NEWBERQ QRAPH1C. paign? There is danger o f relying to o much upon the w o rk th a t ■ n t« red u second-cluM matter at the poetofflce w as done p rior t o the June elec­ , at Newberg, Oregon. tion, which w as nothing but a ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING j forerunner o f w h a t is t o be ac­ complished on N ovem ber 8 th. Publisher. B . It. WOODWARD. I T h a t w as a skirmish line action. W . C. WOODWARD. 4 The real battle is y e t t o be fought. The enemy is intrench­ ing itself. I t ’s high tim e t o g et THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER M, 1M 4. in to action. $1.00 Per Year in Advance. The Excelsior of Kuropatkln. The shades o! night were falling fast. When through Manchuria there passed A general with flashing eye, Who bore this banner proudly h ig h : “ Eatemupski." A few days passed, again he strode, With fierce demeanor up the road; Another banner now he bore, Changed somewhat from the one before: "W altabltski." The weeks rolled, again he came, And bore a banner much the same. On which was written this design, Before his awesome battle line: "Notyetski.*'. More weeks elapsed, and on the track He rode, now toward and now back. A waiting world watched eagerly, But this was all that they could see : “ Aiterwhileskl,'' More months elapsed, and still ho sign Of battle from that dreadful line, And now before his army vast This banner he nailed proudly fast: "Tomorrowski.” . A year had gone, no battle yet: The world came almost to forget The doughty general, but he Changed signs with regularity: “ Nextweekski.” But every day before his fine A n d awe-insplrlg battle line He rode, with sabre In his hand, And valiantly gave his command: “ Backupskl.” V A t last this grim and dreadful man Grew busy, and a message ran To the home folks, who freely shed Their bitter tears, the while they read: “ Qonebumpskl.” —Philadelphia Public Ledger. One Of the teachers a t Che- m a w a says very sensibly that w h a t the Indian girls need is more w ork and less frills, and ju st as truthfully an Albany ed itor adds th at th at is w h at a grea t many other girls need. College has opened again, and the presence o f the increased number o f you ng people adds buoyancy and enthusiasm to the spirit o f the/ comm unity. The atmosphere o f the college tow n is peculiar and indefinable—as hard to explain as the arom a o f an Oregon rose and ju st as enhancing. B ' The Eugene Guard declares, and w ith some reason, th at speeches and letters .of accept­ ance by the men running for the highest office in the land are un­ called for. Th ey simply thresh over old political issues and place themselves on a par w ith the average stump speaker. Hasten the day when the candi­ date for president does not have to place himself on a level w ith the average spellbinder. N o w th at China pheasant sea­ son is a t hand and the boys are cleaning up the shotgun prepara­ to r y for business, fathers should n ot neglect to caution over zeal­ ous sons against the careless handling and use o f fire arms. W ith the best o f care enough tragedies take place w ith ou t add­ ing to the casualty list by gross carelessness by the boy w h o didn’t know it w as loaded, w h o blew into the gun, w h o pulled it o v er the fence after him by the barrel, or w h o Shot before he looked. The country w ill be full o f guns for a while, and it is to be hoped th a t none o f the boys w ill be winged alon g w ith the birds. The proper petitions having been filed in accordance w ith the local option la w passed in June, the citizens o f Yam hill county w ill vote upon the question o f prohibition a t the Novem ber election. And isn’t it about time th a t something w as done to organize fo r a vigorou s cam- The excellent show ing made by Oregon’s fine stock a t the St. Lou is fair is a m atter fo r con­ gratu lation w ith Oregonians, especially as it has n o t been m any years since the state had very little t o show in the w a y o f fine stock o f any kind. The L add herd o f shorthorns n ot only came in fo r m any individual prizes but in the where it w as entered against the herds o f the w orld, it w as a warded the grand prize. And let it n ot be forgotten th a t these blue ribbon cattle came from this county, near N orth Yam hill. W e are gradually m aking it understood th a t the slogan, “ Yam hill against the w o rld ,” is no idle jest nor vain­ glorious boast. Old Yam hill can deliver the goods. sweepstakes Flag C ontest Vote. o f enamels. A la rg e stock o f un­ dertaking goods kept on hand. Em balm ing a specialty. T h e H om e Savings Banks have arrived a t Chehalem Valley Bankr—C a ll and get one and start a' bank account. $ 1.0 0 starts you. W anted—Gentlemen’s washing, ironing and mending, a t m y home, four blocks north o f Bap­ tist church. Leave laundnr a t T e rry ’s barber shop. M rs. N. F . Tobey. ___________ Only D id H is Duty as H e Saw It. “ I deem it my duty to add a word of praise for Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy,” says J. W iley Park, the well known merchant and post master at Wiley, K y. “ I have been sell­ ing it for three or four years, and it gives complete satisfaction, Sev­ eral of my customers tell me they would not be without it for any­ thing. Very often, to my knowledge, one single dose has cured a severe attack of diarrhoea, and I positively know it will cure flux (dysentery). You are at liberty to use this testi­ monial as ybti pleased For sale by C. F. Modi* & Co. ___F IF T Y . . . Heating Stoves for Sale. N dw from $ 2 .5 0 up. S e eo n d -h an d from 5 0 o up. N ow Cook S to vo s from $ 9 to $ 2 2 . S o o o n d -h a n d vary ahaap. T H E A C M E S T E E L R A N G E , th a flnaat m adium -prlcad rang« avar off a rad in N aw barg. G uarantaad for ta ir yaara. C o m a in and aaa aam pla. Household Goada bought, aold and axohangad. J. M. 3 SHAW . W e s t First Street, - f N e w b e rg * W E HAVE MOVED Into NewStore by the Postoffice . -- ” t ■ You tion’t pay any m ore for yoU f ¿foods w ith chairs than you did W ithout them a t P o rte r & Larkin’s. Call and see us in our new place and examine our new line of goods. W e have been very careful in our selection, and think we are offering the very finest on the market for the money. »— Fearful Odds A g a in s t Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name o f J. J. Havens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. A t length he tried Eletric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies. “ I ’m on the road to com­ plete recovery.” Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all foVms of stomach and bowel com­ plaints. Only 50 c. Guaranteed by F. H. Caldwell & Co., druggists. W e are Headquarters for Watches* The figures indicate th a t so far the fla g contest is developing in­ t o a race between the public school and^the band, in which the form er is pushing steadily t o the front. The largest v o te w as this week cast a t T . B. Cummings & C o ’s store, A. R. M o o m a w & Sons com ing in next. The v o te stands: See those drummer samples o f Public School........j.................589 shirts a t Porter & L a rk in ’s, $1.50 N ew berg B and..... ................. 438 and $1.25 values for 75 cents. W . O. W .................................. 183 Pacific C ollege........................ 45 Bucklen’s Aruica Salve. G. A. R ................................... 17 Has world-wide fame for mar­ A .O .U . W .............................. 16 vellous cures. It surpasses any Presbyterian church..... .....r . 8 other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boils, B u s in e s s P o in te r s . sores, felons, ulcers, tetter, salt Ask for fla g coupons and get rhuem, fever sores, chapped hands, $2 0 in gold. skin eruptions; infallible for piles. Bread for sale, a t W ilson’s. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 c at F. H. Calewell & Co., druggists. Fresh every day. ~ F o r express and ligh t hauling N ew shipment o f gents] hats, leave orders a t Rich’s grocery. eastern styles; also neckties and Good, covered, heavy hack for shirts. Just received a t P o rter sale. F irst class condition. J. T. & L a rk in ’s. B oothby. W hat’s lu a Name? Those w ishing tom atoes for Everything is in the name when canning purposes can secure it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. them o f E. A. Ellis. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, dis­ T w e n ty dollars in gold w ill be covered some years' ago how to given to the person v o tin g the make a salve from Witch Hazel m ost fla g coupons. that is a spécifie for ‘piles. For Take you r b o o t and shoe re­ blind, bleeding, itching and pro­ pairing t o L . W . Charles, first truding piles, eczema, cuts, burns, d o or west o f postoffice. bruises and all skin diseases, De- A mortised screen d oor w ill W itt’s Salve has no equal. This ou tlast t w o doweled or blind has given rise to numerous worth­ mortised doors. W e make them. less counterfeits. Ask for D eW itt’s N ew berg Sash and D oor F ac­ — the genuine. Sold by F. H to ry . 33 Caldwell & Co. T . B. Cummings“ & Com pany H ave you seen those new keep furniture, w indow s, shades, oxfords for men a t P o rter & curtain poles, portiers, carpets, L a rk in ’s? ' m atting, rugs, and in fact every­ F o r sale—F ive acres o f land thing kept m a first class ^n d w ith a good new house. Inquire strictly up-to-date furniture any day except Saturday of L . J. store. Th ey also handle paints, Butterfield, South W ynooski St. oils, glass, brushes and a rail line all of which are sold under positive guarantees. I f your old watch does you poor service, call and let us repair it or tTade it on a new one. In our repair work we use the BEST M A T E R I A L S that money can buy and claim the best equipment and finest workmanship in the city. Give us a trial. Gold Soldering of Rings and Spectacles & Specialty. MUSICAL. W e have just placed a large order for sheet music and will hereafter keep a fine, large stock on hand. Call and look it over. The latest and best. The finest line of Harmonicas in the city at astonish­ ingly low prices. Call and see them. Violins, Graphophones, Records and all kinds of strings and fixings at HEACOCK’S JEWELRY STORE. NEWBERG, Oregon. By Postoffice. U * / ' - Y } '''$ * I ' i / 'L> ~* ’ t ■ j \ Vi < • - / I Xd**- r * ’ ** 1 f, v e i * V ■ . g*«pj THE GREAT DIVIDE Introduced three years by Frank W ood. Now the standard potato for the Pacific Coast. Value, $1.50 per sack. Q U A L IT Y TELLS PRICES SELL N ew berg Sash and Door Factory. TH A T'S WHY OUR BUSINESS IS STEADILY INCREASING. We do all kinds of work in our line in latest sltyes and patterns* P U N T COMPLETE AND UP TO DATE. H E A C O C K & S O J J S L„ots of Pocket Book Ticklers -AT- The General Merchandise Store -OF- HENRY EHRET. OPPOSITE BANK OF NEWBERQ. . * The. Newberg Steam Laundry. GOOD WORK. REASONABLE PRICES. PRESSNALL, Manager.