NEWBERG VOL. XVU. G r a p h ic NEWBERQ. YAMHILL. COUNTY,^ditEftOtf, THURSDAY, JUNE 22,1905. NO. 35. COLLEQE COnriENCEMENT. In the evenin j the choir ren- who should have the honor r f dered the gram chorus, “ Jerusa- ' 0ALL AND « ■ OURJNEW LINE OF Report of Various Exorcisesfl«rk- lem.” from each member o f the gradu In f the Close of Another MUSIC RECITAL. ating class, and those not for» tunate enough to appear upon Year's Work of Pacific The large attendance at the program had previouslv de­ in musical recital given College. tore church Monday lay afternoon, spoke livered their productions fcefi smaller audiences, in the privacy oi the interest am As Mrs. Douglas so aptly said enthusiasm which Prof, and o f the president's office. Each r*. ' v> . •* — . _• ■ - a t the alumni reception last Mrs. Kantner have aroused this oration was good, showing care­ % . .. . < night, " I t ’s on and off and on year in the work o f this depart­ ful thought and study. The Poi spring and summer. 'Pull line of nice, dressy clothing for young and on and on." Another class ment. The program was heart­ Academy class of 1905 has ac­ men in latest cuts aod patterns. We also have full line of quitted itself very creditably in which stepped on the stage of ily received and gave evidence o its first contact with the world, college activity lour years ago is the work which nad been done and promises to be heard from Especial interest was taken in off and still it's on and on and the children who are beginning after it has gone on up through on. Men may come and men their musical education. They the four years o f college, as the may go, but college commence­ were Paul Moore, Alta Gumm, Class o f 1909. jrogram: Following is the pro; Olive Johnson, Lyra Mik ment goes on forever. . . _____ . . . Jt*T. H. I t o r o M t io # " ^ ^ .. rxrrs The exercises o f the past week W alter Butler and Vivian Hall. G alop................... ...........................................DeMIld* Others appearing on the p r o ­ Mr*. Oho*. W ilson, M l« Mabollo Gardner ' have been successful throughout, gram were Misses Tessa Bixby M l« lew ia Britt, MU* Ora Bnebanan IN TWO AND THREE-PIECE SUITS unusually so in some instances, and lone Hutchens, in a piano Oration ...................................Alexander Ham ilton .. The Necessity of a Parana* in Ufa and mark a fitting finale to a duett and each in a piano solo, HELSNA H. FERGUSON PIANO SOLO Miss Katharine Rom igand W 3 )