NEWBEBG, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 6.1905 TH E «»CITY BEAUTIFU L.“ ■ a k t Newberg Clean and At­ tractive In Appearance. Some Plans for Civic Now is the time to clean up Newberg and put her in shape to receive visitors. Rubbish, debris, broken dow n fences, old side- and unsightly shacks should be cleared away. The appearance o f a tow n has so much to do with its general reputation and development, and there is no excuse whatever lo r a lack of neatness and clean­ liness. It is not a question o f money—only o f a little care and gcst a week to be designated ‘ A week for the city beautiful’ to be universally observed by the city government, the improvement and other clubs, the newspapers, the Board o f Trade, the real es- tate exchanges, the schools, and all associations and citizens throughout the city, as a defi- nite period for cleaning and renovating and for making im- Drovements, so that at the end o f the week a surprising change might be noticed in the appear- ance o f the city. The season is advancing, and such a week IN TW O AND THREE-PIECE SUITS As was done a couple o f years a g o when so much was accom­ plished, there should be a day or a week set for a general clean­ up. Citizens all over tow n should enter into the spirit of ing into subdistricts, and with the work and vie with each the aid o f the women, getting other in doing a good job down to' the unit of the ‘block The spirit o f civic improve­ system.’ ment is abroad in the state. Its “ The Board ot Trade, by importance is being more and special committees, undertaking more realized. Civic pride is be­ some definite special work for in g fostered in cities, towns and the beautifying o f the city dur- villages. Plans for the most thorough and successful work are being advanced and dis­ cussed. | The Seattle Post-Intelligencer o f recent date published letters, from prominent men and ^women, strongly endorsing the civic improvement idea. Many suggestions are offered therein, many ot which are practical for a tow n the size o f Newberg. Many o f these letters speak ot the “ block system.” By this it is possible to reach every citizen aa d householder of the city. It home surrounding», and at the on ly needs one enterprising man game time do something tor the o r woman to the block to start school grounds.” the ball rolling, and when they - " c —---- r*? ------- - have secured the co-operatiou o f ^•rt,*, lll County Sunday School a m .m r iw bringing results. The care of the park strips, the planting o f trees, the seeding o f lawn», the planting o f handsome gardens and beds o f flowers, the paint­ ing o f houses, the removal o f un­ sightly fences, piles o f rubbish, the indosure o f barnyards with fence and trellis, and the con­ stant maintenance o f the work when once performed, can be done bv means ot the “ block system One of the leaders o f the movement recalls the coup­ let, “ If each before his own door encouraging talks Friday mom ing. CALL AND SEE OUR N EW LINE OF The convention appointed J.F. Taylor, Ilervey Hoskips, Alva I\ Macy and I. N. Branson to can- vass the county for support for a state field worker, The following were appointed as delegates to the state conven- tion to be held in Portland, For spring and summer. Full line of nice, dressy clothing for young April 19th. to 2 1 st: F. L. Post, men in latest cuts and patterns. We also have full line of I. F. Moore and Mrs. Gilk^y of Webfoot; Hervey Hoskins and Nellie Nelson o f McMinnyilk; Mrs. Fletcher, La Fayette; M r* Buckley, Rex; Mrs. Dr. Estock, .Dayton But the State ..Sunday School Association firmly believes that a field worker is just what Ore­ gon Sunday . Schools need. Hence state officers held their breath and asked for—six cents from every Sunday School goer YamhiH in the state and county in particular. YamhiH has a good name in Sunday School work. Let’s keep it good; let us make the state cdkn- mittee glad by sending our six cents per scholar to the state convention by our County Treasurer, April 19-21, Every school in the county is earnestly requested to act at once, and if the money is raised, send to Hans „ Peterson, Dayton, the County Treasurer. Every school is cordially invited to send dele­ gates to the state convention, April 19-20-2 J. C ounty E xecutive C ommittee . \WT0N- * 2 -' y 4 L i a A SWELL BOOT that individualised i its w e a re r a s i being exclusive. Engine for Sala. We have for sale a twelve horsepower j . 1. Case engfcdk* with boiler. All in good condi­ tion. Enquire at Newberg Sash & Door factory. W. P. H eacock & S ons . Exclusive Agents COOVOntlOn. The twenty-second annual session o f the Yamhill County Sunday School Association con­ vened in Dayton the 30th and 31st o f March. The warm devotional meeting in the beginning o f this conven­ tion was a suitable progenitor o f the time o f blessing which fol- lowed The program proper began at the afternoon session Thursday. Rev. Dunlap o f the Methodist church o f Dayton gave hearty words of welcome. Somehow the welcome had been felt pre­ viously from the ample provis­ ions which had l>een made for the physical needs and comfort o f those in attendance. It is not a small undertaking to furnish free entertainment to a convention, especially in this commercial age, but the words— “ If you are not inviteli any place else bring the convention back to Dayton next year,” indi­ cate that there are still those The village would be cleanly kept,” and very pertinently suggests -that under normal conditions, municipal cleanliness is largely dependent upon the personal pride and attention o f the indi­ vidual citizens, especially so in the matter of fresh paint, nice lawns and attractive homes. Municipal power stops short o f Rev. C. F. Swander of Mc­ municipal beauty. No official Minnville, Pres. H. E. McGrew mandate can bring forth neat o f Newberg, Rev. Jos. Hoberg of fences, trim hedges, attractive McMinnville and Rev. J. F. Clay- gardens, pretty shrubs and flow­ comb o f McMinnville responded ers and other evidences of taste in an edifying wav to the sub­ and refinement that characterize jects assigned them on the pro­ the homes o f the attractive town gram. Rev. C. F. Swander was not day between Portland ami Day- plant trees in front o f his proper­ ton, henCe did not arrive at Dnv; ty . Nothing makes a city more ton in time for the evening ses- attractive or yields a greater re­ sioh. An extemporaneous pro­ turn o f beauty and comfort for gram was arranged in the emer- the money invested. Says the secretary of the Seat­ tle school Board, “ I would sug- House for Sale. Notice is hereby given that the Will sell a five room cottage County Court will receive bids just north o f Bank o f Newberg for 1000 yards o f Willamette at a bargain; Vi cash, balance river gravel to be delivered at Newberg, Oregon. Said gravel to be o f even and suitable size for road purposes, and to }hc