} T * "* -* « No A p p e tite Means loss o f vitality, vigor o r tone, and Is often a pre­ cursor o f prostrating sick­ ness. TMs is why H is serious. The best thing yon can do Is to take the great alterative and tonic Hood’s Sarsaparilla Which has cored thousands. 11« who merely steels e parse steels trash, bat the fellow that gets the con* tents of one is asuelly in luck, particu­ larly if the battons match his coat. Mother* w ill find Mrs. Winslows’* Soothing Syrup the best reaaedy to nae for their ohilOien Soring the teething period.. ________ C A H ebe. Sister— Too here told me her name, yet r know no more than I did before. Ie ahe beautiful? Brother—Beautiful? Why, ahe could moke even the present fashions look ar­ tistic. «1001 •100. The readera of thla paper w ill bo pleased leers that there is at lasst one dreaded dise that science haa been able to cure In e ll lie la Catarrh. H tfl’s Catarrh C u n ^ i the only positive care known to medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­ tional dieeaae, reqoiree a constitutional treat­ ment. H e ll’s Catarrh Care Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and muooaa turlaeee o f the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa­ tient strength by building up the constitution sad assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors neve so much faith In Ita curative wers that they offer One Hundred Doliera r any ease that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonial«. Address. » . J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 75c. H airs fa m ily Pills ore the host. K After Venus had answered the pray' era of the yoang girl end bad sent her a husband she next worshiped Hymen. This god was adored only on the day of the marriage ceremony, never before nor after. T o Break la N ew Shoes. Always shake in Allen’s Foot-Esse, a powder. Itcuree hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cure# corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 26c. Don’t accept any substitute. Semple mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. W h y F r u it T re es F a ll. Country L ife in America points out that the dropping off * f young fruit la not due to insect pests, as It is popu­ larly aupposed. More often it la be- cauae o f the fact that many varieties o f fruits are self-sterile and the blos­ soms require the contact o f. the pollen o f other varieties before they w ill ma­ ture fru it Not getting this pollen, many fruit trees do not bear at all or very much. The same trees treated by the methods o f grafting and planting w ill often bear large fruit and plenty of It r UPUOR-MORPMINE-TOf HABITS PERMANENTLY 1 f f e - FOR FULL MKTKHLAIB ■ m ar semen.- p o s il a np , q * l Revenge o f a W alter. . .. T ip * regarding prospective smug­ glers come to the customs officials In strange ways and from peculiar •ources, says the New York Tribune. One o f the queerest waa a cable dis­ patch from Bermuda, received a few weeks ago. I t read: , “ Customs, New York; Watch Oreen— bicycle trunk— from Bermuda.” There was no signa turé, and the officials, utterly puzzled as to the source o f the message, aw a it­ ed the arrival o f the next Bermuda boat with lntereat Sure enough, there was a passenger named Qfeen, and among his luggage waa a bicycle trunk. H e made the usual declaration that ha waa bringing in nothing dutiable. “ W hat la in this?” asked an Inspect­ or, tapping the bicycle trunk. “ My bicycle, o f course.” . “ Suppose you open it,” said the In­ spector. Mr. Green was sorry, but he had lost the key. Then they broke It open and found It packed with expensive cigars, which were promptly confiscated. The mystery o f the cabled tip was cleared up by a passenger who had •topped In Hamilton at the same hotel with Green. I t seemed that Green never tipped hotel servants. One o f them discovered that he waa packing the bicycle case with cigars and told his fellows. They chipped In enough to pay for the cable dispatch and in giving uie tip had revenge for tips not given. I b e Preacher’s Boland, 111., June 27.— Diabetes ha* so long been looked upon os on uncar- able form of Kidney Disease that a sure cure for it must rank as one of the most Valuable medical discoveries oi the age. And every day brings forth fresh evidence that Dodd’s Kidney Pills w ill cuie Diabetes. Important evidence in their favor is given by Rev. Tbos. B. Norman, the well known Bap­ tist minister here. Mr. Norman saya: “ I bod all the symptoms of a bod case of Diabetes and received so much benefit from the use of Dodd’s Kidney Pills that I cheerfully recommend them to anyone suffering from that dread disease. Dodd’s K id n ey' Pills w ill cure the worst form of Diabetes.” Dodd’s Kidney P ills always cure Dia­ betes,'one of the final stages of Kidney Disease. A ll the earlier stages from Backache to Rhenmatiam are naturally much more eaaily cured by the same remedy. W here the C oat Com es. Philosopher—Tbs only thing that can makt any man, rich or poor, perfectly happy la love, and love costa not a pen­ ny- Practical Man— True, but keeping tbs loved one In'clothes coots like the Old Nick. T h e C ook’s C a r r y in g C a p a c ity . in n r lum a hues h e n io n e . SECRET OF BEAUTY.' ■ •w Boms Clover Women D efy R avages o f Tims. “ I f i a mystery to ms how actresses manage always to look ao fresh and wholesome, even girlish, whan their manner o f living la so directly opposed to all laws o f hyglafis on# avsr hoard of. W# who follow out the tenets o f the ‘early to bed and early to riot’ the­ ory don’t look half so wall.” “ Yaa, was the response, “ I’ m sura that If X worked till 12 ovary, night and studied and practiced and posed all day, to say nothing o f drinking all manner o f things and reading all the criticisms o f my work, I should be a fright and a physical wreck.” A Tribune writer chancing to hear this conversation determined to inves­ tigate the subject and discover, if pos­ sible, the mysterious talisman which enabled a hard-working actress to pre­ serve her charms, while the domestic woman, the happy w ife and mother, the woman o f leisure and ample ac­ complishments, appears fully her age or years older. “ I ’ll tell you the things I do, the philosophy on which I model myself, I f I can be Incognita,” said one well- preserved heroine o f the mimic world; and this agreement being entered Into, ahe proceeded to discourse on the sub­ ject. “ In the first place, you must un­ derstand. anybody who wants to be good-looking must never worry. W or­ ry means ruination, death and destruc­ tion to every vestige of beauty one may have. It means loss of flesh, sal- lowneea, tell-tale Hues in the face, and no end o f disasters. Never mind what happens, an actress must not worry. Once she understands this she has A W e ll Known Canadian Lady Sends passed a milestone on the high road to Letter of Endorsement to Pe-ru -n *. keeping her looks.” A fte r hearing the subject thorough­ Miss Mary Burns, 28 Spring Garden ly canvassed the following Inference Road, Halifax, N . 8., writes: “ Hsv- was deduced: That, apart from the ing used Peruna for indigestion and laws regulating the expression and nu­ stomach trouble and to build np a trition o f the face, the actress’ secret broken down system with the very best consisted chiefly In the avoidance o f monotony and petty worries, those results, I am pleased to state my exper­ arch enemies o f feminine good looks ience with this excellent medicine. I and good temper; the performance o f had been troubled with stomach her work with earnestness and light­ ness o f heart and the regularity o f a trouble and poor digestion for some certain degree o f exercise—exercise In­ years, and although I tried many rem­ volving quick and general movements edies and dieting, nothing seemed to o f the muscles, combined with a cer­ restore my health until I used Peruna. tain amount o f mental e x c ite m e n t- In three months I had entirely recov­ New York Tribune. ered my health and strength.” — Mary BU Borna. GENERAL KUROKL Suggestions by Dr. Hartman.— How to Combat the Nervous Depression Incident to W arm W eather. Nervousness is vary common among women. This condition Is due to anae­ mic nerve cantera. The nerve centers ara the reservoir for nerve vitality. These centers become bloodless for the wont of proper nutrition. This condition is especially notice­ able daring the warm season. Every summer an army of invalids are pro­ duced as a direct result of weak nerv­ ous systems. „ This could be easily overcome by the ase of Peruna. Peruna strikes at the root of the trouble by correcting the digestion. Perfect digestion furnishes increased nutrition for the nerve cent­ ers. Perfectly digested food gives these reservoirs of life a vitality which cre­ ates strong, steady nerves, and in thia manner fortifies and nourishes life. Miss Blanche Gray, a prominent yoang society woman of Memphis, Term , in a i scent letter from 174 A la­ bama street, writes: “ To a society woman whom nervous farce is often taxed to the utmost from lack of rest and irregalar meals, I know of noth fog which is ef so much benefit aa Peruna. I took it a few months ago when I felt my strength giving way, and It soon made Itself manifest In giving me new strength and health.” —M iss Blanche Grey. Pe-ru-na Contains no Narcótica. One reason why Parana bos found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Perana is perfectly harmless. I t can be used any length of time with­ out acquiring a drug habit. Peruna does not prodace temporary resalta. I t is permanent in ita effect. I t has no bad effect apon tbe system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re­ moving the cause of catarrh. Thera are a multitude of homes where Peru­ na has been used off and on for twenty years. Sach a thing conld not be pos­ sible if Perana contained any drugs of a narcotic nature. A t this season of the year we are pe­ culiarly liable to inflammations of the stomach and bowels. I t is the part of wisdom to learn bow to cat them short and in the easiest and quickest manner. Perana does this by its peculiar power over all form* of catarrhal troubles. Gen. Kurokl, commander of the Jap­ An American factory at Hanover sap anese army which pursued the Rus­ pliea pneumatic brakes for tbs whole sians across the Yalu, Is a veteran o f Prussian railway system. four War*. H e Is known for his per­ sonal bravery and his coolness a n d im­ PRICES THAT TALK. perturbability on the battlefield. . In Threabermen sad Sawm ill Men N o t«! ISO ft. the w ar for the restoration o f the Mi­ Eadlesa Lines Stitched, Heavy Canvas, 4 ply, 7 Inch BeltIny, »27.00. 1M ft. 8 Inch wide, same as kado in 1868 ha fought for the Mikado above, 0*1.00. Tank Pumps complete, with I I t i l B U Y V Inch Suction Hose, 10 ft. Diitcharge Hose, with nos- rel and strainer, |10.M. Belting, Hose and Pack lag at wholesale prices. General agency for Parsons H aw key« Self Feeder. Lane ahlngle mill, run only 40 days, at a bargain. W rite for catalogs. “ You are having trouble with your cooks?” “ Yes. The first one carried on to.” “ And how about the last?” “ She carried off ao. I lost two vesta and a hat.” — Philadelphia Record. R K IK K S O N M A C H I N E R Y CO. P O R TLA N D . OREGON. No. 27-1*04. » . N. (J. V e ry H a rd . “ Of course, a horseshoe always means luck.” , Tess— She told me she was going to “ Oh, yes, tnd if the horse passes it bleach her hair. Jeee— How indiscreet She really ought up to you behind your back it means bard luck.” — Philadelphia Press. to keep it dark.— Philadelphia Press. a d vertisers i |W e— T a lk e d T o o M a c h . FR O M K IN G op BLOOD PURIFIERS there is an h e E” r e d ?.There itary predisposition to disease, S. S. S w ill search out and remove from the blood the fixed poison and build up the health; it enriches and purifies weak, thin blood and stim­ ulates the circulation. Pure blood is essential to health. Y ou can exist without good blood, but can never be robust and strong; for every organ, tissue and nerve in the body looks to the blood for nourishment, end unless this vital fluid it kept in a pure, healthy state, the test o f the body suffers and the system soon breaks down. Nature haa.pro­ vided in S. S. S. a remedy for diseases o f the blood which long experience and a thorough test have proven superior te all others, and the acknowledged " K in g o f Blood Pu rifiers." over need, and gen erally hoop it on hand so a fam - lly romody. r- M » 8 . ▼. O. W H IT T IH O T O H . OUR MBDICAL DEPARTMENT, in charge o f graduated physicians, is an important part o f oar business, maintained for the benefit o f those w ho need advice e r special information in regard to their case. W rite «a , and our physicians w ill advise yon without charge. IMF 9WW7 wtcc tno eft* atiamta . i a I t ’s P la to T r o u b le . Plate trouble la a common thing, and there are various kinds of It. Many plate# never were right. Others are properly made, hui the mouth la not put in proper condition or wearing the plate. sss N o remedy ever yet discovered has met with such popular favor as S. & S. The people everywhere indorse it, and there are fe w homes where & & & . f o t th e blood is not known and used. It it superior in many ways to the ordi­ nary blood medicines. In the first place S. S. S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable compound, made exclusively o f medicinal roots selected for their wonderful purifying and tonic properties that act upon the blood, purging it o f impurities and restoring it to a healthy, natural condition. A t the same time, under ita tonic effects the gen­ eral system improves, the sluggish organs are toned up, and renewed strength and vigor and better health is the result. N o bad after-effects follow the use o f S. S. S., as so often happens with blood medicines containing strong minerals, which derange the stomach and digestion and in other ways damage the system. For diseases of the blood, such as Chronic Sores, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Boils and Pim- —. _ pi es, E c z e m a , T e tte r , . A L W A Y S K E E P S 8. 8. 8. O H H A N D . ^ lood Poisons, and other M onti cello, A rk ., Mar • ! . 1908■ troubles due to impure or Gontlomon:—For about twolvs yoora X hava boon using your 8.8.8. aa a housahold romody. bad condition o f the blood, X havu takon It aa a tonio and appotiaar, and bo- no remedy acts so promptly 11 •▼* thara la nona bottar. X have uaod It for my and thoroughly as S. S. S. Shildron at various tixnos for littlo akin eruptions, boils and poisons oanaod by playing with wood*. It reaches d e e p -sea ted , 8. 8.8. la my standard, novor mind what is tho long-standing cases, upon matter. I f I use a bottle oi 8. 8. 8. it toneo up tho which the ordinary potash system, olesnses tho blood and n sk *i ma well an(j sarsaparilla compounds D EALER DO YOUR JAWS ACHE? P erh a p s the YOUR If your plates are in any way unsatisfactory we will be glad to make an examination and tell yon the cause of tronblo. GENERAL X U B O K t against his own clan o f the Samurais, and many stories are told in Japan of his achievements In hand to hand con- bats. Ten years later he helped to suppress the insurrection. Iu the Chlna-Japanese war he commanded the division which captured the dozens o f forts defending Wei-Hai-Wei. In the Boxer war o f 1900 he commanded a part o f the Japanese force that so distinguished Itself in the relief of the legations at Pekin. E le p h a n t aa a N u rse. xttk. **. A. Maos. We extract teoth wholly without pain an l all work is at lower than reasonable rates. Extracting free when plates or bridges are ordered. .. ». »t * -■. 208-213 Fall la g Bldg., ->d A W aal WISE BROS., Dentists ”*2’’ Open evening till 9 Sunday* from • to 12 Oregon, Main AKM R U SSELL HIGH G RAD E M A C H IN ER Y ENGINES BOILERS SAW • ROLLS THRESHERS STACKERS A woman in India tells this story of an elephant’s skill as a nurse: “ Thou Write for Catalogue art hungry, big mother,” said Remmi, and Prices emerging from the hut with the baby in her arms. “ Ishta, beautiful elephant, PORTLAND take care o f baby; I am going to see OREGON to your dinner.” She put the little restless brown bundle down on the ground between Ishta’ s tw o fe e t Then IN I M P O R T A N T S T E P she fetched the earthenware Jar of un­ IN PLACINQ YOUR ORDER FOR A glazed red clay and filled it with live charcoal, setting it down to get heated T H R E S H I N G O U T R I T through while ahe mixed flour and wa­ Investigate the Advance line of thresh­ ter into dough. W ith the skill o f fre­ quent practice she spread the rough er« and engines. They coat leae to op­ mixture three or four inches thick all erate, require fewer repairs and do more over the Inside o f the jar. W hile the and better work in all kinds of grain dough Was slowly baked by the heat than any other make. Straw or wood from the embers Inside, Ishta, patient and coal burning engine*. Also a fall and docile, aa waa her w o n t cared for baby, gently‘ restraining the little tru­ line of single and double Portable Baw a n t who would hava crawled away. Mills. Now and again, when tbs baby llmba moved quicker and achieved a few paces o f freedom, Iohta’s trunk would ),■ ; , ,■ . ; ^, * - » . V ; . „ carefully wind around the little body Thoroughly reliable and most durable machinery in the market. Honest in and lift It back to safety between the construction. Satisfactory in operation. Self Feeders, Stackers, Baggers and all huge barriers o f her fe e t and the tip attachment«. Drop aa a postal and our traveling man will call. would gently pet and fondle away A D V A N C E T H R E S H E R C O . baby’ s fretfulneas and Impatience at Branch House«, Plough's Warehouse, boot 0 . * . * N . Freight Depot, Spokane. MO Bel­ control.— Hour Glaaa. mont Slreot. Portland, Ora. The A . H . Averill Machinery Co., ADVANCE THRE^Tr?aiNBs \