygoods—in patterns new and pleasing.. A lw a y s the choice lines of G roceries. Meet Me at Ehret!s We pay interest on time deposits. Our best service is at the command of every customer whether their business is large or small. * * gß> -— * - J. D . G ordon, President __ A . N elson, V ice President M aynard Redm ond A sst. Cashier