VOL XVI. Local Events. Elbert Vaughan of H ood River, a former .Newberg boy, was in tow n on Tuesday. Delano Estle arrived home Saturday evening from a busi­ ness trip to Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Caldwell visited this week over at Jefferson with the former’s parents. - Robert Grame, brother o f Chance and Lee Grame, has rented the D. H. Turner prop­ erty. D. H. Turner, recorder-elect, , moved his family to McMinnville the first o f the week. Miss Carrie Turner is to assume the duties o f deputy recorder. . Dr. H. C. Dixon has rented the low er rooms o f his new building to W. E. Purdy, o f Chehalem Mountain, w ho will open up a real estate business, in which he w as formerly occupied in Port­ land. There will be a called meeting o f the G. A. R. Cemetery Associa­ tion at the residence o f C. H. Eggers at 8 o ’clock p. m. on Saturday July 2nd, for the pur­ pose o f electing a trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death o f Chairman J. W. Nevitt. Board o f Trustees. Prof, and Mrs. C. E- Lewis said farewell to Newberg friends M onday morning and left for their home at Paonia, Colorado, expecting to stop a few days at Berkeley, California. They have done an excellent w o r t for Pa­ cific College the past year for which the friends o f the institu­ tion are very grateful. Chas. Larkin has sold his farm on the Dayton road five miles southwest o f Newberg to a Mr. Johnson, a recent arrival from Wisconsin, the consideration be­ ing $10,800. It is understood that Mr. Larkin will move to Newberg for the present on giv­ ing up possession o f the farm. At a called meeting o f the city council held Monday evening it w as decided to improve the city water works by putting in a new concrete reservoir with a capacity o f 150,000 gallons. It is the purpose o f the council to put in the reservoir close to the present one and to use both the new and the old ope. The im­ provement will begin as soon as possible. NEWBERG, YAMHILL COUNÏTt'OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 30,1904. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy W oods o f MILES Grants Pass visited in Newberg P|M,j||c over Sunday. P rol Prof. JR. W. Kirk and Miss t Gertrude Lamb went dow n to ««jt’s Portland Wednesday to attend That i the state teachers’ meeting. and e: On Wednesday o f last week at tnornit the county seat occurred th e ' passed ________ ______„ r j is National >rical Con- t polls. I to be true.” ral thought yesterday word was it on the . ific College’s liles, met all il national ;al contest at ralked aw ay with first honors.-f He was ex­ pected to give.a gdod account o f himself, bnt his strongest sup­ porters scarcely dared hope that the boy would defeat the mature and seasoned orators from all over the United States which would be pitted against him at Indianapolis. News o f the victory came by telegram from Prof. R. W. Kelsey, which stated that Miles received three firsts on delivery and that the state o f Illinois w as awarded second honors. Details o f the contest are not »yet obtainable, but the headlinegqbntain enough news to satisfy for some time to come. This victory will mean for Pacific College the biggest ad­ vertisement in its historv. Its scope is national. It speaks forcibly for the small educational institution which can win out over the big universities o f the country. One o f the orators de­ feated by Miles was W. Clifford Smith o f the University o f Cali­ fornia w ho won tfie Pacific Coast contest last year w ho w as hailed as such a wdjider. The Friends colleges are maintaining an enviable record in prohibition : ____ T______ n _____1“ Mr. and Mrs.J. M, Rittenhouse g o t back from their visit at Grand Ronde Tuesday morning, their daughter Mrs. W. E. Thomas and children returning with them. Ed Biddle, for seventeen years proprietor and manager o f the Dallas Iron Works, was in New­ berg on business Tuesday in company with his successor in the business, W. C. Jackson. The new proprietor is out after some business in this section and at­ tention o f hop growers is called to his advertisement which ap­ pears in the columns o f the Graphic. Abner B. C o o k ,'a brother o f the wife o f Dr. Aaron Mills, died at St Vincents hospital in Port­ land last Friday morning o f brain fever. The deceased was born in Hendricks count)-, Indi­ ana. He had been- a Christian from early manhood and was a member o f the Friends church. T w o years ago he came to Oregon from Missouri with his three children, tw o sons and a daugh­ ter. He assisted in the work at the oil well west o f Newberg when the prospecting was being done, but for a year or more be had been running a dynamo in the Macleav buildingin Portland. 1 oratory > the first national con The remains were brought here test held at Chicago in 1900 for burial on Saturday evening being won by Miles’ trainer, R. and a short funeral service w-as W. Kelsey o f Earlham College. It is understood that Mr. conducted at the grave by Mrs. Miles will visit Indiana relatives M. E. K. Edwards. Mrs. Mills w ho lives at Fisher, Lincoln for a few weeks before returning county, was unable to get out for home. A hearty welcome awaits the funeral as the distance w a s ! at en(* tb^line. to o great, a day and a half being You can’t lose by baying one required to reach Philomath, the o f Porter & Lariau’s sample nearest railroad station. $1.50 shirts for 75 cents. To the school, church, lodge or society receiving the highest vote. Contest to close when 30,000 coupons sre issued. r ’ We give coupons with every 25-cent cash purchase Porter & Larkin, general merchandise. A. R. Moomaw & Son, hardware, implements, etc. T. B. Cummings & Co., furniture, wall paper, paint. Hugh C. Lawer, harness and saddlery. W. Rich, groceries and provisions. Henry J. Austin, meat market. C. B. Wilson, confectionery and ice cream parlor. Heaeock & Heacock, jewelers and opticians. The Misses Hutchens, leading milliners. F. H. Caldwell & Co., drugs, books and stationery. H A V E Y O U E X A M IN E D T H O S E Champion Machines A. R. MOOMAW & SON’S ? T h ey are the strongest and lightest running ma chines on the market. W e also handle the M IT C H E LL A N D BEE LIN E BUGGIES, SYRACU SE PLO W S, H A Y TO O LS, W IR E FEN CIN G and G E N E R A L H A R D W A R E T h e richest o f pure cream; the juice of ripe, fresh fruits; highest grade flavorings and pure crystal sugar, carefully blended and frozen to a creamy smoothness by skilled w ork­ men. This is the only "secret” of the great sale of M. F. Corrigan has a]»pointed Vine W. Pearce o f North Yamhill as his deputy. This is a good appointment as Mr. Pearce is thoroughly qualified to perform all the duties of the office and is a very pleasant and agreeable person to transact business with. Mr. Corrigan and deputy have been in the office part o f this week making themselves ac­ quainted with the various duties they will have to perform.— Telephone Register. John J. Spencer o f McMinnville died Saturday afternoon from paralysis and was buried in the old family burying ground at Dundee on Monday. "Jack” Spencer, as he was well known ail over Yamhill county, was a man o f very great native ability and had in him the making o f big lawyer had he properly ap­ plied himself. At one time he was prominent in Yamhill county politics. Mr. Spencer was fifty- tw o years of age and unmarried. » NO. 33. . . S W E T L A N D ’S ICE CREAJVl . . It is absolutely pure and contains no secret powders or "fillers.” This "Ic e Cream o f Q uality” is received fresh every day by C. B. W IL S O N , Sole Agent for Newberg. Special rates made for picnics, parties, etc. F r e e S ouvenir — W hen visiting Portland, call at S h e t­ land’s, 273 Morrison street, and present this ad. Y ou will receive free an attractive souvenir for the table. ■ B Y B U YIN G Y O U R Growers ! Attention i Here is something which should interest you. T 7 ie M o r r is o n I m p r o v e d H o p P r e s s Clocks, Watches and Jewelry W ill do more work with less men than any haler in the market. Thi* is fact, not pretense, and we guirantee it. W EBFOOT HOF STOVE Has more weight than any stove of its size. We manufacture it, »j and know that it-canuot be duplicated for tbe money. We handle all kinds of extras for the Beai'dslee hop pr6ss. Let us hear from j | y°" T H E D A L L A S IR O N W Tbe Loading Jewelers NEWBERG ORE