I F. H. Caldwell A Co. Ask the readers of this paper who are suffering with indigestion pr dyspepsia to call on them at once and get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I f you knew the value of this remedy as we know it, you would not suffer another day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough digestant and tissue-building tonic as well. It is endorsed personally by hundreds of people whom it has cured of indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart and stomach troubles generally. It is pleasant, palatable and strengthening. “ Some people talk a whole lot eu don’t say nothin’ in the end; some long-winded advertisements air jest like ’em.’ W e don’t say much, but we are here with the goods. The Freshest, Cleanest Line of Groceries in Newberg. Our shelves are laden with up-to-date lines of Dry Goods. COME, SEE AN D BELIEVE. ‘ Safeguard the Children. N otwithstanding all that is done by boards of .health and charitable inclined persons, the death rate among small children is very high during the hot weather of the summer months in the large cities, There is not probably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured by the timely use of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. M r. Frank Riggs, of Franklinville, N. Y ., in speaking of this remedy said: “ I have found it expedient to have a supply of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand. It has been a family safeguard and while especially benefical to children, it is equally good in adult cases. I recommend it cheerfully and with­ out reservation.” For sale fcy C. F. Moore & Co. Marriage Licenses. Lillie Cockerham, 2 i, to E D Casey, 29. Brosia Pennington, 25, to Geo Merchant, 26. Weak Hearts Are caused by indigestion. I f you eat a little too much, or if you are subject to attacks of indigestion, the stomach expands—swells, apd puffs up against the heart. Thia crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease is the final result. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain off the heart, cures indigestion, dyspepsia, soar stomach, and contributes nourish­ ment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Sold by F . H. Caldwell & Co. Casey—Shure they do be tellin’ me that B ig Moike w o r knocked e c ie dow n be an autymobile, yester­ day; w o r there any bones broke, GENERAL, M E R C H A N D IS E I dunno? Cgnley—Troth, an’ there w or; th’ owner av the OPPOSITE BANK OP NEWBERG. Thcijeare four sides to every divil:wagon g o t his nose broke, the chawfer got his ja w broke, question—the inside, the outside, an Big Moike broke th’ sicond the right side and the w rong Don’t advertise in the local knuckle av his right fisht! side; but don’t figure on any of Bust ness Pointers. them until you hear the other paper “ to help the proprietor,” Tcrrdl—Smith Wedding* The plU that will, will flU th« bill. Without o (ripe. but advertise to help yourself. side. ______________ To cleanse th« lln r , without ft quiver. Columbia cylinder records 25c Tftke on« ftt night. On T uesday evening a t 8 at Heacock & Heacock’s. W hat Are They? Administrator's Notice. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are o ’clock, a t the home o f M r. and F or express and light hauling Chamberlain’s Stomach and Noti«* is hereby given that th« undersigned small, easy and gentle in effect, M rs. Allen Smith, their d a u g h ­ leave orders a t Rich’s grocery. L. Hoakina hag toen, i>y the .order of the Liver Tablets. A new remedy for J. yet they are so certain in results County Coart of V amhílí County 8Ute of ter, M iss Stella M . Sm ith, w a s They arc good oak chairs at duly appointed aa tha edmlnlatret administrator of stomach troubles, biliousness, and Oregon, the eetete of James W. Nevitt, deoeeaed, and m arried to M r. H a r r y A. Terrell, Porter & Larkin’s and you get that no one who uses them is dis­ that he haa duly qualified aa aueh adm In la- appointed. For quick relief from constipation, and a good one. tr»tor. o f A lton , O sborne county, K a n ­ them free. Now, . therefore, all peraoni haying haying claims Price 25c. For sale by C. F. Moore against safd astato are hereby nc otided and re- A mortised screen door will biliousness sick headache, torpid sas, President H . E d w in M c G re w q u 1 red to preeent the same proper! y verified, to & Co. ___ ______;__ outlast tw o doweled or blind liver, jaundice, dizziness and all the undersigned at hia residence ns ler Hewberg, _______________ ____ officiating. The w e d d in g w a s a Yamhill County, Oregon, within ait months mortised doors. W e make them. Scientific investigation has from the date of this notice. simple, quiet affair, bu t every Newberg Sash and Door Fac­ troubles arising from an inactive, Dated this July 13th A. D. 1004. sluggish liver, Early Risers are plainly demonstrated that it is J. L. HOSKINS, arran gem en t w a s complete an d tory. 33 Administrator of said estate. enequalled. Sold by F. H. Cald­ not nearly so hard to find bac­ F. VI. Fenton, Attorney for estate. &> beautiful. The pleasant, n e w W ith a g o o d steam s a w in teria in paper money as it is for well & Co. hom e w a s tastefully decorated, readiness, Sam M cV ey is prepared most o f us to find the paper Notice o f Appointment o f Ad­ an d everything seemed a t its to d o y o u r w o o d s a w in g a t Captain •lone« at Newberg. ministrator, With the Will satisfactory prices. See him money. best. A sm all com pany of E H : Cured o f Chronic Diarrhoea Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned A fter teu Years o f have been duly appointed administrators, with the w ill annexed, of the estate of Wm. E. Suffering'. Davis, deceased, by the County Court of Yam ­ County, Oregon, and have qualified. “ I wish to say a few words iu h ill Now, therefore, all persons bavins claims against said estate are hereby notified and re­ praise of Chamberlain,s Colic, quired to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, at their resi­ Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,’’ dence near Springbrook, Yam hill county, Ore­ or at the office of Clarence Butt at New­ says Mrs. Mattie Burge, of Martins­ gon, berg, Yam hill county, Oregon, within six from date hereof. ville, Va. “ I suffered from chronic months Cbainberlatu’« Colic, Cholera Dated June 23,1901. Administrators,with the w ill and Diarrhoea Remedy. diarrhoea for ten years and during WM. H. DAVIS. > ) annexed, of the estate of Wm. JOHN F. DAVIS,> E. Davis, deceased. This remedy is certain to be that time tried various medicines Clarence Butt, Attorney for estate. 32-51 needed in almost every home before without obtaining any permanent the summer is over. It can always relief. Last summer one of my be depended dpon even in the most children was taken with cholera severe and dangerous cases. It is moi bus, and I procured a bottle of especially valuable for summer dis­ this remedy. Only two doses were The place to get your orders in children. It is pleasant required to give her intire relief. to take and never fails to give I then decided to try the medicine prompt relief. W h y not buy it myself, and did not use all of one now? It may save life. For sale by bottle before I was well and I have never since been troubled with that C. F. Moore & Co. complaint. One cannot say too For Sale. much in favor of that wonderful E igh t and one-third lots, w ell medicine.” This remedy is for sale Rooks, Stationery, Fancy and set in fruit; peaches, pears, by C. F. Moore & Co. Toilet Articles. Camara and plums, apples, cherries, grapes, Kodaks and all kinds o f Camera and all kinds o f sm all fruit. Six j A St. L o u is ju d g e has handed Supplies. DRUGS & MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTION WORK A SPECIALTY. an d w ill g o later in the season G o to the N e w b e rg M e a t M a r ­ to St. L o u is to see the exposition. ket fo r all kinds o f fresh meats. M rs. Terrell is w ell ____ k n o w n in W e a lso handle bacon and lard. XT V " TV "r i W e d o o u r o w n b u v in g and are N e w b e rg and other p a rts o f t h e ! a b )e tQ furnish the- ^ m eats valley and has a la rg e num ber of; the v a ney affords. friends. M r. Terrell, th o u gh not S t a n le y & B ond , N e w b e rg M e a t C o. so well k n ow n , has gained m an y T friends d u rin g his t w o y e a rs ’ stay in O regon. The kindly For Sale. wishes o f a m ultitude o f people A g o o d team o f mares, both w ith foal; aged 4 and 7, w eigh a b o u t 2,500, privilege to test them. L ee D adisman . O p B a rto n property, N ew berg, g o w ith them as they go. Cdunty Mass Meeting. ’ The C o u n ty B o a rd o f E xh ibit . th a t is gettin g up the display fo r j the L e w is an d C la rk fa ir w ill have' a meeting in M cM innville next S a tu rd a y , the 16th. There w ill l^e a m ass m eeting o f citizens and all w h o w ish to attend, at the opera house a t 2 o ’clock to discuss the m atter. Several speakers w ill he present. Presi­ dent M y ers o f the state com ­ mission is expected. The state commission has offered to p ay fifty per cent o f the cost o f g e t­ ting up a display. The county b o a rd w a n ts the endorsement and help o f the citizens, and they m ust have it if w e are to have an exhibit w o rth y o f the county. Notice. The railro ad sw itch to the C. K - S pau ldin g L o g g in g C o .’s mill is completed, and the subscrip­ tions fo r the expense o f building the sam e are n o w due and should lie paid to committee. 'U . J. C. H odson , \Committee H. B. C lough ,p omm,ttec' For Sale. A steam w o o d s a w , g o o d as n ew , cost $400; has saw ed a b o u t 200 cords, price $300. Inquire o r w rite to S. J. M ad son , N e w b e rg , O regon. 32-4t Annexes!. C a p ta in in Jones, Tones, ow ned b Dv y J. o f S prin gbrook, w ill be A .J o n e s the Com m ercial Stables, :urdayi in N e w b e rg , on Satu rd ays. T h is a n im a l’s colts are speedy, h an d ­ som e roadsters, and are g iv in g the horse reputation a s an excellent sire. a b o u t it. friends, w ith the immediate r , ,, ____ | F o r Sale— F ive acres of land, fam ily, w itnessed the cerem ony,, >vith g o o d n ew house. Inquire an d after the supper spent t h e j0f L . J. Butterfield, east o f the evening pleasantly. I saw m ill. Com e any d a y except On W ednesday m orning M r. ; S atu rd ay . 2 6 -tf a n d M rs. Terrell w en t to P o r t -' T . B. C um m ings & C o m p a n y r -------------------------» w in d o w s W, , shades, land, w h ere they w ere given a ; -------- kcef^furniture, curtain poles, portiers, carpets, reception on W ednesday evening m m attin attin g, rugs, an d in fact every­ b y friends of M r. Terrell. thing kept in a first class and On T h u rsd ay they started fo r strictly u p-to-date furniture the east, intending to stop a store. They also handle paints, little tim e a t S alt Lak e, Denver, ■ ° ' ls’ Klas?' brushes an d a fall line o f enamels. A la rg e stock o f .un­ C o lo ra d o Springs a n d points in d ertak in g g o o d s it on hand. K a n sa s. They w ill spend some E m b alm in g a specialty. time a t A lton, K a n sa s, w here Free Delivery an«l Botli Phones. they expect to m ake their home, room house, g o o d b a rn an d oth- j d o w n an opinion th a t 11 o ’clock er outbuildings. A b a r g a i n .; n igh t Is lo n g enough fo r a M u s t be sold y o u n g m an t o sta y w ith his M rs . E. M. H odsox , 1 6 -tf N e w b e rg , O regon sw eetheart. A re you gu ilty o f contem pt ot court? LESSONS GIVEN IN K O D A K ' ERY. Bank of Newberg. Piles Upon Top o f Piles. No Pity Shown. Piles upon top -of piles of people B. C. M1LB8, President. - Memorial Resolutions E. H. WOODWARD, Vice Pres, and Sec have the piles, and DeWitt’s Witch | “ For years fate was after me Comrades of 8hlolob Pont No. 71. Department J. C. C0LC0RD, Cashier.. Hazel Salve cpres them. There are continuously” writes F. A. Gul- of Oregon : “ I had a ter­ As the result of the fulfillment of divine rul- many different kinds of piles, but if ledge, Verbena Ala. ing we are called upon to record the last answer ., . , . . , rible case of piles causing 24 tumors. CAPITAL STOCK, $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . to the last roll call on earth of our honered and | y ® 11 the g e n u i n e a n d o r i g i n a l When all failed Bucklen’s Arnica respected comrade A. 8. Dudley, who died June Witch Hazel Salve made by E. q rt. C. MILES. 20, 1904. Therefore be it resolved, first, DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, a cure is'S alv e cured me. Equally good for J. I. HADLEY, That in the death of our comrade wc have E. H. WOODWARD certain. K . A. Tisdale, of Summer-1 hums and all aches and pains, 8. J. MADSON. lost a good and faithful member of our post. X. H DOUGLAS, J ft. That the charter of our Post be draped in ton, S. C., says " I had piles 2 0 ; ° « ^ 25c at F. H. Caldwell & Co. Directors. mourning for thirty days. | That we extend to the bereaved wife and 1 years and DeWitt’s Salve cured me dau8 store C O B R E S P O N D E N T S —Ladd * Tilton. Port­ children our sincere sympathy. 1 - . . , j Sold land; National Park Bank. New York. That a copy of these resoultion* be spread on a f t e r e i e r j t h m g e l s e la ile t ------------------------ the minutes of the Post and a copy be sent to by F. H. CdldWell & Co. the sorrowing family, and a copy to each of the ___ ------------------- ' Strangers visitiug the city are invited to oall at O regon, city papers. ^ ^ Y o u don ’t p a y a n y v m ore for an j y o u r go o d s w ith chairs th an you I C lkvkland E ookks .S Committee. B. F. H bvi . and , > I l l l l ercial •did w ith o u t them a t P o rte r & ( Whereaa—Our post haa been once more ; alarmed by death, and our beloved comrade ! L a r k in ’s. James W. N evitt has been taken from among | Brutall)’ Tortured. us to join that Grand Army above, where the supreme Commander of the Universe presides' A case came to light that for per­ Therefore be it resolved by the members and sistent and unmerciful torture has visitors of 8htloh Post No. 77. Department of Oregon. G. A. R. That in the death of James W. j perhaps never been equaled. Joe Nevitt we have lost a true comrade, in whose : Golobick of Colusa, Calif., Writes, daily life was exemplified those foundation principles of our order, fraternity, charity and “ For 1 5 years I endured insufferable lo ya lty; pain from rhuematism and nothing That the community has lost « quiet and peaceful cltixen, and his ttereaved fam ily a relieved me though I tried every­ fond and loving husband and father. thing known. I came across Elec- To the bereaved widow and orphaned chil­ dren of our departed comrade ws offer our sin -' trie Bitters and it’s the greatest parted comrade, iu that sufreme test of h i, m e d ,C ln e * ® rth for that trouble. 1 younger manhood, cheerfully answered his A few bottles of it Completely re- ; country’s c*:l and freely offered his life In de- ____, 1 .. ' fenseoi his country's flag. lle ' ed and cu red m e' 38 That these resolutions be spread upon the good for liver and kidney tronbles records of the post and copies furnished to the _ _ j t j „ k : i :* ., family and esch of the city papers and general debility. Only 50c. JUSt J ohn mcclskry .) J ohn W. M o o r i .S Committee. U t o R o i R y k k h . ) Satisfaction guaranteed by F. H. . . „ _ " _ Caldwell & Co. Druggist. j the bank for information concerning the city. Conesnondence invited. Easy Pill ^ Good Rigs and Careful Drivers. Hearse and Carriages for Funerals Rates n i M u s ev Reasonable. E . C. D e W IT T A C O ., C H IC A G O ^ CLAUD FERGUSON, PROPRIETOR. Easy to take and easy to act is F that famous little pill DeWitt'a Little Early Riaera. Thia ia due to the fact that they tonio the liver In­ stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even tha moot delicate lady, and yet thoy are so certain In results that no one who uses them la disappointed. They cure torpid Hver. constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu­ monia and fevers. Don’t Forgot tho flam«. J EARLY RISERS For Sale by F. H. Caldwell A Co. 3