Breeders' Notice. | For s I have for service on the Ed- j o f land stereo u eecond-clw» matter at the poetotte« at Newberg, Oregon. wards farm south o f town registered Jersey bull. 34- | Three things we are proud o f in Walk Over Shoes—good style», ISSUED EVERY TH U RSD AY M O R N IN G good wearers and good sellers L N. WOODWARD. Porter & Larkin Nearly new McCormick m ow­ W. C. WOODWARD. er, five feet, and Champion rake, E. H. W ea T hkrhead , $1.00 P er Y e a r In A dvance. Dunstan place NEWBERG GRAPHIC. Reduction N elson & Settle Music Accounts, Porter A Larkin Say: “ The w ay the ladies art? buy­ ing Hamilton Brown’s Americ?ui Lady shoes, compels us to keep orders on the road all the time.” Engine for Sale. W ATCH M AKER MERCHANT TAILOR. JEWELER, W ILw IN TE R E ST YOU IN Solicita the patrone*« of hie old Indiana Prienda who need watch repairing done. 207 M o rr is o n St. We are now prepared t o do a first class quality o f laundry work o f all kinds at reasonable prices. T o give satisfaction is our aim. Get our prices on fam- lv work. Pressnall & Baldwin East room o f Graphic Building, 1st St. 1900 WASHING MACHINE and if that don’t suit you we have eight other etylee THE SYRACUSE PLOWS are leading them all FINE LINE OF PAINTS AND OILS, GENERAL HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS TO SHOW Y O U T. B. CUMMINGS & COM PANY I HBBAiquajrtOTB for Feed, Seeds an d Fertilizer I £ M A Ç K IE & M IL L E R FURNITURE, CARPETS, LINOLEUM. WALL PAPES, WINDOW SHADES, EVttTTKUC. %OTH PHONES A FINE LINE OF FAINTS fa *U| W e hâve for sale a twelve horsé jjdWdf J. L base engine, with boiler. All in good condi­ tion. Enquire at Newberg Sash & Door factory. W. P. H eacock & SoNSk and J^rest Grove have beett funning a neck and nedk race in the matter of rowth for the past few years ut the census recently taken Wire Fencing* shows that we lead by forty-six. Newberg 1666 and Forest Grove 3 . r -M . ------ 3 fitti Operating a 1620, In both places there are enough people w no live immedi wire fence machine arid am pre­ ately adjoining the corporation pared to make prices to any one lines to make about 2000 popu­ wanting field, poultry or lawn lation. fencing. H. E. N e w lin , Agent, Graphic Springbrook, Oregon. N o thank you, the tirapt does not care to do four dollars Keep lo o t. w orth o f advertising inexchanj for a ticket to a ten cent fake We have-the agency for the show on the Trail. Better try Washington Ice Cream which is the fellow on easy street. pronounced by those best capa­ R e a l Estate T ran sfers. ble c f judging as the best ice Reported bv the Yamhill County Abetree Company. McMinnville. cream handled in the city. You J A Milsap and wf to G E Web­ have but to try it to know it ber and wf 44 acs in J Hess d i e t yourself. Delivered to any part 3 s r 3 w, $3350. of the city in quarts or gallons. John Swetman to Louis Nelson 4 acs in D Ramsey d 1 c t 3 s r 3 Leave orders Saturday for your Sunday dinner. Both phones. w, $462. Chehalem Mountain Cemetery to C. F. M oore . John Wonderly It 87 Cbebalem Mountain Cemetery, $1. Dissolution Notice. Jesse Edwards and wf to W E The partnership heretofore ex­ Terrell and wf s blk 31 Edwards add to Newberg, $300. isting between A. N. Pressnall W S Kirk and wf to W E Ter­ and Chas. Baldwin has been rell aud wf s c % blk 17 Edwards dissolved by mutual consent. add to Newberg, $550. J L Hoskins and w f to E N All out-standing accounts are Whitlow 5 acs in Deskins He. W alk­ due and payable to A. N. Press ers Claim t 3 s r 2 w, $500. nail at the Newberg Steam John Glass et al to Mary J Wing Laundry and all hills against It 5 in blk 11 H & L ’s add to New­ the firm will tie paid by the berg, $1000, J R Finley and wf to B Brown above named. A. JC. P ressnall , 1 ac pt tract 29 H ¿k L ’s Sub t 3 s C harles B ald w in . r 5 w. $25°- Mary F Hurley to Garret Fort Notice to the Ladies o f N e w - berg. blk 27 H & L ’s add to Newberg, $1000. Fridqy, Juno 23 we will place Phillip G Vought aud wf to on sale $350 worth o f ladies Frederika Lenders 20 acs in J muslin underwear ranging in Morris d l c t 3 » r a w , $2200. price from 25c per garment up M a r r ia g e Linceses. to $4 at just Va the former price Ethel Van Horn 17 to Arthur we have been asking. This is a White 30. Irene Esfock 18 to Andrew chance to secure your underwear Livingston 27. t at a very low cost. Price cuts no Lest a Finley 22 to A E Wilson figure with us, we must move 26. the goods and have decided on Winnie E Merchant 24 to Chas. these extremely low prices as the Bockea 31. Etta M Ryan 15 to Clarence B means o f doing it. P orter & L arkin Hess 21. .* S P R O F IT P R O M O T E R S As I am about to discontinue my teaching work, I must sell my piano at once. This piano has been used only a short time and will g o a t a bargain. Call at once. C. W. K antner . As the music department o f the college has closed its work, the director is desirous that all McMinnville, the county seat accounts be settled as early as o f Yamhill, was m> pretty fair possible.^ . . W . K antner . sized tow n long before Newberg The Newberg Meat Co was born bat the census taken this spring under the supervision Has the-best facilities for fur­ o f the county assessor, J. E. Hubbard, shows that at the nishing first class meats and present date McMinnville has a butchers’ supplies, and the best population inside the corpora is none too good for their cus­ tion o f 1740 which is only 74 tomers. Free delivery arid both more than the count made for phones. - i Newberg. W ith a few more families bearing twins and an Notice occasional instance where trip­ lets are counted, and Newberg All parties carrying an ac­ w ill move up to the head of the count w ith the Newberg Steam list Of towns in the county, while McMinnville will retire to Laundry are expected to settle on the first o f each month, the rank of second place. promptly, as we have bills of "»-Oregonians have a reputation our own to meet. for telling some pretty good Yours respectfully, - stories respecting the country, P ressnall & B a ld w in . but it takes a new man in the country to get real enthusiastic over pur resources and “ write ’em up.” F or instance a fellow from Wisconsin who is -looking Over the valley and who dropped o ff at Dundee, writes to his home paper, “ The red clay hills back o f the tow n are covered for miles with prune orchards, one G f four thousand acres all bear- SM ALL O w in g to the backw ard season and having received from ths Eastern M arkets one of the neatest line of Ladies' spring and summei dress goods that ever came to the city, and in order to m ove them quick art going to sell them at extrem ely lo w prices. W e inaugurate a whit< goods sale consisting of shirt w aists, ladies' undergarm ents, etc. at unheard- of prices. A lso a m oney saving em broidery sale of about 250 piece: bought for this occasion to sell at about 1-2 the price others ask for th< same quality. T h e s e s p e c ia l s a le s t o c lo s e J u n e 1 st. O ur stock of gen'l merchandise w a s never so complete and our so lit­ tle w e can more than compete w ith all competitors N . B . Ladies can be served by a lady in dress goods dept Good large work mare, true and sound; price $35. Enquire W e carry a good line o f Base Ball E. Hofer, one mile west of New- goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns and Arauintion, hand-loaded shells, bicycle sundries, tennis goods, etc. Want a Phone? We have wheels from $25 up. Bar­ I f you w ant to buy a telephone gains in 2nd band wheels. Gun- smithing and bicycle repairing a why not buy the best? The speciality. Stromberg Carlson w ill surely Come in and have a littlephat and give satisfaction. F or sale by look over our stock. S. A. M i i . ls . The Telephone Register made some rather canfetic comments last week regarding the manage­ ment at the fair, charging among other things that “ every­ body save a favored few are fleeced on every hand when they "visit the fair. The Graphic has been rep reseated on the grounds at different times and so far the arrangements for the con­ venience of the public have been found to be quite as satisfactory as they were at Chicago and charges are not so high. Possi­ bly there may be abuses that should be corrected, but since it is a self-evident fact that it costs a big pile o f money to carry on such an Exposition as the Lewis and Clark Fair, the Graphic has had no reason so far for com- ilaint o f charges made and the iecovery of the “ fleecing” act has not been made. even for Yamhill county Great For Sal«. THURSDAY, JUNE'S!. 1905. «■&*.” n en, L E A D E R S IN Q U A L IT Y POLKA » DOT » C A N S 1 NEW UNDERTAKING PARLORS IrSuNI U* and carry a complete atock of undertakere’ t u p p lle t . r ■ ■ . . > A " ------ t ii •* We strongly recommend Kinloch Peine. The pure, raw linseed oil ii the "life" of paini. and when you buy Kinloch Paint you buy the frtth linseed oil •t the »ame lime right out of the barrel. Mix together gallon for gallon— end you have the belt paint that brains ran make and money can buy. The coet per gallon is leu than for inferior grades of “Ready-Mixed" Paint. "Kinloch” ia ready to mi*. Come and see m -we'll tell you all about “KINLOCH” and save you money— in first cost, and in the cost par year's w ear. T. B. OUMMING-S & CO., Agents. f iia m w g B a a g r o Newberg Sash and Door Factory. PLANT COMPLETE AND UP TO DATE. W e do all fcinds of w o rk in our line in latest sltyes and patterns. H E A C O C K & S O IT S IT S ALW AYS T H E CASE When a business man goes into an honest bus­ iness and gives honest prices that it makes some one give a Bargain Sale or a special discount to liven up tbeir trade. Don’t pay any attention to this sort of things for YOU know that our prices have always been low— our services the best and our treatment first- class. We sell the best goods the market affords at a price no one meets. When people give Sales or Discount Sales, etc, you may know that some one is making a hot pace for them and to get the right price you go to the one who is causing them to give these sales. We have the goods and guarantee the prices. Get our price» first J. W .' Duncan. H a rd w a re , Furniture, Paint, Etc. A SURE CORE s a r « u i * i '“ F < ,w ,”I W P E N E T R A T E S ths Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues. dto - motes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the Muscles natural elasticity. • CURED OF P A R A L Y S IS /Y. S. Bailey, P. O. True, Texas, writes: “ My ■ wife had been suffering five years with paralysis ia her arm, when I was persuaded to use Ballard’s 8now Liniment, which effected a complete cure. X have also used it for old sores, froet t bitea and akla eruptions. It does the work. ’ * BEST LINIMENT ON CANTU ONCE TRIED, ALWAYS US CO REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES THREE SIZES: 25c, 5 0 c and $1.00 B A L L A R D S N O W LINIM ENT C O . ST. LOUIS, U . S. A . »OLD ANO RECOR ENDED BY MOORE * CO. Newberg, Ore.