Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 09, 1904, Image 6

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    G et Rid
Bunches, eruptions, Inflammations, sore*
r. v .v ,'.v % - ,> - .v ,y ,v .'v .
m m o * the eyelids sod eers, dlsw
e s of the
bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting,
are only some of the troablM It oansss.
It Is a very active evil, making havoc of
the whole system.
Eradicates It, cues all fljgj
and builds up the whole sj
Accept no substituía.
Author of ** Row Russ s ix ’s R ui .*,”
1 ^ — — ----
CHAPTER IIL—(Continued.)
stance. I should Mka to read it though,
A few days after the promenade on would not yon?”
deck Dr. Elfenatedn was summoned by “!*•; I wondar where hs put It?”
Miss Nevergall to attend her aunt, who “In the drawer of his bookcase, where
waa very IU, owing to the violence of he keepe letters not answered. I wish
the storm. Portioning out a sedative, I could unlock It, but the key has gone
ti>e young physician turned to give It to down the carriage way in the old gent’s
his companion, and In handing it, their pocket,” replied Ae unfilial girl.
fingers met,. and at the touch hie heart “Well, since yon express a wish to see
leaped so forcibly into a delightful thrill it, perhaps I can aid you. Seel this key
that It caused an instant feeling of ques­ looks aa though It might fit any lock.”
tioning as to Its cause.
returned the young man, readily enough
Their passage across the Atlantic waa falling into the suggestive mood of his
an unusually propitious ons. It was with sister.
relief to both the physician and anxious Laughing, the yeong girl turned quick­
niece as thsy saw the termination of the ly with him, and i both glided with
voyage, for In spite of their united ef­ stealthy steps towards tha library and
forts, Mrs. Nevargali's strength waa rap­ their ancle’s desk. The key fitted; a fact
idly departing.
Robert well knew, aa H waa not the first
Dr. Elfensteln had an unusually tender tlms It had bean tried by the unprin­
and sympathising heart He could not cipled nephew, and the following letter,
see so young a girl in such trouble and written with a band evidently feeble
not in everything possible lend a help­ from sickness, waa eagerly read, than aa
quickly returned to its hiding place, and
ing hand.
Hie cared for her as a brother, and tha the drawer relocked, ea they had found
eloquent look of gratitude that flashed it
Mr. Albee’s Opinion.
him, as, after seeing them both On the envelope waa written, “To be
r Alpine, Cal., June 6.—Mi. T. M. Al- upon
Liverpool home of their sent to Sir Reginald Glendenning, Bart,
bee, our postmaster has expressed an cousin, in Mr. the Rogers,
placed her after my death.”
, opinion based on his own experience hand in his, at parting, Ethel
and faltered out “Sir Reginald Glendenning:
which will no doubt be of interest to her thanks, aa he bade her farewell, nev­ "My Dear Brother—You will donbt-
many. Mr. Albee is a man of few er expecting to eee her more, was a re­ less be surprised to receive this letter
from one who has been so many years
words, but his well known truthfull- ward not soon to be forgotten.
After leaving his fellow voyagers, our separated from her family. In conse­
nees and uprightness of character adds hero
lost no time in pursuing his own quence of having married, secretly, the
much weight to any statement he Journey.
Before a week had rolled by man of her choice. Allow me merely to
makes. He says:
way w m made perfectly plain, and say that when yon, read this, the sister
"The first box of Dodd's Kidney Pills his
a pleasant home waa provided. He found that yon once loved will have passed
that I used convinced me of their good by
of Levi Perkins, the land­ away, and, therefore, aha trusts that all
qualities and I used altogether four lord Inquiring
he (Sopped, that hard feelings that her marriage may have
boxes with the very best results. I can tile place bed just where
been excited, and al­ occasioned will be buried forever. Broth­
heartily recommend this remedy."
most stunned, by the sudden illness of er, I write to you. bow in order to crave
This voluntary expression of opinion Dr. Jennings, the only physician for a favor at your bands. My only child
In Infancy, and just twenty and a
will doubtless find an echo in many miles around. He had been rendered died
helpless three days before, by a paralytic half years ago, I, with the oonsent of
homes in Califronia for Dodd’s Kidney stroke,
feared, would never my husband, took charge of a little girl
! Pills have been making some miracu­ again be and able ae to all attend
to his profes­ of gentle blood and some pleasant future
lous cures in this state.
prospects, and gave her the love of a
From the evidence already published Instantly, on hearing this news, the true
mother. On her twenty-first birth­
it seems safe tq conclude that this med­ young man had visited the house of the day ahe
will be at liberty to open certain
icine will be found to be a perfect cure old gentleman, and showing his lettsrs of documents
laid aside for her. and then
for Rheumatism, Urinary trouble, recommsndatlon, and his written creden­ will come Into possession of her own
Backache and any and every form or tials, he had offered to attend to the sick property, for some little awaits her ma­
In his place, which offer waa accepted, jority. Until then, after my death, ahe
symptom of Kidney Complaint.
and in a few days the stranger had all will be friendless and alone. Now, I ask
calls for medical advlca that ha oould if yon will cars for her until that date,
D one to a Crisp.
and the result was that he bought October fifth la reached? Can ahe not
A small boy was undressing the oth­ tiis practice
old and worn oat man, he in some way of service to yon, and
er evening before the open fire in ids and became of his the accepted
successor. Dr. thus compensate for her board and trou­
nursery, says the New York Tribune. Jennings lived only two days
after Elfen- ble? Do this tot' me, my dear brother,
His mother gave him his nightshirt stein’s arrival, for a third severs
shock and ba kind and ears for my beloved
and told him to hold It to the fire to laid him at rest from his earthly labors Ethel, and my dying gratitude will be
“Your affectionate sister,
She left the room for a minute, but
returned quickly when she heard the the day, with Its many excitements, had “Of all Impudent proposals,
that la the
passed, Dr. Elfensteln again visited the climax!” ejaculated Bella, indignantly.
boy say to his father:
“Papa, Is this shirt done when it’s lain, and asking to see the daughter, Mrs. “Taka her into hia own family, Indeed I
The minx don’t come here, If I can help
Stewart, he offered to rent the cottage it.
She is no earthly relation to him!”
furnished for a year, provided Mrs. Olum “Your
opinion will not be asked, sister
would remain in it, as formerly, in the mine,” returned
her companion fa) evil
capacity of housekeeper.
“and yoq must remember that you
Aa Account and Note Book of 28 Pages This offer relieved Mrs. Stewart of deeds;
are supposed to know nothing of the con­
what had been an anxiety, aqd as Mrs. tents
Seat Pree to Aay Address.
of that letter. Bat do not be alarm­
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., of home, all due arrangements were imme­ ed. Our
relative looked too much like a
Portland, Ore., whose advertisement is diately made, papers drawn np and sign­ thunder cloud to be cajoled into receiv­
to be found elsewhere in this publica­ ed, and one week from the day of his ar­ ing her here.”
tion, have prepared for diatiibution rival we find “Earle Elfensteln, M. D.,” Need we stop now, after relating such
scene, to describe the wholly heartless
among tbreshermen a thresherman’s ac­ upon a sign, betide the door of the pret­ a characters
of thee« relations of Lady
count and note book of 25 pages. This disciple of Galen busy night and day at­ Constance Glendenning?
Indulged from
book will be mailed to threshermen tending to the large practice so suddenly Infancy by their own parents
as much
free! of charge, by addressing the above thrown upon his hands.
named company.
affections had centered upon them, in
consequence of the cold manner of her
paMionate husband towards her­
The peninsula of India, which in area Sir Reginald
was out of moody,
Is not to bs wondered at that
Is naif the size of the United States, has humor one sunny Glendenning
morning In May. The they developed
with each year selfish and
a population of 800,000,000, of whom
dally mail had been haDded him, aa usu­ unamlable dispositions under her foolish­
200,000,000 are farmers.
al, just aa he had commenced hit break­ ly fond sway.
fast, and one letter that he had than As for Lady Constance, her naturally
Tor bronchial troubles try Piao’s Cure received
had discomposed and made him amiable disposition had grown hardened.
for Consumption. It is a good cough surly
Life with her violent tempered hash and
medicine. At druggists,"price 26 cents.
“What luck is this?” he muttered. had proved anything bat pltasant, and aa
“After my not going to the funeral of she finally saw his pgly features of char­
Applying Early Remedy.
aister, and thua, by my absence, acter being imitated by these children
“Why did you never marry?”
I had not overlooked her under her charge, aha became morbidly
“I became convinced In my youth plebeian that
to think that these Indifferent and cold to anch a degree that
that the prevalence of divorce was be­ people have forwarded
a letter as her nearest relatives could scarcely rec­
coming a menace to American insti­ this to ms is absurd! I inch
do not care if it ognise in the proud Lady Constance
tutions.”—Brooklyn Life.
waa written by her before her death. Glendenning the once light-hearted and
They might have known I did not wish gay young cousin, whose society was so
it Take charge of her husband’s niece, much sought in former years by the three
forsooth! She may go to the ahnehouse brothers before their father’s death, when
for all me! I will not have a thing to life had been so different for each. This
do with her.
morning Lady Constance felt unusually
So saying, Sir Reginald turned to hia dispirited. Her ' apathetic heart had
library, tossed the offensive letter into a been moved the night before by a singu­
drawer of his bookcase, locked it and larly vivid dream, in whioh ahe had met
putting the key in his pocket, rang tha once more her never forgotten early lover,
bell furiously for a waiter, ordering him and the face of Sir Arthur had appear­
have the groom bring to the door a ed in that midnight hour with all the
Sometimes the hair is not to young
horse named Tempest st once, as realnem of life, while ahe seemed to
to ride. Springing upon the hear him wail in despair:
propfHrly nourished. It suffers he back intended
the handsome creature, Sir Regi­ “Oh, Constance, Constance 1”
for food, starves. Then it nald of Glendenning
away, just as Starting from this dreary sleep, she
falls out, turns prematurely his nephew, Robert, dashed
a young man about tossed restlessly until morning, and then
years of age, appeared upon the after rising, found that the impression
gray. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a twenty
deserted piazza.
made upon her mind had not In the least
He was in personal appearance very vanished. She sank upon her knees, and
tall, with a magnificent figure, dark com­ weeping bitterly, moaned:
plexion, handsome features and large, “Oh, Arthur, whv waa I so unfaithful
speaking black eyes, while hia whole air to thy precious memory ? Why did I
thee so soon, my own, my own?
the pride that he had so rich­ forget
hair food. It feeds, nourishes. ly portrayed
guilty woman that I hare been
The hair stops falling, grows ily.
to wed for a title and Inheritance, so un­
long and heavy, and all dan­ “Belle!” he exclaimed, aa his slater, a have
feeling and heartleM a man as I, alas!
done! Oh, heaven, forgive this, my
beautiful brunette, followed him. “See sin, and
druff disappears.
grant me peace with thyself
" Mr b slr was coming out tsntW y. I was carriage way at that breakneck speed. after my weary
life to ended!”
alm ost afraid to comb i t B at A jar's Hair
Vigor promptly stoppsd tha falling, and alto
Long and bitterly ahe thus wrestled
Zounds! if I Were to ride in that savage with
rastorsd tha natural color.”
her own heart, never stirring from
Landing H. J
M ss. X. O. X. W lSD, Landing.
way he would rate me soundly for it for
lowly posture until she was sudden­
a. o. i m oo„ the next fflree days. I wonder what her
#100 a bottla.
by a horrified scream from
that letter coaid have contained to ly lips aroused
fo r ...PTfflin news
to be Belle’s, whlla a
infuriate him as it did. Do you know, hs strange call In tones
of anguish for “Aunt
is always terribly provoked when he Constancs” earned her
to rise and open
rides like that.”
“I do not, neither does A«tit Con­ the door, where abs, too, was startled
A Scholar’s Advice.
The German historian. Professor
Theodor Mommsen, was noted for the
facility with which he acquired lan­
guages. The tongues of modern Bo-
rope as well as the classics were to him
not studies, but the familiar tools of
his deadly work.
An American reporter who was in­
terviewing him a few years ago asked
to have a certain reference put into
English, as he did not read German
“Not read German well? And you a
Journalist?“ exclaimed the savant. “I
do not see how it Is possible. Young
man, German Is one of the four neces­
sities for a student The other three
are English, French and Italian. With­
out them you can never know the ten­
dency of modern thought If you have
them not, do not rest until you have
learned them all”
H a ir V ig o r
P o o r Hair
A World-Wldi
to see the whole household assembled In
the halls, and than tha first knowledge Wherever men are there will be ill*
oi some awful calamity fell.upon bet nees and wherever people are ill*
Dodd’s Kidney Pills will be found a
blessing. Solely on their merits have
they pushed their way into almost
Leaving Sir Reginald to his wild rids every
part of the civilised world.
on thait lovely May morning, ws will go Their reputation
an honest medicine
back a day or two In our story, and again that can always bs as relied
on has been
assk Dr. Elfensteln. In many of hia built up by the grateful praise
risks, which were all professional, hs who have been cured. The two of follow­
had, by dropping some leading word,
striven to discover the public mind In ing letters indicate just how tbs repu­
regard te the murder committed In thak tation of this remedy knows no geo­
midst twenty-five yean before.
graphical bohnds. The sick and suffer­
To hia surprise, ha met everywhere • ing all over the world are asking for
derided reluctance to talk upon the a ob­
Kidney Pills.
ject, as the law had acquitted the only Dodd’s
Sirs:—I have been suffering for
one suspected, but the gloomy looks and some months
from s Kidney com­
wiae shakes of the head he so often met plaint. The doctor
who attended me
told Mm well that tha younger brotfcos baa recommended me
to take your
Fitzroy waa still held guilty in tbs opin­
ions of tbs general mans of the Inhab­
two boxM I got some relief. Bat un­
Sorry to sea that hia friend w m still fortunately I have not been able to go
so hardly thought of, Earls Elfensteln on with the treatment, being unable to
dropped the subject Jumping into hia find any Pills in Cairo.
gig, he drove away to the village, resolv­ The chemist who sold me the two
ed to go through the extensive grounds boxes
has informed me that hs had sent
of the “Hall,” aa strangers were in the an order
for some, and has been keep­
daily habit of doing.
ing me waiting for more than one
Glendenning Hall lay next to hia own month.
This is the reason why I am
cottage home, and stopping at tha gats
lodge, he asked permission of ths keeper writing to you to request you to have
to drive around tha premises.
the goodness to send me by return of
This permission wee easily gained, and post six boxes for which 1 will pay as
the son of the gatekeeper, an Intelligent soon m I receive them from the post.
boy of fourteen, volunteered to ride with Kindly let me know at the same time
him, to explain the places on the route.
your branch agency in Egypt is
Bo climbing to his ride, Sandy began at where
Thanking you in antici­
ones to chatter of ell that came into hia pation, found.
young head.
“Yon are the new doctor, I know that
Librea de l’E tat,’*
well,'’ he remarked; “so it Is all right for
yon to know how to get to the Hall, In Office of the Minister of Finance*
oaae yon are sent for in a hurry. It la Cairo, Egypt.
quit# a ride, you aee, before the man­ Dear Sire:—I want to purchase six
sion comes even in sight. This front boxes
of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, but I
part of ths house Is where the family don’t know
where to apply at
live, and la of stone, very handsome; but Buffalo or exactly
I suppose they
all that wing, or part, that runs bach, is can be sent by express
or registered
very old, deserted and almost falling to mail from either place- Please
“There waa a murder committed here me of how to proceed in ordqr to get
once, I have been told, my boy. Which the pills without delay. Yours truly*
part waa that done in?”
“It la not on the front, but on the Viborg, V., Mark, Denmark.
right-hand aide, where the blind ia half
One on J o h n K eraell.
open. That was Sir Arthur’s room, and The late
Kernell, the Irish come­
is now occupied <by Sir Reginald. It is dian, liked John
In his prims to go back to
In the second story; but the balcony rail­ Ireland, whence
often bring
ing that surrounds it, you sea, la not so material, gathered he in would
very far from the ground, as the house the high roada, that afterward and
sets so low at that end. The body was him well In dialogue upon the stage.
swung from that balcony to the ground, Kernell once aaid at a little supper
by means of a rope tied under the arms. party in Boston that he had met on a
The rope waa dangling there, the next lummer
day in Galway an Irishman driv­
day, in the wind. See! this path leads ing a horse
ao thin that it staggered as it
to a beautiful lake; you can see the wat­
er plainly through those parting tree walked.
“Why don’t yon put more flesh on that
boughs. There the body waa supposed nag?”
Kernell exclaimed, Indignantly.
to have been flung, to hide It for a time; “More,
the Irishman answered.
but k must have been carried away the "Why, by is the it?” powers,
don’t you see that
sapae night, for it never has been found.*’ the poor creature can hardly
carry what
“That is very strange!” quoth the doc­
there ia on him now?”—New York
tor. “Where could the murderers have little
hidden k?”
“No one can tell. People think hie Mother» will find Mrs. Winslows'* Soothing
brother did the deed, aa they had quar­ Syrup
ths bast remedy te use lor their children
reled the night before it happened; but
____ _ ,
when he was tried It seemed to be prov­ during tlri teething parioA.
ed that he did not.”
ia the share of everyone at
“Yonder is a curious looking building,” Equality
advent upon earth; and equality to
remarked Earle, pointing to a square their
theirs when placdd beneath It.—
brick tower that stood beyond, yet at­ also
tached to, ths deserted wing. “What may Enclos.
that be?”
“It la called The Haunted Tower.’
Please drive fast past that, doctor, for I
shiver whenever I think of it, even, much
^ m U Y M U M T tr F O n T ^ N n ^ f c j
lees pass near It!” returned Sandy.
Nearly all negro babies are whit«
“Because k la a fearful place. It is when
born, and so continue for weeks.
haunted!” was the whispered reply.
a woman haa reached the age
"Who says so 7”
forty-two In Japan, and is unmarried,
“Everybody. No one likes to take this of
authorities pick out a husband for
path, even in daylight, each terrible the
and compel them to marry. ' This
things appear at those windows at the her,
plan reduces the number of old maids*
top of the tower on dark stormy nights.” but
forces many men to suicide.
“Who, for one, has seen these things?”
“I have; and to has every person Who rue * Permanently uurea. w on tsori
Hvee In a house with windows facing
all fl n t day*» nee of Dr. Kilns’* Oreat Neu e
this way, or who is oat much nights. NlO
>r. Send for F r e e • » trial bottle and treettea.
You see, that tower la very tall, and Dr. K. H. Kline, Ltd-.a«? Arab St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
soars way above the trees. I saw It my­
Running Expenses.
self the last time we had a terrible storm. Mistress—Want
more wages? I
I w m staying with Jim Oolgrovs all thought you were being
very well paid*
night. Jim lives just below you, in the considering that I do about
half the
village. It was about ten o’clock and work.
we were In hia room. When we were
ready for bed, Jim pat oat the light and Domestic—You forget, mum, how
much It costs me fer advertisin’ ter new
I ran to the window to eee if k still situations.
stormed, when, suddenly, a bright light
caught my eyes, In the top of the tower, There Is more Catarrh In this section of the
and, looking up, I saw the meet frightful country than all other diseases put together,
object eyes ever beheld, dancing inside, and
until the For last a great
few years
to pro­
plainly seen through the windows!”
it and
a local
and prescribed
The boy stopped here, while his eyee nounced
seemed dilating with horror at the re­ with
it a incurable.
membrance, and hie lipe grew pale.
ass, and therefore
“What was it like?”
manu­ Is
"Oh, I don’t want to describe k! I tbs
only constitutional cure on the market. It
can’t, really! Jim looked oat when I is taken
in directly
doses from
drops and
to a
»creamed, and was aa frightened as I, so teaspoonful.
It acts
on They
the 10 blood
we both jumped into bed, quick, and cov­ mucous
hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.
ered up our heads to shut out the sight. Send
for circulars
It was terrible, doctor, terrible!”
A CO., Tbtodo, O
Dr. Elfensteln said no more, but In­ Sold
wardly resolved to be on the lookout for Hairs Family Pills are the best.
the specter of the Haunted Tower. Yet, During the last decade American ex­
while he resolved, he laughed at himself ports to China have increased sixfold.
for putting the least faith In this boy’s
unlikely story.
“It ia a wild tale these villagers hare
Invented, in order to excite strangers, and
draw attention to this quiet, rural place.
I do not believe one word about the
$25.00 PER DAY
ghost, yet, for the joke of the thing, I
G etting Water,
will look thie way abont ten, some real
Oil or Coal with
stormy night, and aee what ia to be
Made in Writs
all slsss
for Cala­
As If to keep the thing In remem­
brance, Earle saw that the sun waa sink­
ing, even then, into a bank of clouds,
and he concluded that a thunder storm
Bull 16s.
would burst over them that very night.
One thing, however, Earle Elfensteln
cial SIS Block.
noted, ths present baronet’s apartments
were on the same side of the building
that connected with the rained portion,
while the tall old tower which seemed of
more modern build, stood Just back of
the whole, while its large windows on
each of the four sides, could be distinct­
ly sssn by ths whols village inhabitants, i
as it rose ao far above ths houses,
and even above many of tbs numerous
tress that filled ths grounds.
(Te be continued*}