F ÍS Local Events, DR. H . B. CLOUGH, Physician & Surgeon. Newberg, Oregon. Physicians & Simeons. ifflce in Chehalem Valley Bank Bldi 'bone No. 43. ^ j ...fa 1 ' 1 ' W DR. MINTHORN, i H a v e you seen those new oxfords for men at P orter & You can’t lose by buying one L a rk in ’s? o f P o rte r & L a rk in ’ s sample A. C.' P q o l o f Portland spent $1.50 shirts for 75 cents. Sunday in to w n with his wife Miss Belle Newhouse w ent over w h o has been visiting relatives t o N orth Yam hill M on day t o here. - cook on a ranch near th a t place. H . C. L a w e r puts out harness Mrs. Bell w ill show millinery th a t is ju st as j^ood as it looks. every Thursday a t Pressnall And it looks g o o d to a man w ho B rothers’ store. 20-tt kn ow s g o o d harness w h p i he A ll Rebekah members are sees it. earnestly requested to meet V. Jesse E dw ards sold a quarter the I. O. O. F. H all Sunday June block in the south part p f tow n 12th. a t 2 p. m. t o assist in the Tuesday to Frank Meyers o f decoration exercises. * Chehalem Mountain w ho expects Joshua McDanieV o f Rickreall visited in N ew berg F rid a y w ith his old friend Hon. J. C. Nelson. The t w o came to Oregon t o ­ gether sixty years ago. t o build on his purchase. \ Notice to the Public. C. N. M ackie has purchased the interest o f M r. Rittenhouse, o f the firm o f Rittenhouse & Calkins. You w ill find the new firm o f Mackie & Calkins a t the same old stand, ready w ith a fine line o f Farm ing Implements and machinery, Buggies, - W agons, etc., a t prices as low , as g ood goods and sound business principles w ill a llow . i- * ~ The old firm thank you for the liberal patronage given them, and thesnew solicit a continuance o f the same. Very tru ly yours, ■■ <4 The W oodm en and members o f the Circle marched over to the cemetery Sunday afternoon and decorated the graves o f deceased Mrs. M a ttie L ew is o f L a members of the local lodges. Fayette, and Mrs. Josephine Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Stanard, Dickinson,;of M cM innville, were M r. and Mrs. T IE . W right, Miss in to w n M on d a y visitin g w ith Esther H orton , Mrs. H. G. M iller DR. GEO. LARKIN, M . ‘~0. Pickett went dow n to The Odd F ellow s w ill hold aiuj assisting Rev. and Mrs. and Mrs. W . R. Scott returned h M artin Burlingame in celebrat­ home F rid a y after attending the decoration services a t the ceme­ Portland F rid ay where he visited friends until M onday. > tery next Sunday, June 12th. ing their wedding anniversary. annual m eeting o f the W est M arried, on Wednesday, June See those dium m er samples o f Office over Chehalem Valley Rank. Notice t o camera fiends—The W illam ette Baptist Association shirts a t P orter & L ark in ’s, $1.50 1st. a t Portlan d, Miss Della .V ow ’b s r j , O r e g o n . Eastm an K o d a k Co- w ill have a a t Independence. and $1.25 values for 75 cents. . McCollum, daughter o f M r. and man here Tuesday evening from H erbert Cash has received Miss Bessie H ouck went up Mrs. Y. J. McCollum, to H. M . 7 to 10 p. nr. to dem onstrate the fifteen gallons of navelade, a w orkings o f velox paper. Come concentrated syrup made; from home to M cM innville F riday C lay. , > > > > > > > > > Ernest Fleishauer returned and learn the w ork a t M o o re’s the navel orange, from their evening to attend the gradu atin g jg drug store, June 14th. D on’t L o s Angeles factory. The drink exercises o f the M cM innville High F rid a y evening from an extended trip into Eastern W ashington. miss it. has a very rich orange flavor; School, her sister Miss Clara H e reports prospects as excellent J. H . W ood, ja n ito r o f the makes a fine drink diluted w ith being one o f the graduates. 7/otary ^Public. Rev. Thom as Arm strong, for bountiful crops in th a t section public school, turq^d some smoke w ater. H e left^ten gallons o f it O ffice opposite ¡Post Office. up the flues into the schoolrooms a t C. F. M o o re ’s. Call and test it. pastor o f the Friends church, o f country. Tuesday m orning after which he Geo. H erriott, a com paratively w ill hold his last services here beat a fire alarm . . A lm ost a t the recent a rriv a l with his fam ily next Sunday. In the fore part first tap the scholars were on from Wisconsin, last week o f the week he and his wife will a TTORNEY-AT-LAW. their feet and filing out o f the purchased the S. S. Terrell leave for W hittier, California, AND different room s, and it w as an property on Meridian street and where their home is, arrivin g CLARENCE D U TT. Will practice in all the courts of thd state interesting sight to see them to o k possession at once where there in tim e to attend California Special attention giren to probate work, the M any friends writing of deeds, mortgages, contracts and the marching out from both upper they w ill be a t home to friends. Yearly M eeting. iraftiug of all legal papers. „ regret much to see them leave, and lo w er room s w ith alm ost N ew b erg. O regon . Abner B lair and fam ily w ho O ffic e — Second Floor m ilitary precision and w ith ou t were livin g in the Terrell house and w ill fo llo w them southward Bank o f Newberg Building the least contusion. The building m oved to the Jas. Price cottage w ith best wishes th a t the g lo w w as emptied in one minute and which had been occupied by the o f receding day m ay illuminate w ith jo y and contentment the a half. H erriotts. '• " . i it : -‘.)yv ■ .. :■/ r: V- •• Special Accommodations evening tim e o f life. A successor T w o fellow s w ere on their w a y Th e^ ollege b o y * w h o had been from T illa m ook to Oregon C ity in attendance a t the Y. M. C. A. to M r. A rm stron g has n o t y e t } T O R S O R IR L i A R T I S T . and Feed Your Team* last Thursday and as they came conference atJJ Gearhart arrived been selected. through N ew berg one o f them home M onday evening. Am ong w h o w as under the influence o f them w as W alter Miles, and bad whiskey essayed t o play the since the students had had no role o f “ bad m an” b y opening up chance to do him honor since his a general bom bardm ent w ith his vic to ry in the interstate ora tori­ M. NICHOLSON, rifle. His companion tried to cal contest a t Portland, they PROPRIETOR. keep him quiet but w as being turned out en masse a t the depot ^■Stables South of Steam Laundry. roughly handled fo r his pains and received him w ith college when M arshal Sykes appeared yells. A buggy, ornamented w ith Well known as the place to get the choicest cuts of meat. on the scene and led the offender the college banner and ga ily deco­ before Recorder Pickett w ho rated w ith college bunting, w as in imposed a fine o f five dollars readiness and, into it-w a s thrust which effectually quenched the the orator, his> friends hitching Butchers' General Produce The only Blood and System Build­ ard or o f the offender. on and sw inging him dow n er. Every bottle guaranteed. Kept on Hand* The m anagers o f the Spring- through tow n at a brisk pace. LATEST STYLES brook cannery announce that In the evening Miss- Ella M acy ALSO FRESH FISH . BEST PRICES . . they w ill begin active operations entertained the Sophom ore class Sold only by the la tter part o f this week, and and a number o f college students are ready to receive small fruits a t Canyon Hall in honor o f Mr. Give us a chance to satisfy MRS. I. A. HORTON for which they w ill pay highest you. W e’ll try our best. Miles. A trip to Indianapolis, F. H. C A LD W E LL & Co market prices. Just n ow the}* where the national interstate Prescription D iuggists. - . make a call for strawberries and contest w ill be held on June28th, f cherries. Of the berries, the w as a delightful feature o f the P R O P R IE T O R . ONLY F U LL LIN E Wilson, C lark ’s Seedling and evening. --- OF- M agoon, are specially desired, j The graduating exercises o f F o r R oyal Anne cherries four the Newberg Public School w ill cents w’ill lie paid and from tw o take place Friday evening, June O P P O S f T J J B A N K O P N l i W B K R C i to three cents for other varieties. 17th. in Craters hall. As the We hope to see the Springbrook IN N EW B E RG . class is too large this year for all cannery people meet w ith the TO BE FOUND AT FIR S T-C LA S S W O RK. to appear on the program , the • AND success their enterprise deserves. memliers delivered their produc- B A T H ROOM IN C O N N E C T IO N G. C. Carl lost his barn by fire j ^ ons iast Friday evening before ICE CREAM PARLORS. NEXT TO CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. a t tw elve o ’clock last Thursday ! M rs. F . C . stanard, Prof. O. C. VA N LE A V ITT. Proprietor. night. The flames had gained ( Albertson and W. C. W ood w ard good headw ay before the alarm j w h o c h o s e h a l f o f t h e number to w as g i’ en, and nothing in the g p ^ k jn public. The class roll, Bowling, the popular amuse­ building w as saved, a horse and w ith the speakers named first, ment. • T H E JEW ELER. cow being burned, also a carriage follow s: Hiram Smith, “ Oregon Confectionery and Ice Cream. The place to get your The fire companies arrived ^ L i t e r a t u r e ; ” Minnie M offitt, Agency for the famous BKAOQ UARTKM N POM time to save the house which j “ N othing Great i f L ig h tly W on ;” H AZELW O O D would have caught fire from the D orotha P ik e ,‘ M ake H a y While ICE C R E A M . store room between it and the the Sun shines;” Lena Blair, barn, which the flames were 1*-, "S acaja w ea ;” Clarencejohnson, ginningon when the boysarrived. ..Resources ofY am h ill C ounty;” There are t w o o r three possible; Charlie Hubbard. “ Causes o f STRAW BERRY sources of the fire an iucubator w ar Between Japan and Russia;” Books, Stationery, Fancy anti ICE CREAM by the side o f the building, a live Luman Kichi “ Prophecy;” Toilet Articles. Camara and Kodaks and ail kinds of Camera w ir e - b u t M r. C arl is inclined to Bianchc McNav, Claire Follett, Flavored with Repairing Neatly Supplies. think the fire w as started by Arthur Weatherhead, Vernon Hood River strawberries. and Promptly Executed.... tramps. The loss amounts to Gould, Stephen Illig, Quay LE8SON8 G IV E N IN K O D A K ' five hundred dollars. Wassam, Ella Nelson. EK Y. .Office : Two doors west of Moore’s drug, 'store on First st. Residence one block* .north and three blocks east of Rank of,, 'N ew berg Building. Home Phone. MACKIE & CALKINS. J -D E N T IS T V 97/. O. TPickott, j(ttorney-at-jCaw, Feed B. F. TERRY, EYERT PATRON GIVEN SATISFAC­ TION. BATH R00I IN CONNECTION. Kalamazoo Celery & Sarsaparilla Co. Central Meat Market General Livery Business Carried On. MILLINERY II. J . A U S T I N , V ESTA LS BARBER SHOP. Bowling Alley Harness and Saddlery H- C. LAWER’S HARNESS SHOP S .W . P O T T E R Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, O ptical Goods, DRUGS & MEDICINES. PRESCRIPTION WORK A SPECIALTY.