Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 01, 1905, Image 2

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“1 am such a poor, nervelesa crea­
ture— so utterly destitute o f all pres­
ence of mind— that I could only crouch
in a comer sod sob with terror.”
A fter a drive, which seemed to her
excited fancy to endure for hours, they
stopped before a tall Iron gats, which,
after a time, was opened from within.
They drove over a long, winding walk,
at the end of which was a large, gleam y
looklug house, before which the v ‘dele
stopped. Then, assisted by Montgomery,
she was suffered ta alight.
A female
servant conducted her to the apartment
ia which I found her.
"She was Very kind to me,” Clara
want on, “and assured me orer and oxer
F lan fo r Chicken-House.
again that no karm would be dona to
A T e x a s w om an In F arm and Ranch
me— that I waa amoug friends, and
whatever I liked to ask for I should ‘«•c rib n n a chicken b o a s* for the ben-
have, but that she could not permit me to *®t o f any w h o may w ish g d e a n , con­
ics vs that room. But no entreaty could venlent one.
wring from her who her employer waa. | It la built o f 1x12 boards, w all alat-
I have been here now nearly a fortnight ted ou three sides
the front baa a
-e v e ry th in g I have expressed a wish for , tripped o r latticed door in one corner,
has been given me. snd I was growing
quite reconciled to my position, for I ^
to ,M u r# plenty o f ventilation,
can be content iu any place where I am ***• TOOtlia a r* •w in gin g
poise, eue-
trested kindly; but this evening,
I was watching the great red sun sink
behind the trees, I heard my door open,
and upon looking round 1 saw-------”
She buried her face in her hands,
seemingly nuabte to proceed.
1 knew
perfectly well whom the had seen, al­
though I asked the question.
“Those terrible eyes!” she s ns wared,
sinking her voice to a whisper.
B y the aid of words I hyd beard spok­
en a few hours before. I began to aa-
derstand it all now, but only dimly. I
asked her what she meant.
“Ah, 1 have never told you!” ahet said,
with a shudder.
“ I will tell yon now, ponded by heavy wire, ont o f
that you may understand my fearful po­ d r a f t
T h e w a lls come within fou r­
sition. aud that you may take me away
teen Inches o f tbe ground and
from i t ”
She knelt down at my feet, and nestled nests are m ade on tbe outside, then
up with a slanting
close to me as she told her story, speak­ securely
cover that la binged on and can be
ing in a subdued voice.
“ I was brought up by a dear, kind raised from tbe outqlde. This prevents
grandfather, the only friend I ever knew; h aving to enter tbe henhouse when
for my father, who .was an officer, died you w ish to gather up tbe eggs.
in India, when 1 .waa vsry young, and has tbe appearance shown in tbe illus­
my mother followed him withiu less than
a year. She was my grandfather’s young­
Sm all tin cana are tafcked on the
est and favorite daughter; and, after
her death, he seemed to have trans­ ro o st tbe w a lla and near the nests;
ferred all hia affection to me. for be lit­ In them Is kept mothlne balls;, they
erally doted upon me. I had a cousin keep out all vermin.
— ------ -— -
who waa much— much older than my­
self, but, like myaeif, an orphan.— I
M a rk e tin g tb e H n e >
never liked him— or, I should rather aay.
E g g s should be gathered every day
I w as always frightened of him; yet ev­ In sum m er and oftener In winter, un­
erybody called him handsome, especially less tbe ben bouse la w arm enough
all the women. Until my mother brought
so that the eggs w ill not freeze and
me home, a little girl, from India, he was
buret tbe shell. P u t tbe egge Into a
tha favorite nephew, aud waa supposed
to be the heir to all his grandfather’s basket w ith the sm all end dow n until
John Rodwell hated me, and ready to p a c t In boxes for shipping
showed it, too,* and that turned the old and keep In a cool room. Then pack in
gentleman againat him.
W hen I was tbe box w ith tbe card-board separa­
about thirteen, grandfather made a fresh tors, w ith the sm all end down. They
will; and aa he waa never content to w ill keep fresh longer If packed In this
have me a moment from his side, it was
w a y than I f p a t into tbe boxes in a
dictated to the lawyer in my presence.
haphazard manner. T b e reason for
In it I was named heiress to ail be pos­
sessed, with the exception of an annu­ this la fonnd In tbe fact that tbe yolk
ity to John, and the former
will, by cannot settle to the shell when tbe
which John would have inherited all hi« sm all end la put down and tbe a ir
wealth, w as destroyed. 1 was very moch cannot strike the yolk as long as it
troubled when I heard this; and I told aoes not touch tbe shell. W h en eggs
grandfather how much happier 1 should 5rtng a
prIce lt u ,„***,. to
be if he would let things remain as they ^
tta|l to ra ,M chlckeM to
C H A P T E R X X IV -rC o n ria u e d .»
H e w as leaving the room when she
H e turned snide, and remained silent called to him. "W ’here are you going?
■ :.~r fo r some seconds. W h s * next be spoke I f you are going to her room, I have the
It w as la altered tone*. “Tell me what key. I will accompany you.”
you want? Is It money7"
H e looked more a^jiast than ever; then
“M oney1“ she cried.
“Money from he broke out into strong
yon! Look hefe,” and she tore open a against Montgomery, against whom he
lady’a reticule that lay upon the table
rowed the most deadly vengeance.
_ “there are the two hundred dollars you
"Montgomery hue served me well, and
eeut me enclosed In your farewell letter
I dare you to harm him In any way,
look what I do-.with them!”
And she she said, iu the same tone of calm supe­
tore them Into shreds.
"H e re are the riority. “ D o so, John Rodwell. and bo-
presents you pare me; see what 1 do fore two hours your uncle shall know
with them!”
Aud she took out some all that I can tell him.
D o not fall
trinkets, and crashed them beneath her into a passion.
You have fallen into
“N ow will you ask me if it la the trap, and you will never get out of
money I w ant o f you V
it by beating youraelf agalnat the bars!”
H e r face wga somethin* aw fu l to look
H e muttered aud laughed scornfully,
at e » la its deathly pallor, and conrub but he was conquered— cowed.
H er
sire quivering, and these glaring ayes. triumph waa complete.
Presently they
T hat man. with all his Iron will, quailed left the room together, Judith double
before her.
locking the door behind her.
“ W h a t do you want, theaT”
I saw no more of Judith or Mr. Rod-
“ Respect, and I will hare It. Lot
A s soon aa they were gone
refr esh your memory. You found me in crawled back to bed, utterly prostrated
a trarelin* show. I wae a mere child both mentally and bodily.
Boon after­
then, possessed o f a strange power orer wards the nurse returned, and after giv­
certain minda— a power that to an am
ing me my medicine, and some beef tea.
bitioua, unscrupulous schemer like your- wrapped herself up in a blanket and
____ • _
self, might one day pro re invaluable. putting the key of the door under her
You saw no way to use me at the time, head, aa w as her custom, lay down upon
but you were loth to lose sight o f so ad
tha sofa to take her night’s repose.
mirable an instrument
Yoa wormed
yourself into my confidence, and
from me that I w as discontented with
H our after hour I lay toesing about
a mode of life which gave me but a in a sleepless, mental agony. Clara waa
bare living, and filled the pockets of my undoubtedly iu the same house with me.
employer. I wae rain o f file attention of exposed to heaven knows what sufferings
a fine gentleman— I
who had
been and persecutions; and yet, for any libpe
bmugfat up in a back alley. You told of seeing or succoring her, I might ae
■at father that if be liked to go to Bury well have been hundreds of miles away.
S t Edmund's you would help to aet
A t la st unable to lie there any longer.
him s p in Jmalneea that you would rec­ I rose end dressed myself. A fire was
ommend him custom, aa you poss essed ■till smoldering In the huge grate, and a
some influence ia the neighborhood.”
night light w as burning upon the table.
“ H a re you ever had reason to repeat The nurse, (pr her hard, regular breath-
----- . .
taking my counsel 7” .
____ ___ ^
ing. - seemed to be in a deep sleep, and I
“ M y father hit upon a more easy and moved about cautiously. H er face was
profitable trade than sboemaking.” she turned to the open side o f the eofa. I
want on, not heeding the Interruption. crept behind it and inserted my trem­
“ H ad we depended upon your promises, bling hand beneath the pillow, feeling
w e might hare starred. Yon thought no further sad further until my fingers
more of them, and years elapsed after touched a hard substance— it w as the
ear parting at Spalding before I erer w ard key.
Little by little I drew it
h e r d anything of you again. One day ew ey— she still sleeping profoundly—
w e met in the streets of Bury. Although fitted It noiselessly in the lock, tuTried it,
years had elapsed, we recognized each and the next moment found myself in a
other instantly.
You expressed great large, dark hall. at. tha foot o f a a im­
delight at the meeting, which certainly mensely wide staircase.
wee not feigned, as it g a rs into. your
I closed the door softly behind me.
hands the exact tool you required, to A long window, that stretched upwards
fashion one of the most diabolical from the first landing, admitted suffi­
schemes that was erer hatched in hu­ cient light to guide me, and, with a
man brains.
But before you dared to noiseless step, I crept up the stair«. At
propose it to me it was necessary to the top of the first flight waa a long
make me your alave.
W hen you last, corridor, on each side of which, aa far
saw,, me I w as an ungainly looking, ugly as I could see, for the further end waa
girl; now t was q well-grown woman, lost in obscurity, waa a line of doors.
with good looks enough to bare secured Now came my difficulty; the slightest
several offers of adrautageoui marriage. error would not only defeat my present
But I wee proud, ambitious; the life object, but consign me to a stricter sur­
would know better what to do with th.
1 led, end ail its associations,' were hate­ veillance than-'ever, and perhaps bring
money than I should.
* .
ful to me— I longed to be free of them about Clara’a removal to some spot to
“ W ell, in some way or other Cousin
all, sad. 1 waited and waited. Yon. with which I could obtain no cine. Suppose,
John fonnd ont that a new will had
fo u r fiendish conning, divined my secret; by chance, that I should go to Judith’s
been made, and that I was present at
professed love for me. Blinded by am­ chamber door?
I shuddered
the time. Once or twice he put some
bition end vanity, 1 believed yon— be­ thought.
questions to me in an off-hand kind of
lieved that yon, the
I stood for some moments at the head
would marry me. B ut at that time you of the corridor, irresolute what to do, manner as to its contents; hut mindful
o f th . strict Injunctions I had r ^ i v e ^
simply lied, to serve your own purpose. listening eagerly for the slightest sound
I was very cautious, aud finding that he
Y e a were very cautious, too— you bound that might guide me.
But the ailence could elicit nothing from me. he gave up
me down to breathe no word' of your w as deathlike.
Down the corridor I the attempt
But he became a more
secrets to my father.
You said, once moved noiselessly.
Through the crev­ frequent visitor to us.
H e also took
In his power, you would never be free ices of the third door came faint streaka
great paina to Ingratiate himself iuto
from his extortions.”
of light and faint muffled sounds, either grandfather’s good graces, and not un­
“Silence!” thundered Rod well, spring­ moaus or a low, monotonous singing—
ing to hie feet
the walla and doors were so thick, that
•To bo continued.*
“ W ell, enough o f that for the pres­ it w as difficult to distinguish which.
en t
A fte r the girl’s flight you left
I listened more eagerly, until I fan­
Bury, end I did not sec yon again for a cied I could distinguish Clara's voice.
C O W L IK E D T H E 8 M O K E .
long, long time. A t la s t yon returned. I paused for a moment, and then, with
Bo yon have got her Into your clutch my heart beating in my throat, tapped B a t Bho R efu sed to G iv e U su al Su pply
o f M ilk .I
again. W h at is it to be this time— mur­ gently.
Breathlessly 1 waited for sev­
A lfre d James, of the University o f
der or marriage?"
eral aeconds. N o answer. Then I tap­
H ow my heart leaped! Could it be ped a second time a little loader.
A Vinglnla, w a s a disturbing element in
C lara of whom she was speaking? The sound of moving, and then a soft, trem­ farm life obe day last week, says Uio
portrait I had seen in his namesake’s ulous voice, that thrilled my very eoul, Baltim ore Bun.
cottage— the likeness to her, forgotten asked faintly, “ W h o is there?”
H e went out to Beisterstown to visit
until that moment flashed upon me with
1 could doubt no longer^, The key a friend. H e found tbe young man in
the force of conviction. Oh, how eager­ was in the lock outside. I tried it— turn­
tbe barn about to begin tbe day ’s milk­
ly, how breathlesaly, 1 listened now!
ed it— opened the door— met her whom
“ H o w dare you speak such words to I sought— heard a low cry of astonish­ ing. H is friend Is a civil engineer, bat
it spending tbe sum m er at bis coun-
me in the presence o f e stranger?” he ment, and my darling was in my arms.
cried. "Y o u are venomous enough to en­
A t that moment 1 fancied that 1 heard ‘try home, in Baltim ore county, and de­
deavor to establish such e charge agaiust a sound like the click of a lock in the lights in tbe simple occupations of tbe
corridor. I suddenly turned, disengaged farm . One o f his bobbies Is milking
“ I believe you to be capable of any myself from her arms, and looked ont. tbe cows, and be w a s about to begin
crime, John Rodwell,” she answered, dis­ A ll seemed precisely as I had left It—
on a very ladylike old brlndle when
dainfully 1 “although you would give the no light, no object, no sound; it must
M r. Jabíes climbed tbe fence and call­
I gently drew the
preference to that which compromised have been fancy.
out to him.
you least.”
M r. R., tbe gentleman o f bucolic
“ Suppose I admit that I intend to mar­ locked the door from within. W e were
tastes, came to meet him, and the two
ry her. what then?” he demanded, bold­ alone— no one could surprise us now.
T o her eager questions, how bad 1 dis­ shook bands and chatted for a few
ly. "Y o u will seek to thwart me?”
*T keep m y intentions to m yself. But covered her, I scarcely knew what to minutes.
I bad forgotten ; perhaps you are not arsw e r; for, the first excitement of our
“ Excuse me, old man,” he said to
aware yo rrh a ve a rival?” sl|e said, mock­ meeting over, I repented that I had ere» M r. James, “ w h ile I milk the cow.”
“ You would not im agine Mr. sought it. Could I have freed her from
" G o ahead,” the latter replied. " I ’d
Carston in the character o f a gay de- her enemies then, and then only, would
like to w atcb you do lt.”
re iv e r; yet, I can assure you that, dur­ it hare been justifiable? A s it was, I
Thereupon Mr, K. put his stool In
ing a short absence from his lovin g w ife , was feeding my own hopeless passion,
he was making violent love to Miss and engaging more and more closely the place, arranged bis legs as long-limbed
Clara as a single gentleman, and not affections of a simple-hearted girl, be­ milkmen have to do and proceeded.
neath the very roof that sheltered the M r. James w alked to «the cow 's head
unsuccessfully, I believe.”
implacable woman who claimed as her
“ T h is is no subject to Jest upon,” he husband. Oh, all this was weak, crim­ and gently stroked her neck, saying
«a id . haughtily.
“ I>o you mean to aay inally weak; and 1 felt it so. and yet I appropriate and endearing things tho
th s f this fellow has dared-------”
H e had his pipe in his hand
had not the courage to end It honestly. while.
H e advanced menacingly towards me;
A fte r a while I asked her what hap­ aud bold it under the cow ’s rose.
but. weak as 1 was, I mse up, and con­ pened upon the fatal night that we lost
She sniffed, looked almut. sniffed
fronted him. I felt no fear of him. al­ her— how she came to be separated from
and loked about, and then sniff,
though I was too agitated to speak— too ua.
ed. She seemed to like lt. Mr. James
overwhelmed by the thoughts of my
Bhe told me tha? a rash Of people had began to laugh, bnt In a fe w mlmHea
worse than powerless position.
H e pansed; then, with a look of su­ suddenly impelled her forward, and that Mr. R. got
H e raid a
preme scorn, he turned upon his heel and by the time she could turn her head to a fe w things about thelcow and com­
addressed Judith. “ Such an object Is too
plained that tbe “bloom ing old thing
N B lfm p tiU « to excite anger. However, earned out of sight of Mrs. Wilson.
At that moment a yonng inn», evident­ w on ’t let down a drop o f m ilk."
I presume that for th# future you will
H e then kicked her In the riba,
restrain In him such roving propensi­ ly the same who had delivered Montgom­
ties, more especially after the confidence ery' '• message to me. touched her upon drove her Into her stall and turned the
you have chosen to repose in him this the shoulder, and said that I w as wait­ Job o f mllkifig over to one of the
evening. N ow let me mnderstaud. Do ing for her in a cab a little way down tyrm hands as be went off with his
the street.
we part friends or foes?”
“ H e was harrying me along nil the
"1 pledge myself to nothing
T h e cow w a s so delighted with the
way. For years you used me as a tool. time he was speaking,” she weift on;
odor o f the smoke that she forgot all
— ------
N o w w e have the reverse o f the medal; “and 1 qras too bewildered hy rjy situa­
about g iv in g milk a * usual.
you are utterly within my power, and 1 tion to offer the slightest resistance.
will use that power to minister solely There was a long line of cabs aud car­
to my own interest, or caprice! aa the riages; the obe he pointed out as ours Joke on a suitable occasion. But the
* case may he. without one thought o f you. was the last of all, and stood up an un­ funniest part o f the Joke didn't seem
' You should have remembered that those frequented side street. H e opened the to appeal to him so much the mi ru­
door and pushed me In; at the same ing follow in g the incident, when rtt
who love intensely, hate intensely.”
H e regarded her for a moment with a moment a strange man jumped in past
breakfast coffee had to he drunk with­
disconcerted look, which ah# -met by one ihe, the door was Flammed, the window*
out cream, ns It did the afternoon i»e-
- » . j i . . of determination, lie tried to laugh off raised, and the horses were off
the effect of her words, hut the lough speed, before 1 could recover my hr*
From her description, I disci
etna a woful failure.
“ W hat a fool 1
The grentest'happiness come* from
must be to stand listening to the jtrorda that this man who- a>euaipdnWd her
waa Montgomery.
i ... the greatest activity.— Itovee.
/ • f a mad woman!” he cried.
Proflt *■
la not
so great an outlay. B y all means raise
chickens when eggs do not brin g a
very good price. A m on g the moat pro­
lific layers wilt be found the Black
Spanish, tbe Black, W h ite and B row n
Leghorn#, Poland, H am bu rg, Creve
0 o e u r and l * Flecbe, w hich a re larger
Spanish, but som ewhat
. ..
,lm llar to them.— Epltom lst
C le ft G r a ft in g .
V arieties o f g raftin g are many, bnt
cleft g raftin g represents tbe method
commonly In use fo r tbe graftin g o f
orchard trees w h ere tbe old top la to
be removed during tbe course o f a
fe w years and a new one ia to be
g ro w n in Its place. The ideal time for
this top g ra ftin g la w^en the leaves
are ju st pushing ont, fo r then tbe
to one front leg and the other to a
stout post or stake.
Ordluarliy the
horse w ill not move when thus fasten­
ed, but If be does he aoon comes to
grief. ' A fe w lessons o f this sort wtll
nover be forgotten.
A fte r a w h ile It w ill only be neces­
sary to w r a p the reins around the
horse's front legs, and later alm p-j
dropping the reins to the ground will
be sufficient
I f any time the horse
gets to m oving around and forgets bis
early training, pass the reins through
the etirrup and then up and over the
born o f tbe saddle. T h is pulla the
bead ardund to one aide and tbe borne
w ill generally not go far.— F ir m and
Rem edies la the B a ra .
T h e w rite r baa recently erected a
small closet in tbe barn. In which is
kept a few ' articles sucb aa experience
baa taught us should bg bandy.
tbe suggestion o f tbe mother o f tbe
fam ily a large bottle o f witch bezel
and several bottles o f vaaeilne w ere
added, together with a roll o f partly
w orn muslin. T b e very day this closet
w a s completed and Its contents place ],
one o f the b o n e s by accident struck
Its bead against tbe aide o f tbe stall
so that there w aa a decided bruise
around tbe eye. O ut cam e tbe witch
hazel, and by frequent applications of
it d atin g tbe day tbe sw elling w aa
subdued and tbe b o n e made
W e h ive two bottles
each o f the plain sort and tbe c a r
bolated vaseline, and this last baa been
found very naeful on a num ber o f oc­
casions. A c a lf bad an u gly spot on
its side, a ra w proud-flesb sort
eczema, fo r which w e could not ac­
cou n t
W e took a spoonful o f flour
o f sulphur and made .a batter o f It
with a little carbolated vaseline and
treated that spot for a .w e e k , healing
It perfectly.
H a v e a little closet as
described and keep odd things in it,
but don’t forget witch hazel, vaseline
and a roll o f s o f t clean muslin.— ln-
(Ma n a poMe N e w s.
-------— -— --
Years Ago.
. Sw eden w aa obliged by the aeaaee-
strauce o f P ru ssia to decline tbe pa***
fered subsidy o f England.
T b e city o f Lubeck, G erm any, w a e
surrounded by French troops to pre­
vent English products from being in­
Eighteen Am erican vessels w ere a «
the port o f Am sterdam .
T b e French governm ent pa v ed a
la w granting pensions to a ll em igrants
from Bento Domingo.
Three thousand French troops wens
ordered to T b e H a g u e to prevent a s
uprising which w a s dally expected.
Re-enforcements o f French troops a r­
rived at Han to Dom ingo and effectual­
ly repulsed Em peror Desna lines’ arm y.
Portugal purchased, w ith tbe cenesv-
rence o f England tbe sufferance e f
France to remain neutral in tbe w ar.
m . .. _
-to....- -*—
*-**— - - * '
Seventy-five Years Ago.
Yucatan declared lteelf independent.
P astu rin g o f cow s on tbe Boston
common w a s forbidden by law .
U s e fu l B o w lin e.
Sioux Indians annihilated tbe S ss
The b o w and knot la one o f the moat and F o x tribes near D ubuque, to w n.
naeful knots w e have, and one which
T b e first light o f tbe Blaekreck light­
com paratively fe w can tie.
It is a house at Liverpool appeared.
knot aailora use constantly. T h e illus­
Congress provided for a boundary
tration w ill show exactly how lt la line to be run betw een Louisiana an d
tied. L a y the parta together as In the A rk an sas territories.
first ligure, b crossing over a. Then
Petroleum w aa discovered la Ken­
brin g a over b, bringing tbe end up tucky, and aa lt w aa supposed to b a s e
healing properties it w a s bottled s a d
sold throughout tbe United 8 late* sn d
Europe for medicine.
T b e first gold from Georgia mines
w aa received a t tbe United States
m in t
Fifty Years Ago.
through tbe loop as in tbe next fig­
ure. N o w carry b around and under
a, passing lt down through tbe loop
aa in tbe final figure. It is impossible
fo r this knot to slip w hen properly
tied. I t la useful In all aorts o f emergen­
cies. In a loop tbns made « man can
safely be boisted to any height with
no dan ger o f the knot slipping. It ia
especially naeful for the farm er. An
anim al can be led by means o f it with
no danger o f the knots slipping and
choking tbe anim al, no matter bow
mneb it m ay plunge or pull.— Am eri­
can A gricu ltu rist
T o P r e v e n t T r e e F ra u d *.
T b e Indiana farm er that baa been
sw indled by the fruit tree agent w ill
be pleased w ith tbe law , enacted by
the last General Assem bly, providing
a fine o f from $50 to $500 for fruit
tree fraud. It Is said that the hill
which w a s Introduced by Representa­
tive Shively, o f South Itond, grew out
o f Notre D am e U niversity’s pnrrbaso
o f trees that w ere not w h at they were
represented to be. A s Introduced, the
bill provided a year’s Imprisonment,
but this w a s stricken o u t
S h eep S h e a rin g *. —
Sheep are more economical
producers than steers.
Don Carlos, the Spanish pretender,
died at Triest.
T h e N ia g a ra suspension bridge w a s
A free pnbllc school system w a s es­
tablished in Illinois. .
T b e Atlantic and S t Law ren ce rail­
road w qa leased to tbe G rand T ra n k
railroad for 05«) years.
N assau hall at Princeton university,
built In 1756, w a s destroyed by fire.
Several persons w ere killed by the
fallin g in o f tbe floor o f tbe town hall
at Meredith, N. H .
T h e plenipotentiaries at Vienna ex­
changed pow ers and commenced pro­
ceedings tow ard agreeing upon tbs
terms o f Russo-Turkish peace,
fo rty Years Ago.
T h e panic in gold carried quotations
dow n to 175)4, a drop of 14)4 points
in three days.
T h e Parliam ent at Quebec adopted
the confederation scheme by a large
Reports o f Sheridan and Sherm an's
successes sent gold dow n to J8!))4. A
short time before it w as quoted at 220
and over.
N e w « reached the North that tbe
Confederate Congress had passed a
bill to arm and equip the negroes as
Richmond (V a.) papers published an
exposure o f an alleged conspiracy to
T o secure the beat returns In feed­ oust D avis and Stephens, make H unter
ing bave the sheep as even as possible. president, and end the w ar.
President Lincoln Issued a proclam a­
W h en breeding to Improve ewes
tion ordering that all citizens or domi­
should be tw o years old when bred.
The more sheep yon can keep and ciled agents trafficking with Confed­
keep right the less per sheep will the erates be arrested and held as prison­
ers o f w ar.
cost be.
w ounds of gra ftin g heal rapidly. Bnt
In practice, If a large amount o f w ork
-Is to be done, it m ay be necessary to
begin from one to tw o months earlier
and to continue several w eeks beyond
the Ideal paint o f time.
The whole
operation o f cleft g raftin g appears
clearly In the Illustration.
H o g * in th e O rch a rd .
In regard to tbe hogs skinning the
orchard trees, If you put a dozen or
tw o o f hogs on an acre o f land, very
likely they w ill skin the trees, or a
flock o f sheep w ould also. T hey mnst
h a r e roort.
There m ust not be too
m any In a bunch. It ft sakV that hogs
w ill tear dow n a pigpen to get the
w o o d to e a t I t yon throw them a lit­
tle lime they w ill let tbe pen alone.
I know that they have been known
to d ig out a stone w a ll fo r the lime.
I f you feed a bog some corn
don't starve him to death, he w ilt let
your trees alone. G iv e the hog room
enough and give him something to e a t
— J. jT B lackw ell.
T e a c h in g a H o rse to Btand.
A s soon as the colt is fairly gentle
ridden a fe w time«,
throw the rein« down, and w ith a
strong but «o ft ropa bobble his front
legs. Fasten a rope twenty feet long
U n der ordinary conditions the man­
ure from sheep should pay for the la­ Thirty Y e a rs Ago,
bor o f caring for them.
The H a w a iia n treaty
A good foot rot medicine must be fought lu the Senate by su gar inter­
som ewhat caustic, in liquid form and ests.
At a consistory held at the Vatican
cheap enough to use freely.
Sheep cannot be fattened profitably Archbishop M cOlaskey o f N ew Tfork
w hen they are full o f parasites. K ill w as made a cardinal.
The French Assem bly
passed the
the vermin and then fatten.
military reorganization bill, the consti­
I f the beet proflt is realized, not
tution having been adopted several
only tbe wool, bnt the mutton and tbe
weeks previously.
lamb, mnst contribute thelF p a rt
A tornado devastated the town of
It w ill pay. if yon Intend to sell
Rlenzl, Miss.
The river bottoms in
yonr sheep at pnbllc sale, to have
the Northwest States w ere flooded.
some one grade them np in even lota.
Quite a sensation w a s caused in
England by the ontcome o f the Mor-
G a th e re d in th e G a rd en . ’
daunt divorce case in which L ady Mor-
T h e beat thing fo r
tbe garden— daunt w a s decreed guilty.
Cut the black knot out o f the plum
and cherry trees.
Twenty Years Ago.
The militia w as mobilized at Bedalla
and other points In Missouri to sup­
press riots incident to the riinroad
Bone meal and w ood ashes in tbe strike on the Gould system.
soli are great for sweet peas.
London papers admitted that th « re­
D on’t trim tbs, cherry trees now. lations between England and Itnssla
W a lt till June and tben . be
light w ore strained almost to the breaking
handedr*— — -
■— -
point over the latter’s A fg h a n frontier
T o bleed the grapevines by cutting aggression.
President Cleveland Issued a procla­
during March, A pril or M ay la bad
m anagem ent
mation barrin g the “boomers” from
Cold fram e« are naeful fo r fo rw ard ­ Oklahoma.
Ten thousand o f the 12,000 coal min­
ing lettnee and cabbage in «firing or
ers in the Pittsburg district struck for
early summer.
higher wages.
P robably no other small fruit will
Tha p o w er« agreed to a conferanc*
glva more w eight o f crop for tha apaca
ba held In Paris to determine tbe
lt occupies than tbe cu rran t
status of tba Suez canal.
Radishes are usually ready for use
In six w eeks from sowing.
A' ■ - •