g on», T ito th* watt the tower , into a si h f f i melt will fiy ig ir tl of the protecting presence o f it« ma*. / r .r ; w ’* r ¿ r ' * ths food. W ater 'is la SJiB i O Airthoc fl^ r ^ o Y R obskli , ’» R e i * ? ’ ^ G lb n ^ ot , ** “ T h * F>« hionab , i . b M o r a t a , ” E tc . k .ry siiL r4! :n n X ' p ' p » > "1 m , CHAPTJEK T O Wfi w lfctew saturn to look • Httls homo of their relative, Mr, Obacles in , hi Oharkn street, Liverpool, end the handsoms young physician »well, who hed eared for them both „ tenderly lu rin g their peeeage am «he AtlgtSg. M I t need only be said, b reference to th at farewell, that the tears rushed to the hazel eyes o f Ethel aw she saw him disappear. b .the distance, and, a, great Save and lohsiy tdld teethed Suddenly to ban Ca ed stranger, but from th«]hrst word of kindness he had spdken id 'h e r, the first glance into hia earnest eyes,'ah* had felt towa^fa, htaj ^ i s h w ^ done towards any person of the opposite MEbefOTK ( i m / i J f i l u n J l d d 38tI/[ Æ aum&EBMS-sEhdPatei 6 » without bini ^ ffofea/day or sb lLhaliai, most seenoed an impossibility, but with the .rapid failure of her sunt’e strength tkm she had received from lips. The package spoken of wifi » PO“ ** to the baronet. The next day a telegraphic dlspatak summoned the young girl Immediately to the presence of the baronet, saying "that hw.i a s r s An ho£r later • ^ Mail. Poor way tram on her way t< girt; she Mttie knew what awaked hér there! X IA C H A PT E R v m . afin «pmewr t?” nfiMBed naked Sir a ir Bogumra uiuif d I d t h r tawf,aniifh Mt> ‘ distinctly y heard heard a carriage otopDetfore stop the dwor, and, hie pwn c o a lm a n ’* voice speaking to the horses. , "Hhr tins; shall she be brought direct­ ly to your presence?" : “Yes; and,see to it that no one ontose this room Until they are crubSmoned, ink I wish to see this.girl alone. Do.you hear? Alone! entirely alone!v replied thè baro­ net -»fiJ vl in n •; Lady OdnsUnce withdrew. rdry m z . r ’s v í í s store ths bafikat to its plàcb; «M» be fifiW/ and ¡toa»» book to you wHk toe piste I h V g h U ’s i n f '^ ■n ■ ^a,-. tofik to 5 3T1 I, « d a i - ¡ 2 l *• j » ¡rwrr . l a i J-. WW t " R f j t b e r e r cam e SJongV^ K i d n e y s , n v e r a n d Reaching dow n pityingly, be stroked skin. The mediane to take is h#a cured voi! f n ^ f l v ■ TF. - n r r r " rtwr ifirgent mammoth found In m eatbred n g fib ttÌÒ fe e t it» heigh! The tdsMv weighed. IfiC n light of, n, certain nature in the 8fiQ p9V*d*- The h«*d wigjout weighed 414 pounds. ttrwar, and -winding up s little machinery,, tusks TTm*;ir J. ir. Um Will you do nil t k i a r asked he, AfikfiHy.’ Sction The Ju ly C entury w ill be e “yep,” half mowed th » f y w gjrl whose soul shrank in horror from to e num ber, although tb s advance an ­ task; "if you assure me I :Will not t o ! nouncem ents ' give pfotuiee of notubde ksmagd by the heart.” features pf intorsat for serious readers. i ^foa never will. H e Is chained te a Besides fu rth er chapters of th s serigls, heavy iron bolt; besides, this room h S ;ke D r. 8. W sir M itchell’g “ T he Y outh pi in has no window« or doors, beiqfi light­ W ashington” end Jack London’s “ The ed from the ceiling, and there is bo mods of reaehlng hhn, save by those shelves. I See-W olf,” there w ill be n in e short could not; you enn never even see him, stories in th e num ber, M iriam M lchel- or bs seen by him. When my friend re­ son, au th o r pf “ In th e B ishopV Car­ turns, and w ants him, we wUi unscrew riage,” ! Contributing another M adigan the toon ¡abelves^end so take him Ja^p/cs., story.-v There will! b«- s tc rito u)sor by “Will you stay bow, as ns must bs peea to this very o t g k t f aeked »ir Reginald, ](• after a pause,- ‘T on , iij t< 1 +* m ; T.tm i nut trunks when you I M M q # A t o . - O o « i h r t ^ ^ vi[r twenty póundu atoonth." .vl . s i l / , firm ‘ -i/i, New Boarder (shivering)—This stove I I I is too smell for this room. 1 % s a b 1* , » . u n >tm M u for yon. M r; afi X didst ipform my •wife,” : u r> J J > : it moved lnto a smaller room v»rr ]■*« ■‘!*q ^ i u*>.»--.»t!!ii -lir,.-(I or;j uses Strong* Jangnnge ip ipeuking Dodd’s K i3neyl»iih! a n d h eg iv e s goo^L) tw L « id lS ia 3r i h e J ® $ t w ! here done me so m uch good. I w u ¡J th e n ig h t end som etim es in th e day when Ith fttn g to th e wsderhouse - th e • w ater wnold oome from me before get- * S s J w ^ J S U ^ never yet heard ot m failure. Dodd’s , K idney P ilia a re th e th in g ! lo r K idney • Diseases and R heu m atism .” J • Dodd’s K idney P illt always cure the* kidneys,-» Good K idney* insure, p p & i blood.. P a re blood m eans good h e a lth . i n i lo oliiijjfii soon api « i s ^ W i a a m a s ’J L 0® «• presenTtohér dyugOitoij Pgrlcs-afidenyrt(i c>(.I .or>t»m HorroWi o f tom tiN leN gall, hia sister’s adopted > alecs, than 1In- <»' fenB B pA -bflH rth.lB h!! Mr. Minks (to e d to g W T h . captain’s yon end to o ntxnss generally, in ;»by osbú . ij; /i'.Ki J -Net nuU iiy ironh. rti ;;;->rn stantly retired, cloeing the door behind bee, aqd .importaot ehe e f M h W r bed ’ T ory beoottful looked ; the young Housekeeper t o l i p ^ vrifs was tore 1 Jgkiove-to 7 / .s i I /. ,^ / u ls i t i i I „ I m w . w W h h w frw i r m ’,™ « .1;!: nHl aboÜ^SPh^ a^Wfvadt! rtoáÚ sfii « /mured: ,' 1“Yee'; thU toothlfig I;#ka throwit from tè n d i to .say t o s t iths tohto - it « toi b “ Bbhel, darling, I feel that I have bi th lo cal treatm en t, p ro n o u n c e d itin c u ra b le . my heme, and i a ta Jto lie : b éri - hM pM f * few hours more to be WlVvysikM rt Warned In Time. Strength Is faet waning; hhr wfiUf ¿¿»a Old Dumps—A ■ -penny''■ ' pen by y fur for1 ¡I yonr hall;into ths,room adjehiihg, w hkh to e 1 wish to tell you. what I thought mig it Toledo, Ohio,Is tlioughts.-j-^* b e kept from your ears until your twei$ beforè the accident from mg aister, w rit­ >und exceedingly beautiful. I t had, evl- Í M Í w n .llíu tío « M lt* « ó fb . nñ rk .f. "<11 Young ¿ u in p a i-C a « *1*fh»g txjremem- emtly klwuya1 'been eidneively a guest Tty-first birthday; but a# I'Slhall not b i ten before her death. In th a t ,ghe asks ber whet ¡it wee my w iis wanted me y» jwith you thto,- T 'iif tf Jih'pjitt to you nogt me to give you a home for four months In chamber, an )-to -richly WM.Jfc fnrnkhed/ i...*t-.¡»»i," Ui- ,,ib u o n s Surfaces of th s system . T hey offer one bring noms» iT'i .» rhy j Lady Con- m return for any service I may, wish ren­ th a t she guessed at, once why ian important tocfat, an d g iv e into yo h u n d re d d á lla te forban y pese | t fails to suret ' Cld',,Dutii|ifi^M y! my! Don’t de IL Charge some documents not to be open ted. 4 - seat, bec ause - L .need assist­ vtancie hud' objected to ibn dally use.1 1' ■ Bend for circulara a n d teatlmo; Remembering „the thing» 4‘ 'With Wrafitk ,Toledo, O , As soon ss the maid had. whhdrswp, Address, r . i - e H M i y e Aintll th a t dgy. My dear, will you ba ance immediately of a very peculiar na­ you to bring home is.a mighty bad baMt*> Bold bv U rugrlsts. 76c. •thee* papers, and? promise me that yo ture. Are you willing to undertake it, Ethel commenced an examination of the StsU’S l amiljr p ills |are U fy te rt. By the time you’ve been married tort M Implements Air ’ Reginald had 'mentioned. >erll not .bfekk thgif ie a l until that t: at a fair salary?" years, she’ll be giving you s list as long ¡¡arrives?” The hookepto he bad spekei; of.she kpew irv irm x / . T h en HP G dt É è iÿ i '»•/tri i» as the ta riff law . bind been carried tliither from toe library I will, dearest aunt: rest assured Ï for1 her b ib vines her arrival. The draw* 1 Tom—iFPr «her Taet lo u r 1 have been iwill do exactly aa you wish.” fp ç. flu opportunity* to ! fito^l ^ v r r iu t papeto .rsapsak \of, 'thfih, Ato is hand me the small Bible you ess upon e* to; f U A M had giren her a key of A watching, k in . Ÿ1Î peculiar, shape was a secret one, found, th a t tabid." xt i t - B essM ndeedl ' ■ T&òè’t' you 1 think-: -1R W ith wonderinj eyet, Ethel handed an' be 'had w h istle d , brtijnd the bookn; whpM be a good idea, fo r yon to oenauit and remem baring h le-dlieetions, she pro­ him the book. an oculist? , "The duties to be performed are of a ceeded to open it, after carefully locking ------------------ ‘ .<< it i n o u f.ri n her door. »held from your knowledge for purely confidential nature. No human reasons, and In. order to keep being must know w hat I tell you. Wife, • There U f the toyee. |lpignlurl|r p ip e d . iÆ ?S ÿ ,S S J5^ K î Urge knives, with long, sharp-pointed dtudug the teethingpertoA. 'solemn .pledge dFi totofedy jgftafc: ¡toLTo . H I hll -2 h ILI/ bfadto, t A H ' a # W i 'A ihS candle­ ! lather when a, hal»e. . I took yon, as yog w a n t must ever know that you do m< stick, with three o r four MSen wax fflfinr -n io 'iq Rese than read toi^od am w e n& write my 1< n b somebody. i.are aware, when a dblld of a few weeks P riaad*—W hom? ...... ............... .... fold, ss my own had died, an well as era lm l attend to ipy daily buaineas - ^He^—1 ['ito« 4 know m y ittcomd is smali. bdt “Whom? Why, those coarse, brutal, ^husband's sister, who was your d 4 The true d u n ce -will be perforn^- t e s f s a s n t & a r £ - don’t .yM think rWf Cpilfi ¡get aipng? j inhumap owners of the S t Qui« ^ ^ o a a o H o r i m , ed in half an hour each evening, alone, . : Hef an tuning tbS drawer, »nd r e p ly ­ She—I ’m afraid n o t. , IXttor refused, to r e s t to a ing the books, the young girl proceeded thia book to keep mg I “ You w e n so young, and to I n so a f W iH 7® u AW ' 'H i — Yon toid ms t i i t you wStot toifi y T ’|i4 ry b o d y knortlf ' " ^ ? " to the wardrobe ou the opposite side of ! • ttlrely ours until your twenty-first birtn- Fbecretr? ,, cooking school, .noiii,-/'-/¡n*v ; : r i i i ,i children, toy d e « ^ the joton. end unldekto* It, eh# syw »t Iday, that all thought it best to Pill* yob "I wflf swear, If you will She—Yes, but they did not teach ms “Yes, ef course—but they objected to the back « door bolted on her aid«*,which uth a t these duties can be done with a pi Iiow to nisks wind padding. ■!. .1 * A m in^” gave hm kn immediate feeling of W onscience, and th a t they ; aye peril eurlty. U vjkij i. jiu m o 'J ¡r jtm r n ir . Ltdbf 'to t y u m * roper for me to dot” » >ilIt . treason« did not wish to claim you or fah •stu H “ I assure you you edn do theiii wi tjknOMB tor yo? im litnhgg time. •*&*»«* perfect propriety. Will you take tl A iS I& S Z & lifi& 'J Ite fi -T li* her SWtt room to W simUer door Caaide •bath?" --------------- — a wardrobe ahe had'fem* ^ I will,” Cfme from the lipa of England. I hare also given him Co These two rooms communicated with -trembling gM, retactoatbr« jk{ -j ffoa'ai vn*jy yui««»- Rogers address, who will tell him whe i thds little pasaagewsy f n h the inhab- ri confessed, but still came, because of yon cap be found when, thpt date ¿rrive ^promise gi^en h«f; drl»« f i ^ t th a t will only add th s t there la Zvothii 'would not refuse his offer. I to “I ite be ashamed of in your birth. You s: “Thep kiss tk a t boek, and repeat • true gentleiyopasp, gnd w5r«l twent; •iTj : y >r r me cherie Words: T, Bthei Nevctg one will oome into possession Of wear I will toll no person the nature roorae, ^longing î t e - ï W r a ‘property sufficient for yonr support • 4 A th ib , rkpo¥j rtrtoke, ktoily nhcend- ing! ip in g vqlpano,* and AW tak in g desperate chances, fot rjetarn h& is going to ex|iUBIt all, and ¡ t e t t t t & m s v t u f L 1 Í “r æ « Æ thp^mçrcury and poto rlo ked him if ¡you, could -not be of use] Bowling O m a , Ky., Mar. 84,1808. which I am to m ere. Now, altno ough ran!against g gentlemèu jurti entering. ,;i »me way W him, until the ‘fifth ot tm e n t t h e .e x te r n a l O sntlsm eni For over four years i I X soffered ' H a r wealthy, I love money, and always bavd; >ber, when y w would ,be otherwise 'iv n if p ò m lM thto d íle á t ó d is - W W from » s s w « case of ^ t o g t o n s i blood therefore, I take'iVcky care of this crefi- for. Thia letter must be sent ,f to re, in order to obtain more gold. No stUu, the kind frisih itb a t she had-part- ti n i is h a p p y rin th e b e lie f ofi -n|oia44, who p reso rited ¿ e rc u rjf. ^Nothlfig'ffld th * tre a tm e n t p ro v n d a c o m p le te c u r e ; ien, after all la over and year mot th a n beneficial. I m an tio n rtl m y oaae to 4 *1- Uhexpèrtbd agpesfkuoe: IfiriRM EWtortelnx' H tr t m in e ra ls) aire .le ft 'o ff ; * 8 5 W S J m- j ( E distasteful. Will you do this for your! f** ^ aP*’ infilfrwssl uhloiit cslilng hu'i my! ipaletot, dT^ . u ^ w ifi/^ ia a lie'fow Wply. eob- not aw i^X d^td h i Jdtl alurri4.'f'-'Abtoft Idre d ;èÿlotcrhefi [ -fit i « « bed out almost with a wall; “but I can- t®“ •▼•ry WtoMttg yell firsl to do IhU f^r m leryfiflf coùJe» H yiilrttrksaM toe* / iHcrw. is sickening symphbmk. M erchiy i M a i r w w » . 4 out y o u r • S tain p l ^ h g t A ^ r»Hned g f « i |A per* n ‘‘ ‘As t^v day, so shall thy strenxth- ;I pay well comes every evening, nna r i\bo,/{ir »v) l vVcaW iTf T,,ew1^ r? .n o » » * ' T°*z, It.. J Catt JPBfit getJbifi bfUfiL 13 h father wjlr clai^ ^p B j^rd te^t yon. But' a long, covered corridor that conned» w hat is th ie f I cannot seer 1 am grow-’ this tower ts ; ing numb—cold I Ethel—-Ethel—I am/ directly Into * ¿Jringl"' * • 4 .« in z iil | near yom worn, amj the door from yopr ¡in S h e sp o k e‘fio movS. jmrV as tM*V,fin(¡ IV tola, will É S A S f l t t f i P (To be _________ JL |g then» t he blood- aod build» up. i il h e a lth . v.onrr: on CoatagioUfi Bloòd Poifion#,with| full’ “ Medical a d rk d is furnished by ftuf qee jour' s;