Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 23, 1904, Image 4

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Public School Oractuatiou
was simply but tastefully decor­
ated in white roses and maiden
Entered «s second-el«« matter at the pos loffi ce hair ferns.
Fluttering ribbons, gorgeous
at New berg, Oregon.,
The musical part o f the program boquets, sweet girl graduates in
ISSUED K V E R Y T H U R S D A Y M O R N IN G deserves mention.
Mrs. Wilson shimmering white, sturdy youths
anc^ sister Miss Gardner played in new store clothes, doting
B. H. WOODWARD. Editor and Publisher.
a piano duet, “ Romeo und Julie” papas and mammas and admir­
W . C. WOODW ARD. Aaaodate E gtor.
by Bellini and Mrs. Albertson ing friends, budding oratory with
rendered a selection from Chopin. music stirred in for flavoring, a
$ 1 .0 0 Per Y e a r in A dvan ce.
__________ _____
T w o vocal solos, “ Bedouin Love few pieces o f paper tied with
Song” by Pinsuti, and “ Only in white ribbons and parting words
THURSDAY, JUNE 23 , 1904 .
Dreams” by de Koven, were o f encouragement and advice—
Pacific Collcicc Commencement. rendered in an excellent manner are important factors in “ last
b y Mt\ N. C. Zan o f Portland. day ot school” and the accom­
(Concluded from first page.)— His work w as greatly appreci­ panying graduating exercises
gave a graphic picture o f the ated.
with their never ending charm.
Fourteen public school students
ravages o f the disease. Scene
six, “ Killing time,” was a quiet by Marvin Blair on “ The Great­ were given diplomas at Crater’s
game ot flinch. Scene seven, the ness o f Little Things,” and he hall Friday evening by Director
grand finale, pictured that joyful handled an old subject in a Colcord, six of the number having
manner refreshingly original. delivered very creditable literary
time o f tumigation.
All unite in delating that class Treating the subject first from a productions.
scientific standpoint, he drew a
day o f 1904 was a success.
The program follows;
close spiritual application. What March...........
L .L .S .
Invocation . • • A i l i * “
B R I». C. E. L kwm
ACADEMIC GRADUATION EXERCISES the world needs is not more Duet..............
B lanche M c N ay and I. kna B lair .
oi the Asiatic War”
great men but more w ho will Oration................."Cauttes
CRARLK-s H ubbard .
The graduating exercises of
hand the cup o f cold water in Oration__ ."Make Hay While the Sun Shines"
D orothea n . H i k e .
the Senior Preparatory Class
His name; w ho will live the life Quartet........................................................“Grit”
M rsbrb . A lbertson , K irk . W oodward , L ewis .
were held in the Friends church
o f love and sympathy am ong Oration........... " Resources oi Yamhill Connty”
C laekm k J ohnson .
on Tuesday afternoon o f Com­
their fellows; w ho will say “ In Oratiou................. ............. ......."Sacajawen”
L ena B lair .
mencement week. There were
your Gethsemane you are not Cornet Solo. .. ..4^................. V ernon V. G ould
Oration.......... "Nothin« Great is Lightly Won”
ten graduates from this depart­
M iknir Morrrrr.
alone.” The practice o f the
Oration................... "The Literature ot Oregon”
ment, and the exercises were a
H iram o . S mith .
every day Christian virtues is
Vocal Solo.................................. B essie L. H ouck
pronounced success. After the
L um an R ich
demanded for the attainment of Class Prophecy ....................
Presentation of Diplomas..............J. C. C olcord
orations had been spoken. Prof.
that high type o f Christian Class Bong..............................................................
Class Address.................................. R. W K irk
O. C. Albertson gave a very in­
citizenship in which is to be Benediction........... ........... R ev . F. C. S tanaed
teresting address to the-class.
The annual scholarship given
realized the salvation o f the
His main thoughts were: “ Find
by Pacific College was awarded
yourself before j'ou decide upon
The qddress to the class was by P rof Kirk, to Stephen Ulig, he
an occupation for life. Don’t
delivered by Rev. F. W. Cliffe o f having obtained the highest
specialize to o soon. It is not so
Salem oipon the subject, “ The grades in school work. Luman
much what you are going to do
Excellency o f a Christian Educa­ Rich was very close second."
as what you are going to b e
The theme o f Prof. Kirk’s
tion.” He expressed a strong
that really counts.” Following
belief in the Christian college as address was taken from the
is the program as given:
class m otto, “ Not how much,
Invocation .............. ............... Rev. F. C. 8tanara heart culture is as important as
Oration...................................... "Tho Two Way»”
that o f intellect. He referred to but how well,” that quality of
Sara E. Knight.
Oration............................. "Character Supreme”
the Christian Education in the work rather than quantity is
Tyra A. Hutchen».
Oration.............“ Great Books As Life Teachers”
broad sense, and showed how it demanded. He strongly urged the
Elsie L. Mackie.
Piano Duet, “ Radleuse Grand Waltz” ...... .
.. ................................................. Gottxcbalk places us in touch with the life o f students to pursue their educa­
Mr*. C. B. Wilson aud Miss Jessie Britt.
It annihilates time tion farther, and strive to make
Oration". Decorative Arts of Different Nations” the world.
Alice' B. Hayes
themselves uselul to the world:
Oration........................ "What Is Worth While?” and space and gives us com­
Elizabeth 11. W'ithyeombe.
Vocal S olo................................................Selected munion with the great and good
It is easy tqmeasure the moral
Mrs. O. K. Edwards.
Its influence upon standing o f a community by the
Oration. .
— “ Giving What We Have” o f all time.
Mable E. Rush.
Oration........ ................... “ Triumphs of Labor” the material w orld is incalcu­ atitude it assumes, in the matter
Caroline H. W’ithyeombe
Piano Solo, "Romance” .................. Moszkowski lable. Speaking individually, the o f the observance o f the Sabbath
Mrs. B. De Tar Albertson.
Presentation of Diplomas......... ........................... central principle controls the life. as a day o f rest. Newberg has
Class Address..................... Prof. O. C. Albertson
“ Hitch you r made a good record in this
Benediction..............................Pres. C. E. Lewis Emerson
w agon to a star.” Sec to it that particular in the past, but with
Grace A. Finley.
* Elsie L. Mackie.
is the star o f Bethlehem. the rapid increase ot our popu­
Ralph W. Maris.
Edna O, Forsyth.
Mahle E. Rush.
Alice B. Hayes.
Invest yourabilitvw isely, throw lation the tendency will be to
Tyra A. Hutchens.
Caroline H Withycombe
Elizabeth H. Withycombe yourself into the w ork o f the
Sara E. Knight.
gradually' let down the bars and
world and you will be crowned lower the standard, and conse­
One o f the enjoyable features with success. The thoughtful quently it will be necessary to
o f Commencement week was the address o f Rev. Cliffe was well keep a close watch if our reputa­
Alumni Public, held Tuesday received.
tion is maintained. Newberg
evening, June 21. The program
Acting President Lewis con­ can’t prevent Sunday base ball
was short, but^ excellent, and ferred the degrees upon the games outside * the corporation,
was listened t o ’ bv arf apprecia­ graduates. Upon Marvin and but those who care to lend their
tive audience.
Calvin Blair, Carrie Turner, influence agai list the evil tendency
After a piano duet by Miss Carl Nelson, J. Aubrey Kramien, o f these Sunday games can re­
Jessie Britt ’99 and Mrs. Wilson, the degree o f bachelor o f Science; main aw ay from them.
a paper was given by Ore L. upon Gertrude Minthorn and
H o w A b o u t Y o u r Summer
Price’9 7 on “ Unionism.” Hesaid Elizabeth Kirk, the degree o f
V a c a tio n ?
that the foundations o f Unionism bachelor o f Arts.
are true and eternal; that the
The graduates were the re­
Newport on Yaquina Bay is the
unions to-day are corrupt is not cipients o f l>eautiful floral tributes ideal seaside resort of the North
the fault o f the foundation prin­ and many Commencement gifts Pacific Coast. Round trip tickets
ciples. The cry then must be, which admiring friends took at greatly reduced rates on sale
from all Southern Pacific points in
and is: “ Back to the original pleasure in reviewing.
Oregon, on and after June ist.
Ask Agent for further information
A paper, “ Some Unsolved
The annual banquet to the and a handsomely illustrated souv­
Engineering Problems” by H. S. graduates by the alumni was enir booklet, or write to Edwin
Britt, ’97, was read. He re­ given in the college library Stone, Manager C. & K. R. R.,
Albany, Oregon; or W. E. Com an,
viewed some ot the achievements Wednesday evening. The rooqi G. P. A., S P. € i , Portland.
o f the mechanical world in recent was decorated for the occasion
For nh I«*.
years, and gave glimpses o f some by the undergraduate? and was
o f the things which remain for a bower o f beauty. A six-course
<^jie good young jersey cow',
future years. One o f the things dinner waS served. R. W. Kirk, prire $25. For particulars inquire
he mentioned is the production ’98, acted as toastmaster, toasts at my home Vfc mile north ot
o f “ cold light,” for in producing being responded to as follows: Bank o f Newbeig.
light so much unnecessary heat “ Incoming Class,” M .O. Pickett, 32-2t
I. E. H o l t .
is produced. He said “ When we ’ 00 ; response, Calvin Blair, ’04;
Sued by tils Doctor.
find how the moonlight is made, “ The Gentlemen,” Jessie Britt,
“ A doctor here has sued me for
or how the firefly manufactures ’99; “ Domestic Felicity,” C. E. $ 12 . 50 , which I claimed was ex­
his evening glow the problem Kirk, ’01.
cessive foi a case of cholera morbus. *’
will lie almost solved.”
At the business meeting in the says R. White, ot-Coachella, Cal.
referred to another almost unex­ afternoon officers for the year “ At the trial he praised bis medic«!
plored fiekl, the navigationjof the were elected as follows: H. M. skill and medicine. I asked him
Hoskins, ’99, president; Olive if it was not Chamberlain’s Colic,
The program closed* with a Stratton, ’ 0 1 , secretary; W. S. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he
piano solo bÿ Miss Britt. E.-L. Parker, ’99, vice president and used as I bad * good reason to
believe it was, and he would not
under oath that it was not."
The public exercises o f . the
could u*»e a better remedy
week culminated
a case of cholera morbus,
Grace Dillon have dressmaking
morning in the regular Com­ parlors opposite Porter and it never fails. Sold by C. F. Moore
mencement exercises. The church Larkin's. Prices reasonable.
& Co. ;
N E W B E R G Q R A P H IC .
Thrown Prom u Way:ou.
M illinery Clearance Sale.
Mr. George K. Babcock was
Starting June 6th. and con­
tinuing until the fourth o f July, thrown from his wagon and severely
there will be a clearance sale on bruised. He applied Chamberlain's
all the hats at Hutchens Sisters. Pain Balm freely and says it is the
A large assortment o f ladies best liniment he ever used. Mr.
bonnets, dress and street hats,
also children’s hats, ribbons, i Babcock is a well known citizen ot
flowers etc. Please call and see North Plain, Conn. There is noth­
ing equal to Pain Balm for sprains
See those diummer samples o f and bruises. It will effect a cure
shirts at P o r te r à Larkin’s, $1.50 in one-third tbe time required by
any other treatment. For sale by
and $1.25 values for 75 cents.
C. F .Moore & Co.
For a Hundred years.
For a hundred years or more Excursion Rates to Yaqutna B a y
Witch Hazel has been recognized
On June 1st. the Southern
as a superior remedy, but it re­
mained for E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Pacific Co. will resume sale o f
Chicago, todiscover how tocombine excursion tickets to Newport
the virtues of Witch Hazel with and Yaquina Bay. Both season
other antiseptics, in tbe form of a andSaturday-to-M onday tickets
salve. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will be sold. This popular resort
is the best salve in the world f o r *8 grow ing in favor each year,
sores, cuts, burns, brpises aud piles, hotel rates are reasonable and
The high standing of this salve has the opportunities for fishing,
given rise to counterfeits, and t b e hunting and sea bathing are
public is advised to look for the i unexcelled by any other resort
name “ DeWitt” on tbe package, ! on the Pacific Coast.
and accept no other. Sold by F.
General Passenger Agent.
H. Caldwell and Co.
Fat Cattle, Mutton,
Pork, Veal, etc.
E g g s, Chickens and General Butchers'
Products B ought for G ish*
A beautiful finish
at great durability ha* won popularity
among discriminating buyers for
Look lor this M m m A or tk» fno* «a<l o* «11
teds * k u bay lac « you would hum U m h o t .
We are headquarters for. this splendid
line. Come in and see a most attractive
assortment of graceful designs. Hand­
somely enameled in exquisite color com ­
binations and with gold decoration*
Prices are right.________________________
Studebaker W agons.
Studebaker Buggies.
R ock Island Plows.
I Poultry Supplies.
Mill Feed, H ay, A ll Kinds
j of Grass and Garden Seeds.
S -A -J L i IE j
City Feed Store.
The Newberg Steam Laundry.
*— —
A. N. PRESSNALL, Manager.
The Newberg Hotel.
MILS W . A. C AM PBELL, Proprietress.
New Management
Good Accommodations
Rates $1 per day and up