N EW B ER G GRAPHIC. lU n d u mommi -e l m m .lt .r « I t at Newberg, Orafo*. OSUKD KVKRY T H U R S D A Y HORNING $1.00 P et Y ear in A dvance. TH U RSD AY , SSPTSM BER » . IMS. Sod Bless the Babies. God bless the babies! Ore­ g o n ’ s latest crop was on exhibi­ tion *at the exposition Saturday and what a show ! Babies to right o f you and babies to left— babies everywhere, giving evi­ dence of one crop in which there ia never q shortage* Fat, good- natured, rosy cheeked babies— eloquent testimonial to Oregon’s health giving climate, and all of them pretty ol course, for who but ar jaundiced misanthrope ever saw any but good looking babies ? And what a proud day for fond papas and mammas and doting grandparents! There w as the young m other with the first