T ft !2-: S2-:-Ö ->SS-:-3S-:-SS-:< ‘ 'Some people talk a whole lot en don’t say nothin’ in le long-winded advertisements air jest like ’em.” the end; some jtoj (HI __W e don’t say-much, but we are here with the goods- -The Freshest, Cleanest Line of Groceries in Newberg. Our shelves are laden with up-to-date lines of Dry Goods. COME, SEE AND BELIEVE. M oore has them. They' are the Edison and cost about h alf w h a t others do. D on’t buy till you hear them. W ith a good steam s a w in readiness, Sant McVcy is prepared to d o y o u r wotxl sa w in g at satisfactory prices See him abou t it. T. B. Cummings & Com pany keep furniture, windows, shades, curtain poles, portiers, carpets, m atting, rugs, and in fact every­ thing kept in a first class and strictly up-to-date furniture store. They also handle paints, oils, glass, brushes and a full line o f enamels. A large stock o f un­ dertaking goods kept on hand. Em balm ing a specialty. H IIE ls r iR r H " E H R E T C B A E R .1 L M B H C U A .N D IS 0 O P PO S IT E B A N K O F N E W B E R Q . Osteopathy. '• ***-.> - *> Dr. C ow les from Portland can be consulted free o f charge at the N ew berg House parlors. Chronic diseases successfully treated w ith out drugs. P o rtla n d C arn ival. maid o f honor, M iss L u la Truq- blood, sister o f the bride, looked charming in a g o w n o f pink Crepe de Paris and carried a boquet o f pink L a France rose buds. - Immediately after the w edding a reception w a s held at the home o f the bride’s parents, 891 E ast T a y lo r St. for the bridal party and relatives. M r. and M rs. Stanhope S. Pier w ill be at home to their friends after August 1st, at 186 E, 32nd St. Portland, Oregon. F o r Sale. 1 F re e D elivery a u d B oth Phone*. A steam w o o d sa w , good as G o to the N ew berg M e a t M a r ­ new, cost $400; has sawed ket for all kinds o f fresh meats. abou t 200 cords, price $300. W e also handle bacon and lard. W e do our o w n buying and are Inquire or w rite to S. J. M adsoh, able to furnish the* best meats New berg, Oregon. 32-4t the valley affords. S t a n l e y & B o n d , R iv e r T im e C ard . N ew berg M e a t Co. The Willamette River boats are due to arrive at Kewberg dock as follows: Modoe, from Portland to Salem, on Monday and Frida/, at 12 m. Leona, from Portland to Independence, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 1 p. m. A1 tons, from Portland to Corvallis, on Tues­ day, Thursday and Saturday, at 1 p. m . Elmore, from Portland to Dayton, on Tues­ day, Thursday and Saturday, at 2 p. m. Elmore, from Dayton to Portland, on Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 a. m Altona, from Corvallis to Portland, on Mon­ day, Wednesday and Friday, at 2 p. m. Leona, from Independence to Portland, on Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday, at 11 a. m. Modoc, from 8alem to Portland, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 a. m. Subject to change without notice. , A u A la r m C lock fo r 25c. I f you want to get up early aud feel good all day take a Little Farly Riser or two at bed time. These famous little pills relax the nerves, give quiet rest and refreshing sleep, with a gentle movement of the bowels about breakfast time. W . H . Howell, Houston, Tex., says “ Early Risers are the best pills A Strong H eart. made for constipation, sick head­ Is assured by perfect digestion. ache, biliousness, etc.” Sold by Indigestion swells the stomach and F. Caldwell & Co. ‘ puffs it up against the heart. This causes shortness of breath, palpita­ L ew is and Clark envelopes tion of the heart and general weak­ w ith the official emblem printed ness. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures in red for sale a t the postoffice. n. indigestion, relieves the stomach, They arc good oak chairs a t takes the strain off the heart and P orter & L a rk in ’s and you get restores it to a full performance of them free. its function naturally. Kodol in­ creases the strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and appropri­ I will deliver milk in any ate to the blood and tissues' all of quantity, for any length of the food nutriment. Tones the time, to any part of town. stomach and digestive organs. Sold Your patronage respect­ fully solicited. by F. H. Caldwell & Co. W illam ettcf V alley C h a u ta u q u a Association. W M . G IL E S No Competition. The Willamette Valle Valley C hau­ The uniform success of Chamber­ tauqua ua Association Association w ill meet at lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea stone Park, near Oregon Remedy in the relief and cure of City, July 12th to 24th, 1904, inclusive. The Southern Pacific bowel comp’aints both in children Co. w ill make reduced rates on and adults has brought it into al­ file certificate plan tor this oc­ most universal use, so that it is Newberg, Oregon. casion. C all on any Southern practically’ without a rival, and as Pacific Agent tor advertising everyone who has used it knows, OFFICERS AN D * matter. is without an equal. For sale by D IRECTO R S F u r S a le . C. F. Moore & Co. Alpheus Mills, Pres. -r--,- Clemenson—Fitcli. ' . . “ On June 27th and July 7th the S. P. Co. w ill sell round trip tickets to Carm val at Portland including admission coupon to C arn ival a t $1.45 each. Tickets w ill be limited to 6 days after sale except w ill not be honored after July 10th 1904. Parties desiring these tickets when purchasing same w ill please mention “ Carnival tickets,” i On last Thursday morning a pretty wedding took place at Clarkston, W ashington, when Miss M aud O. Fitch w a s married to W m . M . Clemenson, the lieautiful ring service o f the Episcopal church being used. In speaking o f the young peo­ ple the Clarkston Republican says, “ The bride is one o f the most charming young ladies in this locality, w h o has for the past t w o 3 rears been one o f the teachers in Clarkston’s., public schools. The groom , C larkston’s | The first b ow lin g contest ever efficient and popular postmaster, j held in N ew berg took place in has by his agreeable manner and i Van L e a v itt’s finely furnished obliging w ays, made a host o f ¡club room last Friday evening, w arm friends w h o join in con- The visitors were from Portland gratulatin g him upon securing afid were Messrs. Knevse, Gail- pne so estimable as a Hie partner, lard, Hysmith, Boulanger andM c- — and w ith them g o the best M an am y. The N ew berg bow lers Eight and one-third lots, well were L. M . Smith, C. A. Parrett, set in fruit; peaches, wishes o f all.” pears, i After the ceremonv M r. and. Chas. Pressnall, B. F. Terry and plums, apples, cherries, grapes, Mrs. Clemenson, accompanied • A rth u r H e a ter. The P 11 kmtlfTof small fruit. Six G e n e ra l C o n tracto r. by M r. and M rs. C. R. Coon, the j w o n the first gam e b y a score o f room house, good barn and oth­ latter being the sister o f the 710 to 695, the seeond, of695 to er outbuildings. A bargain. groom , left on the boat for a trip j 675 and the third by a score o f M u st be sold. M r s . E. M . H o d s o x , to Oregon points. At the w h arf; 696 to 632. The highest score 16-tf Newberg, Oregon. a good ly number friends j in any one gam e w a s 171, made MUTUAL PHONE, 1*3 — ■ - ' — Captain .lone* at-N ew berg. gathered to seethe bridal pair! by Bert Terry. The best score safely off, and they did not for- \ of the evening w a s 466, made-by C aptain Jones, owned by J. get to take valon g a generous Gaillard, Terry coming in second A. Jones o f Springbrook, w ill be supply’ o f rice and a large number | w ith a score o f 443. The contest found a t the Commercial Stables, of old shoes. O f course, all p a s -, w a s witnessed by a large number in Newberg, on Saturdays. This anim al’s colts are speedy, hand­ sengers o f that steamer knew I o f spectators and w a s close some roadsters, and are giving they had a newly married couple enough to be interesting, the horse reputation as an on board and numerous pranks | excellent sire. . Business Pointers. — -------- were perpetrated. P o rtla n d and R etu rn O n ly The 3 ’oung people arrived at j Lew is and Clark envelopes for $1 05. New berg Saturday’ evening and ' sale at the postoffice The Southern Pacific Co. is Colum bia cylinder records 25c are visiting the g ro o m ’s parents, now selling round trip tickets to M r. and M rs. J. C. Clemenson. a t Heacock & Heacock’s. from N ew berg for F o r express and light hauling Portland W ith justifiable pride W ill has Good Rigs and Careful $1.05, good going Saturday p. m. leave orders at Rich’s grocery. 1 >een introducing his wife to old or any train o f Sunday, return­ Drivers. Hearse and H ave you seen those new time friends and receiving hearty oxfords for men at Porter & ing Sunday’ or M onday, g iv ­ Carriages for Funerals eongra tulation-s. L ark in ’s? ing all day Sunday and M o n ­ P ie r — T r u e W u o tl N u p tia ls . You don’t pay any more for day in Portland. The same K a t e s R e a s o n a b le . you r goods w ith chairs than you arrangement applies from P o rt­ ! A very pretty w edding w as did w ithout them at Porter & land, giving all Portland people solemnized Wednesday evening, L a rk in ’s. a chance to visit valley points June 22nd, a t the Sunnyside You can take comiort in one of at greatly reduced rates. /. Congregational church, P o rt­ those “ M o rris” chairs Porter & PROPRIETOR. F. II < aid w ell & Co. land, whert Elizabeth Trueblood, Larkin are giving a w a y with A sk t h e readers of this paper to daughter o f M r. and M rs. E d­ cash purchases. Porter & Larkin have ladjps ¡t e s t the v a lu e o f Kodol Dyspepsia mund A. Trueblood, w a s united oxfords in latest styles and they C u r e . T h o s e ' persons w i n T '^ b a i e in m arriage to Mr. Stanhope please the ladies too, several , used it, and w h o have been cured Stevens Pier, the bride lieing styles and prices. ! by it do n ot he-itate to recommend well known to many New berg One hundred and fifty-three Of Doors, Windows,' Mould­ people. The ceremony w as per­ dollars and a half will purchase ■ it to t h e ir friends. Kodol digests ings, Turnings, Brackets, CaS^ formed by the Rev. J. J. Staub at a good little team, harness and ! w h a t y o u e a t, cures indigestion, ings, Doors and Window dyspepsia and all stomach troubles, Frames or anything in the 8:30 o ’clock in the presence o f a w agon . See R. Pettyjohn. Our lady’ attendant has some lucreases s t r e n g t h by enablin ' the finishing line, you will find large number o f friends. fine muslin underwear to show s to m a c h .and digestive organs to them at The church w a s beautifully to the ladies o f New berg when c o n t r ib u t e to tbe blood all o f the decorated, the a lta r being a mass in the store o f Porter & Larkin ’s. ¡"n u trim e n t contained in the food. THE NEW BERG o f white and pink roses, potted j H. C. L a w e r puts out harness K o d o l Dyspepiia Cure is pleasant palm s and Oregon holly. J u st'th a t is just as good as it looks a n d p a la ta b le , ‘j before the bridal jw rtv entered • And it looks g o o d to a man w h o the church “ Oh! Promise M e ” kn o '?r8 good harness when he Notice ol' A|»|M»iiitinent o f A d ­ min in ! W itli t h e Wi l l ------------- w a s beautifully rendered by Miss I " ‘ , , Attiicxwl. ... . , , ~ , -ru t • l * lu ! ' F o r bale— riv e acres ol land, W e are now in a position to make A ".e F ow ler. The bnrte am! her | w -{h ‘ . „ cw h w m , , 3 MILK FOR SALE. Chehalem Val­ ley Bank. . E. A. ELLIS, r Sewer and Tile Work. Also Well Digging. j Commercial J _ — 8 IF IN NEED The bride, accompanied bv lier j * ° 1K> a * F or*er & L a rk in s r ,; . , . . ... and you can ju st as well have father, w a s dresse! m white silk ; thcni a l, w it(,‘out any extra ex- .Crepe de Chene and wore a white pense to vourself. Tulle veil—S h e'carried an arm l i f you w an t the best phono- bouquet o f bride’s roses. The igraph, sweetest toned, C. 'F . C o Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned o d d s iz e s a n d S p ecia l d e s ig n s in a ll ! ' h wnf'« nnexe i** 01 " * e ™a?e * lo *' w m w k . k in d s o f w o o d w o r k , a n d t o d o it on h rrespo nd ents : Western National Bank. XeW York. U.8. National Hunk. Portland McMinnville National tank •! , Established 1893. Bank of Newberg. U. C. MILES, President. E. H. WOODWARD, Vice Pres, aud Soc J. C. C0LC0RD, Cashier. IÏ . CLAUD FERGUSON, attendants entered the church to, o f L. J. Butterfield, east o f the the strains of Lohengrin’s Wed- sawmill. Come anv day except ’ " 26-ti rling M arch plaved bv Miss Saturday. There arc three different chairs C harlotte Layton. J. C. McCrea, Vice- President. S. M. Calkins, Cashier N l C. Christenson. Assistant Cashier J. Kinley Blair. CAPITAL STOCK, S30.000. A. C. MILKS. J. I. HADLEY, E. H. WOODWARD 8. J. MADSON. J. H DOUGLAS, JE. Directors. C O R K K S I'O N D E N T S —Ladd A Tilton. Po land; Nations! Park Bank. New York. Strangers visiting tlie city are iu v. ted. to call at the hank for inferitiatioD concerning the cltt. C on esnondence invited. JOHN A. BECK, W ATCHM AKER *«*> J E W E L E R , 8oitclts tbe patronage of his old Indiana Friends who need watch repairing done. 207 M orrison St. PORTLAND, OK. ,asy i l l Easy to take and easy to act is \ , that, famous little pill DeW itt's Little Early Risers. This Is due to the fact that they tonic the liver In­ stead of purging It. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the'most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain In results that no on,e who uses them Is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headacltc. malaria and ward off pneu­ monia and fevers, rsarAiao bv J m c u n s i L V,, l n' ! s l 'o r te r t im c a n d a t lo w e r p r ic e s Now. therefore, nil person* having claim* th a n the Same cla ss of g o o d s call be j C. S e W IT T A CO.. CHICAGO against **ld estate are hereby nolint-d and re- , , i|iiircd to present the *am**, with the proper liacJ e lie w liertf. vouchers, to the underlined, at their rest- Don't Forget the Name. denee near Sprlnghrook, Yam hllleounty, Ore­ gon, or at the office of Clan-nee Butt ** New here. Yamhill county, Oregon, within month* from date hereof. Dated June 23. l.*rtl WM. H. DAVIS j Administrator*.with the will J annexed, of the estateoi Wm. JOHN F. DAVIS.) K. Pavt*. deceased. F o r Sale l»y F. II. C a ld w e ll & Co. N e w b e r g , O regon . Clarenee Butt, Attorney for estate. ¡U->t : ». l i « I EARLY RISERS