One Dollar Saved Reprehend! Administrators Notice of Sal* Ten Dollars Earned. of Real Estate. THE FIRST .'NATIONAL BANK OF NEWBERG 1 T E W B B R G , O T Ò B C 3 -O IT . TH E Capital Stock, Stockholders’ Responsibility, CHAS. K. SPAULDING LOGGING COMPANY* Detkrsln Oregon Pine, Ash and Maple Lumber. Doors, Lime, Sand, Cement, Windows, Mouldings I W ood Fibre .Plaster Eave Gutter o u r p o l ic y ST O R E BUILDING: : Conservatism and strict attention to all busiueas entrust­ ed to us. We solicit your business whether it is large or amall. Correspondence invited. Let us furnish you with one of our Home Savings Banks. It will help you to save your mooey. $1.00 starts s Savings Account and earns 3 or 4 per cent. , OFFICERS A N D DIRECTORS: I. D. Gordon M NW he»boeW Dt. H. A . Littlefield Henry Mill. Maynard Redmond A NaLoe Thome* P moo C U . U rfc . A . R. Milk N. G ANNOUNCEMENT I have made arrangements again this season for the ex­ clusive sale In Newberg of Swetland’s LA T H S, SHINGLES AND CEDAR P O S T S . $ 35.000 $50,000 Ice Cream Thin fa m o u s dolloaoy h a s stood tho to st fo r IT y e a r * w ith a co n stan tly In c re a sin g s o lo . ' B e ­ yond all q u e stio n It l a t h e B E S T an d P U R E S T , loo C re a m an d hhs w o n a repu tatio n a s " T h e 'le e c r e a m o f Q u a lit y ." S e rv ed a t o u r fo u n ta in an d In o u r e a s y loo c r e a m P a rlo r. S p e c ia l p rleaa fo r p le n le a an d a o c lale. C. B. Wilson. One Block East of Porter & Larkin's. C h olera In fa n tu m . a ctin g ad m in istrator o f the e sta te o f C la ra M . 'D avidson, Ruth, the little daughter of E deceased, la te o f said county. N. Dewey of Agnewville, Virgin* All persons h a vin g claims was seriously ill of cholera infan turn last summer. “ We ga^e her a g a in st said estate are hereby up and did not expect her to live required to present the same to from one hour to another,” be C A P IT A L P A ID U P , * 5 0 ,0 0 0 IN C O R P O R A T E D ISSO the undersigned adm inistrator, says. “ I happened to think o ' a t the H a rd w are S tore o f J. B. Cbambcrlain.s Colic, Cholera am M ount, in Newberg, Yam hill Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours C ou n ty, Oregon, or a t his office I saw a change for the better. We NEW BERG, OREGON. a t the sou theast corner o f F irst kept on giving it and before she -- ------ and M orrison streets, in P o rt­ had taken the half of one smal Transacts a general banking business. Customers given every accommodation consistent with safe and land, M ultnom ah C ou n ty, Ore­ bottle she was well.” This remedy conservative banking business. gon , w ith the proper vouchers is sale t y C. F. Moore & Co. B O A R D O r D IR E C T O R S therefor, w ithin six m onths from ‘‘As Shakespeare sa y s,” re­ the d ate o f th is notice. All debts C h as . K . S pau ld in g . ß. C. M iles , President. marked C assidy, w h o w a s fonc J. L. H o skin s , Vice Pres. S. L. P a r r b t t . o w in g the deceased m ay be paid ot airing his ‘ ‘b ook la m in ’ ” oc­ E. H. W oodward , Sec. C laren ce B u t t . to th e ad m in istrator a t either oi casionally, ‘‘w h a t’s in a name?’ J. F. T a ylo r . said places. M rs. J. B . M ount, “ W ell,” replied C asey, “ call me a t said store, is designated as D. O. C O U L S O N , Aaat. C a a h la r C . C O L C O R D . C a s h ie r w a n th a t Oi don’t like a n ’ Ot’l; the ag en t o f the adm inistrator sh ow y e .” to receive a ll said claim s; and to accept paym ent and receipt for No S ecret A b o u t It. all said debts. D ated and pub­ It is no secret, that for cuts Millinery Sale. Local Events. lished the first tim e th is 18 th burns, ulcers, fever sores, sore A picnic is announced tor June S atu rd ay, June 3 , all h a ts in d a y o f M a y, 1905 . epes, boils, etc., nothing is so effec 10 th on Bald Peak, Chehalem our complete line o f millinery J. S. C o u r t n e y , adm inistrator tive as Bucklen’s Arnica Salve " I t don’t take long to cure a bad reduced, for S a tu rd a y only. „ m ountain, to w hich all are in­ for estate ol C la ra M . Davidson, sore I had, aud it is all O. K. for M r s . I. A. H orto n . vited. A program , athletic deceased. sore eyes,” writes D. L. Gregory S a m u e l M . G a r l a n d , a tto r­ of Hope, Texas. 25c at F. H sports and variou s amusements F o r sale, good sized w o rk ney for adm in istrator. Caldwell & Co.’s drug store. are promised. horse, $ 45 . Inquire o f Andrew C o za d ’s d og and pony circus Pickett. N ow th a t A nn’s age has been Good Reading Cheap. w ill com pete w ith L ew is and th o ro u g h ly discussed, the Coun­ Go to V alley T ea and China C la rk fair a ttra ctio n s to-day, Arrangem ents have been made cil Bluffs Nonpareil springs this T hursday, the California show com pany for teas, coffees, spices, whereby the Oregon Semi-Week­ one: A yo u n g w om an goes up to be in N ewberg in the after­ extracts, etc. ly Journal, the subscription price stairs to dress a t 7:45 for the noon, and afternoon only, w ith F o r sale, house and three acres of w hich is $ 1 . 50 , and the evening. She is 19 years old and parade a t noon. Pony drills, o f land. H. J. M inthom . Graphic m ay be taken together w eighs 102 pounds. S ta te the M a y pole dance b y children on for $ 1 . 75 . The subscription w a ^ Qf t he m an below, prancing Shetlands, jum ping, Three things w e are proud o f in price o f the Graphic, in advance, hurdle racing, hippodrome con­ W alk Over Shoes—good styles, is $ 1 . 00 . This gives jrou the A B a d S ca re. tests and all kinds o f tricks are good wearers and good sellers. Semi-Weekly Journal for $. 75 . Some day you will get a bad announced. A special feature is P orter & Larkin. The popular clubbing rate of scare, when you feel a pain in your bowels, and fear appendicitis. the arrangem ent by the m anage­ It is cheaper to send yo u r $ 2.00 for the Graphic and Week­ Safety lies in Dr. K ing’s New Life ment to a llo w the little folks to w ork to a laundry and have it ly O regonian still in force. Pills, a sure cure, for all bowel and ride the ponies free o f charge One y e a r’s subscription to the stomach diseases, such as head­ done right, than to tr y to d o it alter the exhibition is over. yo u rself and have th a t d irty, "T o w n and C ou n try Journal,” a ache, biliousness, costiveness, etc. This is the first big a ttra ctio n ot yellow ish tinge to yo u r clothes. m onthly publication, given free Guaranteed, at F. H. Caldwell & Co’s, drug store, only 25c. Try the kind to visit Newberg. The T ry it. B oth phones. Baldw in to new Graphic subscribers. them. adm ission fee is 50 c for adults & Pressnall. B e a l E s ta te T r a n s f e r s . and 25 c for children. Teacher— W ait a moment, Reported bv the Yam hill County A betrart Company, M cM innville. W anted to Exchange Johnny. W h a t do yo u under­ Proposais Invited. S M Martin to S T and B A stand by the w ord “ deficit?” China and glass-w are ot all Likens Its 7 and 10 blk 4 Watts Johnny— I t ’s w h a t y o u ’ve g o t Sealed proposals endorsed kinds also— teas, coffees, spices, add to Amity, $625. extracts and bakin g pow der for "prop osals for construction o f Geo T Boothy and wf to F W when yo u haven’t g o t as much Fenton 200 acs in sec 22 t 3 s r 6 as if yo u ju s t hadn’t nothin’. school building a t Newberg, Ore­ eggs a t w, and sec 31 t 2 s r 3 w, $475. V a l l e y T ea & C hina C o . g o n ,” w ill be received by the A c u t e R h e u m a tis m . C R Moor to B F Walker 67 acs Schl board until 8 o ’clock p po rU r , U rW n U y ! Deep tearing or wrenching in J J Burton d i e t 2 s r 4 w, m., June 3 , 1905 a t the School ..The w a y the ,a(lies are buy $2000. psios, occasioned by getting wet J G Miller to Jesse Hobson 80 through; worse when at rest, or on C lerk’« office a t Newberg, Y a m -: ; H am iltoa B ro w n ’. American first moving the, limbs and in cold acs i n s e c 2 6 t 2 s t 4 w, $1300. hill C ou n ty, Oregon, lor the con- «hoes, com pel, u . to or damp weather, is cured quickly W J Galland and w f to Amos H struction and completion o f a keep orders on the road all the by Ballard’s Snow Liniment. Austin sod w f 10 acs in James Public School building according Oscar Oleson, Gibson City, Illi- tim e.” Bradley d 1 c t 3 s r 2 w, $ 55 <>- to plans and specifications now Hannah M Kutcb and husb to noir, writes February 16, 190a: Engine for Sal*. on file a t the C lerk’s office a t “ A year ago I was troubled with a pain iu my back. It soon got so C u r e s O ld S o res. We have for sale a tw elve Newberg, Oregon, and a t the office o f W. D. Pugh, Salem, horse pow er J. 1 . C ase engine, Westmoreland, Kansas, May 5, bad I could not bend over. One 1902. Ballard Snow Liniment bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment w ith boiler. All in good condi­ Oregon. cured me.” 25c, 50c, $1.00. The School Board reserves the tion. Enquire a t Newberg Sash Co.: Your Snow Liniment cured Sold by C. F. Moore & Co. an old sore on the side of my chin right to reject a n y and all bids. & D oor factory, _______ ___ _ that was supposed to be a cancer. B u y It Now. W . P . H e a c o c k & S o n s . Bids m ust be made ou t on The sore was stubborn and would Now is the time to buy Cham­ blank forms w hich m ay be se­ not yield to treatment, until I tried Notice to Creditors. berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarr­ Snow Liniment, which did the cured a t either o f the above hoea Remedy. It is certain to be, work in short order. My sister, offices. Notice is hereby given, th a t Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allensville, needed sooner or later and when J. W. F o r s y t h , the uudersigned has been duly Miffin Co., Pa., has a sore and that time comes you will need it Chairm an o f Board. appointed by the C ou n ty C o u rt mistrusts that it is a cancer. badly— you will need it quickly. A ndrew P ic k e t t , o f Yam hill C ou n ty, Oregon, and Please send her a 50 cent bottle. Buy it now. It may save life For sale by C. F . Moore & Co. School Clerk. is n ow the duly qualified and Sold by C. F. Moore & Co. B A N K OF N EW BERG , - - ------ — — -----—------- The average mau does not save to exceed teoper cent of bis earn­ ings. He mint spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saves. That being the esse he cannot be too careful about un­ necessary expenses. Very often a few cents properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It is the same in bnying Chamber­ lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor’s bill of several dol­ lars. For sale by C. F. Moore &. Co. M rs. Clasey— A n’ p h a t did th ’ docthor sa y ailed ye? M r. C a ­ sey— Appendictis. M rs. C asey— Och, w orra! Oi knew he’d sa y th a t if ye w ore th o t new Sunday suit.—Judge. D y in g ’ o f F a m in e . *’ Is, in its torments, like dying of consumption. The progress of con­ sumption, from the beginning , to the very eod, is a long torture, both to victim and friends. “ When I bad consumption in its first stage,” writes Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss, Md., ‘ ‘after trying dif­ ferent medicines and ja good doc­ tor, in vain, I at last took Dr. K ing’s New Discovery, which quickly and perfectly cured me.” Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, bron­ chitis, etc. Guaranteed at F. H. Caldwell & Co.’s drug store; price 50c and. $1.00 a bottle. Trial bot­ tle free. Notice la hereby given that the uudenlgned J. L. Hoeklut ea the administrator ol the estate of Iaadore B. Dodge, deceased, by virtue ot an order of the oounty y court of Yamhill county, on, duly dnlymade S » l» of Oregon, made and dated the 2nd day cl May _ A. D. 1906, empoerertn n*. ordering and licensing him to to do. will a. „ ---------- -- at jfewberg. Yamhill ooonty. Mate ot Oregon, from ana alter the loth day of June A. d ! W proceed to I ■ell for cash at private eale the feilowing de­ scribed real property belonging to said estate to wit;— Situated lying and being in Yamhill county State of Oregon, and belSg part of the Dona tlon Land Claim of William Jones and wile. Claim No 18. NotiSoatlon No. 14». In 11 ■ r 3 w ot the Willamette Meridian, and said part be­ ing bounded ea folio we to wit: Beginning nt the east northeast eonnr of said Donation Land Claim, (being also at the northwest oor- ner of the Oliver J. Walker Donation Land, Claim, in laid t U r 2 w, In Yamhill oountr, State ol Oregon); Thenoe running weet *1.81 chins;-thenoe sooth 18 minutes west 12.86 chain«: thenoe sooth 88 degrees 1« minutes cost 22.88ohalns; thenoe south 81 mlnntea west in.08 chainsitheneeeeat « 46 ehalns to seat line or said Jonas Claim; thence north 81 mlnntea seat on east line of M id William Jones Dona­ tion Land Claim to ths plaeeof beginning and containing acres more or leas Also fol­ lowing tract of land to wit: Beginning at a Point 417 feet east of the northwest corner of *h® Don*ll°n Land Claim of Joseph B. Roger* andlwlla. In t I s r 2 w, of the Willamette Meridi­ an In Yamhill county, State of Oregon; thenoe south 18« feet; thence west 22 lest; thence south 20 loot; thenoe east 88 loot; thenoe north 170 rest: thenoe west ss feet to place of beginning. Dated this May 8rd A. D. 1808 J. L. H oskins , > _ Administrator oi sold estate. F. W. Fswroi*. ' Attorney (or estate. Sum m ons. IN TH E C IR C U IT COURT OF TH E 8TATB OF ORRQON FO R TH E COUNTY OF Y A M H IL L Carrie Hubbard and W. W. Hubbard Plain t i n R. B. Nevltt, L yd ia Nevltt, J O live Nevltt, Mary Nevltt. I K a tie Nevltt. Frankie Nevltt. V Summons. Lodema Nevttt,Florence N evltt I and Phoebe N evltt. J Defendants To K. B. Nevltt, Lydia N evltt. O live N evltt. Mary Nevltt, K atie Nevltt, Frankie N evltt. Lodema Nevltt, Florence N evltt. aud Pboeba N evltt. th «above named Defendants. __ ; In the name of the state of Oregon, you and each of you are required to apperr In the above entitled court, and cause on or before six weeks from the date ol the first publication of this summons which M id date Is the 26th day of May A. D. 1906, and answer th * Platntlflk* com ­ plaint against you In the above entitled suit-Or If you fall so to answer, (or want thereof the Plaintiff w ill apply to the acid court for the re­ H ef p rey ed f o r ' in _____ hist complaint herein to-wlt: h a t the follow ing d e ­ P a p a — H o w did you get you r For a decree ordering ( t that scribed premises be sold: Sold premises being clothes so terribly torn? T om ­ situated, lying, and being in Y am h ill County. 8tate ol Oregon, and being a part o l th* o rig i­ m y— T ry in’ to keep a little boy nal d 1 c of D. D. Deaklus, Claim No. 54, Nqtlfl- cation Number 1478 in township 8, South Range from bein’ licked. P a p a —Ah, a two West of the Willamette Meridian In said Cuunty and State beginning ng at a point 28.146 t _________________ east of the Inter brave deed! Who w a s the little chains north and eleven lin nks section of the section line between the section. 19 and 20 and the south line o f said d i e and boy? Tom m y— Me. running thence eastlOUf et; theuce north 20« fe e t: thence west luu fe e t; thence south 200 feet to place of beginning; Also the north half C h a m b e r la in ’» C o lic , C h o le r a j of the lot number 4 In block number 12 of Hurley and Larges addition to the town of Newberg. a n d D ia r r h o e a R e m e d y . In the County of Yam hill and 8tate of Oregon; And for a further decree that the proceeds of T. M. Wood, manager of the ■aid M le be divided amoug the said ] parties to White County News, Beebe, Ark., this suit according to their-respective ,lve r rights tberein as the same are made to appear more is a representative southern busi­ fully )n ib e oomplaint on file in the above en ­ titled Court in the above entitled suit; and for ness mau, who does not hesitate in such other and further relief ae may to the expressing his good opiuiou of a , Court seem Just and equitable. This Summons Is published by order o f the welL known remedy. He says, Hon. B. F. R hode» County Judge of Yam hill State of Oregon, made at chambers on “ It gives me pleasure to recom­ Couhty, the 18th dsy of May A. D. 1908. mend Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera M. O. P ic k e t t . A tto rn e y for P la in tiff and Diarrboea Remedy, having used it myself and in my family W e are n ow prepared to do a With the best results. In fact I believe it to be the best remedy of first class quality o f laundry the kind iu existence. Sold by C. w ork o f all kinds a t reasonable F. Moore & Co. prices. T o give satisfaction is “ You?” snorted M iss Sharp. our aim. Get our prices on fam ­ “ M arry you? W’ hy, y o u ’re only ily w ork. Pressnall & B ald w in an a p ology for a m an.” “ B u t,” protested M r. Sm all, “ yo u w ill n ot-----” “ No; I will hot accept the a p o lo g y .” H u g e T a sk . Sour Stomach No «ppellte. loss of strength, nervous­ It was a huge task, to under­ ness, hesdsche, conatipstlon, bsd breath, take the cure of such a bad case of genersl debility, sour risings. And cstsrrh kidney disease, as that of C. F. of the stomach sre sU duo to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discov­ Collier, Cherokee, Iowa, but Elec­ ery represents the natural juices of d ig e s ­ tric Bitters did it. He writes: tion as they exist in s healthy stomach, "M y kidneys were so far gone, I combined with the greatest known tonic could not sit on a chair without a and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dys­ pepsia Cure does not only cure Indigestion cushion; and suffered from dread­ and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy ful backache, headache and de­ cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, pression. In Electric Bitters, purifying, sweetening and strengthening mucous membranes lining the stomach. however, ,1 found a cure, and by the Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood, W . Vs., saysc— them was restored to perfect health. '* I sms troubled with sour ■tor-.ach for twenty yesrs. Kodol cured me end we ire now using It la mlfe I recommend this great tonic medi­ for baby.” cine to all with weak kidneys, Kodol Digests What Y ou EsL Size boldine 254 times th* trial liver or stomach. Guaranteed F. t Bottles only. site, 21.00 which cells for 60 eent*. H. Caldwell & Co , druggists; Prepared by E. 0. OeWITT A OO., OHICAGO. price 50c For S a le b v F . H . C a ld w e ll & <:»• roi A SURE CORE g in u m a i ___ .S P lA I lf S , CORNS, B U N - .C O I________ FUT, A N A N T I S E P T I C that «top* Irritation, subdues Inflam­ mation and drives out Pain. P E N E T R A T E S tha Pores, loosens ths Fibrous Tiseuaa, pro­ motes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the Muscles natural elasticity. CURED OF PARALYSIS W . 8. Bailey, P . O . True, Texas, writes: “ My W ife had been suffering five years with paralysis in her arm, when I was persuaded to use Ballard’s Snow Liniment, which effected e complete cure. I have also nsed it for old sores, frost bites and skin eruption«. It doe« the w o r k ." — *■—- BEST UFOMENT Oft EARTH ONCE TRIED, ALWAYS USED REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES THREE SIZES: 23c. 50c and $1.00 B A L L A R D S N O W L IN IM E N T C O . • T . L O U IS , U . 8. A . >LD AND RECOMMENDS! C.F. MOORE A 00., Newberg, Ore.