INEWBERG GRAPHIC tendence Elizabeth Miles w as read and showed tha£ Friends Kntared u tecon d-olua m atter a t the portofflee are still energetic in this w ork. at Newberg, Oregon. John Frederick Hanson quoted ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING these words: “ The big man reasons: the little man fights.” He said: The Friends are proud to say they have been leaders for peace for 250 years, b q t we are ashamed th a t we have n ot used greater energy in emphasizing TH URSDAY, JUDY 14, 1904 the doctrine. The Hague Peace Tribunal has been tried and found sufficient. There never $1.00 Per Year in Advance. OREGON YEARLY MEET * ING. Report of Proceedings Con­ tinued From Last Week. * . > . * r- On Thursday morning, the 10 o ’clock session opened with short devotional exercises, which were followed by the reading yof the Baltim ore epistle. The clerk read the report of the representative meeting, naming some com­ mittees, urging insurance of all church property, and recom­ mending th at all appropriations to the church departments revert to the Yearly Meeting if not claimed within the year. The insurance question started a discussion on the ownership of church property. After a very spirited discussion it w as found by vote th at the meeting w as anxious th at the monthly meet­ ings transfer the title o f the church property to the Yearly Meeting corporation. The nomination of the per­ manent committee w as an­ nounced and the report was adopted. A committee w as also appointed to have printed a uniform set o f blanks for all the m onthly meetings. Thursday afternoon w as de­ voted to the foreign nmsionar}’ w ork. After the reports of the foreign mission board, an in­ teresting and encouraging letter w as read from Silas and Anna M oon, the missionaries located a t K a a k village, Alaska. They state th a t the average attendance a t their Sabbath School is about 75 , and th a t the chief of the K a a k Indians and his wife were lately converted and joined the church. Mr. M oon, w ho w as present at Yearly Meeting, told o f the cramped condition o f their school, and made an appeal (or *ai(J in providing more room. things about the mission sur­ roundings, which seemed very strange to the audience. Then the missionary board brought forw ard a volunteer to the Alaskan w ork, Miss Belle Gard­ ner o f Portland, lately a gradu­ ate o f Portland High School. The meeting united in a touching consecration service. The address delivered by John Fredrick Hanson w as a compre­ hensive and enthusiastic expo­ sition of the mission field viewed from the standpoint ot a man who has «lone religious w ork over a large part of the United States and Europe. FRIDAY MORNING. After devotional exercises led by Jas. P. Price, the epistles from Indiana and New England Yearly Meetings were read, and were given close attention. The subject of Sabbath ol>- servance brought out some very emphatic views, and it w as de­ cided to send a memorial to the legislature asking for better law on the observance of the Sab­ bath. The report of the superin­ file were so much in favor of peace; or when our nation w as so much in favor of peace. There is"no agency which makes infidels so fast as the arm y and navy. The church ought to speak out again st the m ilitary system. The people th a t are preventing w a r are more entitled to kisses than Hobson. And the w ar spirit will increase unless the church continues to stand for the right. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Sabbath School w ork w as considered a t this session. J. C. Hodson, superintendent for the Yearly M eeting, introduced the subject for discussion. Mrs. Beulah Ross o f Salem, spoke of the responsibility o f the teacher in regard to the heart culture of the children in the Sab­ bath School. She felt it w as the duty of the teacher, to study carefully, each heart before her and seek to apply the lesson taught, in such a w a y th at the need of each child would be met. She repeated a beautiful little poem, “ A Diamond in the Rough,” showing each child to be “ A Diamond Sure Enough.” In a very unique w a y , A lbert Mendenhall expressed the needs o f the S abbath School in three words, grace, grit, greenbacks: Mrs. M ary Geer told ot the sacrifice it required to be a suc­ cessful Sabbath School worker. She gave a very interesting account of the work she had ac­ complished. Silas Moon, missionary to the K a a k Indians in Alaska, reported the w ork done there. About fifty Indiausotre members of the Sobbajfy spjigpl and they take a in the lessons deep interest of givin g wort. McGrew. The story o f the great victory o f one o f the students, W alter Miles, in the N ational Prohibition oratorical contest a t Indianapolis, waif told by Professor R. W.. Kelsey. The reports of the board o f managers and president o f Pacific College showed a year o f very successful w ork. The financial needs o f the institution were presented by President McGrew. He guaran­ teed th a t if Oregon Friends would raise $1000 for running expenses lor next year, he would secure another $1000 from Eastern Friends. The call w as made for subscriptions and the am ount w as raised. SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday, the last day o f the Yearly Meeting, w as a very busy one. Amos K enw orthy had charge o f the eight o ’clock service. A t ten John F. Hanson preached a strong doctrinal sermon setting forth the cardinal principles of the Friends church. Mrs. Strange o f Idaho spoke in the afternoon. In the evening the closing services were ably'conducted by C. Elmer Pemberton o f Scotts Mills. The meeting closed w ith an impres­ sive praise service. M any ex­ pressions, both in meeting and out, were "heard to the effect th a t this Yearly M eeting w as one o f unusual blessing. We arc inaugu­ rating Saturday sales. . Call on ,us for that ' JUICY SUNDAY We do our own buying and butchering strictly. We make our money here and distribute it among home dealers. The best meats in the market. Lit us handle your eggs and poultry. P A U L B R U N Z 13L & SO N Why use a square porch post when you can get a neatly turned one for 60c We have as good a turner as is in the state and will give you FIRST-CLASS WORK at the lowest living prices. Celebrated on Mt. Hood Sam and Louis Hulit and J. G. Wohlschlegel, formerly o f Laurel, but w ho have been w orking at Hood River, started -out afoot from the latter place Sunday, July 3 , for Mt. Hood, carrying provisions and bedding. They walked- tw en ty-tw o miles the first day and the next morning arrived a t Cloud Cap Inn. The follow ing night they slept be­ tween snowdrifts over seven feet deep, and wdnt on up the side o f the mountain to a height of 9500 feet, the snow being too deep for them to make the com- plete ascent. After looking about they retraced their w a y to Hood River, having walked over seventy miles and being highly gratified with their trip. WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. A beautiful finish of great durability has won popularity among discriminating buyers for For Sale A 20 -acre Jhrm, one mile from Newberg; good improvements; dM Very much in cow, calf and buggy, chickens and crop all go with farm. Price inspiration to the $3460. Add&s B 61 56, New­ 1 berg, Oregon. ^35 Amos K enw orthy spoke a t W o r k in g N ig lit a n il D a y . length with deep concern for the The busiest and mightiest little welfare o f Oregon Yearly Meet­ things that ever was made is Dr. ing. King’s New Life Pills. These pills SATURDAY MORNING. change weakness into strength, At the 10 o ’clock session the liytlessness into energy, brain-fag in­ committee previously appointed to meutal power. They’re wonderful reported a memorial to the in building up the health. Only legislature requesting a law 25c per box. Sold by F. H. Cald­ against Sunday baseball and well & Co. other Sunday amusements and Cani o f Thanks. punishing offenders. Concise and instructive epistles We wish to exterid our heart­ from Oregon to Dublin, London, felt thanks t*o the m any friends and the American Yearly Meet­ and neighbors w h o so kindly ings, also to A laska Friends, assisted us 11» the sickness and burial of our beloved husband were reported and w ith some and father. corrections heartily united in. M rs . E. S paulding . It is found by the report o f the C. K . S paulding and F am ily superintendent and treasurer o f Niglit was Her Terror. Evangelistic work th at this “ I would cough nearly all night long,” writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegate, of Alexendrja, lad., “ and could hardly get auy sleep. I had con­ sumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but. when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery whol­ ly cured me and I gained 58 pounds. ” It’s absolutely guaranteed to cure cough, colds, ’a grippe, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at F. H. Caldwell & Co, drug store House Furnishers 4 rS b M M » S « a iM « i(tU — AND u r— w n 1— *a» a s . eadquartera for this splendid os i&and aee a most attractive i of grateful designs. Hand- uneled la — qwMt» color com- aiid with gold denotation* right: • “ Good as the Best and Better than Most,’ together with a full line of Vehicles, Farm ing Implements, Feed and Seeds. FOR SALE BV GOOD WORK. REASONABLE PRICES The Newberg Hotel >1 I t s H AST P i H H T STRHKT W . A. C A M P B K L I i , P r o p r ie tr e s s . New Management Good Accommodations Rates $1 per day and up